The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1999
Stories, Listed by Author
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- DICK, PHILIP K. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * We Can Remember It for You Wholesale, (nv) F&SF Apr 1966; also as Total Recall.
- DICKENS, CHARLES (John Huffam) (1812-1870) (books) (chron.)
- * The Hanged Mans Bride, (ss)
- * Mrs. Joseph Porter, (ss)
- * The Noble Savage, (ar) Household Words Jun 11 1853
- * The Signalman, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1866
- * To Be Read at Dusk, (ss) The Keepsake 1852
- DICKINSON, PETER (Malcolm de Brissac) (1927- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Checkers, (nv) The Lion Tamers Daughter and Other Stories, Delacorte 1997
- * The Lion Tamers Daughter, (na)
- * The Spring, (ss) Beware! Beware!, ed. Jean Richardson, Hamish Hamilton 1987
- * Touch and Go, (na) The Lion Tamers Daughter and Other Stories, Delacorte 1997
- DICKSON, GORDON R(upert) (1923-2001) (books) (chron.)
- * Black Charlie, (ss) Galaxy Apr 1954
- * The Man in the Mailbag, (nv) Galaxy Apr 1959
- DIESTE, RAFAEL (chron.)
- DIETZ, WILLIAM C(orey) (1945- ) (books) (chron.)
- DIEZEL, GEORGE C., II (chron.)
- DI FATE, VINCENT (1945- ) (chron.)
- DI FILIPPO, PAUL (1954- ) (chron.)
- * Angelmakers, (ss) Interzone Mar 1999
- * Curiosities:
___ Murder in Millennium VI by Curme Gray, (cl) F&SF Jan 1999
___ Where the Blue Begins by Christopher Morley, (cl) F&SF Jun 1999
- * Fax, (ss) Pirate Writings #17 1999
- * The Man Who Stole the Moon, (nv) Moon Shots, ed. Peter Crowther & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1999
- * Plumage from Pegasus:
___ And I Think to Myself, What a Wonderful World, (cl) F&SF Jul 1999
___ As Through a Pair of Mirrorshades Darkly, (cl) F&SF Feb 1999
___ Have Gun, Will Edit, (cl) F&SF Aug 1996
___ The History of Snivelization, (cl) F&SF Oct/Nov 1999
___ Missed Connections, (cl) F&SF Apr 1999
- * The Square Root of Pythagoras (with Rudy Rucker), (ss) Science Fiction Age Nov 1999
- _____, reviews:
- DILLARD, J. M.; [i.e., Jeanne M. Dillard Kalogridis] (1954- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Lost Years [Star Trek], (ex) New York: Pocket Books 1989
- DILLON, DIANE (Claire Sorber) (1933- ) (chron.)
- DILLON, LEO; [i.e., Lionel John Dillon, Sr.] (1933- ) (chron.)
- DIMEO, STEVEN (chron.)
- DINESEN, ISAK; pseudonym of Karen Blixen, (1885-1962) (chron.)
- * The Supper at Elsinore, (na) Seven Gothic Tales, New York: Smith & Haas 1934
- DiSALVO, ALEXA (chron.)
- DISCH, THOMAS M(ichael) (1940-2008) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- DiVITO, TIM (chron.)
- DIX, SHANE (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Matters of Consequence, (ss) Eidolon Win 1992
- DIXIT, SHIKHAR (chron.)
- DIXON, H. E. (chron.)
- DIXON, LARRY (books) (chron.)
- DIXON, SCOTT (chron.)
- DOBSON, ROGER (chron.)
- DOCTOROW, CORY (Efram) (1971- ) (chron.)
- * Craphound, (ss) Science Fiction Age Mar 1998
- * Home Again, Home Again, (nv) Tesseracts 8, ed. John Clute & Candas Jane Dorsey, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1999
- * Internet, (cl) Science Fiction Age Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1999
- * Song of Solomon, (ss) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
- * Visit the Sins, (ss) Asimovs Jun 1999
- DOCTOROW, E(dgar) L(awrence) (1931- ) (chron.)
- * Disneyland at Christmas [from The Book of Daniel], (ex) 1971
- DODGE, FRANK O. (chron.)
- DODGSON, CHARLES LUTWIDGE (1832-1898); see pseudonym Lewis Carroll (books) (chron.)
- DOEDEN, MATT (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- DOERING, RANDAL S. (chron.)
- DOHERTY, KEVIN (1949- ) (chron.)
- DOHERTY, P(aul) C(harles) (1946- ) (chron.)
- DOHERTY, PAUL (chron.)
- DOIG, JAMES (chron.)
- DONATI, STEFANO (chron.)
- * 1900 Night, (ss) Talebones Win 1999
- * Another Day Inside, (ss) Dread #8 1999
- * Between the Divide, (ss) Dark Matter #2.1 1999
- * A Bridge to Distant Shores, (ss) Darkness Within #2 1999
- * Gone for Good, (ss) LC-39 #2 1999
- * Mamas Boy, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #4 1999
- * The Reluctant Scholar, (ss) Challenging Destiny Aug 1999
- * Undoing, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown Fll 1999
- * Words of the Wind, (ss) Fantasque #1 1999
- DONIHE, KEVIN L. (chron.)
- DONNE, JOHN (1573-1631) (chron.)
- * My America [To His Mistress Going To Bed], (pm)
- * To His Mistress Going To Bed, (pm); also as My America.
- DONNELLY, IGNATIUS (1831-1901) (chron.)
- * Suicide on Tap [from Caesars Column: A Story of the Twentieth Century], (ex) London: Sampson Low 1891
- DONNELLY, J. W. (chron.)
- DONNELLY, PAUL (chron.)
- * Unpublished Note from Log, (pm) SABSS #3 1981
- DONNO, DANIEL J. (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- * Sun City, by Tommaso Campanella [from The City of the Sun], (ex) University of California Press: Berkeley CA 1981
- DONOVAN, DICK; pseudonym of J. E. Muddock, (1843-1934) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Spectre of Rislip Abbey, (ss) Tales of Terror, Chatto & Windus 1899
- DOOLITTLE, SEAN (chron.)
- DORR, JAMES S. (chron.)
- * Annchuck in Love, (pm) Cenotaph #2 1999
- * By Force and Against the Kings Peace, (nv) AHMM Dec 1999
- * The Calm, (ss) New Mythos Legends, ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Marietta Publishing 1999
- * Chinese Music, (pm) Star*Line v21 #2 1998
- * Concerti, (pm) Mindmares Win 1999
- * The Esthete, (pm) TomorrowSF Feb 1998
- * Flesh, (vi) Maelstrom Speculative Fiction #4 1999
- * Goings Forth, (pm) The Crow: Shattered Lives & Broken Dreams, ed. J. OBarr & Ed Kramer, Ballantine Del Rey 1998
- * Heliope, (vi) Penny Dreadful #10 1999
- * Hives, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror #12 1999
- * The Hunchback, (ss) Frightmares #6 1999
- * The Ice Coffin, (pm) Wicked Mystic Apr 1992
- * Kiki in the Museum of Lifes Pain, (pm) TomorrowSF Feb 1998
- * Nixies, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror #11 1999
- * Tombs, (ss) Prisoners of the Night #11 1999
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