The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1999
Books, Listed by Author
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- PERRY, S(tephani) D(anelle) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Aliens vs. Predator: War (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57732-8, Dec 99 [Nov 99], $5.50, 209pp, pb, cover by John Bolton) [Aliens vs. Predator] SF novelization. Copyrighted by Twentieth Century Fox Film.
- * *Resident Evil 3: City of the Dead (Pocket 0-671-02441-8, May 99 [Apr 99], $6.50, 332pp, pb) [Resident Evil] Novelization of the SF video game Resident Evil 2. Copyrighted by Capcom.
- * *Resident Evil 4: Underworld (Pocket 0-671-02442-6, May 99 [Apr 99], $6.50, 244pp, pb) [Resident Evil] Novelization based on the SF video games. Copyrighted by Capcom.
- PEWSEY, ELIZABETH (1948- ) (chron.)
- * *The Hand of Doume (Orion/Dolphin 1-85881-545-2, Apr 99, £4.50, 150pp, pb, cover by Ted Dewan) Humorous young-adult fantasy novel.
- PHARR, MARY, ed. (chron.)
- PHILLIPS, ROBERT S(chaeffer), ed. (1938- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Nightshade: 20th Century Ghost Stories (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0614-7, Jun 99 [May 99], $25.00, 470+xvii, hc) Anthology of 27 ghost stories by noted literary authors including Shirley Jackson, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Joan Aiken, and F. Marion Crawford. (Contents)
- * *The Faeryland Companion (Pavilion 1-86205-120-8, Dec 99, £14.99, 96pp, hc, cover by John Anster Fitzgerald) Art book. Images and lore of faerie folk through the centuries.
- PICCIRILLI, TOM; [i.e., Thomas Edward Piccirilli] (1965- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Hexes (Leisure 0-8439-4483-8, Feb 99 [Jan 99], $5.50, 359pp, pb) Horror novel. A man returns to his hometown to face the dark evil he left behind.
- * _Sorrows Crown (Write Way 1-885173-53-9, Apr 99 [Jan 99], $21.95, 231pp, hc, cover by Michael Apice) [Dead Past] Associational dark mystery, sequel to The Dead Past. Order from Write Way Publishing, 10555 E. Dartmouth, Suite 210, Aurora CO 80014; 800-680-1493.
- PICKOVER, CLIFFORD (A.) (chron.)
- PIERCE, MEREDITH ANN (1958- ) (chron.)
- * _The Pearl of the Soul of the World (Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet 0-15-201800-X, May 99 [Apr 99], $6.00, 301pp, pb, cover by David Bowers) [Darkangel] Reprint (Little, Brown 1990) young-adult fantasy novel, book three in the Darkangel Trilogy.
- PIERCE, TAMORA (1954- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Circle of Magic: Briars Book (Scholastic 0-590-55359-3, Apr 99 [Mar 99], $15.95, 258pp, hc, cover by Theron) [Circle of Magic] Young-adult fantasy novel, fourth in the series. The young plant-mage Briar discovers a new plague when he visits friends in the slums.
- * _Circle of Magic: Sandrys Book (Scholastic 0-590-55408-5, Sep 99 [Aug 99], $4.99, 252pp, pb, cover by Theron) [Circle of Magic] Reprint (Scholastic 1997) YA fantasy novel, first in a quartet.
- * _Circle of Magic: The Fire in the Forging (Scholastic Press UK 0-439-01105-1, Aug 99, £5.99, 183pp, tp) [Circle of Magic] Reprint (Scholastic 1998 as Circle of Magic: Dajas Book) young-adult fantasy novel. Third of the quartet. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Circle of Magic: The Healing in the Vine (Scholastic Press 0-439-01199-X, Nov 99, £5.99, 208pp, tp) [Circle of Magic] Reprint (Scholastic 1999 as Circle of Magic: Briars Book) young-adult fantasy novel. Book 4 in the quartet. The young plant-mage Briar discovers a plague when he visits friends in the slums. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Circle of Magic: The Power in the Storm (Scholastic Press 0-590-54222-2, Feb 99, £5.99, 203pp, tp) [Circle of Magic] Reprint (Scholastic 1998 as Circle of Magic: Triss Book) young-adult fantasy novel. Second in the quartet. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Circle of Magic: Triss Book (Scholastic 0-590-55409-3, Sep 99 [Aug 99], $4.99, 251pp, pb, cover by Theron) [Circle of Magic] Reprint (Scholastic 1998) young-adult fantasy novel, second in the series.
- * _The Emperor Mage (Scholastic Press UK 0-439-01159-0, Jul 99, £3.99, 334pp, pb) [Immortals] Reprint (Scholastic UK 1994) young-adult fantasy novel. Book three of The Immortals quartet set in Tortall, the world of The Song of the Lioness. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Protector of the Small: First Test (Random House 0-679-88914-0, Apr 99 [Jun 99], $16.00, 217pp, hc, cover by Joyce Patti) [Keladry] Young-adult fantasy adventure novel, first in a new series following The Song of the Lioness and The Immortals. Keladry faces prejudice and hazing as the first girl to take up the kings offer to let girls train for knighthood.
- * _Realms of the Gods (Scholastic Press UK 0-439-01160-4, Jul 99, £3.99, 331pp, pb) [Immortals] Reprint (Scholastic UK 1996) young-adult fantasy novel, book four of The Immortals quartet set in Tortall, the world of The Song of the Lioness. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Wild Magic (Scholastic Press UK 0-439-01069-1, Jul 99, £3.99, 344pp, pb) [Immortals] Reprint (Atheneum 1992) young-adult fantasy novel, book one of The Immortals quartet set in Tortall, the world of The Song of the Lioness. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Wolf-Speaker (Scholastic Press UK 0-439-01158-2, Jul 99, £3.99, 323pp, pb) [Immortals] Reprint (Atheneum 1993 as Wolf Speaker) young-adult fantasy novel. Book two of The Immortals quartet set in Tortall, the world of The Song of the Lioness. [First U.K. edition]
- * *DragonLance: Dezras Quest (TSR 0-7869-1368-1, Jun 99, $5.99, 312pp, tp, cover by Jeff Easley) [DragonLance: Bridges of Time] Novelization based on the role-playing games. Book five in the Bridges of Time series. Copyrighted by TSR.
- PIGG, MARTHA (1966- ); see pseudonym Marella Sands (chron.)
- * *The Grave (Pocket Pulse 0-671-55077-2, Sep 99 [Aug 99], $4.99, 194pp, pb, cover by Franco Accornero) Young-adult horror novel. Teens are caught in a world where life and death mirror each other.
- * *Magic Fire (Pocket Archway 0-671-02057-9, Jun 99 [May 99], $4.99, 226pp, pb, cover by Franco Accornero) Young-adult near-future SF horror novel about a teenage pyromaniac, drugs, alien conspiracies, and virtual reality.
- * _Tales of Terror (Hodder Childrens Books 0-340-61916-3, Jan 99, £4.99, 202pp, pb, cover by Nicholas Forder) Reprint (Pocket Archway 1997 as Tales of Terror #1) young-adult collection of six SF/horror stories, each with an introduction describing its inspiration. [First U.K. edition]
- PINEIRO, R(ogelio) J. (1961- ) (chron.)
- * *01-01-00 (Tor/Forge 0-312-87058-2, Jun 99 [May 99], $24.95, 320pp, hc) Millennial techno-thriller. A computer virus tied to the millennium leads an investigator to Mayan ruins and an ancient prophecy.
- * _01-01-00 (Tor 0-812-56871-0, Dec 99, $6.99, 406pp, pb) Reissue (Forge 1999) millennial techno-thriller.
- * _Breakthrough (Tor 0-812-54390-4, Feb 99 [Jan 99], $6.99, 381pp, pb, cover by Robert Hunt) Reprint (Forge 1997) near-future techno-thriller about computer bio-chips.
- PINKWATER, DANIEL M(anus) (1941- ) (stories) (chron.)
- PINKWATER, JILL (stories) (chron.)
- PINTO, RICARDO (chron.) (assoc.)
- PIZIKS, STEVEN (Alfred) (1967- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Corporate Mentality (Baen 0-671-57811-1, Jul 99 [Jun 99], $6.99, 334pp, pb, cover by Charles Kagan) [In the Company of Mind] SF novel, sequel to In the Company of Mind. A psychotic child controls the nanobots that keep civilization running.
- POE, EDGAR ALLAN (1809-1849) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _18 Best Stories by Edgar Allan Poe (Dell 0-440-32227-8, Jul 99, $6.50, 287pp, pb) Reissue (Dell 1965) collection, edited by Vincent Price and Chandler Brossard, with introduction by Price. 44th printing.
- * _Dead Brides (Creation Books 1-84068-011-3, Oct 99 [Nov 99], £7.95, 96pp, tp, cover by Odilon Redon) Collection of five classic vampire tales. Includes a foreword by James Havoc, and an introduction by Jeremy Reed. Illustrated with Redons lithographic cycle, À Edgar Poë (1882). (Contents)
- * _The Pit and the Pendulum and Other Stories (Orion/Phoenix 0-75380-723-8, Sep 99, £4.99, x+244pp, tp, cover by Brad Gray) Collection of 17 stories, a new selection edited and with an introduction by Christopher Bigsby. (Contents)
- * *The Pit and the Pendulum and Other Stories by Edgar Allan Poe (Viking 0-670-88725-0, Oct 99 [Sep 99], $17.99, 153pp, tp, cover by James Prunier) Young-adult collection of seven horror stories, extensively illustrated by James Prunier, with descriptive captions that provide background on the stories and Poe. A hardcover edition ($25.99) is also available. Notes by Henri Justin translated from the French (Editions Gallimard 1998) by Barbara Briser. (Contents)
- * _Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (Morrow/Books of Wonder 0-688-07509-6, Apr 99, $22.00, 308pp, hc, cover by Barry Moser) Reissue (Books of Wonder 1991) collection of 14 stories, illustrated by Barry Moser. Fourth printing.
- * _The Tell-Tale Heart (Books of Wonder 0-929605-94-2, Sep 98 [Jun 99], $5.95, 54pp, ph, cover by Barbara Armata) Collection of two horror short story published as part of the Classic Frights line for young adults. Illustrated by Barbara Armata. This is dated 1998, but not seen until now. Available from Books of Wonder, 16th West 18th St, New York NY 10011; 800-835-4315. (Contents)
- POHL, FREDERIK (George, Jr.) (1919- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Eschaton Sequence (SFBC #02211, Aug 99, $14.98, 800pp, hc, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Eschaton Sequence] Omnibus of three SF novels: The Other End of Time (1996), The Siege of Eternity (1997), and The Far Shore of Time (1999). This has ISBN 0-7394-0506-3; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- * *The Far Shore of Time (Tor 0-312-86618-6, Jul 99 [Jun 99], $23.95, 317pp, hc, cover by John Harris) [Eschaton Sequence] SF novel, third in the Eschaton Sequence.
- * _Gateway (SFBC #02673, Feb 99 [Jan 99], $9.98, 278pp, hc, cover by Boris Vallejo) [Heechee (Robinette Broadhead)] Reprint (St. Martins 1977) Hugo and Nebula Award-winning SF novel, first in the Heechee series. This is similar to the St. Martins edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Gateway (Orion/Millennium 1-85798-818-3, May 99, £6.99, 313pp, tp, cover by Boris Vallejo) [Heechee (Robinette Broadhead)] Reprint (St. Martins 1977) classic SF novel. Volume 1 of the Heechee sequence. Winner of the Nebula Award, Hugo Award, and John W. Campbell Award. Volume 9 in the SF Masterworks series.
- * _O Pioneer! (Tor 0-812-54544-3, Apr 99, $6.99, 254pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) Reprint (Tor 1998) SF novel of a colony planet with five alien species.
- _____, ed.
- * *The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume 1 (Tor 0-312-86881-2, Jun 99 [May 99], $24.95, 384pp, hc) Anthology of 18 works by the first five Grand Masters: Robert A. Heinlein, Jack Williamson, Clifford D. Simak, L. Sprague de Camp, and Fritz Leiber. There is a separate introduction and list of recommended reading for each author. (Contents)
- POPE, NICK (1965- ) (chron.)
- * *Operation Thunder Child (Simon & Schuster UK 0-684-85160-1, Oct 99 [Sep 99], £9.99, xii+292pp, tp) [Operation Thunder Child] SF novel. An investigation into mysterious attacks on the RAF reveals a conspiracy, and the advent of an extraterrestrial invasion. Based on incidents investigated by Pope as the UK Governments UFO researcher.
- POTTS, STEPHEN (chron.)
- * *Hunting Gumnor (Mammoth 0-7497-3604-6, Mar 99 [Jul 99], £4.50, 215pp, pb, cover by Ian Andrew) Young-adult fantasy novel. The last Gumnor slips her chains, finally taking to the sea to find her destiny.
- POUNDS, MICHEAL C. (chron.)
- * *Race in Space: The Representation of Ethnicity in Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation (Scarecrow Press 0-8108-3412-X, Jan 99 [Feb 99], $32.50, 252pp, hc) Critical sociological examination of how the presentation and perceptions of ethnicity and equality changed in the more than 20 years between the two series. Includes index and bibliography. Order from Scarecrow Press, 4720 Boston Way, Lanham MD 20706; credit card orders 800-462-6420.
- POURNELLE, JERRY E(ugene) [Ph.D] (1933- ) (chron.)
- * _Starswarm (Tor 0-812-53893-5, Aug 99 [Jul 99], $5.99, 349pp, pb, cover by Vincent Di Fate) [Jupiter] Reprint (Tor 1998) young-adult SF novel, fifth in the Jupiter series.
- POWER, CHRIS (chron.)
- POWERS, TIM(othy Thomas) (1952- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Drawing of the Dark (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-43081-6, Nov 99, $11.95, 323pp, tp) Reprint (Del Rey 1979) fantasy novel. Part of the Impact line of classic reprints.
- PRATCHETT, TERRY (David John) (1948- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * +Carpe Jugulum (HarperPrism 0-06-105158-6, Sep 99, $24.00, 296pp, hc, cover by Carl D. Galian) [Discworld] Humorous fantasy novel, Discworld #23. Up-to-date vampires tangle with the Lancre witches. First US edition (Doubleday UK 1998).
- * _Carpe Jugulum (SFBC #03068, Oct 99, $11.98, 296pp, hc, cover by Carl D. Galian) [Discworld] Reprint (Doubleday UK 1998) humorous fantasy novel, Discworld #23. This is similar to the HarperPrism edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Carpe Jugulum (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-14615-3, Nov 99 [Sep 99], £5.99, 425pp, pb, cover by Josh Kirby) [Discworld] Reprint (Doubleday UK 1998) humorous fantasy novel. Book 23 in the Discworld series.
- * *The City Watch Trilogy (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-06798-5, Dec 99 [Nov 99], £16.99, 759pp, hc, cover by Josh Kirby) [Discworld] Omnibus of three humorous fantasy novels in the Discworld series: Guards! Guards! (1989); Men at Arms (1993); and Feet of Clay (1996). (Contents)
- * _The Colour of Magic/The Light Fantastic (Dufour/Colin Smythe 0-86140-421-1, Oct 99 [Aug 99], $33.95, 352pp, hc, cover by Josh Kirby) [Discworld] Reprint (SFBC 7/99 as part of Rincewind the Wizard) omnibus of The Colour of Magic (1983) and The Light Fantastic (1986). This is the UK (Colin Smythe) edition with Dufour stickers.
- * *Deaths Domain: A Discworld Mapp (with Paul Kidby) (Corgi 0-552-14672-2, May 99 [Apr 99], £6.99, i+27pp, pb, cover by Paul Kidby) [Discworld] Humorous art/reference work. A fold-out poster-size map of the house that Death built, plus a 27-page explanatory booklet.
- * *Discworld Assassins Guild Yearbook and Diary 2000 (with Stephen Briggs) (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-06687-3, Aug 99, £9.99, 128pp, hc, cover by Paul Kidby) Humorous blank-page diary, supposedly the book issued to new pupils of the Assassins Guild, including its rules, history, rationale, and exploits of its famous old boys in an introduction. Illustrated by Paul Kidby. Unpaginated.
- * *The Fifth Elephant (Transworld/Doubleday UK 0-385-40995-8, Nov 99 [Sep 99], £16.99, 317pp, hc, cover by Josh Kirby) [Discworld] Humorous fantasy novel. Book 24 in the Discworld series. Officers of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch find themselves in the land of werewolves, vampires, and valuable fat deposits supposedly left by a mythic elephant.
- * _Hogfather (HarperPrism 0-06-105905-6, Sep 99, $6.50, 354pp, pb, cover by Roger De Muth) [Discworld] Reprint (Gollancz 1996) humorous fantasy novel, Discworld #20, by UK numbering. Pratchett does Christmas (Hogmanay).
- * _Jingo (HarperPrism 0-06-105906-4, Mar 99 [Feb 99], $6.50, 437pp, pb, cover by Michael Sabanosh) [Discworld] Reprint (Gollancz 1997) humorous fantasy novel, #21 in the Discworld series (by UK numbering).
- * _The Johnny Maxwell Trilogy (Transworld/Doubleday UK 0-385-60080-1, Nov 99, £12.99, 560pp, hc, cover by John Avon) [Johnny Maxwell] Reprint (SFBC 1998) young-adult fantasy omnibus of the three Johnny Maxwell books, Only You Can Save Mankind (1992), Johnny and the Dead (1993), and Johnny and the Bomb (1996). Copyrighted 1999. [First U.K. edition]
- * +The Last Continent (HarperPrism 0-06-105048-2, Mar 99 [Feb 99], $24.00, 292pp, hc) [Discworld] Humorous fantasy novel, #22 in the Discworld series. Rincewind has unwillingly heroic adventures on a continent very like (but not) Australia. First US edition (Doubleday UK 1998).
- * _The Last Continent (SFBC #05512, Mar 99, $10.98, 292pp, hc) [Discworld] Reprint (Doubleday UK 1998) humorous fantasy novel, #22 in the Discworld series. This is similar to the HarperPrism edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Last Continent (Corgi 0-552-14614-5, May 99 [Mar 99], £5.99, 412pp, pb, cover by Josh Kirby) [Discworld] Reprint (Doubleday UK 1998) humorous fantasy novel, 22nd in the Discworld series.
- * *Nanny Oggs Cookbook (with Stephen Briggs & Tina Hannan) (Transworld/Doubleday UK 0-385-60005-4, Nov 99, £12.99, 176pp, hc, cover by Paul Kidby) [Discworld] Discworld item. Subtitled, Including recipes, items of Antiquarian Lore, Improving Observations of Life, Good Advice for Young People on the Threshold of the Adventure That is Marriage, Notes on Etiquette & Many Other Helpful Observations that will Not Offend the Most Delicate Sensibilities. The first Nanny Ogg work not to have been banned or withdrawn before publication.
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