The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001
Books, Listed by Author
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- SPINNER, STEPHANIE (chron.) (continued)
- SPINRAD, NORMAN (Richard) (1940- ) (stories) (chron.)
- SPOTTE, STEPHEN (stories) (chron.)
- * *Home is the Sailor, Under the Sea: Mermaid Stories (Creative Arts Book Company 0-88739-266-0, 2000, $13.95, 148pp, tp) Original collection of 15 stories of mermaids of varying degrees of fantasy, but all weird. This is dated 2000 but was not seen until now. Order from Creative Arts Book Company, 833 Bancroft Way, Berkeley CA 94710; 800-848-7789. (Contents)
- SPRINGER, NANCY (Connor) (1948- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _I Am Mordred (Hodder Silver 0-340-74959-8, 2000, £4.99, 212pp, pb, cover by Paul Young) [I Am Mordred] Reprint (Putnam/Philomel 1998) young-adult Arthurian novel. Young Mordred is unable to escape his destiny. Published in 2000, but not seen until now. [First U.K. edition]
- * _I Am Mordred (Hodder Silver 0-340-74959-8, Oct 2000, £4.99, 212pp, tp) [I Am Mordred] Reprint (Putnam/Philomel 1998) young-adult Arthurian novel. Young Mordred is unable to escape his destiny. [First U.K. edition]
- * _I Am Mordred (Penguin/Firebird 0-698-11841-3, Jan 2002, $5.99, 184pp, pb, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [I Am Mordred] Reprint (Philomel 1998) young-adult Arthurian novel.
- * *I Am Morgan le Fay (Penguin/Philomel 0-399-23451-9, Mar 2001, $17.99, 227pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [I Am Mordred] Young-adult Arthurian novel, companion to I Am Mordred.
- * *Rowan Hood, Outlaw Girl of Sherwood Forest (Penguin/Philomel 0-399-23368-7, Jun 2001, $16.99, 170pp, hc, cover by Stephen Hickman) [Rowan Hood] Young-adult fantasy of Robin Hoods daughter, Rowan.
- SQUIRES, HARRY R. (chron.)
- * *What Rough Beast (Warner/ 0-7595-5030-1, Sep 2001, $17.95, 434pp, tp) Dark fantasy novel. Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle disrupt a magic ritual and let an ancient force run wild in London. This is a POD edition, available from at []; 800-759-0190.
- STABLEFORD, BRIAN (Michael) (1948- ); see pseudonym Brian Craig (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Cassandra Complex (Tor 0-312-87773-0, Mar 2001, $23.95, 319pp, hc, cover by Alan Pollack) [Emortality] SF novel set in Stablefords Future History, prequel to Inherit the Earth. In the 21st century, WWIII looms.
- * *The Eleventh Hour (Wildside Press/Cosmos Books 1-58715-409-9, Oct 2001, $29.95, 233pp, hc, cover by Lauren Halkon) Fantasy novel. A princes lower-class companions fight an ancient evil. A trade paperback edition (-239-7) is also available. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online from [], or from PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928.
- * _The Fountains of Youth (Tor 0-312-87534-7, Oct 2001, $15.95, 352pp, tp, cover by Donato Giancola) [Emortality] Reprint (Tor 2000) SF novel in the future of Inherit the Earth.
- STACKPOLE, MICHAEL A(ustin) (1957- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Fortress Draconis (Bantam Spectra 0-553-37919-4, Dec 2001, $14.95, 513pp, tp, cover by Ciruelo Cabral) [DragonCrown War Cycle] Fantasy novel; first book in the DragonCrown War Cycle. A thief comes to the attention of warriors who believes he fulfills a prophecy.
- STANLEY, DIANE (chron.)
- * *The Mysterious Matter of I.M. Fine (HarperCollins 0-688-17546-5, Aug 2001, $15.95, 201pp, hc, cover by Brian Dow) Young-adult mystery involving strange horrors at school, and the R.L. Stine-like writer who seemingly inspires them.
- STANTON, MICHAEL N. (chron.)
- * *Hobbits, Elves, and Wizards: Exploring the Wonders and Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings" (St. Martins/Palgrave 0-312-23826-6, Dec 2001, $19.95, 192pp, hc) [Middle-Earth] Non-fiction reference guide to characters and places in Tolkiens work. Includes a bibliography and index. A "Palgrave for St. Martins book. [Tolkien]
- * _Shivas Fire (Red Fox 0-09-940963-1, Jul 2001, £4.99, 216pp, tp, cover by Ian Winstanley) Reprint (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2000) young-adult fantasy novel. A Definitions title. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Shivas Fire (HarperTrophy 0-06-440979-1, Nov 2001, $5.95, 276pp, tp, cover by Hala Wittwer) Reprint (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2000) young adult fantasy novel.
- STASHEFF, CHRISTOPHER (1944- ) (chron.)
- * *Here Be Monsters (Ace 0-441-00851-8, Sep 2001, $6.99, 231pp, pb, cover by Eric J. W. Lee) [Warlock: Rogue Wizard] SF novel in the Warlock series, fifth in the Heirs to the Warlock subseries.
- * *A Wizard in a Feud (Tor 0-312-86674-7, Jul 2001, $22.95, 206pp, hc, cover by Peter Peebles) [Warlock: Rogue Wizard] SF novel in the Rogue Wizard series featuring the son of the Warlock.
- * _A Wizard in the Way (Tor 0-812-54168-5, Nov 2001, $6.99, 224pp, pb, cover by Peter Peeples) [Warlock: Rogue Wizard] Reprint (Tor 2000) SF novel in the Rogue Wizard series featuring the son of the Warlock.
- STASHOWER, DANIEL (Meyer) (1960- ) (chron.)
- * _Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle (Holt/Owl 0-8050-6684-5, Jan 2001, $16.00, 472pp, tp) Reprint (Holt 1999, not seen) non-fiction, Edgar Award winning biography. Includes bibliography and index. [Doyle]
- STEELE, ALLEN (Mulherrin, Jr.) (1958- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Chronospace (Ace 0-441-00832-1, May 2001, $22.95, 320pp, hc, cover by Danilo Ducak) SF novel, expanded from the Hugo and Locus Award-winning novella ...Where Angels Fear to Tread. A time ship sent to investigate the destruction of the Hindenburg accidentally creates an alternate world.
- * _The Jericho Iteration (Ace 0-441-00271-4, Oct 2001, $5.99, 279pp, pb, cover by Mark Smollin) Reissue (Ace 1994) near-future SF thriller set in St. Louis after a devastating earthquake. Third printing.
- * _Labyrinth of Night (Ace 0-441-46741-5, Sep 2001, $6.50, 340pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reissue (Legend 1992) SF novel. Fourth printing.
- * _Lunar Descent (Ace 0-441-50485-X, Nov 2001, $6.50, 325pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reissue (Ace 1991) SF novel. Second printing.
- * _Oceanspace (Ace 0-441-00850-X, May 2001, $6.99, 375pp, pb, cover by Danilo Ducak) Reprint (Ace 2000) SF novel of a self-sufficient undersea research station.
- STEELE, JOHN H.; see pseudonym Gherbod Fleming (stories) (chron.)
- STEPHENS, JOHN RICHARD, ed. (1958- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Into the Mummys Tomb (Berkley 0-425-17664-9, Apr 2001, $14.00, 352pp, tp, cover by Danilo Ducak) Anthology of 18 stories of mystery and dark fantasy, by authors including Bram Stoker, Ray Bradbury, Elizabeth Peters, and an Egyptian priest writing in 300 BC, plus non-fiction by Arthur Weigall and Howard Carter. (Contents)
- STEPHENSEN-PAYNE, PHIL(ip Andrew) (1952- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Brian Stableford: Genetic Revolutionary (Galactic Central 1-871133-49-1, Aug 2001, $7.50, x + 133pp, ph) Non-fiction reference, a primary and secondary bibliography in two chapbook volumes. Available in the US from Chris Drumm, PO Box 445, Polk City IA 50226-0445. [Stableford]
- * *John Wyndham: Creator of the Cosy Catastrophe (3rd Revised Edition) (Galactic Central 1-871133-58-0, Dec 2001, $9.00, ix + 125pp, ph) Non-fiction reference, a primary and secondary bibliography. Available in the US from Chris Drumm, PO Box 445, Polk City IA 50226-0445; e-mail []; website []. [Wyndham]
- * *John Wyndham: Creator of the Cosy Catastrophe: A Working Bibliography (Galactic Central Publications 1-871133-58-0, Nov 2001, £6.00, ix+125pp, A5) Third (revised) edition of a primary and secondary bibliography of Wyndham, issued as an A5-sized booklet. Available from 25a Copgrove Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS8 2SP, and from P O Box 445, Polk City, Iowa 50226-0445, USA. [Wyndham]
- * *Lloyd Biggle, Jr.: Musicologist and Oral Historian: A Working Bibliography (Galactic Central Publications 1-871133-57-2, Apr 2001, £2.00, ix+35pp, ph) Non-fiction, reference. A primary and secondary bibliography of Biggle, issued as an A5-sized booklet. Volume 53 in the series. Available from 25a Copgrove Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS8 2SP, and from PO Box 445, Polk City, Iowa 50226-0445, USA. [Biggle]
- STEPHENSON, NEAL (Town) (1959- ) (chron.)
- * _The Big U (HarperPerennial 0-380-81603-2, Feb 2001, $13.00, 308pp, tp, cover by Elliot Earles) Reprint (Vintage 1984) associational novel, Stephensons little-seen first, a satire of college life with possible SF elements.
- * _Zodiac (Random House UK/Arrow 0-09-941552-6, May 2001, £6.99, 291pp, tp, cover by Cyberlab) Reprint (Atlantic Monthly 1988) associational eco-thriller.
- STERLING, (Michael) BRUCE (1954- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _A Good Old-Fashioned Future (Orion/Gollancz 1-85798-710-1, Apr 2001, £6.99, 279pp, pb, cover by blacksheep) Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1999) collection of seven stories, one co-authored with Rudy Rucker.
- * _Zeitgeist (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57641-0, Aug 2001, $6.99, 280pp, pb, cover by Eric Dinyer) [Leggy Starlitz] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 2000) fantasy techno-thriller set in 1999, part of the Leggy Starlitz series.
- STERN, D(avid) A. (chron.)
- * *Black Dawn (HarperTorch 0-380-81486-2, Oct 2001, $7.50, 425pp, pb) Horror novel. A dark god emerges from an unholy fire in the city of Los Angeles.
- STERN, DAVID (1958- ) (chron.)
- * *Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (Pocket 0-7434-2429-8, Jun 2001, $6.99, 343pp, pb) Novelization based on the movie based on the popular computer games. This includes an unpaginated eight-page insert of color stills from the movie. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- STEVENS, FRANCIS; pseudonym of Gertrude Bennett, (1884-1948) (stories) (chron.)
- STEVENSON, LAURA C(aroline) (1946- ) (chron.)
- * *All the Kings Horses (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-54718-2, 2001, £4.99, 319pp, tp, cover by Sue Clarke) Young-adult fantasy novel. Children discover faeries are involved in their grandfathers mental lapses. Illustrated by David Wyatt.
- STEVERMER, CAROLINE (J.) (1955- ) (chron.)
- * _When the King Comes Home (Tor 0-812-58981-5, Nov 2001, $6.99, 236pp, pb, cover by David Bowers) Reprint (Tor 2000) fantasy novel.
- STEWART, IAN (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So (Perseus Publishing 0-7382-0442-0, Mar 2001, $25.00, 301pp, hc) [Flatland] SF/fantasy novel, an update/sequel to Edwin A. Abbots Flatland, with echoes of Alice in Wonderland. A. Squares descendant, Victoria Line, takes a voyage through the Mathiverse and some of contemporary mathematics trickier concepts, including a meeting with Shroedingers cat, and the one-sided cow Moobius.
- * *Reinventing the Wall (Birmingham Science Fiction Group no ISBN, Nov 99, no price, 27pp, ph, cover by Harry Turner) [Qish] Sf novelette in the Qish series. This edition is limited 300 numbered copies.
- * _Wheelers (with Jack Cohen) (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight 0-7432-0743-2, Aug 2001, £10.00, 505pp, tp, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Warner Aspect 2000) SF novel. Wheeled artefacts discovered on Jupiters moons, come to life on Earth and threaten to set a comet on a collision course with Earth. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Wheelers (with Jack Cohen) (Warner Aspect 0-446-61008-9, Oct 2001, $6.99, 498pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Warner Aspect 2000) SF novel of an archaeologist who finds ancient wheeled artifacts on Callisto.
- STEWART, PAUL (stories) (chron.)
- * *Cloud Wolf (with Chris Riddell) (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-54749-2, Mar 2001, £1.00, 73pp, pb, cover by Chris Riddell) [Edge Chronicles] Young-adult fantasy novella in The Edge Chronicles. Issued at a special price for World Book Day.
- * *The Curse of the Gloamglozer (with Chris Riddell) (Transworld/Doubleday UK 0-385-60201-4, Sep 2001, £10.99, 381pp, hc, cover by Chris Riddell) [Edge Chronicles: Quint] Young-adult fantasy novel; fourth book in The Edge Chronicles series.
- * *Fright Train (Scholastic UK 0-439-99871-9, Mar 2001, £3.99, 212pp, pb, cover by Tim Edmunds) Young-adult dark fantasy novel of a train ride through Hell. A Point Horror Unleashed novel.
- * _Midnight Over Sanctaphrax (with Chris Riddell) (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-54675-5, Sep 2001, £4.99, 368pp, tp, cover by Chris Riddell) [Edge Chronicles] Reprint (Doubleday UK 2000) young-adult fantasy novel. Book three of The Edge Chronicles.
- STEWART, (Michael) SEAN (1965- ) (chron.)
- * _Galveston (Ace 0-441-00800-3, Feb 2001, $14.95, 455pp, tp, cover by Victor Stabin) Reprint (Ace 2000) near-future fantasy/magical realist novel.
- STINE, R(obert) L(awrence) (1943- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Haunting Hour (HarperCollins 0-06-623604-5, Sep 2001, $11.95, 153pp, hc, cover by Mike Fredrickson) Young-adult original collection of ten horror stories, each illustrated and introduced by a different artist, including Art Spiegelman, Charles Burns, John Jude Palencar, and Greg Call. Copyrighted by Parachute Publishing. (Contents)
- STIRLING, S(tephen) M(ichael) (1953- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Independent Command (with James Doohan) See entry under James Doohan.
- * *T2: Infiltrator (HarperEntertainment 0-380-97791-5, May 2001, $25.00, 389pp, hc) [Terminator] Novelization based on the world of the movie Terminator 2. Copyrighted by Canal & D.A.
- * _T2: Infiltrator (SFBC #37862, Jul 2001, $12.50, 389pp, hc) [Terminator] Reprint (HarperEntertainment 2001) novelization based on the world of the movie Terminator 2. This is similar to the HarperEntertainment edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _T2: Infiltrator (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07155-9, Jul 2001, £9.99, 389pp, tp, cover by Electric Soup) [Terminator] Reprint (HarperEntertainment 2001) novelization, a sequel to the movie Terminator 2. Copyrighted by Canal & D.A. [First U.K. edition]
- STOCKTON, FRANK R.; [i.e., Francis Richard Stockton] (1834-1902) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Lady or the Tiger and Other Stories (Tor 0-812-51956-6, Jun 2001, $4.99, 210pp, pb, cover by David Heffernan) Reissue (Tor 1992) collection. Third printing.
- * *Lewis Carroll in Wonderland: The Life and Times of Alice and Her Creator (Abrams/Discoveries 0-8109-2838-8, 1997, $12.95, 175pp, tp) Non-fiction guide to Carrolls life and times, extensively illustrated with period art, illustrations, and his own photos. Copyrighted by The Wonderland Press. This originally appeared in 1997, but was not seen until now. [Carroll]
- STOKER, BRAM; [i.e., Abraham Stoker] (1847-1912) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Dracula (Random House/Modern Library 0-375-75670-1, Mar 2001, $10.95, 394 + xxvi, tp) [Dracula] Reprint (Constable 1897) classic horror novel. This has a new introduction by Peter Straub; it also includes a Reading Group Guide and three items of Commentary: an 1897 review from The Atheneum, excerpts from an article by Sigmund Freud on The Uncanny, and an excerpt from Barbara Belfords Bram Stoker: A Biography of the Author of Dracula.
- * _Midnight Tales (Peter Owen 0-7206-1134-2, Apr 2001, £9.95, 182pp, tp) Reprint (Peter Owen 1990) collection of 12 horror stories. Edited, and with an introduction and story notes, by Peter Haining. Foreword by Christopher Lee.
- STONE, DAVE (1964- ) (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: The Slow Empire (BBC Books 0-563-53835-X, Jul 2001, £5.99, 250pp, pb) [Doctor Who: New Adventures] Novelization based on the TV series. Book 47 of the BBC New Adventures series.
- STONE, ROBERT S. (chron.)
- * *The Chronicles of the Unbinding: Dark Waters (Ace 0-441-00888-7, Dec 2001, $6.99, 371pp, pb, cover by Keith Birdsong) [Chronicles of the Unbinding] Fantasy novel, second in the series after Hazards Price. Brandt Karrelian seeks revenge against an assassin who knows the spell to bring magic back to the world.
- * *The Chronicles of the Unbinding: Hazards Price (Ace 0-441-00837-2, Aug 2001, $6.50, 360pp, pb, cover by Keith Birdsong) [Chronicles of the Unbinding] Fantasy novel, first in a series. Reformed killer Hazard tracks down an assassin using his old trademark.
- STORR, CATHERINE (Cole) (1913-2001) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The If Game (Oxford University Press 0-19-271873-8, Jul 2001, £6.99, 154pp, tp) Young-adult fantasy novel. A 12-year old boy, whose mother mysteriously vanished years before, finds keys that open secret doors.
- STOUT, REX (Todhunter) (1886-1975) (chron.)
- * _Under the Andes (Wildside Press 1-58715-317-3, Oct 2000, $15.99, 261pp, tp) Reprint (Penzler 1985) lost-race adventure novel, originally written in 1914. This is dated 2000, but not seen until now. Available online at [] or from Wildside Press, PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928.
- STOVER, MATTHEW WOODRING (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Blade of Tyshalle (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-42144-2, Apr 2001, $16.00, 725pp, tp, cover by Dave McKean) [Heroes Die] Virtual-reality fantasy novel, sequel to Heroes Die. Hari Michaelson, having opened a door between worlds, now fights to save Overworld from invaders from Earth.
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