The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001
Stories, Listed by Author
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- EADIE, ARLTON; pseudonym of Leopold Eady, (1886-1935) (chron.)
- * The White Vampire, (ss) Weird Tales Sep 1928
- EADY, LEOPOLD (Leonard) (1886-1935); see pseudonym Arlton Eadie (chron.)
- EAGER, EDWARD (1911-1964) (chron.)
- * Half Magic, (ex) New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1954
- EAKIN, WILLIAM R. (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Dragon of Conspiracy [Redgunk], (ss) Realms of Fantasy Feb 1999
- * Encounter in Redgunk [Redgunk], (ss) Amazing Fll 1998
- * A God for Delphi [Redgunk], (nv) Redgunk Tales, Invisible Cities Press 2001
- * Grandmother Mist, (ss) Sci Fiction website Dec 12 2001
- * Homesickness [Redgunk], (ss) Amazing Fll 1999
- * How Boy Howdy Saved the World [Redgunk], (nv) Quantum Speculative Fiction Oct 1999
- * Lawnmower Moe [Redgunk], (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 1997
- * The Lion and the Lamb, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #22 2001
- * Meadow Song [Redgunk], (ss) Realms of Fantasy Oct 1997
- * The Miracle of Swamp Gas Jackson [Redgunk], (nv) Redgunk Tales, Invisible Cities Press 2001
- * Plain Female Seeks Nice Guy [Redgunk], (ss) Science Fiction Age Nov 1999
- * Preface, (pr)
- * Redgunk, Texas [Redgunk], (ss) LC-39 #2 1999
- * Roadkill Fred [Redgunk], (nv) Redgunk Tales, Invisible Cities Press 2001
- * The Secret of the Mummys Brain [Redgunk], (ss) Realms of Fantasy Dec 1996
- * Unicorn Stew [Redgunk], (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 1998
- EAMES, JAYNE (chron.)
- EARDLEY-WILMOT, [Sir] SYDNEY (Marow) (1847-1929) (chron.)
- * The Next Naval War, (na) Edward Stanford 1894
- EARL, ROBERT (chron.)
- EASTON, THOMAS A(twood) (1944- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Alas, Poor Yorick [Howie Wyman], (ss) F&SF Aug 1981
- * The Bung-Hole Caper, (ss) F&SF Apr 1982
- * Downeast Encounter [Howie Wyman], (ss) Analog Jun 1980
- * Energy Crisis [Howie Wyman], (ss) Rigel Win (#3) 1982
- * Fishing Trip [Howie Wyman], (ss) Rigel Sum 1981
- * Gambling Man [Howie Wyman], (ss) F&SF Aug 1980
- * Introduction, (in)
- * A Love Story, (ss) F&SF May 1983
- * Mood Wendigo [Howie Wyman], (ss) Analog May 1980
- * Movers and Shakers, (ss) Analog Nov 1979
- * Protection Racket, (ss) Pulpsmith Win 1981
- * Return of the Native [Howie Wyman], (ss) Amazing Nov 1981
- * Roll Them Bones, (ss) Haunted New England, ed. Charles G. Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg & Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Yankee 1988
- * Speed Trap, (ss) Pulpsmith Aut 1982
- * The Tree, (ss) Argos Sum 1988
- _____, reviews:
- * The Reference Library, (br) Analog Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2001
- EASTWICK, JAMES (chron.)
- * The New Centurion, (na) Longmans, Green 1895
- EATMAN, JOHN (1954-2000) (chron.)
- EDDY, C(lifford) M(artin), Jr. (1896-1967) (books) (chron.)
- EDDY, MURIEL E. (1896-1978) (books) (chron.)
- EDELMAN, SCOTT (Jeffrey) (1955- ) (chron.)
- EDGERTON, TERESA (Ann) (1949- ) (books) (chron.)
- EDGHILL, INDIA (chron.)
- EDGHILL, ROSEMARY; pseudonym of Eluki bes Shahar, (1956- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Child of Ocean, (ss) Oceans of Magic, ed. Brian M. Thomsen & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2001
- * A Gift of Two Gray Horses, (ss) Creature Fantastic, ed. Denise Little, DAW 2001
- * Little Rogue Riding Hood, (nv) Sword and Sorceress XVIII, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley & Lisa Waters, DAW 2001
- * The Mould of Form, (ss) Villains Victorious, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW 2001
- * Prince of Exiles, (ss) Out of Avalon, ed. Jennifer Roberson & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc 2001
- * War of the Roses, (ss) Assassin Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Alexander Potter, DAW 2001
- * Project Blue Book, (ar)
- EDMONDS, HELEN WOODS (1901-1968); see pseudonym Anna Kavan (chron.)
- EDWARDS, AMELIA (Ann) B(lanford) (1831-1892) (chron.)
- * Raiding Mummies Tombs [from A Thousand Miles Up the Nile], (ar) 1891
- EDWARDS, GARY L. (chron.)
- EDWARDS, JAN (chron.)
- EDWARDS, JOHN M. (chron.)
- * Shortwave Broadcasts of the Soul, (pm) Space & Time #87 1997
- EDWARDS, MARK (chron.)
- EDWARDS, PAUL; pseudonym of Paul E. Clintco, Jr. (chron.)
- EDWARDS, WAYNE (Allen) (chron.)
- EFFINGER, GEORGE ALEC (1947-2002) (chron.)
- * Naked to the Invisible Eye, (nv) Analog May 1973
- * One, (ss) New Legends, ed. Greg Bear & Martin H. Greenberg, Legend 1995
- EGAN, DORIS (Mary) (1955- ) (books) (chron.)
- EGAN, GREG(ory Mark) (1961- ) (chron.)
- * Border Guards, (nv) Interzone Oct 1999
- * Chaff, (nv) Interzone Dec 1993
- * Oracle, (na) Asimovs Jul 2000
- EHLERS, ERIC J. (chron.)
- _____, adapt.
- EIDE, EDYTHE; see pseudonym Tigrina (chron.)
- EIKAMP, RHONDA (chron.)
- EISENSTEIN, ALEX (1945- ) (chron.)
- EISENSTEIN, PHYLLIS (Leah Kleinstein) (1946- ) (chron.)
- EKENAN, TERENCE (chron.)
- EL-KOURA, KARL (chron.)
- ELLER, STEVE (chron.)
- ELLIOTT, N. J. (chron.)
- ELLIS, MARY ANN (chron.)
- ELLIS, PETER BERRESFORD (1943- ); see pseudonym Peter Tremayne (chron.)
- ELLIS, PHILLIP A. (chron.)
- * The White Wizard, (nv) Weird Tales Sep 1929
- ELLISON, HARLAN (Jay) (1934- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54 N, Longitude 77° 00 13" W, (nv) F&SF Oct 1974
- * Afterword, (aw)
- * Alive and Well and on a Friendless Voyage, (ss) F&SF Jul 1977
- * All the Birds Come Home to Roost, (ss) Playboy Mar 1979
- * Along the Scenic Route [Dogfight on 101], (ss) Adam Aug 1969
- * At the Mouse Circus, (ss) New Dimensions I, ed. Robert Silverberg, Doubleday 1971
- * A Boy and His Dog [Vic & Blood], (nv) New Worlds Apr 1969
- * Corpse, (ss) F&SF Jan 1972
- * Daniel White for the Greater Good, (ss) Rogue Mar 1961
- * The Deathbird, (nv) F&SF Mar 1973
- * Deeper Than the Darkness, (nv) Infinity Science Fiction Apr 1957
- * Dept. of Trivial Pursuit Dept., (gp)
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