The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- LOUVISH, SIMON (1947- )
- * +The Resurrections (Four Walls Eight Windows 1-56858-014-2, Dec 94 [Oct 94], $18.95, 215pp, hc) Alternate history SF novel set in a 1968 where Trotsky is the ruler of Russia and Hitler is an Illinois senator. First American edition (Bloomsbury 1992 as Resurrections from the Dustbin of History: A Political Fantasy).
- * *Resurrections from the Dustbin of History: A Political Fantasy (Bloomsbury Books 0-7475-1191-8, May 92 [Jun 92], £6.99, 215pp, tp, cover by Andrzej Klimowski) Literary fantasy novel set in an alternate 1968.
- * *The Therapy of Avram Blok (Heinemann 0-434-42970-8, 1985, £9.95, 327pp, hc) Literary fantasy novel. [Not seen]
- * _The Therapy of Avram Blok (Corgi 0-552-99236-4, May 86, £3.95, 476pp, pb) Reprint (Heinemann 1985). Peeping Tom Avram Blok returns after seven years claiming to have lived in an alternative historical era.
- * *Whats Up God? (Gollancz 0-575-05994-X, Jul 95 [Jun 95], £15.99, 216pp, hc, cover by John Bradley) Humorous fantasy novel. On Christmas Day, 1998, the Archangel Gabriel announces Resurrection Day for April 30, 1999, to be followed one week later by the Day of Judgement. As dead relatives, lovers, and enemies return to disrupt the world, the comedian Jerry Davis learns he will not be going to Heaven.
- * _Whats Up God? (Indigo 0-575-40025-0, Aug 96, £5.99, 216pp, pb, cover by David Cook) Reprint (Gollancz 1995) humorous fantasy novel.
- LOVE, E. M.
- * *Dress Up (Leisure 0-8439-2697-X, Nov 88 [Oct 88], $3.95, 366pp, pb) Horror novel of an evil house and a mahogany dresser containing something unspeakable.
- LOVE, G(ordon) B. (1939- )
- _____, ed.
- LOVE, PENELOPE (stories)
- * *Castle of Eyes (Chaosium 1-56882-005-4, Apr 93 [Jun 93], $14.95, 236pp, tp, cover by Mark Wagner) Fantasy novel of a girl who wakes up in a strange and magical castle and must learn to cope with her new existence.
- LOVE, ROSALEEN (Lucille) (1940- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Evolution Annie and Other Stories (The Womens Press 0-7043-4343-6, Apr 93, £6.99, 232pp, tp, cover by Bee Willey) Collection of 11 literary sf and fantasy stories, two original. (Contents)
- * *The Total Devotion Machine (The Womens Press 0-7043-4188-3, Aug 89 [Jul 89], £4.50, 167pp, tp) Collection of 17 stories, most of them original. (Contents)
- LOVECRAFT, H(oward) P(hillips) (1890-1937) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _At the Mountains of Madness (Panther 0-586-06322-6, Feb 85, £2.50, 301pp, pb) Reprint (Arkham House 1964) horror collection.
- * _At the Mountains of Madness (Arkham House 0-87054-038-6, Dec 85 [Nov 85], $16.95, xvii+458pp, hc) Reissue (Arkham House 1964) collection. The Derleth introduction has been dropped, but there is a new introduction by James Turner and a note on the texts by S.T. Joshi. This is a corrected definitive version, second in what will be a three-volume set. (Contents)
- * _At the Mountains of Madness (Grafton 0-586-06322-6, Jun 87 [Sep 87], £3.50, 552pp, pb) Reissue (Panther 1985) horror collection.
- * _At the Mountains of Madness (Donald M. Grant 0-937986-69-0, Jul 90, $120.00, 95pp, hc) Classic Lovecraft short novel, apparently a first solo publication. With full-color illustrations by Fernando Duval. This is an oversize hardcover edition, 34.5 x 24 cm., and is limited to 1,000 copies signed by the artist.
- * _At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32945-7, Oct 90, $4.95, 184pp, pb, cover by Michael Whelan) Reissue (Beagle 1971) collection of four stories; 17th printing. (Contents)
- * *Autobiographical Writings (Necronomicon Press 0-940884-48-8, Oct 92 [Nov 92], $4.95, 38pp, ph, cover by H. P. Lovecraft) Collection of autobiographical pieces by Lovecraft, with an introduction by S.T. Joshi and a bibliography. Order from Necronomicon Press, 101 Lockwood St., West Warwick RI 02893.
- * *The Battle That Ended the Century/Collapsing Cosmoses (with Robert H. Barlow) (Necronomicon Press 0-940884-41-0, Mar 92 [Apr 92], $2.50, 14pp, ph, cover by Robert H. Knox) Collection of two short story collaborations, with anonymous notes. Available from Necronomicon Press, 101 Lockwood St., West Warwick RI 02893. (Contents)
- * _The Best of H.P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35080-4, Sep 88 [Aug 88], $7.95, 375pp, tp) Reissue (Del Rey 1982) collection of 16 tales of horror, sf, and dark fantasy. Ninth printing.
- * _The Best of H.P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35080-4, Apr 95 [Mar 95], $10.00, 375pp, tp, cover by Michael Whelan) Reissue (Del Rey 1982) collection of 16 tales, with an introduction by Robert Bloch. 17th printing.
- * _The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35490-7, Oct 90, $4.95, 127pp, pb, cover by Michael Whelan) Reissue (Beagle 1971) short horror novel; 11th printing.
- * _Crawling Chaos (Creation Books 1-871592-72-0, 1997 [Jun 98], $19.95, 256pp, tp, cover by Robert Taylor) Reprint (Creation 1993 as Crawling Chaos: Selected Works 1920-1935) anthology of 22 stories. This revised edition drops the Editors Note and four stories, and adds three stories. This is copyrighted 1997, but not seen until now; it appears to be an international edition with a UK price of £11.95. (Contents)
- * *Crawling Chaos: Selected Works 1920 - 1935 (Creation Press 1-871592-18-6, Feb 93, £9.95, 355pp, tp, cover by Robert Taylor) Collection of 21 of Lovecrafts Cthulhu Mythos stories, plus one poem and a Mythos story by Hazel Heald, edited by James Havoc and introduced by Colin Wilson. (Contents)
- * _Dagon and Other Macabre Tales (Panther 0-586-06324-2, Apr 85 [1985], £2.95, 512pp, pb) Reprint (Arkham House 1965) horror collection.
- * _Dagon and Other Macabre Tales (Arkham House 0-87054-039-4, Jan 87 [Oct 86], $18.95, 448pp, hc) Reprint (Arkham 1965) collection; corrected 5th printing. These texts have been compared with manuscripts etc. They have been rearranged, and fragments have been added and dropped. There is a new note on texts by editor S.T. Joshi, and a new long introduction by T.E.D. Klein, as well as several new indices. (Contents)
- * _Dagon and Other Macabre Tales (Grafton 0-586-06324-2, Jun 87 [Sep 87], £3.50, 512pp, pb) Reissue (Panther 1985) horror collection.
- * _The Doom That Came to Sarnath and Other Stories (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-33105-2, Oct 90, $4.95, 208pp, pb, cover by Michael Whelan) Reissue (Ballantine 1971) collection; 15th printing. (Contents)
- * *The Dream Cycle of H.P. Lovecraft: Dreams of Terror and Death (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38421-0, Oct 95 [Sep 95], $10.00, 387pp, tp, cover by John Jude Palencar) Collection of 25 horror stories about dreams, all previously published in other collections from Arkham House, which has copyrighted this compilation. There is an introduction by Neil Gaiman. (Contents)
- * _The Dunwich Horror and Others (Arkham House 0-87054-037-8, Feb 85 [Jan 85], $15.95, 433pp, hc) Reissue (Arkham House 1963), corrected 6th printing of this Lovecraft collection, the first in a projected three-volume critical edition based on the authors original texts. S.T. Joshi edited it, and theres a new introduction by Robert Bloch, reprinted from the 1982 Ballantine collection Blood Curdling Tales of Supernatural Horror: The Best of H.P. Lovecraft. There are thousands of minor changes from the 1963 edition. (Contents) [ed: S. T. Joshi]
- * _The Dunwich Horror and Others (Easton Press no ISBN, Oct 93, no price, 433pp, hc) Reprint (Arkham House 1963) collection of 16 stories, with a new introduction by Darrell Schweitzer and artwork by Jill Bauman. The text is that of the corrected 1985 sixth printing. This special leatherbound gilt-edge edition is part of the Masterpieces of Science Fiction series and is available by subscription only.
- * *The Fantastic Poetry (Necronomicon Press no ISBN, Jul 90 [Aug 90], $5.95, 63pp, ph, cover by Jason C. Eckhardt) Collection of Lovecrafts poetry, edited and with an introduction by S.T. Joshi and illustrations by Jason Eckhardt. (Contents)
- * *The H.P. Lovecraft Christmas Book (Necronomicon Press no ISBN, Sep 91 [Oct 91], $1.95, 12pp, ph, cover by Jason Eckhardt) Associational collection of Christmas poems and greetings by Lovecraft. Edited by Susan Michaud and illustrated by Jason Eckhardt. This is a revised and expanded edition of a 1984 Necronomicon Press publication.
- * _The Haunter of the Dark (Panther 0-586-06323-4, Jun 85 [1985], £2.95, 544pp, pb) Reprint (Gollancz 1951) horror collection.
- * _The Haunter of the Dark (Grafton 0-586-06323-4, Jun 87 [Sep 87], £3.50, 544pp, pb) Reissue (Panther 1985) horror collection.
- * _"The Hoard of the Wizard Beast" and One Other (with Robert H. Barlow) See entry under Robert H. Barlow
- * *The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions (Arkham House 0-87054-040-8, May 89 [Mar 89], $18.95, 450pp, hc) Collection; revised and corrected edition of the 1944 Arkham House book with corrected texts plus new stories added and previous ones removed. This should be considered a new book. Includes a note on the texts by S.T. Joshi and a foreword on Lovecrafts revisions by August Derleth. (Contents)
- * *The Illustrated Fungi from Yuggoth (Dream House no ISBN, Jan 84 [Dec 83], $5.00, unpaginated, pb) Lovecraft sonnet cycle with illustrations by Robert Kellough.
- * _The Loved Dead (with August Derleth) (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0445-4, Jul 97 [Jun 97], $4.95, 243pp, pb) Reprint (Arkham House 1970) collection/anthology of 14 stories H.P. Lovecraft either revised or collaborated on, edited by August Derleth. This follows the 1970 Arkham House edition of The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions, with text additionally edited by S.T. Joshi; Carroll & Grafs 1996 book by that title reprinted half of the stories; the remainder appear here. The cover credits Lovecraft only; the title page adds and Others; Derleths name appears only on the copyright page. (Contents)
- * _The Lurker at the Threshold (with August Derleth) (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-408-X, May 88 [Mar 88], $3.50, 186pp, pb) Reprint (Arkham 1945) sf/horror novel. Although Derleths name doesnt appear on the cover or title page, he actually wrote the whole novel, based on a few hundred words by Lovecraft.
- * _The Lurker at the Threshold (with August Derleth) (Gollancz 0-575-04685-6, Dec 89, £3.50, 196pp, pb, cover by Les Edwards) Reprint (Arkham House 1945) sf/horror novel.
- * *Miscellaneous Writings (Arkham House 0-87054-168-4, Feb 95 [Nov 94], $29.95, 569pp, hc, cover by H. P. Lovecraft) Associational collection of Lovecrafts non-fiction writings, most from his work in Amateur Journalism, covering diverse topics: weird fantasy, writing, materialism, politics, antiquarian travels, and autobiographical essays. Includes photos and facsimile illustrations, including sketches by Lovecraft himself. Edited and with an introduction by S.T. Joshi. Order from Arkham House, Sauk City WI 53583. [ed: S. T. Joshi]
- * *The Night Ocean (with Robert H. Barlow) (Necronomicon Press no ISBN, Oct 91, $2.50, 23pp, ph, cover by Jason Eckhardt) Lovecraft collaborative short story. This is a new edition, revised from previous texts, with illustrations by Jason Eckhardt. The first Necronomicon Press edition appeared in 1978 as part of Uncollected Prose & Poetry I.
- * _Selected Letters III (Arkham House 0-87054-032-7, Dec 97 [Jan 98], $19.95, 451pp, hc) Reprint (Arkham House 1971), part of a five-volume collection of Lovecraftian correspondence. Order from Arkham House, PO Box 546, Sauk City WI 53583.
- * _Supernatural Horror in Literature (The Gothic Society 1-874100-07-1, Sep 94, £6.00, 32pp, ph) The famous essay from the 30s (original text) issued as an illustrated A4 booklet. It has appeared before in numerous texts. Available from Chatham House, Gosshill Road, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5NS.
- * *Tales of H.P. Lovecraft: Major Works Selected and Introduced by Joyce Carol Oates (Ecco Press 0-88001-541-1, Aug 97, $23.00, 328pp, hc) Collection of ten stories. Introduction by Joyce Carol Oates. (Contents)
- * *The Transition of H.P. Lovecraft: The Road to Madness (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38422-9, Oct 96 [Sep 96], $10.00, 379pp, tp, cover by John Jude Palencar) Collection of 29 horror stories, including many early or fragmentary works, all previously collected. There is an introduction by Barbara Hambly. Illustrated by John Jude Palencar. This compilation copyrighted by Arkham House. (Contents)
- * _The Watchers Out of Time (with August Derleth) (Arkham House 0-87054-033-5, Aug 84 [Jul 84], $14.95, 405pp, hc) Reissue (Arkham House 1974) fantasy collection; 2nd printing, of 2000 copies.
- * _The Watchers Out of Time (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-769-0, Oct 91 [Sep 91], $4.50, 320pp, pb) Reprint (Arkham House 1974 as by H.P. Lovecraft & August Derleth) collection of 15 stories begun by Lovecraft and finished by August Derleth. This edition lacks the novel The Lurker at the Threshold and the foreword that appeared in the Arkham House edition. (Contents)
- LOVEGROVE, J(ames) M. H. (1965- ); also as James Lovegrove
- * *The Krilov Continuum (Orion/Millennium 1-85798-536-2, Jun 98, £5.99, 343pp, pb) [Guardians] SF novel, book one of The Guardians.
- LOVEGROVE, JAMES (1965- ); also as J. M. H. Lovegrove (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Days (Phoenix 0-75380-228-7, Nov 97, £6.99, 329pp, tp) SF/dark fantasy satire. The giga-store Days sells everything, and everyone wants in, but getting out requires a higher price.
- * _Escardy Gap (with Peter Crowther) See entry under Peter Crowther.
- * *The Hope (Macmillan 0-333-51214-6, Jan 90 [Dec 89], £12.95, 232pp, hc, cover by Michael Bennallack-Hart) Episodic literary sf novel about a five-mile-long cruise liner adrift on the open sea for decades, and the cultures that evolve on it.
- * _The Hope (Sceptre 0-340-55108-9, May 91 [Apr 91], £4.99, 232pp, tp) Reprint (Macmillan UK 1990) literary sf novel.
- * +The Hope (White Wolf/Borealis 1-56504-921-7, Nov 95 [Oct 95], $5.99, 321pp, pb, cover by Michael Scott Cohen) Dark fantasy novel. A giant ship crosses an endless ocean with a cargo of desperate passengers. First American edition (Macmillan UK 1990).
- * *The Web: Computopia (Orion/Dolphin 1-85881-642-4, Nov 98 [Dec 98], £3.50, 115pp, pb, cover by Fangorn) [Web] Young-adult SF novella. Book nine in the series.
- LOVEJOY, JACK (1937- ) (stories)
- * *Guardians of the Three Volume Four: Defenders of Ar (Bantam Spectra 0-553-28453-3, Apr 90 [Mar 90], $3.95, 311pp, pb, cover by Steve Assel) [Guardians of the Three] Fantasy round-robin series by various authors, packaged by Bill Fawcett & Associates. Only Bill Fawcetts name appears on the cover.
- * *Outworld Cats (DAW 0-88677-596-5, Mar 94 [Feb 94], $4.99, 348pp, pb, cover by Romas Kukalis) Sf novel of two intelligent alien cats on the loose on Earth. Packaged and copyrighted by Bill Fawcett & Associates.
- * *A Vision of Beasts 1: Creation Descending (Tor 0-812-54500-1, Jul 84 [Jun 84], $2.95, 222pp, pb) [Vision of Beasts] Sf novel, first in a series.
- * *A Vision of Beasts 2: The Second Kingdom (Tor 0-812-54502-8, Nov 84 [Oct 84], $2.95, 252pp, pb) [Vision of Beasts] Sf novel; post-holocaust, far future, mutants, etc.
- * *A Vision of Beasts 3: The Brotherhood of Diablo (Tor 0-812-54504-4, May 85 [Apr 85], $2.95, 285pp, pb) [Vision of Beasts] Sf novel, third in a series.
- LOVEJOY, WILLIAM H. (1942- )
- * *Black Sky (Zebra 0-8217-3236-6, Dec 90 [Nov 90], $4.50, 384pp, pb) Technothriller of 21st-century near-space warfare, with the US & USS.R. vs. Japan.
- LOVISI, GARY (Anthony) (1952- ) (stories)
- * _Doc Atlas: The Satan Plague/The Nemesis: Satan Plague II (with Michael A. Black) See entry under Michael A. Black
- * *The Gargoyle (Gryphon Publications 0-936071-12-5, Oct 88 [Sep 88], $5.00, 55pp, ph) Collection of three horror short stories. (Contents)
- * *Instant Expert: Collecting Science Fiction and Fantasy (Alliance Publishing 1-887110-12-7, May 97, $14.00, 136pp, tp) Non-fiction guide to collecting paperback SF, fantasy, and horror. Available from Alliance Publishing, PO Box 080377, Brooklyn NY 11208-0002.
- * *Minesweeper/Terran Girls Make Wonderful Wives (with James M. Reasoner) (Gryphon Books 0-936071-40-0, Oct 95, $9.95, 32/32pp, ph, cover by Raul Garcia Capella) Chapbook anthology of two original SF stories printed in the style of the classic Ace Doubles. Available from Gryphon Publications, PO Box 028209, Brooklyn NY 11228-0209. (Contents)
- * *The Nemesis in: Claws of the Falcon/Doc Atlas in: Arctic Terror! (with Michael A. Black) (Gryphon Books 0-936071-42-7, Sep 94 [Jul 94], $9.95, 46/43pp, ph, cover by Tim Faurote) Chapbook anthology of two original and two reprint pulp adventure short stories featuring heroes from the classic pulps, The Nemesis (three stories) and Doc Atlas, printed a la the Ace Doubles. Gryphon Double Novel #9. Available from Gryphon Publications, PO Box 209, Brooklyn NY 11228. (Contents)
- * *The Saga of Filster Stein (Gryphon Publications 0-936071-07-9, Oct 88 [Sep 88], $4.00, 45pp, ph) Sf satire novelette composed of new and reprint material. (Contents)
- * *Sarasha (Gryphon Books 0-936071-82-6, May 97 [Jul 97], $15.00, 208pp, tp, cover by G. Warlock Vance) SF novel. Humans return to lost Earth to see if its worth re-settling, and find a world of cats, dogs, and hordes of ravenous rats. Available from Gryphon Publications, PO Box 209, Brooklyn NY 11228; add $1.00 postage.
- * *Science Fiction Detective Tales (Gryphon 0-936071-01-X, Apr 86 [Mar 86], $7.95, 107pp, pb) Non-fiction, critical survey of futuristic detective fiction in paperback. Brief & incomplete, but a good start. (CNB)
- * *Sherlock Holmes In: The Loss of the British Bark Sophy Anderson/Sherlock Holmes In: The Grey Nun Legacy (with P. Smith) (Gryphon Books 0-93607-23-0, Mar 92 [Jan 92], $6.95, 42/17pp, ph, cover by Frank Hamilton) [Sherlock Holmes] Associational original anthology of two Sherlock Holmes pastiches. Gryphon Double #3. Available from Gryphon Publications, PO Box 209, Brooklyn NY 11228. (Contents)
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