The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2002
Books, Listed by Author
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- ROBERSON, JENNIFER (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _Sword-Sworn (SFBC #50617, May 2002, $12.50, 399pp, hc, cover by Jim Burns) [Tiger & Del] Reprint (DAW 2002) fantasy novel, seventh in the “Sword-Dancer Saga”. This is similar to the DAW edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- ROBERTS, ADAM (1965- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * +On (Sterling Publishing/Gollancz 0-575-07177-X, Mar 2002, $14.95, 388pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) SF novel. This is a special printing (dated 2002) of the 2001 Gollancz trade paperback edition, distributed in the US by Sterling Publishing. First US edition (Gollancz 6/01). Sterling Publishing, 387 Park Ave. S., New York NY 10016-8810; 800-805-5489; [].
- * _On (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07299-7, Jun 2002, £6.99, 387pp, pb, cover by Chris Moore) Reprint (Gollancz 2001) SF novel.
- * *Park Polar (PS Publishing 1-902880-28-5, Dec 2001, £8.00, 109pp, tp, cover by David A. Hardy) SF novella. Introduction by Roger Levy. A signed, limited edition of 500; a hardcover edition of 400 (-31-5, £25.00) is also available. PS Publishing, Hamilton House, 4 Park Avenue, Harrogate HG2 9BQ, UK; [].
- * +Park Polar (Griffin Skye/PS Publishing 1-902880-28-5, Feb 2002, $14.00, 109pp, tp, cover by David A. Hardy) Near-future SF novella of an Earth run by megacorporations, and efforts to develop the Arctic. Introduction by Roger Levy. This is a signed, limited edition of 500; a hardcover edition of 400 (-29-3, $40.00) was announced but not seen. The hardcover is available in the US from Griffin Skye, 1945 P Street, Eureka CA 95501; 707-444-8768.
- * +Salt (Sterling Publishing/Gollancz 0-575-06897-3, Jan 2002, $14.95, 248pp, tp, cover by Jim Burns) Reprint (Gollancz 2000) SF novel. This is a special printing (dated 8/01) of the 2000 Gollancz trade paperback edition, distributed in the US by Sterling Publishing. First US edition (Gollancz 2000). Sterling Publishing, 387 Park Ave. S., New York NY 10016-8810; 800-805-5489; [].
- * *Stone (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07064-1, Jul 2002, £9.99, 260pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) SF novel. The last criminal in the universe is freed, to kill a world’s population yet leave their planet intact. A hardcover edition (-07063-3, £16.99) is also available.
- ROBERTS, JOHN MADDOX (1947- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Hannibal’s Children (Ace 0-441-00933-6, May 2002, $22.95, 359pp, hc, cover by Scott Grimando) [*Hannibal’s Children] Alternate history novel. Romans in exile plan to retake their homeland 100 years after their defeat by the Carthaginian general Hannibal.
- * _Legacy of Prometheus (with Eric Kotani) See entry under Eric Kotani.
- * *The Babylon Game (CollinsVoyager 0-00-711279-3, Mar 2002, £3.99, 309pp, tp, cover by Andy Parker) [Seven Fabulous Wonders] Young-adult historical fantasy novel, the second book in the “Seven Fabulous Wonders” series.
- * +Crystal Mask (Scholastic/The Chicken House 0-439-33864-6, Feb 2002, $15.95, 270pp, hc, cover by Daniel Dos Santos) [Echorium Sequence] Young-adult fantasy, the second in the “Echorium Sequence”, set 20 years after Song Quest. First US edition (Chicken House UK 2001).
- * _Crystal Mask (The Chicken House 1-903434-56-4, Jul 2002, £5.99, 255pp, pb, cover by James Marsh) [Echorium Sequence] Reprint (The Chicken House 2001) young-adult fantasy novel in “The Echorium Sequence”.
- * _Song Quest (Scholastic/The Chicken House 0-439-33892-1, Feb 2002, $4.99, 271pp, tp) [Echorium Sequence] Reprint (Element 1999) young-adult fantasy, first in the “Echorium Sequence” series about young Singers with special powers.
- ROBERTS, NORA; pseudonym of Eleanor F. Aufdem-Brinke, (1950- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Heaven and Earth (Piatkus 0-7499-3282-1, Feb 2002, £5.99, 358pp, pb) [Three Sisters Island] Reprint (Putnam 2001) contemporary novel with fantasy elements, the second in the “Three Sisters Island” psychic powers trilogy.
- ROBERTS, (George Edward) THEODORE GOODRIDGE (1877-1953) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Merriest Knight: The Collected Arthurian Tales of Theodore Goodridge Roberts (Green Knight Publishing 1-928999-18-2, Jan 2002, $17.95, 523pp, tp, cover by Shane A. Holloway) Collection of 15 Arthurian stories, two original, and a previously unpublished “Author’s Introduction”. Edited and with a historical introduction by Mike Ashley. Order from Wizard’s Attic, 900 Murmansk St., Suite 7, Oakland CA 94607; []; 800-213-1493. Dated October 2001 on copyright page. (Contents)
- ROBERTSON, LEN (chron.)
- * *Bridge of the Gods ( Choice Press 0-595-12418-6, 2000, $26.95, 525pp, tp) [Galatian Series] Fantasy novel, the first book of the “Galatian Series”. A woman wakes in a strange land. This is dated 2000, but not seen until now. A print-on-demand book, available online at [], or from iUniverse, 5220 S. 16th St., Suite 200, Lincoln NE 68512.
- * *Copernican Passage ( Club Press 0-595-22927-1, 2002, $19.95, 355pp, tp) Near-future SF novel. Colonists leaving over-populated Earth for Mars encounter assassins and saboteurs. A print-on-demand book, available online at [], or from iUniverse, 5220 S. 16th St., Suite 200, Lincoln NE 68512.
- ROBERTSON, R. GARCIA y; see under García y Robertson, R. (stories) (chron.)
- ROBINSON, FRANK M(alcolm) (1926- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Art of Imagination: 20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy (with Robert E. Weinberg & Randy Broecker) (Collectors Press 1-888054-72-7, Oct 2002, $99.95, 768pp, hc) Omnibus of three art books: Science Fiction of the 20th Century by Frank M. Robinson (1999), Horror of the 20th Century by Robert Weinberg (2000), and Fantasy of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History by Randy Broecker (2001). This has a new introduction by Robinson, and a single index covering the whole volume. (Contents)
- * *Through My Glasses Darkly (KaCSFFS Press 0-935128-02-6, Jun 2002, $15.00, 115pp, tp, cover by Allison Stein) Collection of five stories, published in conjunction with Robinson’s appearance as guest of honor at ConQuesT 33 in Kansas City. Introduction by Robin Wayne Bailey. This is a signed limited edition of 300, with an additional 26 lettered copies. Available from the Kansas City Science Fiction & Fantasy Society, PO Box 36212, Kansas City MO 64171-6212; []. (Contents)
- ROBINSON, JOAN G. (chron.)
- * _When Marnie Was There (Collins 0-00-710477-4, Apr 2002, £5.99, 285pp, tp, cover by Hamish Blakely) Reprint (Collins 1967) young-adult fantasy novel.
- ROBINSON, KIM STANLEY (1952- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Vinland the Dream and Other Stories (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-713404-5, May 2002, £6.99, 410pp, pb, cover by Chris Moore) Collection of 14 stories, most previously collected as part of The Planet on the Table (Tor 1986) and Remaking History (Tor 1991), with the addition of a story from 2000. (Contents)
- * *The Years of Rice and Salt (Bantam 0-55310-920-0, Mar 2002, $25.95, 658pp, hc, cover by Alan Ayers) Alternate world SF novel, covering 700 years in a world where the Black Plague wiped out European civilization.
- * *The Years of Rice and Salt (HarperCollins UK 0-00-224679-1, Mar 2002, £16.99, xi+669pp, hc) Alternate-history novel set in a world where plague kept Europe from developing as a world power. Simultaneous with the US (Bantam) edition. A trade paperback (export only) edition (-225748-3, £10.99) was announced but not seen.
- * _The Years of Rice and Salt (SFBC #50723, May 2002, $12.99, 658pp, hc, cover by Alan Ayers) Reprint (Bantam 2002) alternate-world SF novel. This is similar to the Bantam edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- _____, ed.
- * *Nebula Awards Showcase 2002 (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45878-8, Apr 2002, $15.00, 292pp, tp, cover by Ray Lundgren) Anthology of Nebula Award-winning fiction — three stories and one novel excerpt — plus two nominated stories, and commentary on SF from nine authors including Gwyneth Jones, Damon Knight, and Gene Wolfe. The 36th volume in the annual series previously from Harcourt. (Contents)
- ROBINSON, SPIDER (1948- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Callahan’s Secret (Tor 0-812-57229-7, Apr 2002, $5.99, 222pp, pb, cover by James Warhola) [*Callahan’s Place] Reprint (Berkley 1986) collection of humorous SF bar stories in the “Callahan’s” series.
- * _The Free Lunch (Tor 0-812-54022-0, Aug 2002, $6.99, 241pp, pb, cover by Stephan Martiniere) Reprint (Tor 2001) near-future SF novel. Runaways discover the fabulous theme park Dreamworld is inhabited by troll-like creatures.
- * *God Is an Iron and Other Stories (Gale Group/Five Star 0-7862-4162-4, Jun 2002, $24.95, 219pp, hc) Collection of 10 stories. Packaged and edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Ed Gorman. Order from Five Star, 295 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Waterville ME 04901; 207-859-1000; []. (Contents)
- * _Lady Slings the Booze (Baen 0-7434-3578-8, Dec 2002, $7.99, 337pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [*Callahan’s Place] Reprint (Ace 1992) humorous SF novel in the “Callahan’s” series.
- ROBSON, JUSTINA L(ouise) A(lice) (1968- ) (chron.)
- * _Mappa Mundi (Macmillan/Pan 0-330-37567-9, Oct 2002, £6.99, 628pp, pb, cover by Steve Stone) Reprint (Macmillan UK 2001) SF novel of nanotechnology, gene manipulation, and socio-political control.
- ROCKHILL, JIM, ed.; [i.e., James Rockhill] (1956- ) (stories) (chron.)
- RODDA, EMILY; pseudonym of Jennifer Rowe, (1948- ) (chron.)
- * +Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal (HarperCollins/Greenwillow 0-06-029776-X, Mar 2002, $15.95, 197pp, hc, cover by Mark Elliott) [Rowan of Rin] Young-adult fantasy novel, third in the series begun in Rowan of Rin. First US edition (Scholastic Australia/Omnibus 1996).
- * _Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal (HarperTrophy/Greenwillow 0-06-441025-0, Sep 2002, $5.99, 197pp, tp, cover by Mark Elliott) [Rowan of Rin] Reprint (Omnibus Australia 1996) young-adult fantasy novel, third in the series begun in Rowan of Rin.
- * _Rowan and the Travelers (HarperTrophy/Greenwillow 0-06-441026-9, Apr 2002, $5.95, 170pp, tp, cover by Mark Elliott) [Rowan of Rin] Reprint (Omnibus 1994) young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to Rowan of Rin.
- * +Rowan and the Zebak (HarperCollins/Greenwillow 0-06-029778-6, May 2002, $15.95, 198pp, hc, cover by Mark Elliott) [Rowan of Rin] Young-adult fantasy novel, fourth in the series begun in Rowan of Rin. Rowan tries to rescue his sister from the enemy Zebak. First US edition (Scholastic Australia/Omnibus 1999).
- * _Rowan of Rin (HarperTrophy/Greenwillow 0-06-441019-6, Apr 2002, $5.95, 151pp, tp, cover by Mark Elliott) [Rowan of Rin] Reprint (Omnibus 1993) young-adult fantasy novel, first in a series.
- RODGERS, ALAN (Paul) (1959- ) (stories) (chron.)
- ROGERS, BRUCE HOLLAND; pseudonym of Bruce P. Rogers, (1958- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Word Work: Surviving and Thriving as a Writer (Invisible Cities Press 1-931229-17-1, May 2002, $16.95, 256pp, tp) Associational non-fiction collection of 35 essays on how to be a writer, based on his column for Speculations. Order from Invisible Cities Press, 50 State St., Montpelier VT 05602; 802-223-2323; [].
- ROGERS, BRUCE P(aul) (1958- ); see pseudonym Bruce Holland Rogers (stories) (chron.)
- ROGERS, KATHARINE M. (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *L. Frank Baum: Creator of Oz (St. Martin’s 0-312-30174-X, Oct 2002, $27.95, 318 + xvi, hc) Critical biography, exploring how Baum’s life and times influenced his works. Includes notes, index, and bibliography. [Baum]
- ROHMER, SAX; pseudonym of A. Sarsfield Ward, (1883-1959) (chron.)
- * _The Golden Scorpion (Wildside Press 1-58715-494-3, Apr 2002, $15.95, 219pp, tp) [Fu Manchu] Reprint (Methuen 1919) fantasy thriller, fourth in the “Dr. Fu Manchu” series. This is an on-demand edition available online at [] or from Wildside Press, PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928.
- ROLLINS, JAMES; pseudonym of Jim Czajkowski (chron.)
- * *Amazonia (HarperCollins/Morrow 0-06-000248-4, Mar 2002, $24.95, 420pp, hc, cover by Paul Stinson) SF thriller. The body of a CIA agent lost in the Amazon jungle reveals he has somehow regrown a missing arm. Copyrighted by Jim Czajkowski; Rollins also writes as James Clemens.
- ROMAN, STEVEN A. (chron.)
- * *X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy: Book 2: Magneto (Pocket/BP Books 0-7434-0023-2, Jan 2002, $14.95, 312pp, tp, cover by Bob Larkin) [X-Men: Chaos Engine] Novelization based on the comic-book characters. Illustrated by Mark Buckingham. Copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- * _X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy: Book 2: Magneto (Pocket/BP Books 0-7434-4546-5, Jan 2003, $6.99, 312pp, pb, cover by Bob Larkin) [X-Men: Chaos Engine] Reprint (BP Books 2002) novelization based on the comic-book characters. Illustrated by Mark Buckingham. Copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- * *X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy: Book 3: Red Skull (with Stan Timmons) (Pocket/BP Books 0-7434-5280-1, Nov 2002, $14.95, 375pp, tp, cover by Bob Larkin) [X-Men: Chaos Engine] Novelization based on the comic-book characters. Illustrated by Mark Buckingham. Copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- ROMEY, ELIZABETH A. (chron.)
- * *Lera of Tymoria: The Dragonmage (Royal Fireworks Press 0-88092-570-1, Aug 2002, $9.99, 252pp, tp, cover by Chris Dodge) Young-adult fantasy novel about a girl studying to be a mage. Order from Royal Fireworks Publishing, 1 First Avenue, PO Box 399, Unionville, NY 10988; 845-726-4444; [].
- ROMMEL, KEITH (chron.)
- * *Spirit of Independence (Barclay Books 1-931402-04-3, Jan 2002, $14.95, 276pp, tp) Fantasy novel. A man killed in WWII becomes a celestial knight in the war between heaven and hell. Order from Barclay Books, 6161 51st St. S., St. Petersburg FL 33715; [].
- ROSE, LLOYD; pseudonym of Sarah Tonyn (stories) (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: Camera Obscura (BBC Books 0-563-53857-0, Aug 2002, £5.99, 279pp, pb, cover by Black Sheep) [Doctor Who: New Adventures] Novelization based on the TV series. Book 59 in the BBC “New Adventures” series, featuring the Eighth Doctor.
- ROSE, MALCOLM (1953- ) (chron.)
- * *Bloodline (Scholastic UK 0-439-99402-0, Feb 2002, £4.99, 403pp, pb) Young-adult thriller about the discovery of a drug that is a racially-directed genetic weapon.
- * *Clone (Scholastic UK 0-439-98164-6, Oct 2002, £5.99, 257pp, tp) Young-adult SF novel of the attempt to create a human clone.
- ROSEANNA (stories) (chron.)
- ROSEN, SELINA (stories) (chron.)
- * *Chains of Destruction (Meisha Merlin 1-892065-69-X, Jun 2002, $16.00, 328pp, tp) [Chains] SF novel, second in the “Chains” trilogy. An escaped political prisoner gets help in his fight against the Reliance. Introduction by C.J. Cherryh. Available online at [], or from PO Box 7, Decatur GA 30031.
- * *Hammer Town (Yard Dog Press 1-893687-28-7, Oct 2002, $16.00, 209pp, tp, cover by Brand Whitlock) SF detective novel. Conner “The Hammer” McVee is a cyborg lesbian private investigator with a passion for working with her hands, in a future where everything is done by machines. Order from Yard Dog Press, 710 W. Redbud Lane, Alma AR 72921-7247; []; [].
- ROSENBAUM, THANE (1960- ) (chron.)
- * *The Golems of Gotham (HarperCollins 0-06-018490-6, Feb 2002, $25.95, 367pp, hc) Contemporary ghost story inspired by Jewish mysticism. A girl tries to cure her father’s writer’s block by summoning the spirits of his dead parents.
- ROSENBERG, JOEL (1954- ) (chron.)
- * _Murder in LaMut (with Raymond E. Feist) See entry under Raymond E. Feist
- * _Not Quite Scaramouche (Tor 0-812-57470-2, Jun 2002, $6.99, 295pp, pb, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Jason Cullinane] Reprint (Tor 2001) swashbuckling fantasy adventure novel, sequel to Not Exactly the Three Musketeers, set in the universe of the “Guardians of the Flame”.
- * *My Mistress, Humanity (Hollyridge Press 0-9676003-5-9, Oct 2002, $17.95, 235pp, tp) Near-future SF novel. A scientist believes a dragon in the Antarctic is behind the cataclysmic weather that threatens humanity. This is a print-on-demand edition, available from Hollyridge Press, PO Box 2872, Venice CA 90294; [].
- ROSIE, GEORGE (chron.)
- * _Death’s Enemy: The Pilgrimage of Victor Frankenstein (Random House/Vintage UK 0-09-942233-6, Nov 2002, £6.99, 342pp, tp) [Frankenstein] Reprint (Heinemann 2001, not seen) historical novel with SF elements, in the form of the biography of Frankenstein, up to the moment of his first revivifaction. A first novel.
- ROSS, CLIFFORD (chron.)
- * _The World of Edward Gorey (with Karen Wilkin) (Abrams 0-8109-9083-0, 2002, $19.95, 192pp, tp, cover by Edward Gorey) Reprint (Abrams 1996) critical biography with extensive illustrations. [Gorey]
- ROSS, DEBORAH J. (1947- ) (stories) (chron.)
- ROSS, KEVIN, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Dead But Dreaming (with Keith Herber) (DarkTales Publications 1-930997-20-5, Mar 2002, $17.99, 194pp, tp) Original anthology of 15 Lovecraftian horror stories. Authors include Darrell Schweitzer, Ramsey Campbell, and Stephen Mark Rainey. Order online at [], or from PO Box 675, Grandview MO 64030; add $4.95 shipping. (Contents)
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