The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Contents Lists
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Utopian/Dystopian Literature Paul G. Haschak (Scarecrow Press 0-8108-2752-2, Sep ’94, $52.50, 370pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference. A bibliography of general literary criticism of Utopian, Dystopian, and Anti-Utopian plays, novels, and short fiction. Available from Scarecrow Press, 52 Liberty St., PO Box 4167, Metuchen NJ 08840.
Arthur Machen & Montgomery Evans: Letters of a Literary Friendship, 1923-1947 ed. Sue Strong & Donald M. Hassler (Kent State University Press 0-87338-489-X, Mar ’94 [Jan ’94], $26.00, 195pp, hc) Non-fiction, a collection of letters from Arthur Machen to book collector Montgomery Evans, with a prologue and introduction by the editors. Available from Kent State University Press, PO Box 5190, Kent OH 44242-0001.
Twilight Time Rick Hautala (Zebra 0-8217-4713-4, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], $4.99, 478pp, pb) Associational non-fantasy horror novel about multiple personality.
Dark Sun: The Nomad Simon Hawke (TSR 1-56076-702-2, Oct ’94, $4.95, 309pp, tp, cover by Brom) [Dark Sun: Tribe of One] Fantasy novelization based on the “Dark Sun” game, third in the “Tribe of One” series.
Dark Sun: The Seeker Simon Hawke (TSR 1-56076-701-4, Apr ’94, $4.95, 306pp, tp, cover by Brom) [Dark Sun: Tribe of One] Fantasy novelization based on the “Dark Sun” game, second book of the “A Tribe of One” trilogy.
Star Trek #69: The Patrian Transgression Simon Hawke (Pocket 0-671-88044-6, Apr ’94 [Mar ’94], $5.50, 278pp, pb) [Star Trek] Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
Summers End Robert Hawks (Avon Flare 0-380-77440-2, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $3.99, 164pp, pb) Young-adult horror novel about a town where small children become the victims of a vampire and simply disappear, never to be mentioned again.
From Faust to Strangelove: Representation of the Scientist in Western Literature Roslynn D. Haynes (Johns Hopkins University Press 0-8018-4983-7, Oct ’94, $19.95, 417pp, tp) Non-fiction look at images of scientists in various media, including SF, with an extensive bibliography. A hardcover edition (0-8018-4801-6, 55.00) was listed but not seen. Order from Johns Hopkins University Press, 2715 N Charles St, Baltimore MD 21218.
The Wealdwife’s Tale Paul Hazel (AvoNova 0-380-71880-4, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $4.99, 295pp, pb, cover by Kinuko Craft) Reprint (Morrow AvoNova 1993) fantasy novel combining a fairytale setting, more complex relationships, and a darkening tone.
Mistwalker Denise Lopes Heald (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38890-9, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $4.99, 332pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) SF novel about life in an isolated outpost on a jungle planet. A first novel.
The Worlds of TSR: A Journey Through the Landscape of Imagination ed. Marlys Heeszel (TSR 1-56076-879-7, Aug ’94 [Sep ’94], $24.95, 142pp, hc) Art book. A collection of full-color artwork from various TSR gaming-related items. This is a worldwide edition with Canadian and British prices and information.
George MacDonald: Victorian Mythmaker Rolland Hein (Star Song Publishing/Abbott Martyn 1-56233-046-2, May ’93 [Apr ’94], 453pp, hc) Non-fiction, biography. The story of the author of Phantastes and Lilith, with a foreword by Frederick Buechner. This has a 1993 date, but was not seen until now. Available from Star Song Publishing, 2325 Crestmoor, Nashville TN 37215. [George MacDonald]
Farnham’s Freehold Robert A. Heinlein (Baen 0-671-72206-9, Feb ’94 [Jan ’94], $5.99, 333pp, pb, cover by Stephen Hickman) Reprint (Putnam 1964) sf novel.
Podkayne of Mars Robert A. Heinlein (SFBC #02438, Jan ’94, $7.98, 216pp, hc, cover by Stephen Hickman) Reprint (Putnam 1963) young-adult sf novel. The text is that of the 1993 Baen edition, which includes Heinlein’s original ending, as well as the revised version actually published. This edition lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
The Puppet Masters Robert A. Heinlein (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-90485-0, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], $5.99, 340pp, pb, cover by Barclay Shaw) Reissue (Del Rey 1990) sf novel. This is the revised edition of the original (Doubleday 1951) which was about 25% shorter. A movie tie-in edition. Ninth printing.
Requiem Robert A. Heinlein (Tor 0-812-51391-6, Aug ’94 [Jul ’94], $5.99, 438pp, pb, cover by Pat Morrissey) Reprint (Tor 1992) collection of assorted Heinlein material, including stories, essays, and speeches, plus tributes to him by various others. Edited by Yoji Kondo.
The Spawn of Loki Jason Henderson (Baen 0-671-87635-X, Dec ’94 [Nov ’94], $5.99, 306pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Iron Thane] Fantasy novel, sequel to The Iron Thane, itself a sequel to Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
The Vertical Fruit of the Horizontal Tree Howard V. Hendrix (Talisman 0-9626708-6-3, Oct ’94, $5.95, 50pp, ph, cover by Doug Herring) Original SF novella about a project to combine mind-altering mushrooms, crystals, and computers. Available from Talisman, PO Box 321, Beech Grove IN 46107.
World of Darkness: Vampire: Dark Prince Keith Herber (HarperPrism 0-06-105422-4, Dec ’94 [Nov ’94], $4.99, 263pp, pb, cover by Kevin Murphy) [World of Darkness: Vampire] Vampire novelization based on the role-playing game “Vampire: The Masquerade”. Copyrighted by White Wolf.
City of the Sorcerers Mary H. Herbert (TSR 1-56076-876-2, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $4.95, 314pp, tp, cover by Carol Heyer) [Dark Horse] Fantasy novel, set in the world of Dark Horse a generation later.
The Work of Jack Vance: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide Jerry Hewett & Daryl F. Mallett (Underwood-Miller 0-88733-165-3, Jun ’94, $35.00, 293pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference. An annotated bibilography of Vance’s fiction, including secondary materials, the outline for an unfinished novel, an introduction by Robert Silverberg and an afterword by Tim Underwood. A 250-copy slipcased edition signed by the authors, Vance, and Silverberg (-166-1, $50.00) was announced but not seen. Order from Underwood Books, Box 1607, Grass Valley CA 95945. [Jack Vance]
Alien Blues Lynn S. Hightower (Ace 0-441-64460-0, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $4.99, 251pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Elaki] Reissue (Ace 1991) SF police procedural. Third printing.
Alien Heat Lynn S. Hightower (Ace 0-441-00072-X, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $4.99, 230pp, pb, cover by Duane O. Myers) [Elaki] SF police procedural novel about a human cop and his alien partner; third book of the “Elaki” series.
Dark Legend Jamake Highwater (Grove Press 0-8021-1477-6, Jan ’94, $21.00, 245pp, hc, cover by Bascove) Literary fantasy novel, a Native American reimagining of the Ring Cycle.
Rama: A Legend Jamake Highwater (Holt 0-8050-3052-2, Sep ’94 [Dec ’94], $15.95, 226pp, hc, cover by Kelli Glancey) Young-adult literary fantasy novel, a retelling of the Ramayana inspired by Balinese performances, with illustrations by Kelli Glancey.
Greg Hildebrandt’s Book of Three-Dimensional Dragons Greg Hildebrandt (Little, Brown 0-316-15240-4, Nov ’94 [Oct ’94], $18.95, 10pp, hc, cover by Greg Hildebrandt) Associational art book, a children’s pop-up book with large, two-page illustrations of five types of dragon.
Vampire’s Kiss William Hill (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-886-4, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $4.50, 477pp, pb) Horror novel about a horror writer whose number-one fan is a beautiful vampire.
The Divine Comedy of Ariadne and Jupiter Shere Hite (Dufour/Peter Owen 0-7206-0917-8, 1994 [Jul ’94], $19.95, 207pp, hc, cover by Andrew Skilleter) Comic literary fantasy novel that features the goddess Ariadne on earth. A first novel. We did not list the British edition. This is the Peter Owen edition from the UK with a Dufour sticker. Order from Dufour Editions, Chester Springs PA 19425.
Nevermore William Hjortsberg (Atlantic Monthly Press 0-87113-579-5, Oct ’94, $21.00, 289pp, hc) Dark fantasy novel, a literary thriller in which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is haunted by Poe’s ghost and helped by Houdini.
Shrines & Desecrations Brian Hodge (TAL Publications, Sep ’94, $5.95, 54pp, ph) Chapbook collection of three horror stories, two original, with an introduction by Poppy Z. Brite and illustrations by Roger Gerberding. This is a 1,000-copy limited edition. Available from TAL Publications, PO Box 1837, Leesburg VA 22075.
Blood & Ivory P. C. Hodgell (Hypatia Press 0-940841-43-6, Dec ’94, $40.00, 197pp, hc) [Jamethiel Priest’s-Bane; Kencyrath] Collection of four stories about Jamethiel Priest’s-Bane, with color illustrations by the author. Limited edition; a trade paperback was announced but not seen.
- vii · Introduction · in
- 3 · Child of Darkness · nv The Berkley Showcase Vol. 2, ed. Victoria Schochet & John W. Silbersack, Berkley, 1980
- 55 · A Matter of Honor · nv
- 93 · Bones · nv Elsewhere v3, ed. Terri Winding & Mark Alan Arnold, Ace, 1984
- 145 · Stranger Blood · nv Imaginary Lands, ed. Robin McKinley, Ace, 1985
Bones P. C. Hodgell (Hypatia Press, Apr ’94, $5.00, 40pp, ph) [Jamethiel Priest’s-Bane] Reprint (Hypatia Press 1993) short story. This edition of the chapbook is limited to 250 numbered copies distributed at the 1994 Nebula Awards weekend. Order the regular edition from Blue Moon Books, 360 W. First, Eugene OR. Credit card orders: (503) 345-6197.
Seeker’s Mask P. C. Hodgell (Hypatia Press 0-940841-32-0, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $60.00, 474pp, hc) [Kencyrath] Fantasy novel, third book of the “Godstalk” series. With an introduction by Charles de Lint. This is a signed, numbered 500-copy limited edition.
Children of the Night: Dark Music Ann Hodgman (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-036375-0, Feb ’94, $3.50, 201pp, pb) [Children of the Night] Young-adult horror novel, second book of a series about a teenage girl whose life is destroyed when she becomes a werewolf.
The Giants Novels James P. Hogan (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38885-2, Jun ’94 [May ’94], $5.99, 644pp, pb) [Giants] Reprint (Del Rey 1991) omnibus of the first three books in the “Giants” series, Inherit the Stars (Del Rey 1977), The Gentle Giants of Ganymede (Del Rey 1978), and Giant’s Star (Del Rey 1981).
The Multiplex Man James P. Hogan (Bantam Spectra 0-553-56363-7, Nov ’94 [Oct ’94], $5.99, 386pp, pb, cover by Paul Youll) Reprint (Bantam 1992) SF novel, winner of the Prometheus Award.
Nightmare Hall: Monster Diane Hoh (Scholastic 0-590-48321-8, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $3.50, 165pp, pb) [Nightmare Hall] Young-adult horror novel, 13th book in a series. A supernatural creature attacks people walking alone on the campus.
Dead in the Water Nancy Holder (Dell Abyss 0-440-21481-5, Jun ’94 [May ’94], $4.99, 413pp, pb) Horror novel about a sea voyage from Long Beach to Hawaii that turns into a nightmare when the ship sinks and survivors are picked up by a vessel that masks a deadly evil. Recommended (SW).
The Hollowing Robert Holdstock (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45355-7, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $17.95, 367pp, hc, cover by John Jude Palencar) [Mythago] Fantasy novel, third book of the “Mythago Wood” series, about a boy lost in dark and magical Ryhope Wood. First American edition (HarperCollins UK 1993).
1994 Guide to Literary Agents & Art/Photo Reps ed. Kirsten C. Holm (Writer’s Digest Books 0-89879-615-6, Feb ’94 [Mar ’94], $18.95, 284pp, tp) Non-fiction, associational. A yearly reference book on literary agents and art and photo reps. Includes articles by Richard Curtis and Lori Perkins. Order from Writer’s Digest Books, 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati OH 45207. Add $3.00 for postage and handling. Credit card orders: 1-800-289-0963.
Fanuilh Daniel Hood (Ace 0-441-00055-X, May ’94 [Apr ’94], $4.99, 259pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) [Liam Rhenford] Fantasy novel. A human and a miniature dragon seek a wizard’s killer.
65mm Dale Hoover (Dell Abyss 0-440-21338-X, Apr ’94 [Mar ’94], $4.99, 386pp, pb) Horror novel of an old movie theatre whose restoration and reopening sets in motion a chain of deadly supernatural events.
Satellite Night Fever Jack Hopkins (Ace 0-441-00065-7, Jun ’94 [May ’94], $4.99, 234pp, pb, cover by John Steven Gurney) [Satellite Night] Humorous SF novel about a news channel in the 23rd century, third book of a series. Hopkins is a pen-name for Nick Pollotta. Copyrighted by Ace.
Clive Barker’s Short Stories: Imagination as Metaphor in the “Books of Blood” and Other Works Gary Hoppenstand (McFarland 0-89950-984-3, Nov ’94, $32.50, 223pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical analysis of Clive Barker’s works, with a foreword by Barker himself. Available from McFarland & Company, Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640; add $2.00 postage.
The Willows in Winter William Horwood (St. Martin’s 0-312-11354-4, Nov ’94 [Oct ’94], $18.95, 205pp, hc, cover by Patrick Benson) [Wind in the Willows] Animal fantasy novel; sequel to The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, illustrated by Patrick Benson. First American edition (HarperCollins UK 1993).
Conan the Conqueror Robert E. Howard (Ace 0-441-11590-X, Feb ’94 [Jan ’94], $4.50, 222pp, pb, cover by Frank Frazetta) [Conan] Reissue (Gnome 1950) fantasy novel featuring Conan the Barbarian; 14th printing.
Conan the Avenger Robert E. Howard, Bjorn Nyberg & L. Sprague de Camp (Ace 0-441-11483-0, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $4.50, 192pp, pb, cover by Frank Frazetta) [Conan] Reissue (Lancer 1968) Conan novel by Nyberg and de Camp, with an article by Howard; 16th printing.
MapHead Lesley Howarth (Candlewick Press 1-56402-416-4, Oct ’94 [Aug ’94], $14.95, 154pp, hc, cover by Rob Day) [MapHead] Young-adult SF novel. A boy from a very different parallel universe must learn to communicate in ours to find his missing mother. Shortlisted for Britain’s 1994 Writers Guild Award. First American edition (Walker UK 1994).
The Automagic Horse L. Ron Hubbard (Bridge 0-88404-906-X, Sep ’94 [Nov ’94], $16.95, 83pp, hc, cover by Scott E. Sutton) Juvenile story, extensively illustrated by Scott E. Sutton, with an exhortation for young readers to use a dictionary, and a description of Hubbard’s own Hollywood experiences. In the 1940s, a Hollywood special effects man creates a robot horse that’s too lifelike.
Final Blackout L. Ron Hubbard (Easton Press, Apr ’94, no price, 184pp, hc) Reprint (Hadley 1948) sf novel, with a frontis by Frank Frazetta, Algis Budrys’ introduction to the 1989 Bridge edition, and the ten illustrations by Sergey Poyarkev from the 1992 SFBC edition. This special leatherbound gilt-edge edition is part of the “Masterpieces of Science Fiction” series and is available by subscription only.
Sing the Four Quarters Tanya Huff (DAW 0-88677-628-7, Dec ’94 [Nov ’94], $4.99, 410pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Quarters] Fantasy novel. A princess turned magic-working bard commits treason by helping her unborn child’s father escape hanging.
Initiation Marian Hughes (Baen 0-671-87640-6, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $5.99, 378pp, pb, cover by David O. Miller) SF novel. Humans struggle to survive on a deadly planet where those exposed to the native food go berserk. Probably a first novel.
Fools Errant Matt Hughes (Maxwell Macmillan Canada 0-02-954253-7, May ’94 [Oct ’94], C$9.95, 214pp, tp, cover by Stephen Hutchings) [Filidor Vesh; Old Earth] Picaresque fantasy novel. A dwarf leads a pampered royal nephew to meet his uncle and take his place as heir. A hardcover edition (-954248-0, C$14.95) is listed but has not been seen.
The Mermaid Summer Mollie Hunter (HarperTrophy 0-06-440344-0, Feb ’94 [Jun ’94], $3.95, 118pp, tp, cover by Kam Mak) Reprint (Hamish Hamilton 1988) young-adult fantasy novel. This has a 1990 date inside, but was just seen.
The Wicked One Mollie Hunter (HarperTrophy 0-06-440117-0, Feb ’94 [Jun ’94], $3.95, 136pp, tp, cover by Wayne McLoughlin) Reprint (Hamish Hamilton 1977) young-adult fantasy novel. This is the 1980 edition interior pages with a new 1994 cover.
Northern Frights 2 ed. Don Hutchison (Mosaic Press 0-88962-564-6, Jun ’94, $16.95, 222pp, tp, cover by Henry Van Der Linde) Anthology of 16 original and two reprint horror/dark fantasy stories, either set in Canada or written by Canadians. (Order from Mosaic Press, 1252 Speers Rd., Units 1&2, Oakville ONT L6L 5N9 Canada. US price is $16.95 plus $2.00 shipping, from Mosaic Press, 85 River Rock Dr., Suite 202, Buffalo NY 14207. Phone/fax: 1-800-387-8992.)
Jupiter’s Daughter Tom Hyman (Viking 0-670-84116-1, Jul ’94, $21.95, 431pp, hc) SF thriller about the birth and development of the first genetically engineered human.
Jupiter’s Daughter Tom Hyman (SFBC #03292, Nov ’94 [Oct ’94], $10.98, 431pp, hc) Reprint (Viking 1994) SF novel about the first genetically engineered human. Similar to the Viking edition, except this lacks a price and has an SFBC number on the back jacket.
A Room for the Dead Noel Hynd (Zebra 0-8217-4583-2, Jun ’94 [Jul ’94], $18.95, 353pp, hc) Horror novel about the ghost of an executed murder back to kill again.
A Room for the Dead Noel Hynd (Zebra/Pinnacle 0-7860-0089-9, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $5.99, 412pp, pb) Horror novel about the ghost of an executed murder back to kill again.
The Big Lifters Dean Ing (Tor 0-812-51614-1, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $3.99, 243pp, pb, cover by Thomas Canty) Reissue (Tor 1988) near-future SF thriller; second printing.
The Ransom of Black Stealth One Dean Ing (Tor 0-812-50857-2, Nov ’94 [Oct ’94], $5.95, 472pp, pb) Reissue (St. Martin’s 1989) associational thriller with SF elements. Second printing.
The Downfall Matrix Charles Ingrid (DAW 0-88677-616-3, Sep ’94 [Aug ’94], $4.99, 352pp, pb, cover by Vincent DiFate) [Patterns of Chaos] SF adventure novel of human participation in a galactic war, third book of the “Patterns of Chaos” series. Ingrid is a pen name for R.A.V. Salsitz.
The Arabian Nights: A Companion Robert Irwin (Penguin/Allan Lane 0-713-99105-4, 1994 [Oct ’94], $24.95, 344pp, hc, cover by E. J. Detmold) Critical guide to the tales of The Arabian Nights, their history and social relevance as well as their literary influence. This is a worldwide edition with US, British, and Canadian prices on the jacket.
The Best of Trek ed. Walter Irwin & G. B. Love (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45438-3, Dec ’94 [Nov ’94], $4.99, 224pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [Star Trek] Non-fiction collection of articles on Star Trek, edited by the editors of Trek, the magazine for Star Trek fans. Among the articles: “The Star Trek Novels: Are They Good Enough?”, “My Brother-in-Law was a Star Trek Alien”, and “A Positive Example of Violation of the Prime Directive: Earth’s History of Revealed Religions”.
The Breath of Suspension Alexander Jablokov (Arkham House 0-87054-167-6, Jun ’94 [May ’94], $20.95, 318pp, hc, cover by J. K. Potter) Collection of ten SF stories, with illustrations by J.K. Potter.
- 1 · The Breath of Suspension · na IASFM Aug ’91
- 53 · Living Will · nv IASFM Jun ’91
- 73 · Many Mansions · nv IASFM May ’88
- 109 · The Death Artist · nv IASFM Aug ’90
- 141 · At the Cross-Time Jaunter’s Ball · nv IASFM Aug ’87
- 171 · Above Ancient Seas · nv Asimov’s Nov ’92
- 199 · Deathbinder · nv IASFM Feb ’88
- 221 · The Ring of Memory · nv IASFM Jan ’89
- 251 · Beneath the Shadow of Her Smile · nv IASFM Apr ’85
- 269 · A Deeper Sea · na IASFM Oct ’89
Nimbus Alexander Jablokov (AvoNova 0-380-71710-7, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $4.99, 376pp, pb, cover by J. K. Potter) Reprint (Morrow AvoNova 1993) SF thriller.
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