The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2000
Books, Listed by Author
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- PALMER, JANE (1946- ) (chron.)
- * *The Drune (Swift Publishers 1-874082-27-8, 1999, £5.99, 212pp, tp, cover by Dandi Palmer) Satirical SF novel. Issued in 1999, but not seen until now.
- * *Battletech: Measure of a Hero (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45794-3, Jul 2000, $5.99, 263pp, pb, cover by Doug Chaffee) [Battletech] Novelization, #48 in the series based on the role-playing game. Copyrighted by FASA.
- PARKER, K. J. (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _The Belly of the Bow (Little, Brown/Orbit 1-85723-960-1, Mar 2000, £6.99, 521pp, pb, cover by Mick Van Houton) [Fencer Trilogy] Reprint (Orbit 1999) fantasy novel, the sequel to Colours in the Steel. Volume two of “The Fencer Trilogy”.
- * *The Proof House (Little, Brown/Orbit 1-85723-966-0, Apr 2000, £10.99, 499pp, tp, cover by Mick Van Houton) [Fencer Trilogy] Fantasy novel, last in the “Fencer” trilogy after Colours in the Steel and The Belly of the Bow.
- * _The Proof House (Little, Brown/Orbit 1-84149-018-0, Oct 2000, £6.99, 602pp, pb, cover by Mick Van Houton) [Fencer Trilogy] Reprint (Orbit 2000) fantasy novel, third volume in the “Fencer” trilogy.
- PARKER, MARK F. (chron.)
- * *X-Calibre: The Absurd Legend of Cantiger the Wizard (Robinson 1-84119-106-X, Aug 2000, £6.99, ii+316pp, tp, cover by Julek Heller) [Orsonian Legends] Humorous fantasy novel based on/parodying Arthurian legend. First in the “Orsonian Legends” series.
- * +X-Calibre: The Absurd Legend of Cantiger the Wizard (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0802-6, Sep 2000, $11.95, 316pp, tp, cover by Julek Heller) [Orsonian Legends] Humorous Arthurian fantasy novel of Cantiger, a disaster-prone sorcerer’s apprentice. First US edition (Robinson 8/00).
- PARKS, TIM(othy Harold) (1954- ) (chron.)
- PARTRIDGE, NORMAN (John) (1958- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Crow: Wicked Prayer (HarperEntertainment 0-06-107349-0, Nov 2000, $13.00, 295pp, tp) Novelization inspired by the movie/comic book created by James O’Barr. Copyrighted by Edward R. Pressman Film Corporation.
- PASSARELLA, JOHN (G.) (chron.)
- * *Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: Ghoul Trouble (Pocket Pulse 0-7434-0042-9, Oct 2000, $5.99, 239pp, pb) [Buffy, the Vampire Slayer] Novelization based on the TV show. Copyrighted by Twentieth Century Fox Film.
- * _Wither (Pocket 0-671-02481-7, Mar 2000, $6.99, 438pp, pb, cover by Larry Lurin & Rob Hernandez) [George Witherspoon] Reprint (Pocket 1999) horror novel. Copyrighted by Joe Gangemi & John Passarella.
- PASSMAN, DON(ald S.) (1945- ) (chron.)
- * _The Visionary (Warner 0-446-60831-9, Jul 2000, $7.99, 416pp, pb) Reprint (Warner 1999) serial-killer thriller with psychic elements.
- PATERSON, KATHERINE (stories) (chron.)
- * _Parzival: The Quest of the Grail Knight (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-130573-8, Mar 2000, $4.99, 127pp, tp, cover by Mark Elliott) Reprint (Lodestar 1998) young-adult Arthurian novella.
- PATTISON, DARCY (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Wayfinder (HarperCollins/Greenwillow 0-688-17080-3, Oct 2000, $15.95, 200pp, hc, cover by Tristan Elwell) Young-adult fantasy novel. A boy with a gift for finding things seeks a cure for plague in a dangerous chasm.
- PAULI, WALT (chron.)
- * *The Alliance Chronicles #1: Legacy (Press-TIGE Publishing 1-57532-185-8, Feb 2000, $12.95, 187pp, tp) [Alliance Chronicles] SF novel, first in a new series. Captain John Cook must prevent Socialists from using an alien time portal to change the outcome of WWIII. Order from Press-TIGE Publishing, 291 Main Street, Catskill NY 12414; http//
- PAULSEN, GARY (Melvin) (1939- ) (chron.)
- * _Blue Light (Macmillan Children’s Books 0-330-37260-2, Nov ’99, £3.99, 248pp, pb, cover by Steve Kingston & Kim Thompson) Reprint (Delacorte 1998 as The Transall Saga) young-adult SF time-travel novel.
- * *The White Fox Chronicles (Delacorte 0-385-32254-2, Jun 2000, $8.95, 281pp, hc) Young-adult SF adventure novel about a teen rebel in a post-holocaust America under a ruthless dictatorship.
- PAXSON, DIANA L(ucile) (1943- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Hallowed Isle (SFBC #19142, Feb 2000, $14.98, 625pp, hc, cover by Luis Royo) [Hallowed Isle] Omnibus of four Arthurian fantasy novels: The Book of the Sword (1999), The Book of the Spear (1999), The Book of the Cauldron (1999), and The Book of the Stone (2000). This special SFBC edition has ISBN 0-7394-0776-7 and comes shrinkwrapped with a poster of the cover art; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- * *The Hallowed Isle, Book Four: The Book of the Stone (Avon Eos 0-380-80548-0, Jan 2000, $11.00, 192pp, tp, cover by Tom Canty) [Hallowed Isle] Arthurian fantasy novel, fourth in the series.
- * _The Hallowed Isle, Books I & II: The Book of the Sword & The Book of the Spear (Avon Eos 0-380-81367-X, Apr 2000, $6.50, 370pp, pb) [Hallowed Isle] Reprint (SFBC 2/00 as part of The Hallowed Isle) omnibus of the first two novels in the Arthurian fantasy series: The Book of the Sword (1999) and The Book of the Spear (1999). (Contents)
- * _Priestess of Avalon (with Marion Zimmer Bradley) See entry under Marion Zimmer Bradley.
- PEAKE, MERVYN (Laurence) (1911-1968) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _The Gormenghast Trilogy (Random House/Vintage UK 0-09-928438-3, 1999, £12.99, 953pp, tp) [Gormenghast] Reissue (Viking Overlook 1988) fantasy omnibus of the three classic novels. Third printing. Published in 1999, but not seen until now.
- * _The Gormenghast Trilogy (Random House/Vintage UK 0-09-928889-3, Jan 2000, £12.99, 953pp, tp) [Gormenghast] Reissue (Viking Overlook 1988) fantasy omnibus of the three classic novels. A tie-in edition to the new BBC TV series. Still noted as the third printing, though the cover has changed.
- * _Mr. Pye (Random House/Vintage UK 0-099-28326-3, Dec ’99, £6.99, 254pp, tp, cover by Mervyn Peake) Reprint (Heinemann 1953) classic fantasy novel.
- PEARSON, MAGGIE (chron.)
- PEARSON, MARY E. (chron.)
- * *David v. God (Harcourt 0-15-202058-6, Apr 2000, $16.00, 132pp, hc, cover by Michael Koelsch) Young-adult fantasy novel. A field trip ends up in Heaven, and the class clown challenges God to a debate.
- PEEL, JOHN (Ronald) (1954- ) (chron.)
- * *2099: Firestorm (Scholastic 0-439-06035-4, Jul 2000, $4.99, 147pp, tp) [2099] Young-adult SF suspense novel, sixth in the series.
- * *2099: Meltdown (Scholastic 0-439-06034-6, May 2000, $4.99, 149pp, tp) [2099] Young-adult SF suspense novel, fifth in the series.
- * *2099: Revolution (Scholastic 0-439-06033-8, Mar 2000, $4.99, tp) [2099] Young-adult SF suspense novel, fourth in the series.
- PELEVIN, VICTOR (1962- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Blue Lantern (New Directions 0-8112-1434-6, May 2000, $12.95, 179pp, tp) Reprint (Harbord 1996, not seen) collection of eight satiric fables and strange stories. Translated by Andrew Bromfield from the Russian (1994). (Contents)
- PENDRAGON, MICHAEL M.; [M. Malefica Grendlewolf Pendragon Le Fay] (stories) (chron.)
- * *Nightscapes (BJM Press no ISBN, 1999, £3.50, 87pp, ph, cover by Gerald Gaubert) Collection of 10 horror stories. This was published in 1999 but has only just been seen. (Contents)
- PENDRAGON LE FAY, M. MALEFICA GRENDELWOLF; see under Pendragon, Michael M. (stories) (chron.)
- PENROSE, ROGER (chron.) (assoc.)
- PEPPER, DENNIS, ed. (chron.)
- * _The Young Oxford Book of Aliens (Oxford University Press 0-19-278177-4, Sep 2000, $12.95, 215pp, tp, cover by John Walker) Reprint (Oxford 1998) YA anthology of 22 SF stories, four original. This appears to be the UK edition (not previously listed).
- PERRIN, DON (stories) (chron.)
- PERRY, ANNE; pseudonym of Juliet Marion Hulme, (1938- ) (chron.)
- PERRY, DAL (chron.)
- PERRY, S(tephani) D(anelle) (chron.)
- * *Resident Evil 5: Nemesis (Pocket 0-671-78496-X, Oct 2000, $6.50, 272pp, pb) [Resident Evil] Novelization based on the SF video games. Copyrighted by Capcom.
- PERRY, STEVE(n Carl) (1947- ) (chron.)
- * *Titan A.E. (with Dal Perry) (Ace 0-441-00736-8, May 2000, $5.99, 225pp, pb) [Titan A.E.] Novelization of the movie. Copyrighted by Twentieth Century Fox Film.
- PHILBRICK, (William) RODMAN (1951- ) (chron.)
- * *The Last Book in the Universe (Scholastic/Blue Sky 0-439-08758-9, Oct 2000, $16.95, 223pp, hc, cover by David Shannon) Young-adult post-holocaust SF novel. A boy unable to use the mindprobes that have replaced books becomes friends with a man who claims to be the world’s last writer.
- * *REM World (Scholastic/Blue Sky 0-439-08362-1, May 2000, $16.95, 192pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy. A weight-reduction device sends 11-year-old Arthur into a dream world where nothing is what it seems.
- PHILLIPS, ROBERT S(chaeffer), ed. (1938- ) (chron.)
- * _Nightshade: 20th Century Ghost Stories (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0808-5, Sep 2000, $14.00, 470pp, tp) Reprint (Carroll & Graf 1999) anthology of 27 ghost stories by noted “literary” authors including Shirley Jackson, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Joan Aiken, and F. Marion Crawford.
- PICCIRILLI, TOM; [i.e., Thomas Edward Piccirilli] (1965- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Deceased (Leisure 0-8439-4752-7, Aug 2000, $5.50, 342pp, pb) Horror novel. A horror writer faces the ghosts of his brutally murdered family.
- * *A Student of Hell (Skull Job Productions 0-9675774-0-3, Apr 2000, $10.00, 55pp, ph) Chapbook poetry collection with 35 poems, illustrated by five artists, with introduction by Charlee Jacob and afterword by editor Scott Urban. This edition is signed by all contributors. Order from Scott Urban, Skull Job Productions, 1012 Pleasant Dale Dr., Wilmington NC 28412-7617. (Contents)
- PIERCE, MEREDITH ANN (1958- ) (chron.)
- * _The Woman Who Loved Reindeer (Harcourt/Magic Carpet 0-15-201799-2, May 2000, $6.00, 242pp, pb, cover by Dennis Nolan) Reprint (Atlantic Monthly 1985) young-adult fantasy novel.
- PIERCE, TAMORA (1954- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Circle of Magic: Briar’s Book (Scholastic 0-590-55411-5, Mar 2000, $4.99, 258pp, pb, cover by Theron) [Circle of Magic] Reprint (Scholastic 1999) young-adult fantasy novel, fourth in the quartet.
- * _Circle of Magic: Daja’s Book (Scholastic 0-590-55410-7, Mar 2000, $4.99, 233pp, pb, cover by Theron) [Circle of Magic] Reprint (Scholastic 1999) young-adult fantasy novel, third in the quartet.
- * *The Circle Opens: Magic Steps (Scholastic Press 0-590-39588-2, Mar 2000, $16.95, 262pp, hc, cover by Theron) [Circle Opens] Young-adult fantasy novel, first in a new series sequel to “The Circle of Magic”. Sandry has to teach the new young mage she discovers.
- * _Protector of the Small 1: First Test (Scholastic Press 0-439-01276-7, Jan 2000, £5.99, 213pp, tp) [Keladry] Reprint (Random House 1999) young-adult fantasy adventure novel. First in a new “Tortall” quartet following “The Song of the Lioness” and “The Immortals”. Keladry faces prejudice and hazing as the first girl to take up the king’s offer to let girls train for knighthood. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Protector of the Small: 2: Page (Scholastic UK 0-439-01307-0, Sep 2000, £5.99, 252pp, tp) [Keladry] Reprint (Random House 2000) young-adult fantasy adventure novel, second in a series following “The Song of the Lioness” and “The Immortals”. Now officially a page, Keladry continues to work towards becoming a knight. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Protector of the Small: First Test (Random House 0-679-88917-5, May 2000, $4.99, 240pp, pb, cover by Joyce Patti) [Keladry] Reprint (Random House 1999) young-adult fantasy adventure novel about a girl training for knighthood, first in a new series following “The Song of the Lioness” and “The Immortals”.
- * *Protector of the Small: Page (Random House 0-679-88915-9, May 2000, $16.00, 257pp, hc, cover by Joyce Patti) [Keladry] Young-adult fantasy adventure novel, second in a series following “The Song of the Lioness” and “The Immortals”. Now officially a page, Keladry continues to work towards becoming a knight.
- PIERCY, MARGE (1936- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Woman on the Edge of Time (The Women’s Press 0-7043-4656-7, Jun 2000, £6.99, 381pp, tp) Reprint (Knopf 1976) SF novel. An institutionalised woman makes contact with a person from a far future society where “true equality” has been achieved. A “Classic” Edition.
- PIGG, MARTHA (1966- ); see pseudonym Marella Sands (chron.)
- PINKWATER, DANIEL M(anus) (1941- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *4 Fantastic Novels (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 0-689-83488-8, Jul 2000, $10.00, 619 + xii, tp) Omnibus of four weird YA novels: Borgel (1992), Yobgorgle: Mystery Monster of Lake Ontario (1979), The Worms of Kukumlima (1981), and The Snarkout Boys & the Baconburg Horror (1984). Foreword by Scott Silmon. (Contents)
- PINN, PAUL E. (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Horizontal Split (Time Bomb Publishing 0-9539300-1-7, 2000, £5.00, 170pp, tp) Associational novel.
- * *The Pariah (Time Bomb Publishing 0-9539300-0-9, 2000, £5.00, 278pp, tp) Horror novel about a psychotic who can infiltrate thoughts and manipulate behaviour.
- PINTO, RICARDO (chron.)
- * _The Chosen (Bantam UK 0-553-50581-5, Jan 2000 [Nov ’99], £6.99, 713pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) [Stone Dance of the Chameleon] Reprint (Bantam UK 1999) fantasy novel. Book One of “The Stone Dance of the Chameleon” trilogy.
- * +The Chosen (Tor 0-312-87208-9, Mar 2000, $24.95, 510pp, hc) [Stone Dance of the Chameleon] Fantasy novel, first book in “The Stone Dance of the Chameleon” trilogy. A young man faces his destiny as a member of a powerful ancient aristocracy. A first novel. First US edition (Bantam UK 1999).
- PODRUG, JUNIUS (1947- ) (chron.)
- * _Frost of Heaven (Tor 0-812-55505-8, Apr 2000, $6.99, 425pp, pb) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1992) thriller with fantasy elements.
- POHL, FREDERIK (George, Jr.) (1919- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Chasing Science: Science as Spectator Sport (Tor 0-312-86711-5, Dec 2000, $23.95, 251pp, hc) Associational non-fiction science book and travel guide of interesting places to see science in action.
- * _The Far Shore of Time (Tor 0-812-57783-3, Mar 2000, $6.99, 317pp, pb) [Eschaton Sequence] Reprint (Tor 1999) SF novel, third in the “Eschaton Sequence”.
- * _Man Plus (Orion/Millennium 1-85798-946-5, May 2000, £6.99, 215pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) [Man Plus] Reprint (Random House 1976) SF novel. Winner of the Nebula Award, 1976. Volume 29 in the “SF Masterworks” series.
- * _Wolfbane (with C. M. Kornbluth) (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07135-4, Sep 2000, £9.99, 189pp, tp) Reprint (Ballantine 1959) SF novel. Aliens with plans for humanity move the Earth out of its orbit. This is the 1986 Baen revised version. An “SF Collectors’ Edition”.
- _____, ed.
- * _The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume 1 (Tor 0-312-86880-4, Aug 2000, $14.95, 383pp, tp) Reprint (Tor 1999) anthology of works by Grand Masters Robert A. Heinlein, Jack Williamson, Clifford D. Simak, L. Sprague de Camp, and Fritz Leiber.
- * *The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume 2 (Tor 0-312-86879-0, Apr 2000, $25.95, 432pp, hc) Anthology of 23 stories by the second five Grand Masters: Andre Norton, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Alfred Bester, and Ray Bradbury. Editor Pohl provides a general introduction plus separate introductions to each author. (Contents)
- POPE, NICK (1965- ) (chron.)
- * *Operation Lightning Strike (Simon & Schuster UK 0-684-85161-X, Oct 2000, £9.99, 292pp, tp, cover by blacksheep) [Operation Thunder Child] SF novel, second in a series after Operation Thunder Child. The alien spaceship arrives at Earth, and is immediately attacked by the mysterious group, The Enterprise.
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