The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1999
Chronological List
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- PHILBIN, MIKE; [i.e., Michael Paul Peter Philbin] (1966- ); see pseudonym Hertzan Chimera (stories)
- PHILBRICK, (William) RODMAN (1951- ) (stories)
- PHILIPS, AMBROSE (stories)
- PHILLIPS, ROBERT S(chaeffer) (1938- ) (books) (stories)
- PHYTHYON, JOHN R., JR. (stories)
- PICCIRILLI, TOM; [i.e., Thomas Edward Piccirilli] (1965- ) (books) (stories)
- Chasing the Ugly Dog (ss) 1993
- The Dog Syndrome (ss) The Dog Syndrome & Other Sick Puppies, Marietta Publishing 1997
- Go Back to the Church (ss) More Monsters from Memphis, ed. Beecher Smith, Zapizdat Publications 1998
- Of Persephone, Poe, and the Whisperer (ss) Cat Crimes Through Time, ed. Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, Carroll & Graf 1999
- Where the Martyred Flesh Knows Serenity (ss) The Third Alternative #18 1999
- Hexes (n.) Leisure 1999
- Reviews (br) Pirate Writings #17 1999
- Sorrows Crown (n.) Write Way 1999 [Dead Past]
- Of Darkness I Acknowledge Mine (ss) New Mythos Legends, ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Marietta Publishing 1999
- Lazarus, Beckoning (pm) Roadworks #6 1999
- Poised on the Division Bridge (pm) Roadworks #6 1999
- The Serpent Was More Subtle (ss) Future Crimes, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW 1999
- Introduction (in)
- PICHÉ, J. MARC (stories)
- PICINICH, JOHN (stories)
- PIERCE, MEREDITH ANN (1958- ) (books)
- PIERCE, TAMORA (1954- ) (books)
- PIERCY, MARGE (1936- ) (stories)
- PIGG, MARTHA (1966- ); see pseudonym Marella Sands (books)
- PILLSWORTH, ANNE M. (stories)
- PINEIRO, R(ogelio) J. (1961- ) (books)
- PINK, COLIN (stories)
- PINKWATER, DANIEL M(anus) (1941- ) (books) (stories)
- PINKWATER, JILL (books) (stories)
- PINN, PAUL E. (stories)
- PINTO, RICARDO (books)
- PIPER, H(enry) BEAM (1904-1964) (stories)
- PIZIKS, STEVEN (Alfred) (1967- ) (books) (stories)
- PLANK, TONY (stories)
- PLANTE, BRIAN (1956- ) (stories)
- PLATO (c429-347 BC) (stories)
- PLATT, JOHN R. (stories)
- PLOWRIGHT, TERESA (1952- ) (stories)
- PLUTARCH (stories)
- POE, EDGAR ALLAN (1809-1849) (books) (stories)
- POHL, FREDERIK (George, Jr.) (1919- ) (books) (stories)
- POLIDORI, JOHN WILLIAM (1795-1821) (stories)
- POLLACK, RACHEL (Grace) (1945- ) (stories)
- POLLETT, SHAWN J.; see pseudonym Shawn James (stories)
- POLLOCK, FRANK LILLIE (1876-1957) (stories)
- Finis (ss) Argosy Jun 1906
- POLLOTTA, NICK; [i.e., Nicholas Angelo Pollotta, Jr.] (1954- ) (stories)
- A Matter of Taste (ss) The Time of the Vampires, ed. P. N. Elrod & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1996
- PONDER, ZITA INEZ (stories)
- His Wife (ss) Youll Need a Night Light, ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, London: Selwyn & Blount 1927
- POOLE, PETER (stories)
- POP, IGGY (stories)
- Fleas (pm) The Crow: Shattered Lives & Broken Dreams, ed. J. OBarr & Ed Kramer, Ballantine Del Rey 1998
- POPE, NICK (1965- ) (books)
- POPEK, S. JOAN (stories)
- PORGES, ARTHUR (1915-2006) (stories)
- PORTER, KAREN R. (stories)
- PORTER, SYDNEY; see under Porter, William Sydney (stories)
- PORTER, WILLIAM SYDNEY (1862-1910); see pseudonym O. Henry (stories)
- POTEET, MICHAEL S. (stories)
- POTTS, STEPHEN (books)
- POUNDS, MICHEAL C. (books)
- POURNELLE, JERRY E(ugene) [Ph.D] (1933- ) (books)
- POWELL, J. P. (stories)
- POWELL, JAMES (1932- ) (stories)
- POWER, CHRIS (books)
- POWERS, TIM(othy Thomas) (1952- ) (books) (stories)
- PRADO, HOLLY (stories)
- PRATCHETT, TERRY (David John) (1948- ) (books) (stories)
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