The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2002
Chronological List
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- TOLKIEN, J(ohn) R(onald) R(euel) (1892-1973) (books) (stories)
- TOLKIEN, SIMON (stories)
- TOLSON, JOANNE (stories)
- TOLSTAYA, TATYANA (1951- ) (books)
- TOMKINS, BARRY (books)
- TONKIN, MICHAEL (stories)
- TONYN, SARAH; see pseudonym Lloyd Rose (books) (stories)
- TOPHAM, JEFF (stories)
- TOPPING, KEITH (books) (stories)
- TOTMAN, BRANDON W. (stories)
- TOUDOUZE, GEORGE G. (1877-?) (stories)
- TOURNEY, ANNE (stories)
- TOWER, S. D. (books)
- TRACY, JUDITH (stories)
- TRAUTMANN, ERIC S. (stories)
- TRAVIS, JOHN (stories)
- TRAVIS, JULIE (stories)
- TRAVISS, KAREN (stories)
- TRAYER, JENINE E. (1956- ); see pseudonym Silver RavenWolf (books)
- TRAYNOR, TERRY (stories)
- TREDE, MEREDITH (stories)
- TRELEAVEN, SCOTT (stories)
- TREMAYNE, PETER; pseudonym of Peter Berresford Ellis, (1943- ) (stories)
- TREMBLAY, PAUL G. (stories)
- TREVOR, WILLIAM; pseudonym of William Trevor Cox, (1928- ) (stories)
- TRIFFEN, KAYLA (stories)
- TRIMM, MIKAL (books) (stories)
- TRITT, ADAM BYRN (stories)
- TRITTEN, LARRY (stories)
- TROOP, ALAN F. (books)
- TROUT, DANIEL (stories)
- TROY, PAMELA (stories)
- TUBB, E(dwin) C(harles) (1919- ) (books) (stories)
- TULLIS, S(cott) D. (1969- ) (stories)
- TUMASONIS, DON (stories)
- TUMOLILLO, MIKE (stories)
- TUNSTALL, KIT (stories)
- TURNER, JEFFREY (books) (stories)
- TURNER, MARY J.; see pseudonym Shannon Riley (stories)
- TURTELTAUB, H. N.; pseudonym of Harry Turtledove, (1949- ) (books)
- TURTLEDOVE, HARRY (Norman) (1949- ); see pseudonym H. N. Turteltaub (books) (stories)
- After the Last Elf Is Dead (ss) Weird Tales Sum 1988
- Honeymouth (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 9, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1990
- Ready for the Fatherland (ss) What Might Have Been? Volume III: Alternate Wars, ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam Spectra 1991
- Deconstruction Gang (ss) Amazing Sep 1992
- The Decoy Duck (nv) After the King, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1992
- The Green Buffalo (ss) The Ultimate Dinosaur, ed. Byron Preiss & Robert Silverberg, Bantam Spectra 1992
- In This Season (nv) Christmas Bestiary, ed. Rosalind M. Greenberg & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- Vermin (nv) F&SF Mar 1993
- The Maltese Elephant (nv) Analog Aug 1995
- Must and Shall (nv) Asimov’s Nov 1995
- Goddess for a Day (ss) Chicks in Chainmail, ed. Esther Friesner, Baen 1995
- The Seventh Chapter (ss) F&SF Sep 1997
- Ils Ne Passeront Pas (nv) Armageddon, ed. David Drake & Billie Sue Mosiman, Baen 1998
- The Phantom Tolbukhin (ss) Alternate Generals, ed. Harry Turtledove, Roland Green & Martin Harry Greenberg, Baen 1998
- Forty, Counting Down (na) Asimov’s Dec 1999 [Counting]
- Twenty-One, Counting Up (na) Analog Dec 1999 [Counting]
- Myth Manners’ Guide to Greek Missology #1: Andromeda and Perseus (ss) Chicks ’n Chained Males, ed. Esther Friesner, Baen 1999
- American Empire: Blood & Iron (n.) Ballantine Del Rey 2001 [American Empire]
- Colonization: Aftershocks (n.) Del Rey 2001 [Colonization]
- Through the Darkness (n.) Tor 2001 [Darkness]
- The Ring and I (ar) Meditations on Middle-Earth, ed. Karen Haber, St. Martin’s 2001
- Counting Up, Counting Down (co) Ballantine Del Rey 2002
- Rulers of the Darkness (n.) Tor 2002 [Darkness]
- Alternate Generals II [ed. with Martin H. Greenberg] (oa) Baen 2002
- American Empire: The Center Cannot Hold (n.) Ballantine Del Rey 2002 [American Empire]
- Uncle Alf (nv) Alternate Generals II, ed. Harry Turtledove & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen 2002
- The Daimon (na) Worlds That Weren’t, ed. Laura Anne Gilman, Roc 2002
- Ruled Britannia (n.) Penguin/NAL 2002
- Advance and Retreat (n.) Baen 2002 [War Between the Provinces]
- American Empire: The Centre Cannot Hold (n.) Ballantine Del Rey 2002 [American Empire]
- Introduction (in)
- TURZILLO, MARY A. (stories)
- TUTTLE, LISA (1952- ) (books) (stories)
- Where the Stones Grow (ss) Dark Forces, ed. Kirby McCauley, Viking 1980
- From Another Country (ss) Night Visions 3, ed. George R. R. Martin, Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1986
- The Walled Garden (ss) Hidden Turnings, ed. Diana Wynne Jones, London: Methuen 1989
- Mr. Elphinstone’s Hands (nv) Skin of the Soul, ed. Lisa Tuttle, The Women’s Press 1990
- Lucy Maria (ss) Xanadu, ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1993
- Turning Thirty (ss) The Time Out Book of London Short Stories, ed. Maria Lexton, Penguin 1993
- Food Man (ss) Crank! #4 1994
- Manskin, Womanskin (ss) By the Light of the Silvery Moon, ed. Ruth Petrie, Virago 1994
- In Jealousy (ss) Obsession, ed. Sarah LeFanu & Stephen Hayward, Serpent’s Tail 1995
- White Lady’s Grave (ss) Tombs, Edward E. Kramer & Peter Crowther, White Wolf 1995
- Soul Song (ss) Interzone May 1997
- The Extra Hour (ss) Destination Unknown, ed. Peter Crowther, White Wolf 1997
- Haunts (nv) Dark Terrors 5: The Gollancz Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz 2000
- Ghosts & Other Lovers (co) 2001
- Honey, I’m Home (nv) Stranger: Dark Tales of Eerie Encounters, ed. Michele Slung, HarperPerennial 2002; revised from original appearance in In Dreams, ed. Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman, Gollancz 1992.
- Dedication (in)
- Real Ghosts (in)
- TWAIN, MARK; pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, (1835-1910) (books) (stories)
- TWYFORD, SEAN K. (stories)
- TYLER, J. E. A. (books)
- Home Cooking (ss) With Signs & Wonders, ed. Daniel M. Jaffe, Invisible Cities Press 2001; “El recetario,” 2001.
- ULLERY, DAVID A. (books)
- ULMEN, J. P. (stories)
- UMBERGER, DAVID (stories)
- UMLAND, C. MARK (stories)
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