The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Story of Tarzan, (ar) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * The Story of Tarzana, (ar) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * The Story of Tarzana, (ms) Los Angeles Times Oct 8 1922
- * Success at Thirty-Five, (ar) Tarzan Adventure Comic Feb 16 1952 (+2)
- * Symbol of a New Day, (ar) Rob Wagners Script Feb 17 1934
- * Syndication, (ar) The Bulletin Apr 1915
- * Tanker Like Accident about to Happen, Burroughs Feels, (ar) Honolulu Advertiser Jul 5 1945
- * Tarzan Creator Thrilled by Ride in U. S. Bomber, (ar) Honolulu Star-Bulletin Feb 27 1942
- * Tarzan of the Air, (ar) 1934; distributed as a radio promotional booklet.
- * Tarzan Roams World, (ar) Oakland Tribune Jan 29 1934
- * The Tarzan Theme, (ar) Writers Digest Jun 1932
- * Tarzan Creator Starved and Failed Before He Won Success, (ar) The Open Road for Boys Sep 1949
- * Tarzan Poisoned, (ar) Los Angeles Times May 20 1924
- * Tarzan, Jr., (ss) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Tarzana, (ar) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Tarzans Creator, Now Covering War, Finds Aussie Customs Odd, (ar) Honolulu Advertiser Jan 4 1943
- * Tarzans Papa Likes Us, (lt) Rob Wagners Script Dec 5 1931
- * Tarzans Seven Lives, (ar) Screen Play Magazine May 1934
- * The Terrace Drive Murder, (ss) Rob Wagners Script Oct 8 1932
- * That Darned Mystery Puzzle, (ms) Rob Wagners Script Oct 15 1932
- * Thrust at Alienists Made by Burroughs, (ar) Los Angeles Examiner Feb 6 1928
- * To the Home Girl, (ar) New Oxford Item Dec 13 1917
- * To the Mother, (ar) New Oxford Item Dec 6 1917
- * The Tribe of Tarzan Organized, (ms) All-Story Weekly Jan 20 1917
- * Undermining of Morale Is Type of Sabotage, (ar) Honolulu Star-Bulletin Mar 26 1942
- * Unsung Fleet Oilers Carrying Ball for Navy Invasion Team, (ar) Honolulu Advertiser Jul 12 1945
- * Untitled Poem (And if it is a Girl, sir), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Untitled Poem (I Stood at the Bar, at the Spread Eagle Bar), (pm) Argosy All-Story Weekly Sep/Oct 1924; from The Bandit of Hells Bend.
- * Untitled Poem (Im trying to think of something bright), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Untitled Poem (Mammas Lullaby), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Untitled Poem (My mother was a wild cat), (pm) Argosy All-Story Weekly Sep/Oct 1924; from The Bandit of Hells Bend.
- * Untitled Poem (Once there was a man who thought himself quite grand), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Untitled Poem (Wend, magnum opus, to the Press Club shelves), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Untitled Poem (Words fail us at a sight like this), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Untitled Poem (You may not read it, B.L.T.), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press 2007
- * Victory Loan an Appeal to Our Business Sense, (ar) Marble Rock Journal Mar 6 1919
- * Virulent Buggishness [as by Normal Bean], (pm) The Chicago Tribune Sep 28 1911
- * WantedA Sheep Shearer, (ms) The Van Nuys News Mar 28 1919
- * Wanted: 1,000 Men, (ar) Honolulu Advertiser Sep 24 1942
- * Weissmuller Ideal Tarzan Says Creator, (ar) The Hartford Courant Jun 15 1939
- * What Makes Tarzan Act That Way?, (ar) Boston Sunday Post Jun 19 1938
- * What Price Intolerance?, (ar) Hawaii Magazine Apr 15 1945
- * Whatsoever a Man Soweth, (ar) Honolulu Advertiser Oct 21 1942
- * When Tarzan Went to Harvard, (bg) Harvard Review 1940
- * When I Was Twenty-One, (ms) Moab Times-Independent Mar 4 1926
- * Who Murdered Mr. Thomas? [as by Ed Burroughs], (ss) Rob Wagners Script Apr 16 1932
- * Why I Wrote Tarzan and the Ant Men, (ms) Atlanta Constitution Jun 8 1924
- * Wild Animals in Pictures, (ar) Screenland Jun 1922
- * Writer Hunts Soldiers Who Own Mountain on South Sea Island, (ar) Honolulu Advertiser Feb 14 1943
- BURROWS, ALEX (chron.)
- _____, adapt.
- BURSTEIN, MICHAEL A. (1970- ) (chron.)
- * Moving Day, (ss) Visual Journeys: A Tribute to Space Artists, ed. Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley Rille Books 2007
- * The Soldier Within, (ss) Future Weapons of War, ed. Joe Haldeman & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen 2007
- * Things That Arent (with Robert Greenberger), (nv) Analog Apr 2007
- * The Wizards Legacy, (nv) Heroes in Training, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Jim C. Hines, DAW 2007
- BURT, ANDREW (chron.)
- BUTCHER, JIM (1971- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Blood Rites [Dresden Files], (n.) Roc 2004
- * Dead Beat [Dresden Files], (n.) Roc 2005
- * Heorot, (na) My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon, ed. P. N. Elrod, St. Martins Griffin 2007
- * Its My Birthday, Too, (na) Many Bloody Returns, ed. Charlaine Harris & Toni L. P. Kellner, Ace 2007
- * Proven Guilty [Dresden Files], (n.) Roc 2006
- * White Night [Dresden Files], (n.) Roc 2007
- BUTLER, CHRIS (chron.)
- BUTLER, OCTAVIA E(stelle) (1947-2006) (books) (chron.)
- * Speech Sounds, (ss) IASFM mid-Dec 1983
- BUTNER, RICHARD (chron.)
- * How to Make a Martini, (ar) Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet #12 2003
- BYATT, ANTONIA S(usan Drabble) (1936- ) (chron.)
- * The July Ghost, (ss) Firebird #1 1982
- BYERS, RICHARD LEE (1950- ) (books) (chron.)
- CABOT, MEG (books) (chron.)
- CACEK, P(atricia) D. (chron.)
- * Call Waiting, (ss) Postscripts May 2007
- * La Fleur de Nuit, (ss) 666: The Number of the Beast, ed. Anon., Point 2007
- * The Keeper, (ss) Inferno, ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor 2007
- * Less Than Perfect, (ss) Hot Blood XIII: Dark Passions, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Kensington 2007
- * Smoke and Mirrors, (nv) The Secret History of Vampires, ed. Darrell Schweitzer, DAW 2007
- * The Way to a Mans Heart, (ss) Space & Time #100 2007
- CADIGAN, PAT(ricia Oren Kearney) (1953- ) (chron.)
- * Among Strangers, (ss) disLocations, ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press 2007
- * The Day the Martels Got the Cable, (ss) F&SF Dec 1982
- * The Final Remake of The Return of Little Latin Larry, with a Completely Remastered Soundtrack and the Original Audience, (na) Future Histories, ed. Stephen McClelland, Horizon House (UK) 1997
- * Nothing Personal, (na) Alien Crimes, ed. Mike Resnick, SFBC 2007
- * Stilled Life, (nv) Inferno, ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor 2007
- CADNUM, MICHAEL (1949- ) (chron.)
- CAINE, RACHEL; pseudonym of Roxanne Conrad, (1962- ) (books) (chron.)
- CAINES, NICOLA (chron.)
- CAIRNS, DAVID (chron.)
- CAMBIAS, JAMES L. (chron.)
- CAMPANILE, CARRI M. (chron.)
- CAMPBELL, J. RAMSEY; see under Campbell, Ramsey (books) (chron.)
- CAMPBELL, (John) RAMSEY (1946- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Digging Deep, (ss) Phobic: Modern Horror Stories, ed. Andy Murray, Carcanet Press 2006
- * Digging Deep, (ss) Phobic: Modern Horror Stories, ed. Andy Murray, Carcanet Press 2007
- * Down There, (ss) Weird Tales Spr #1 1981
- * Peep, (ss) Postscripts May 2007
- * Ramsey Campbell, Probably:
___ The Glory That is Ghibli, (cl) All Hallows Sum 2007
- * Seeing the World, (ss) Shadows #7, ed. Charles L. Grant, Doubleday 1984
- CAMPBELL, TYREE (chron.)
- CANNON, P(eter) H(ughes) (1951- ) (chron.)
- CAPOTE, TRUMAN (1924-1984) (chron.)
- * Miriam, (ss) Mademoiselle Jun 1945
- _____, adapt.
- _____, script.
- * The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut (with Mark Twain), (gs) Graphic Classics #8: Mark Twain, Eureka Productions 2004
- CARBONE, TRACY L. (chron.)
- CARD, C. (books) (chron.)
- * Trina Wants to Be a Duck, (na)
- CARD, ORSON SCOTT (1951- ) (books) (chron.)
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