The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2002
Stories, Listed by Author
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- THOMAS, SCOTT (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Harvest of War, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Hunter of Gulls, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Joseph Warren’s Invention, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Laben Blois’s Death, (vi) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Little Mercy, (ss) Elegia 1993
- * Marcy Waters, (vi) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * McKendrick’s Bayonet (with Forrest Aguirre), (ss) Redsine #10 2002
- * One Window, (ss) The Silver Web #15 2002
- * Puppet and the Train, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * The Sea Men, (ss) The End #4 1996
- * Sharp Medicine, (ss) The Darklands Project Jan 1998; originally appeared in the audio collection Tales from the Grave, 1993.
- * Sleep of the Flower God, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Strange Things About Birds, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Summer Gargoyles, (ss) The End #1 1993
- * The Swan of Prudence Street, (ss) Leviathan 3, ed. Jeff VanderMeer & Forrest Aguirre, Ministry of Whimsy Press 2002
- * The Tale of Wolf Storm Hill, (ss) Redsine #7 2002
- * The Thorn Dance, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Touched with Broken Clouds, (ss) Penny Dreadful #8 1998
- * Vale of the White House, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Whispers, (ss) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * Widow’s Pond, (vi) Cobwebs and Whispers, Delirium Books 2001
- * The Wreck at Wickhampton, (ss) Dead of Night Fll/Win 1993
- THOMAS, SUE (chron.)
- * Correspondence, (ex) The London: Women’s Press 1992
- THOMAS, TED; see under Thomas, Theodore L. (chron.)
- THOMAS, THEODORE L(ockard) (1920-2005) (chron.)
- * Day of Succession, (ss) Astounding Aug 1959
- THOMPSON, BEN (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- * Groundhog Day, (mr) Sight & Sound May 1993
- THOMPSON, MAGGIE; [i.e., Margaret Curtis Thompson] (chron.)
- THOMPSON, PAUL B. (1958- ) (books) (chron.)
- THOMSEN, BRIAN M(ichael) (1959-2008) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * Fragment of the Log of Captain Amasa Delano, (ss) Oceans of Space, ed. Brian M. Thomsen & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2002
- * The Grand Tour, (ss) Sol’s Children, ed. Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2002
- * Introduction: An Approach to an American Fantasy Tradition, (in)
- * Why Gettysburg?, (in) Alternate Gettysburgs, ed. Brian Thomsen & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley 2002
- THOMSEN, PAUL A. (chron.)
- THOMSON, AMY (1958- ) (chron.)
- * Virtual Girl, (ex) New York: Ace 1993
- THOMSON, DAVID (1941- ) (chron.)
- * A Child’s Demon, (ar) Sight & Sound Apr 1999
- * The Riddler Has His Day, (ar) Sight & Sound Apr 2001
- THORNE, JUSTIN (chron.)
- THORPE, GAV (books) (chron.)
- THURSTON, ROBERT (Donald) (1936- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Robots and Aliens 3: Intruder [Robot City], (n.) New York: Ace 1990
- * Slipshod, at the Edge of the Universe, (ss) F&SF Mar 2001
- * Who Want’s to Live Forever?, (ss) F&SF Aug 2002
- TIEDEMANN, MARK W. (1954- ) (books) (chron.)
- TIER, MARK (books) (chron.)
- TIERNEY, RICHARD L(ouis) (1936- ) (chron.)
- * The Appeasement of Ghizguth, (pm)
- * The Contemplative God, (pm)
- * The Dark Sorcerer, (pm)
- * The Door to Cykranosh (or, Eibon’s Lament), (pm)
- * The House of Haon-Dor, (pm)
- * The Howler in the Dark, (nv) Crypt of Cthulhu #24 1984
- * Hyperborea (or, Eibon’s Prophecy), (pm)
- * The Minions of Zstylzhemgni, (pm)
- * Petition: To Tsathoggua, (pm)
- * The Prayer of Yzduggor the Apostate, (pm)
- * Prayer to Lord Yok-Zothoth, (pm)
- * The Summoning of Pharol, (pm)
- * To Atlach-Nacha, (pm)
- * The Unresponding Gods, (pm)
- * Uttressor (with Laurence J. Cornford & Clark Ashton Smith), (ss)
- * Ycnagnnissz, (pm)
- TIGRINA; pseudonym of Edythe Eide (chron.)
- TILLMAN, BARRETT (1948- ) (chron.)
- * Skyhawks Forever, (na) Combat, ed. Stephen Coonts, Tor/Forge 2001
- TILLMAN, PETER D. (chron.)
- TILTON, LOIS (Ann) (1946- ) (chron.)
- TIMLETT, PETER VALENTINE (1933- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Power of the Serpent [Seedbearers], (n.) New York: Bantam 1976
- * The Seedbearers [The Seed Bearers; Seedbearers], (n.) London: Quartet 1974
- * The Twilight of the Serpent [Seedbearers], (n.) New York: Bantam 1977
- TIMPERLEY, ROSEMARY (Kenyon) (1920-1988) (chron.)
- * Harry, (ss) The Third Ghost Book, ed. Cynthia Asquith, James Barrie 1955
- TINWORTH, ADAM (chron.)
- TIPTREE, JAMES, Jr.; pseudonym of Alice Sheldon, (1915-1987) (chron.)
- * The Girl Who Was Plugged In, (nv) New Dimensions 3, ed. Robert Silverberg, Nelson Doubleday 1973
- * The Women Men Don’t See, (nv) F&SF Dec 1973
- TODD, BARBARA EUPHAN (1890-1976) (chron.)
- * A Bunch of Balloons, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine May 1926
- TODD, MIKE; pseudonym of Avrom Goldbogen (chron.)
- TOEWS, RITA (chron.)
- TOH, VALERIE Y. L. (chron.)
- * The Razor’s Edge, (ss) Erotica Vampirica, ed. Cecilia Tan, Circlet Press 1996
- TOLKIEN, CHRISTOPHER (John Reuel) (1924- ) (chron.)
- * Appendix on The Verse Forms, (ar)
- * Glossary, (ms)
- * Introduction, (in)
- TOLKIEN, J(ohn) R(onald) R(euel) (1892-1973) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, (pm) London: Allen & Unwin 1962
- * Bilbo’s Last Song [Middle-Earth], (pm) London: Allen & Unwin 1974
- * Farmer Giles of Ham, (na) London: Allen & Unwin 1949
- * Gawain’s Leave-Taking, (pm)
- * The Hobbit [Middle-Earth], (ex) London: Allen & Unwin 1937
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introductory Note, (in)
- * Leaf by Niggle, (nv) Dublin Review Jan 1945
- * On Fairy-Stories [from Essays Presented to Charles Williams], (ar) New York: The Oxford University Press 1947; expanded from a lecture at the University of St. Andrew in 1938.
- * Pearl, (pm)
- * Roverandom, (na) HarperCollins UK 1998
- * Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, (pm)
- * Sir Gawain and the Green Knight [“Sir Gawain/Pearl/Sir Orfeo”], (co) London: Allen & Unwin 1975
- * Sir Gawain/Pearl/Sir Orfeo, (co) London: Allen & Unwin 1975; also as “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”.
- * Sir Orfeo, (pm)
- * Smith of Wootton Major, (na) London: Allen & Unwin 1967
- * Tree and Leaf, (co) London: Allen & Unwin 1964
- TOLKIEN, SIMON (chron.)
- TOLSON, JOANNE (chron.)
- TONKIN, MICHAEL (chron.)
- * Ecstatic States, (ar) Sight & Sound Jul 1992
- TONYN, SARAH; see pseudonym Lloyd Rose (books) (chron.)
- TOPHAM, JEFF (chron.)
- TOPPING, KEITH (books) (chron.)
- TOTMAN, BRANDON W. (chron.)
- * Traveling to Your Heart (with Bruce Boston), (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #57 2000
- TOUDOUZE, GEORGE G. (1877-?) (chron.)
- * Three Skeleton Key, (ss) Esquire Jan 1937
- TOURNEY, ANNE (chron.)
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