The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998

Contents Lists

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There Will Be War, Vol. VI: Guns of Darkness ed. Jerry Pournelle (Tor 0-812-54961-9, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $3.95, 406pp, pb) Anthology of both fiction and non-fiction work on war; 12 of the 24 items are original.

The Fisher King Anthony Powell (Sceptre 0-340-40781-6, May ’87, £3.95, 250pp, tp) Reprint (Heinemann 1986) modern novel based on the Arthurian legend.

The Fisher King Anthony Powell (Isis Large Print 1-85089-188-5, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], £11.75, 334pp, hc) Reprint (Heinemann 1986) modern novel based on the Arthurian legend. [Not seen]

Eileen Goudge’s Swept Away #3: Love on the Range Louise E. Powers (Avon Flare 0-380-75130-5, Nov ’86 [Feb ’87], $2.50, 201pp, pb) Young-adult sf/romance novel in a series about time-traveling teens. This appeared in 1986, but we did not see it until now.

Dinner at Deviant’s Palace Tim Powers (Grafton 0-586-07105-9, May ’87, £2.95, 300pp, pb) Reprint (Ace 1984) sf novel.

The Drawing of the Dark Tim Powers (Grafton 0-583-13319-3, May ’87, £3.50, 383pp, pb) Reissue (Del Rey 1979) fantasy novel.

On Stranger Tides Tim Powers (Ace 0-441-62683-1, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $16.95, 325pp, hc) Pirate fantasy adventure novel set in 1817.

Stepfather Bank D. C. Poyer (St. Martin’s 0-312-00687-X, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $16.95, 277pp, hc) Sf novel of a freelance poet vs. a monolithic 22nd-century government/bank.

The Cabalist Amanda Prantera (Abacus 0-349-12800-6, Mar ’87, £3.50, 184pp, tp) Reprint (Cape 1985) supernatural novel.

Conversations with Lord Byron on Perversion, 163 Years After His Lordship’s Death Amanda Prantera (Jonathan Cape 0-224-02423-X, Mar ’87 [Aug ’87], £9.95, 174pp, hc) Novel about Lord Byron, using an advanced computer with ‘artificial intelligence’ as framing device.

Conversations with Lord Byron on Perversion, 163 Years After His Lordship’s Death Amanda Prantera (Atheneum 0-689-11882-1, Oct ’87 [Sep ’87], $16.95, 174pp, hc) Literary sf/ghost story novel; modern researchers communicate with a computer recreation of the Romantic poet, and get more response than they expect. For the most part, the book is a lot of fun, until things just get too silly as Byron’s “secret” is revealed. (FCM) First U.S. edition (U.K. 1987).

Equal Rites Terry Pratchett (Gollancz 0-575-03950-7, Jan ’87 [Aug ’87], £9.95, 200pp, hc) [Discworld] Humorous fantasy novel. Volume 3 in the “Colour of Magic” series. This one features a female wizard.

Equal Rites Terry Pratchett (Corgi 0-552-13105-9, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], £2.50, 205pp, pb) [Discworld] Reprint (Gollancz 1987) humorous fantasy novel. While not as hilarious as its predecessors, it still has some marvellous moments and is way ahead of the ‘competition’. Strongly recommended. Volume 3 in the “Colour of Magic” series.

The Light Fantastic Terry Pratchett (SFBC #111154, Aug ’87, $4.98, 189pp, hc) [Discworld] Humorous fantasy novel, part of a series. First U.S. edition (Colin Smythe 1986).

Mort Terry Pratchett (Gollancz 0-575-04171-4, Nov ’87, £10.95, 221pp, hc) [Discworld] Fantasy novel. Volume 4 in the “Colour of Magic” series.

The Universe ed. Byron Preiss (Bantam Spectra 0-553-05227-6, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $27.95, 333pp, hc) Original anthology of sf stories, science articles, and illustrations by numerous space artists.

The Universe ed. Byron Preiss (QPB, Nov ’87, $13.50, 333pp, tp) Reprint (Bantam 1987) original anthology of sf and non-fiction. This is exactly the same as the Bantam hardcover, except for the binding and lack of ISBN.

Arthur C. Clarke’s Venus Prime Volume 1: Breaking Strain Paul Preuss (Avon 0-380-75344-8, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $3.95, 265pp, pb) [Venus Prime] Sf novel based on a concept by Clarke, first in a series. It includes 16 pages of “blueprints” by Darrell Anderson, showing the structure of the Venus space station.

The Ghost Drum Susan Price (Faber and Faber 0-571-14613-9, Jan ’87 [Aug ’87], £6.95, 167pp, hc) [Ghost World] Fantasy novel.

A Dream of Wessex Christopher Priest (Abacus 0-349-12811-1, Jul ’87, £3.95, 199pp, tp) Reprint (Faber 1977) sf novel.

Inverted World Christopher Priest (Gollancz 0-575-03993-0, Jun ’87 [Jul ’87], £3.50, 251pp, tp) Reprint (Faber 1974) sf novel. Volume 13 in the Gollancz Classic SF series.

Imaginary People David Pringle (Grafton 0-246-12968-9, Oct ’87, £14.95, 518pp, hc) Associational book by well-known fan and Interzone editor. A fascinating collection of potted biographies (and bibliographies) of fictional characters ranging from Sherlock Holmes to Arthur Dent. Recommended.

Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels David Pringle (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-346-6, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $7.95, 224pp, tp) Non-fiction, critical study choosing 100 sf classics. First U.S. edition (Xanadu 1985).

Murder at the War Mary Monica Pulver (St. Martin’s 0-312-00622-5, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $16.95, 260pp, hc) Associational; murder mystery set in an SCA war.

A Room to Die In [by Jack Vance] Ellery Queen (Kinnell 1-870532-00-7, Dec ’87, £9.95, 150pp, hc) Associational. Reprint (Pocket 1965) mystery novel. First UK (and first hardcover) edition. The author is actually Jack Vance.

The Doctor Who Fun Book Tim Quinn & Dicky Howett (Target 0-426-20300-3, May ’87, £1.95, 64pp, tp) [Doctor Who] Collection of games and pastimes of associational interest.

Eileen Goudge’s Swept Away #5: Spellbound Jennifer Rabin (Avon Flare 0-380-75132-1, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $2.50, 188pp, pb) Young-adult sf/romance novel in a series about time-traveling teens.

Knight on Horseback Ann Rabinowitz (Macmillan 0-02-775660-2, Oct ’87, $13.95, 197pp, hc) Young-adult novel about the ghost of Richard III. A first novel.

Fantasy King: A Biography of George MacDonald William Raeper (Lion 0-7459-1123-4, Sep ’87, £12.95, 416pp, hc) Biographical book. [Not seen] [George MacDonald]

Once Upon a Murder Robert J. Randisi & Kevin D. Randle (TSR/Windwalker 0-88038-450-6, Mar ’87, $2.95, 219pp, pb) Fantasy/mystery/time travel novel.

Night Caller Daniel Ransom (Zebra 0-8217-2186-0, Oct ’87 [Sep ’87], $3.95, 301pp, pb) Horror novel.

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen R. E. Raspe (Methuen 0-413-14000-8, Mar ’87, £6.95, 272pp, tp) Reprint collection of fantastic tales, illustrated by Ronald Searle. [Not seen]

The Unicorn Expedition and Other Fantastic Tales of India Satyajit Ray (Dutton 0-525-24544-8, Jul ’87, $16.95, 190pp, hc) Collection of 11 tales, originally published in Britain as Stories.

Dome Michael Reaves & Steve Perry (Berkley 0-425-09560-6, Feb ’87 [Jan ’87], $3.50, 274pp, pb) Sf novel of an undersea laboratory that survives worldwide biological warfare.

The Gatekeeper Dana Reed (Leisure 0-8439-2500-0, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $3.95, 399pp, pb) Horror novel.

The Leeshore Robert Reed (Donald I. Fine/Primus 0-917657-98-5, Apr ’87 [Mar ’87], $9.95, 253pp, tp) Sf novel of Earthmen vs. computer worshippers on a water planet. A first novel. Under the pen name Robert Touzalin, Reed won last year’s Writers of the Future Award.

Godslayer Mickey Zucker Reichert (DAW 0-88677-207-9, Jul ’87, $2.95, 222pp, pb) [Bifrost Guardians] Fantasy novel of elves, dragons, and Norse gods, with the hero, a Vietnam soldier, inhabiting the body of an elvish warrior.

New Moon William Relling, Jr. (Tor 0-812-52512-4, Oct ’87 [Sep ’87], $3.95, 280pp, pb) Horror novel.

The Dark Lady: A Romance of the Far Future Mike Resnick (Tor 0-812-55116-8, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $3.50, 279pp, pb) Sf novel of a mysterious, eternally young woman. An entertaining adventure with mystical elements. (FCM)

Stalking the Unicorn Mike Resnick (Arrow 0-09-951070-7, Sep ’87, £2.95, 314pp, pb) [Fables of Tonight] Reprint (Tor 1987) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]

Planetary Legion for Peace: Story of Their War and Our Peace, 1940 - 2000 Romulus Rexner (Veritas 0-948202-03-3, Jul ’87, £4.95, 240pp, tp) Sf/occult novel? [Not seen]

Robotech Art 2 ed. Kay Reynolds (Donning/Starblaze 0-89865-417-3, Oct ’87, $12.95, 131pp, tp) [Robotech] Non-fiction, art book based on a tv cartoon show.

Adventures of Wim Luke Rhinehart (Grafton 0-586-06752-3, Nov ’87, £3.95, 409pp, pb) Reprint (Grafton 1986) sf novel.

Next, After Lucifer Daniel Rhodes (St. Martin’s/Thomas Dunne 0-312-00567-9, Jul ’87, $16.95, 258pp, hc) [Next, After Lucifer] Horror novel of the spirit of a Templar sorcerer returning to modern France. A first novel.

Sambaqui Stella Carr Ribiero (Avon/Bard 0-380-89624-9, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $3.95, 132pp, pb) Prehistoric novel. English translation of O Homen Do Sambaqui: Una Estoria Na Pre-Historia (Edicoes Quiron); English translation copyright 1975 by Claudia Van der Heuvel.

The Vampire Lestat Anne Rice (Macdonald 0-356-13032-0, Mar ’87, £9.95, 480pp, hc) [Vampire Chronicles] Reprint (Knopf 1985) horror novel. [Not seen]

The Harvest Bride Tony Richards (Tor 0-812-52520-5, May ’87 [Apr ’87], $3.95, 279pp, pb) Horror novel.

Beware! Beware! - Strange and Sinister Tales ed. Jean Richardson (Hamish Hamilton 0-241-12104-3, Oct ’87, £6.95, 128pp, hc) Juvenile ghost/horror anthology.

PsiFi: Psychological Theories and Science Fictions ed. Jim Ridgway & Michele Benjamin (The British Psychological Society 0-901715-62-X, Jan ’87 [Aug ’87], £8.95, 229pp, tp) Anthology of sf stories with psychological commentaries.

Space Traders Unlimited Julia Riding (Pied Piper 0-416-02212-X, May ’87, £5.95, 160pp, hc) Juvenile sf novel. [Not seen]

Witness to the Future Klaus Rifbjerg (Fjord 0-940242-18-4, Sep ’87, $8.95, 214pp, tp) Literary sf novel, translated from Danish (De Hellige Aber, Gyldendal 1981) by Steve Murray. Two boys suddenly find themselves in 1988, having entered a cave in 1941. Also announced in a library hardcover (-21-4) at $17.95. Order from Fjord Press, Box 16501, Seattle WA 98116.

Silverglass J. F. Rivkin (Orbit 0-7088-8241-2, May ’87, £2.50, 186pp, pb) [Silverglass] Reprint (Ace 1986) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]

Web of Wind J. F. Rivkin (Ace 0-441-87883-0, Dec ’87, $2.95, 202pp, pb) [Silverglass] Fantasy novel with a female barbarian hero, sequel to Silverglass.

Endworld # 5: Dakota Run David Robbins (Leisure 0-8439-2473-X, Apr ’87, $2.95, 256pp, pb) [Endworld] Post-holocaust giant ant sf adventure novel.

Endworld # 6: Citadel Run David Robbins (Leisure 0-8439-2507-8, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $2.95, 255pp, pb) [Endworld] Post-holocaust sf adventure novel.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Glyn Robbins & C. S. Lewis (French 0-573-05081-3, May ’87 [Jul ’87], £3.50, 56pp, tp) [Narnia] Play adaptation of classic children’s fantasy. [Not seen]

Shapechangers Jennifer Roberson (Corgi 0-552-13118-0, May ’87, £2.50, 306pp, pb) [Cheysuli] Reprint (DAW 1984) fantasy novel. Volume 1 in the “Chronicles of the Cheysuli” series. [First U.K. edition]

The Song of Homana Jennifer Roberson (DAW 0-88677-195-1, Apr ’87, $3.50, 352pp, pb) [Cheysuli] Reissue (DAW 1985) fantasy novel, “Chronicles of the Cheysuli” #2; 3rd printing.

The Song of Homana Jennifer Roberson (Corgi 0-552-13119-9, Oct ’87, £2.95, 348pp, pb) [Cheysuli] Reprint (DAW 1985) fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the “Chronicles of Cheysuli” series. [First U.K. edition]

Track of the White Wolf Jennifer Roberson (DAW 0-88677-193-5, Apr ’87, $3.50, 375pp, pb) [Cheysuli] Fantasy novel, “Chronicles of the Cheysuli” #4.

Conan the Champion John Maddox Roberts (Tor 0-812-54260-6, Apr ’87 [Mar ’87], $3.50, 280pp, pb) [Conan] Fantasy novel based on Howard’s mighty-thewed character. This volume also has an up-to-date Conan chronology which includes all the Conan continuations plus a Conan history.

Conan the Marauder John Maddox Roberts (Tor 0-812-54266-5, Jan ’88 [Dec ’87], $3.50, 277pp, pb) [Conan] Fantasy novelization in the “Conan” shared-hero series.

Conan the Valorous John Maddox Roberts (Sphere 0-7221-7396-2, Sep ’87, £2.50, 216pp, pb) [Conan] Reprint (Tor 1985) fantasy novel. Volume 27 in the “Conan” series. [First U.K. edition]

Grainne Keith Roberts (Kerosina 0-948893-07-9, May ’87, £12.50, 175pp, hc) Quasi-fantasy/alternate world novel. It follows the heroine “from her student days in Oxford, through a meteoric career in television to her self-ordained destiny as high priestess of a radically new social movement.” Distributed in the U.S. through specialty dealers only. Limited to 750 copies in this form.

Grainne Keith Roberts (Kerosina 0-948893-06-0, May ’87 [Aug ’87], £35.00, 175pp, hc) Limited (250 copies) edition of above, supplied in slipcase with hardback of A Heron Caught in Weeds.

A Heron Caught in Weeds Keith Roberts (Kerosina 0-948893-09-5, Apr ’87, £3.95, 46pp, tp) Poetry collection, edited by Jim Goddard. Limited to 350 copies in this form.

A Heron Caught in Weeds Keith Roberts (Kerosina 0-948893-08-7, Apr ’87 [Aug ’87], 46pp, hc) Limited (300 copies) hardback edition of above, distributed with Collector’s edition of Grainne.

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