The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1999
Stories, Listed by Author
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- MASSEY, MISTY (chron.)
- MASSIE-FERCH, KATHLEEN M. (1954-2002) (chron.)
- MASSIN, KAIN (chron.)
- MASTERTON, GRAHAM (1946- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- MATHESON, RICHARD (Burton) (1926- ) (books) (chron.)
- MATHEW, DAVID (chron.)
- MATHEWS, PATRICIA SHAW Shaw was added to avoid confusion with the romance writer Patricia Mathews. (chron.)
- MATTHEW, DAVID (chron.)
- MATTHEWS, PATRICIA (Anne Klein, née Ernst) (1927-2006) (chron.)
- MATTINGLY, H. (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- * Pure Germans, by Tacitus [from The Agricola and the Germania], (ex); The revised translation by S. A. Handford (Penguin, 1970).
- MATURIN, CHARLES R(obert) (1780-1824) (chron.)
- * Leixlip Castle, (ss) The Literary Souvenir, or Cabinet of Poetry and Romance, London 1825
- MAUPASSANT, (Henri René Albert) GUY de (1850-1893) (chron.)
- * The Englishman, (ss) 1883; also as The Hand.
- * The Hand [The Englishman], (ss) 1883
- * The Horla [1887], (nv)
- MAURUS, MARC (chron.)
- MAXIMOVIC, GERD (1944- ) (chron.)
- MAY, DAVID (chron.)
- MAYCOCK, BRIAN (chron.)
- MAYER, ERIC (1950- ) (chron.)
- MAYHAR, ARDATH (Frances Hurst) (1930- ) (chron.)
- MAYHEW, JOSEPH (Thomas) (1942-2000) (chron.)
- MAYNARD, L(en) H. (1953- ) (books) (chron.)
- * At the End of the Pier (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Haunted Dreams #1 1999
- * The Bassinet (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Shadows at Midnight, Sarob Press 1999
- * Border End (with Michael P. N. Sims), (nv) Shadows at Midnight, Sarob Press 1999
- * Coming Home (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Haunted Dreams #1 1999
- * Digging in the Dunes (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Unhinged #2 1999
- * Do Ghosts Cast Shadows? (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Shadows at Midnight, Sarob Press 1999
- * Gateway (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Sci-Fright Apr/May 1999
- * A Gruesome (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Dark Horse 1980
- * In the Tradition Of (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Shadows at Midnight, Sarob Press 1999
- * Introduction (with Michael P. N. Sims), (in)
- * Introduction (with Michael P. N. Sims), (in) Enigmatic Tales Spr 1999
- * Mama (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Sci-Fright Feb/Mar 1999
- * Marcus (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Sci-Fright #4 1999
- * Mattie (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Uninvited Guests, ed. Peter C. Smith, London: William Kimber 1984
- * Mr Dawsons Church Story (with Michael P. N. Sims), (vi) Terror Tales #3 1998
- * Non Omnis Moriar (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Terror Tales #3 1998
- * An Office in the Grays Inn Road (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Enigmatic Tales Sum 1999
- * The Rag Doll Who Sympathised with Mahler (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Dead Things Magazine #1 1999
- * Smoke (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Shadows at Midnight, Sarob Press 1999
- * Veneer (with Michael P. N. Sims), (nv) Black Rose #2 1998
- * A Whining (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Haunted Shores, ed. Peter C. Smith, London: William Kimber 1980
- * The Window (with Michael P. N. Sims), (ss) Enigmatic Tales #1 1998
- * A Word About Mystery & Detection (with Michael P. N. Sims), (is) Enigmatic Tales Win 1999
- MAYR, DALLAS WILLIAM (1946- ); see pseudonym Jack Ketchum (chron.)
- MAZER, ANNE (chron.)
- * Swan Sister, (ss) A Sliver of Glass, Hyperion 1996
- MEACHAM, BETH (Ann) (1951- ) (chron.)
- MEAD, MARGARET (1901-1978) (chron.)
- * A Day in Samoa [from Coming of Age in Samoa], (ex) London: Cape 1929; also as Samoan Fibs.
- * Samoan Fibs [A Day in Samoa from Coming of Age in Samoa], (ex) London: Cape 1929
- MEANEY, JOHN (chron.)
- * Sanctification, (ss) Interzone Mar 1993
- MEARS, MARIANNA (chron.)
- MEDDOR, MICHAEL (1946- ) (chron.)
- MEDICI, DANIEL PAUL (1968?- ) (chron.)
- MEDOFF, RANDY (chron.)
- * They Only Come Out at Night, (ss) Spawn #2 1975
- MEF (chron.)
- MEIER, SHIRLEY (Marie) (1960- ) (chron.)
- MEIKLE, WILLIAM (chron.)
- * Dancers, (ss) All Hallows #7 1994
- * The Flute and the Glen, (ss) Dread #9 1999
- MELBYE, PERCY (chron.)
- MELCHIOR, IB (Jorgen) (1917- ) (chron.)
- * The Racer, (ss) Escapade Oct 1956; filmed as Death Race 2000.
- MELKO, PAUL J(oseph), Jr. (1968- ) (chron.)
- MEMMOTT, DAVID (books) (chron.)
- * The Bohr Breakthrough, (ss) LUomo Duplicato, Italy: Editric Norde 1998
- * Closing Ceremonies, (ss) Works #8 1992
- * The Day Chief Joseph Testified, (ss) Ball Magazine #2 1993
- * Eyes of the Watchdog, (ss) Shadow Bones, Wordcraft of Oregon 1999
- * Instrument of the Dominant Gene, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #14 1989
- * The Last All-Night, All-Electric Rockhouse Jam, (ss) Shadow Bones, Wordcraft of Oregon 1999
- * The Man Who Sang Pearls, (ss) Shadow Bones, Wordcraft of Oregon 1999
- * Moonhunter, (vi) Oregon East v5 1974
- * The Recombinant Armadillo, (vi) Shadow Bones, Wordcraft of Oregon 1999
- * The Untethered, (ss) Air Fish, ed. Joy Oestreicher & Richard Singer, Catseye Books 1993
- * Warrior, Falling Awake, (ss) Worldwide Writers 3 1998
- * Where the Buffalo Roam, (ss) New Pathways Jul 1986
- MENDOZA, EDUARDO (1943- ) (chron.)
- MERCHANT, REX (chron.)
- MERCIER, LOUIS-SÉBASTIEN (1740-1814) (chron.)
- * Happy Taxpayers [from Memoirs of the Year Two Thousand Five Hundred], (ex) 1802
- MERCURE, BONNIE (1972?- ) (chron.)
- MERRICK, HELEN (books) (chron.)
- MERRIL, JUDITH; [originally Josephine Juliet Grossman] (1923-1997) (chron.)
- MERTZ, BARBARA (Louise) G(ross) (1927- ); see pseudonym Barbara Michaels (books) (chron.)
- MESSALINA (chron.)
- MESSERSMITH, C. E. (chron.)
- METZEN, CHRIS (chron.)
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