The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001
Associational Works
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- WATSON, JUDY née JACKSON (1940-2001)
- WATTS, PETER (books) (stories)
- WEBB, JANEEN (books)
- WEBER, DAVID M. (books) (stories)
- WEISBECKER, A. C. (books)
- WELLS, H(erbert) G(eorge) (1866-1946) (books) (stories)
- [] Further Visions by Stephen M. Baxter (ar) Foundation #65 1996
- [] The Complete War of the Worlds: Mars Invasion of Earth from H.G. Wells to Orson Welles ed. by Brian Holmsten & Alex Lubertozzi (an) Sourcebooks 2001
- [] H.G. Wellss Perennial Time Machine: Selected Essays from the Centenary Conference The Time Machine: Past, Present, and Future ed. by George E. Slusser, Patrick Parrinder & Danièle Chatelain (nf) University of Georgia Press 2001
- [] Cross-reference and Context by Stephen M. Baxter (ar) Omegatropic, British Science Fiction Association 2001; based on Cross-reference and Context, Vector #179, July/August 1994, and Lighting the Future, Vector #181, November/December 1994.
- [] Rebuilding the Time Machine by Stephen M. Baxter (ar) Omegatropic, British Science Fiction Association 2001
- [] Albert Richard Wetjen: August 20, 1900March 8, 1948 by E. Hoffmann Price (bg) Book of the Dead, E. Hoffmann Price, Arkham House 2001
- WHELAN, MICHAEL (Raymond) (1950- ) (art)
- WHITE, PHYLLIS; [Mrs. William A. P. White] (1915-2000)
- WHITTEMORE, EDWARD (1933-1995)
- WIATER, STANLEY (Steven) (1953- ) (books) (stories)
- WILHELM, KATE; [i.e., Katie Gertrude Meredeth Wilhelm Knight] (1928- ) (books) (stories)
- WILKINS, KIM (1970- ) (books)
- WILLIAMS, CONRAD (1969- ) (books) (stories)
- WILLIAMS, JAY (1914-1978)
- WILLIAMS, KENT (1962- ) (books) (art)
- WILLIAMS, (Winifred) MARY (Harvey Nethercot) [i.e., Winifred Mary Harvey Nethercot Williams Lewis] (1903-2000)
- WILLIAMS, ROBERT PAUL (1957- ); see pseudonym Tad Williams (books) (stories)
- WILLIAMS, SEAN (Llewellyn) (1967- ) (books) (stories)
- WILLIAMS, TAD; pseudonym of Robert Paul Williams, (1957- ) (books)
- WILLIAMSON, JACK; [i.e., John Stewart Williamson] (1908-2006) (books) (stories)
- WILLIS, CONNIE; [i.e., Constance Elaine Trimmer Willis] (1945- ) (books) (stories)
- WILSON, F(rancis) PAUL (1946- ) (books) (stories)
- WILSON, ROBERT CHARLES (1953- ) (books) (stories)
- WINDLING, TERRI (1958- ) (books) (stories)
- WINTER, LAUREL (née Hjelvik) (1959- ) (stories)
- WOLFE, GENE (Rodman) (1931- ) (books) (stories)
- WOLVERTON, DAVID (John) (1957- ) (books) (stories)
- WOMACK, JACK (1956- ) (books) (stories)
- WOOD, WALLACE A. (1927-1981)
- WRIGHT, CHANDA (stories)
- WRIGHT, FARNSWORTH (1888-1940)
- [] Book of the Dead: Farnsworth Wright by E. Hoffmann Price (bg) The Ghost Jul 1944; also as Farnsworth Wright: 18881940.
- [] Farnsworth Wright: 18881940 by E. Hoffmann Price [Book of the Dead: Farnsworth Wright] (bg) The Ghost Jul 1944
- WURTS, JANNY (1953- ) (books) (art)
- WYKE-SMITH, E(dward) A(ugustine) (1871-1935)
- WYNDHAM, JOHN; pseudonym of John Beynon Harris, (1903-1969) (books) (stories)
- [] John Wyndham: Creator of the Cosy Catastrophe: A Working Bibliography by Phil Stephensen-Payne (nf) Galactic Central Publications 2001
- [] John Wyndham: Creator of the Cosy Catastrophe (3rd Revised Edition) by Phil Stephensen-Payne (nf) Galactic Central 2001
- YOUD, C. S.; see under Youd, Sam (books) (stories)
- YOUD, CHRISTOPHER S.; see under Youd, Sam (books) (stories)
- YOUD, (Christopher) SAMUEL [born Sam Youd] (1922- ); see pseudonym John Christopher
- ZAHN, TIMOTHY (1951- ) (books)
- ZAKOUR, JOHN (books)
- ZEDDIES, ANN TONSOR (1951- ); see pseudonym Toni Anzetti (books)
- ZINDELL, DAVID (1952- ) (books)
- ZIPES, JACK (David) (1937- ) (books)