The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- SIBLEY, BRIAN (stories) (continued)
- * *Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs & the Making of the Classic Film (Simon & Schuster 0-671-64439-4, Aug 87 [Jul 87], $14.95, 88pp, hc) Non-fiction, film history with photos and illustrations.
- * *There and Back Again: The Map of The Hobbit (with John Howe) (HarperCollins UK 0-261-10326-1, 1995 [Oct 95], £4.99, 23+map, tp, cover by John Howe) Illustrated, poster-sized map to the world of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. The accompanying booklet, also illustrated by Howe, has text by Sibley that describes the writing of the novel.
- SIBURT, RUTH (stories)
- * *Dragon Charmer (Royal Fireworks Press 0-88092-350-4, 1996 [Aug 96], $6.99, 93pp, tp, cover by Ruth Thompson) Young-adult SF/fantasy novella. A girl in 2080 is obsessed with dragons, and finds a magic library book that will leader her to both dragons and her missing father.
- SICILIANO, SAM (Joseph) (1947- )
- * *The Angel of the Opera (Macmillan/Otto Penzler Books 1-883402-46-8, Jun 94, $21.95, 256pp, hc, cover by Max Ginsberg) Gothic horror/Holmes pastiche, yet another meeting between the Great Detective and the Phantom of the Opera. A first novel.
- * *Blood Farm (Pageant 0-517-00660-X, Sep 88 [Aug 88], $3.95, 336pp, pb) Horror/occult novel the undead look for fresh blood. A first novel.
- * _Blood Feud (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-705-1, Apr 93 [Mar 93], $4.50, 315pp, pb) Vampire horror novel of a vampire hunting the streets for the woman he once loved so that she can become his victim.
- * *MagiCon Original Bookmark Anthology (MagiCon, Aug 89, free, 8pp, bookmarks) Anthology of eight original vignettes, each printed on a bookmark, with illustrations by Vincent DiFate, Phil Foglio, and others. A promotional item from the Orlando in 92 Worldcon campaign. (Contents)
- SIDDONS, (Sybil) ANNE RIVERS (1936- )
- * _The House Next Door (Ballantine 0-345-32333-5, Dec 89 [Nov 89], $3.95, 279pp, pb) Reissue (Simon & Schuster 1978) horror novel of a monstrous house; 16th printing.
- SIEGEL, BARBARA (B.) (1952?- ) (stories)
- * _The Burning Land (with Scott Siegel) (Teens 0-416-03202-8, Mar 88, £1.95, 152pp, pb) [Firebrats] Reprint (Pocket 1987) young-adult post-holocaust novel. Volume 1 in the Firebrats series. [First U.K. edition]
- * *DragonLance Preludes II #3: Tanis, the Shadow Years (with Scott Siegel) (TSR 0-88038-913-3, Nov 90, $4.95, 320pp, tp, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [DragonLance: Preludes II] Fantasy novelization based on the DragonLance game, with interior illlustrations by Valerie Valusek.
- * _DragonLance Preludes II: Volume Three: Tanis, the Shadow Years (with Scott Siegel) (Penguin 0-14-014374-2, Apr 91, £4.50, 320pp, pb, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [DragonLance: Preludes II] Reprint (TSR 1990) fantasy novelization. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Fatal Fear (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-75947-7, Nov 92 [Oct 92], $2.99, 151pp, pb, cover by Vince Natale) [Ghostworld] Fantasy novel, fifth book of the Ghostworld series. The series packaging is gone, there is no sign on the cover that this is part of a series.
- * *Final Frenzy (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-75948-5, May 93, $3.50, 151pp, pb, cover by Vince Natale) [Ghostworld] Young-adult fantasy novel, sixth and final book of the Ghostworld series.
- * *Firebrats #1: The Burning Land (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-55007-1, Jul 87 [Jun 87], $2.50, 152pp, pb) [Firebrats] First in a young-adult post-holocaust sf adventure series(!) A high school jock and an aspiring teenage actress survive WWIII.
- * *Firebrats #2: Survivors (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-55733-5, Jul 87 [Jun 87], $2.50, 150pp, pb) [Firebrats] Young-adult post-holocaust adventure novel.
- * *Firebrats #3: Thunder Mountain (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-55794-7, Sep 87 [Aug 87], $2.50, 146pp, pb) [Firebrats] Latest in a juvenile post-holocaust adventure series.
- * *Firebrats #4: Shockwave (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-60682-4, Feb 88 [Jan 88], $2.50, 160pp, pb) [Firebrats] Young-adult sf novel in a post-holocaust series.
- * *Ghostworld: Beyond Terror (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-70904-6, Jul 91, $3.50, 148pp, pb, cover by Vincent Natale) [Ghostworld] Young-adult fantasy novel, first book of a series.
- * *Ghostworld: Cold Dread (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-75946-9, Aug 92 [Oct 92], $2.99, 152pp, pb, cover by Vince Natale) [Ghostworld] Young-adult fantasy novel, fourth book of the Ghostworld series.
- * *Ghostworld: Dark Fire (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-70906-2, Feb 92 [Jun 92], $2.99, 151pp, pb, cover by Vince Natale) [Ghostworld] Young-adult fantasy novel, third book of the Ghostworld series.
- * *Ghostworld: Midnight Chill (with Scott Siegel) (Pocket Archway 0-671-70905-4, Oct 91 [Sep 91], $2.99, 151pp, pb, cover by Vincent Natale) [Ghostworld] Young-adult fantasy novel, second book of a series.
- * _Shockwave (with Scott Siegel) (Teens 0-416-04552-9, Sep 88, £1.95, 150pp, pb) [Firebrats] Reprint (Pocket 1988) young-adult sf novel. Volume 4 in the Firebrats series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Survivors (with Scott Siegel) (Teens 0-416-03192-7, Mar 88, £1.95, 150pp, pb) [Firebrats] Reprint (Pocket 1987) young-adult post-holocaust novel. Volume 2 in the Firebrats series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Thunder Mountain (with Scott Siegel) (Teens 0-416-04542-1, Jul 88, £1.95, 146pp, pb) [Firebrats] Reprint (Pocket 1987) young-adult post-holocaust novel. Volume 3 in the Firebrats series. [First U.K. edition]
- SIEGEL, LEE (1945- )
- * *City of Dreadful Night (University of Chicago Press 0-226-75689-0, Oct 95, $15.95, 255pp, tp) Literary horror novel based on macabre tales from India, woven into an exploration of the relationship between real terror and horror fiction. Also available in hardcover ($47.50, -75688-2). Order from University of Chicago Press, Order Department, 11030 South Langley Avenue, Chicago IL 60628; 800-621-2736.
- SIEGEL, MARK (Richard) (1949-2003) (stories)
- * *Hugo Gernsback: Father of Modern Science Fiction (Borgo Press 0-89370-274-9, Mar 88 [Jul 88], $7.95, 96pp, ph) Non-fiction, essays on Gernsback (a defense of him), Frank Herbert (politics in Dune), and Bram Stoker (Dracula as Anti-Quest). [Gernsback, ]
- * *Hugo Gernsback: Father of Modern Science Fiction (Borgo Press 0-89370-274-9, Dec 89 [Mar 90], $9.95, 96pp, tp) Reissue (Borgo Press 1988) non-fiction; reference, a collection of six essays and accompanying material, four about Gernsback, one on Frank Herbert, and one on Bram Stoker; second printing.
- * *James Tiptree, Jr. (Starmont 0-916732-67-3, Feb 86, $7.95, 89pp, pb) Non-fiction, critical study. [Tiptree]
- SIEGEL, ROBERT (Harold) (1939- )
- * _Alpha Centauri (Lion 0-7459-1602-3, Mar 89 [Apr 89], £2.25, 255pp, pb, cover by Kathy Wyatt) Reprint (Crossway 1981) young-adult sf novel.
- * _Whalesong (Berkley 0-425-08272-5, Nov 85 [Oct 85], $2.75, 143pp, pb) Reprint (Crossway 1981) fantasy novel.
- SIEGEL, SCOTT (Warren) (1951- ) (stories)
- _____, ed.
- * *Tales from Tethedril (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-39444-5, Aug 98 [Jul 98], $6.99, 294pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) Original shared-world anthology of nine fantasy stories, based on an R.A. Salvatore story set on the world of Tethedril. Authors include Douglas Niles, Ed Greenwood, and Elaine Cunningham. Copyrighed by Siegel & Siegel Ltd. (Contents)
- SIEPMANN, MARY ALINE FARMAR (Eady); see pseudonym Mary Wesley
- SIEVERT, JOHN; house pseudonym
- * *C.A.D.S. [by Ryder Syvertsen & Jan Stacy] (Zebra 0-8217-1641-7, Nov 85, $3.50, 398pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Sf war novel of the Computerized Attack/Defense System. They are the high-tech soldiers of tomorrow, fighting for Americas survival.
- * *C.A.D.S. # 2: Tech Battleground [by Ryder Syvertsen] (Zebra 0-8217-1790-1, Apr 86, $2.95, 285pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Sf post-holocaust adventure novel of armored warriors vs. Soviet invaders, second in the series.
- * *C.A.D.S. # 3: Tech Commando [by Ryder Syvertsen] (Zebra 0-8217-1893-2, Sep 86 [Aug 86], $2.95, 252pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Post-holocause sf series adventure novel.
- * *C.A.D.S. # 4: Tech Strike Force [by Ryder Syvertsen] (Zebra 0-8217-1993-9, Feb 87 [Jan 87], $2.95, 270pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Fourth novel in the sf post-holocaust adventure series.
- * *C.A.D.S. # 5: Tech Satan [by Ryder Syvertsen] (Zebra 0-8217-2313-8, Mar 88 [Feb 88], $2.95, 286pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] High-tech post-catastrophe military novel.
- * *C.A.D.S. # 6: Tech Inferno [by Ryder Syvertsen] (Zebra 0-8217-2410-X, Jul 88, $2.95, 255pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Post-holocaust adventure novel. Men in fighting suits battle the evil communists.
- * *C.A.D.S. # 7: Doom Commander [by Ryder Syvertsen] (Zebra 0-8217-2685-4, Jun 89 [May 89], $2.95, 220pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Post-holocaust military sf novel.
- * *C.A.D.S. # 8: Cybertech Killing Zone [by Ryder Syvertsen] (Zebra 0-8217-2818-0, Oct 89, $2.95, pb) Post-holocaust military sf novel.
- * *C.A.D.S. # 9: Suicide Attack [by David Alexander] (Zebra 0-8217-2926-8, Mar 90 [Feb 90], $2.95, 224pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Post-holocaust military sf novel.
- * *C.A.D.S. #10: Recon by Fire [by David Alexander] (Zebra 0-8217-3147-5, Oct 90 [Sep 90], $2.95, 222pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Post-holocaust military sf novel
- * *C.A.D.S. #11: Death Zone Attack [by David Alexander] (Zebra 0-8217-3374-5, Aug 91, $3.50, 176pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Post-holocaust military sf novel in an ongoing series.
- * *C.A.D.S. #12: Tech Assassins [by David Alexander] (Zebra 0-8217-3600-0, Dec 91 [Nov 91], $3.50, 192pp, pb) [C.A.D.S.] Post-holocaust military sf novel in an ongoing series.
- SIGAUD, JOSÉ; D. (stories)
- * *The Beyond (Dorrance Publishing 0-8059-3415-4, Nov 93 [Oct 93], $5.95, 34pp, ph, cover by Christopher Shreve) Sf short story about two hunters who encounter aliens and are taken back to their planet. Available from Dorrance Publishing, 643 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh PA 15222.
- * *Alternative Alices: Visions & Revisions of Lewis Carrolls Alice Books (University Press of Kentucky 0-8131-2028-4, Dec 97 [Mar 98], $34.00, 391+xxiii, hc, cover by Arthur Hughes) Anthology of 20 stories inspired by Alice in Wonderland, and originally published between 1869 and 1930. Authors include Christina Rossetti, Frances Hodgson Burnett, E. Nesbit, and Saki. Siglers introduction discusses the popularity of Alice and its influence. Stories have individual introductions as well, and are categorized as subversive, didactic, sentimental, or political parody. A selected bibliography is included. A trade paperback edition (-0932-9, $20.00) was announced but not seen. Order from the University Press of Kentucky, 663 S Limestone St, Lexington KY 40508.
- * _Frank Frazettas Death Dealer Book 2: Lord of Destruction (Tor 0-812-52018-1, Mar 92 [Feb 92], $3.99, 342pp, pb, cover by Frank Frazetta) [Death Dealer] Reissue (Tor 1989) fantasy novel in a series based on a Frazetta painting, with a Frazetta cover; third printing.
- * *Frank Frazettas Death Dealer Book 2: Lords of Destruction (Tor 0-812-53821-8, Jan 89 [Dec 88], $3.95, 342pp, pb) [Death Dealer] Fantasy novel set in ancient Atlantis. The series is based on a Frazetta painting, and features a Frazetta cover.
- * *Frank Frazettas Death Dealer Book 3: Tooth and Claw (Tor 0-812-50330-9, Nov 89 [Oct 89], $3.95, 342pp, pb) [Death Dealer] Fantasy novel in a series based on a Frazetta painting, with a Frazetta cover.
- * _Frank Frazettas Death Dealer: Lords of Destruction (Grafton 0-586-07018-4, Jun 90, £3.99, 319pp, pb, cover by Frank Frazetta) [Death Dealer] Reprint (Tor 1989) fantasy novelization. Volume 2 in the series.
- * *Frank Frazettas Death Dealer: Plague of Knives (Tor 0-812-50332-5, Jun 90 [May 90], $3.95, 311pp, pb, cover by Frank Frazetta) [Death Dealer] Fantasy novel in a series based on a Frazetta painting. Fourth in the series.
- * _Frank Frazettas Death Dealer: Tooth and Claw (Grafton 0-586-07019-2, Apr 91, £3.99, 316pp, pb, cover by Frank Frazetta) [Death Dealer] Reprint (Tor 1989) fantasy novelization. Book 3 in the series. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Prisoner of the Horned Helmet (with Frank Frazetta) (Tor 0-812-53823-4, Feb 88 [Jan 88], $3.50, 314pp, pb) [Death Dealer] Sword & sorcery barbarian fantasy novel by James Silke, based on a cover by Frank Frazetta. There are no interior illustrations.
- * _Prisoner of the Horned Helmet (with Frank Frazetta) (Grafton 0-586-07017-6, Oct 88, £2.99, 303pp, pb) [Death Dealer] Reprint (Tor 1988) fantasy novel based on an idea, and artwork, by Frank Frazetta. Volume 1 in the Death Dealer series. [First U.K. edition]
- SILLITOE, ALAN (1928- )
- * _Travels in Nihilon (Grafton 0-586-06564-4, Dec 86, £3.50, 331pp, pb) Reprint (W.H. Allen 1971) sf novel.
- SILVA, DAVID (Beecher) (1950- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Come Thirteen (Leisure 0-8439-2569-8, Mar 88 [Feb 88], $3.95, 348pp, pb) Horror novel.
- * *The Disappeared (Headline 0-7472-1300-3, Jul 95 [Jun 95], £16.99, 279pp, hc, cover by Bob Corley) SF/horror novel. Ten years after a young boy vanished, he returns, looking no older, and with no memory.
- * _The Disappeared (Headline 0-7472-4794-3, Feb 96, £5.99, 439pp, pb, cover by Bob Corley) Reprint (Headline 1995) horror novel.
- * *The Presence (Headline 0-7472-1123-X, Jul 94, £16.99, 313pp, hc, cover by Bob Corley) Horror novel.
- * _The Presence (Headline 0-7472-4582-7, Jan 95, £5.99, 472pp, pb, cover by Bob Corley) Reprint (Headline 1994) horror novel.
- * _The Presence (Headline 0-7472-4582-7, Jan 95, £5.99, 472pp, pb, cover by Bob Corley) Reprint (Headline 1994) horror novel.
- _____, ed.
- * *Best of the Horror Show, An Adventure in Terror (2AM 0-937491-05-05, Nov 87 [Mar 88], $9.95, 125pp, tp) Anthology of 22 horror stories, plus an appendix giving contents of The Horror Show for its first 4 1/2 years. Dated 1987; not seen until 1988. (Contents)
- * _Dead End: City Limits (with Paul F. Olson) See entry under Paul F. Olson
- * *The Definitive Best of The Horror Show (CD Publications 1-881475-02-6, Dec 92, $25.00, 429pp, hc, cover by Harry O. Morris) Anthology of 40 stories that originally appeared in The Horror Show, including work by Koontz, McCammon, Lansdale, Brite, etc. With an introduction by the editor and an afterword by Paul F. Olson. A signed limted edition (-03-4, $65.00) was announced but not seen. Available from CD Publications, Box 18433, Baltimore MD 21237. (Contents)
- * _Post Mortem: New Tales of Ghostly Horror (with Paul F. Olson) See entry under Paul F. Olson
- * _Post Mortem: New Tales of Ghostly Terror (with Paul F. Olson) See entry under Paul F. Olson
- SILVER, ALAIN (Joel) (1947- )
- * *More Things Than Are Dreamt Of: Masterpieces of Supernatural Horror from Mary Shelley to Stephen King in Literature and Film (with James Ursini) (Limelight Editions 0-87910-177-6, May 94, $20.00, 226pp, tp) Non-fiction, criticism. A study of classic horror fiction and its transformation into film. Available from Limelight Editions, 118 East 30th St., New York NY 10016.
- SILVER, DELANEY; pseudonym of Wendy Wootton
- * *Adventures in the Pleasurezone (Nexus 0-352-32845-2, 1993 [May 93], £4.99, 213pp, pb) [Pleasurezone] Erotic sf novel.
- * *Return to the Pleasurezone (Nexus 0-352-32882-7, Nov 93, £4.99, 224pp, pb) [Pleasurezone] Erotic sf novel. Sequel to Adventures in the Pleasurezone.
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