The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- REID BANKS, LYNNE (stories) (continued)
- * _Melusine (Puffin 0-14-037333-0, 1994 [Dec 94], £4.50, 190pp, pb, cover by Stephen Lavis) Reprint (Hamish Hamilton 1988) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _Melusine (Avon Flare 0-380-79135-8, Nov 97 [Oct 97], $4.50, 248pp, pb) Reprint (Hamilton 1988) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * *Melusine: A Mystery (Harper & Row 0-06-020394-3, Sep 89, $12.95, 248pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy/mystery based on a legend.
- * *The Mystery of the Cupboard (Morrow 0-688-12138-1, Apr 93, $13.95, 246pp, hc, cover by Tom Newsom) [Indian in the Cupboard] Young-adult fantasy novel, fourth book of the Indian in the Cupboard series.
- * _The Mystery of the Cupboard (Avon Camelot 0-380-72013-2, Feb 94 [Jan 94], $3.99, 246pp, tp, cover by Tom Newsom) [Indian in the Cupboard] Reprint (Morrow 1993) young-adult fantasy novel, fourth book of the Indian in the Cupboard series.
- * *The Return of the Indian (Doubleday 0-385-23497-X, 1986 [Oct 86], $12.95, 189pp, hc) [Indian in the Cupboard] Juvenile fantasy novel, sequel to The Indian in the Cupboard. Plastic models come to life.
- * _The Return of the Indian (Avon Camelot 0-380-70284-3, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $2.95, 189pp, pb) [Indian in the Cupboard] Reprint (Doubleday 1986) juvenile fantasy novel, sequel to The Indian in the Cupboard.
- * *The Return of the Indian and The Secret of the Indian (Collins 0-00-675211-X, Dec 95, £4.99, 304pp, pb) [Indian in the Cupboard] Young-adult fantasy omnibus of the second and third novels in the Indian series. A film tie-in edition. The books are separately paginated. (Contents)
- * *The Secret of the Indian (Doubleday 0-385-26292-2, Oct 89, $13.95, 147pp, hc) [Indian in the Cupboard] Young-adult fantasy novel about a magic cupboard, third book in the Indian series.
- * _The Secret of the Indian (Avon Camelot 0-380-71040-4, Nov 90 [Oct 90], $3.50, 147pp, tp, cover by Tom Newsom) [Indian in the Cupboard] Reprint (Doubleday 1989) young-adult fantasy novel, third book in the Indian series.
- REILLY, ROBERT, ed. (1933- )
- * *The Transcendent Adventure: Studies of Religion in Science Fiction/Fantasy (Greenwood 0-313-23062-5, Mar 85 [Feb 85], $35.00, x + 266pp, hc) Non-fiction, 17 scholarly essays by critics.
- REIMANN, KATYA (chron.)
- * *A Tremor in the Bitter Earth (Tor 0-312-86008-0, Jun 98 [May 98], $24.95, 381pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Tielmaran Chronicles] Fantasy novel, book two in the Tielmaran Chronicles, sequel to Wind from a Foreign Sky.
- * _A Tremor in the Bitter Earth (SFBC #15447, Jul 98 [Jun 98], $12.50, 381pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Tielmaran Chronicles] Reprint (Tor 1998) fantasy novel, book two in the Tielmaran Chronicles. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *Wind from a Foreign Sky (Tor 0-312-86007-2, Jul 96 [Jun 96], $23.95, 379pp, hc, cover by Ed Gazsi) [Tielmaran Chronicles] Fantasy novel. A young country witch opposes powerful religious zealots. A first novel.
- * _Wind from a Foreign Sky (SFBC #13994, Nov 96 [Oct 96], $11.98, 379pp, hc, cover by Ed Gazsi) [Tielmaran Chronicles] Reprint (Tor 1996) fantasy novel. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Wind from a Foreign Sky (Tor 0-812-54933-3, Apr 97 [Mar 97], $6.99, 379pp, pb, cover by Ed Gazsi) [Tielmaran Chronicles] Reprint (Tor 1996) fantasy novel. A young country witch opposes powerful religious zealots.
- * *The Kiss (Avon 0-380-78347-9, Oct 96 [Sep 96], $5.99, 293pp, pb) Erotic vampire novel. An American couple fleeing 1939 Berlin find refuge in Romania with a seductive couple of vampires.
- REIN-HAGEN, MARK (stories)
- REINIUS, TRISH (1936- )
- * _The Planet of Tears (Iris 0-932987-00-1, Sep 85 [Aug 85], $8.00, 157pp, pb) [Planet of Tears] Reprint (Dawne-Leigh 1979) fantasy novel. Distributed by Strawberry Hill Press.
- * *Power of the White Wolf (Iris 0-932987-01-X, Sep 85 [Aug 85], $8.00, 160pp, pb) [Planet of Tears] Fantasy novel, sequel to The Planet of Tears. Order from Strawberry Hill Press.
- * *Stephen King: The First Decade, Carrie to Pet Sematary (Twayne 0-8057-7512-9, Feb 88, $17.95, 162pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study.
- * *Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: All You Need is a Love Spell (Pocket Archway 0-671-01695-4, Feb 98 [Mar 98], $4.50, 161pp, pb) [Sabrina, the Teenage Witch] Young-adult novelization, seventh in the series based on the TV show based on the Archie Comic. Copyrighted by Viacom Productions.
- REISS, KATHRYN (chron.)
- * *Dreadful Sorry (Harcourt Brace 0-15-224213-9, Apr 93, $16.95, 340pp, hc, cover by Wendy Popp) Young-adult time-travel fantasy novel of a girl who slips into the place of another who died 80 years before.
- * *Pale Phoenix (Harcourt Brace 0-15-200030-5, Apr 94 [Mar 94], $10.95, 326pp, hc, cover by Stephen Marchesi) [Time Windows] Young-adult time-travel fantasy novel, sequel to Time Windows. Mirandas family takes in a mysterious orphan girl who can appear and disappear at will.
- * _Pale Phoenix (Scholastic 0-590-48405-2, Oct 97 [Nov 97], $4.99, 326pp, pb) [Time Windows] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1994) young-adult time-travel fantasy novel, sequel to Time Windows.
- * *PaperQuake (Harcourt Brace 0-15-201183-8, Apr 98 [May 98], $17.00, 264pp, hc, cover by Tracy Sabin) Young-adult fantasy. An earthquake in contemporary San Francisco uncovers notes from 1906 that Viola is sure were written to her.
- * *Time Windows (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 0-15-288205-7, Sep 91 [Oct 91], $15.95, 260pp, hc, cover by Stephen Marchesi) [Time Windows] Young-adult fantasy novel of a doll house whose windows look out on the past.
- * _Time Windows (Scholastic 0-590-46536-8, Apr 94, $3.50, 260pp, tp) [Time Windows] Reprint (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1991) young-adult fantasy novel of a doll house whose windows look out on the past.
- REIT, SEYMOUR V., ed. (1918-2001) (stories)
- RELLING, WILLIAM, Jr. (1954-2004) (stories)
- * *Brujo (Tor 0-812-52510-8, Dec 86 [Nov 86], $3.95, 338pp, pb) Horror novel. The spirit of the last Indian shaman is disturbed by condominium excavation.
- * *The Infinite Man (Scream/Press no ISBN, Oct 89 [Apr 90], $15.00, 215pp, tp) Collection of 21 stories with an afterword by the author, illustrated by Harry O. Morris. This is a special Prevue Edition of 200 copies published for the 1989 World Fantasy Convention. This edition is laser printed and may not be the same as the final book if it ever appears. (Contents)
- * *New Moon (Tor 0-812-52512-4, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $3.95, 280pp, pb) Horror novel.
- * *Silent Moon (Tor 0-812-50708-8, Mar 90 [Feb 90], $4.95, 309pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) Horror novel of political and religious leaders that worship demons.
- REMICK, JACK (stories)
- * *Terminal Weird (Black Heron Press 0-930773-34-9, Sep 94 [Oct 94], $10.95, 155pp, tp, cover by Gordon Wood) Collection of 11 stories with fantasy elements, described as magical realism meets Franz Kafka in North America. A hc edition (-33-0, $20.95) was announced, but not seen. Available from Black Heron Press, PO Box 95676, Seattle WA 98145. (Contents)
- * *Silver (Insomniac Press 1-895837-23-5, 1998 [Nov 98], $14.99, 395pp, tp) Postmodern/absurdist/fantasy novel that includes such characters as J.P. Morgan, the Silver Surfer, Bob Barker, and Jesus Christ. This appears to be an international edition from a Canadian publisher.
- RENAULT, MARY; pseudonym of Mary Challans, (1905-1983) (stories)
- * _The King Must Die (Vintage 0-394-75104-3, 1988 [Feb 88], $6.95, 338pp, tp) [Theseus] Reprint (Pantheon 1958) historical novel with elements of fantasy. This first part of the retelling of the Theseus legend is one of the finest of historical novels (the second part is told in The Bull from the Sea) and a must for lovers of classic fantasy. (CNB)
- * _The King Must Die and The Bull from the Sea (SFBC #17990, Aug 98 [Jul 98], $12.98, 531pp, hc, cover by Parker Fulton) [Theseus] Reprint (BOMC/QPBC 1992) omnibus of two novels based on the Greek myth of Theseus: The King Must Die (1958) and The Bull from the Sea (1962). This special SFBC edition has ISBN 1-56865-806-0; it lacks a price, has the SFBC number on the back jacket, and comes shrinkwrapped with a poster of the cover art.
- * *The King Must Die/The Bull from the Sea (BOMC/QPBC no ISBN, Oct 92 [Sep 92], $12.95, 695pp, tp) [Theseus] Omnibus of two historical fantasy novels about Theseus, The King Must Die (Longman 1958) and The Bull from the Sea (Longman 1962). (Contents)
- * *A Very Personal Computer (HarperCollins 0-06-025404-1, Sep 95 [Oct 95], $14.95, 215pp, hc, cover by Mel Grant) Young-adult SF novel. A kids computer offers to do his homework, and gives him advice on growing up. Copyrighted by Wakefield Group Ltd.
- RENDELL, RUTH (Barbara), ed. (1930- ) (stories) (chron.)
- RENFROE, MARTHA KAY (1938- ); see pseudonym M. K. Wren
- RENNIE, GORDON (stories) (chron.)
- RESNICK, LAURA (stories) (chron.)
- * *In Legend Born (Tor 0-312-89055-9, Aug 98 [Jul 98], $25.95, 461pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [In Legend Born] Fantasy novel. A prophet foretells tribes of the great warrior who will expell their oppressors.
- * _In Legend Born (SFBC #00554, Dec 98 [Nov 98], $12.98, 461pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [In Legend Born] Reprint (Tor 1998) fantasy novel of an enslaved people awaiting their foretold liberator.
- RESNICK, MIKE; [i.e., Michael Diamond Resnick] (1942- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Adventures (NAL/Signet 0-451-13867-8, Oct 85 [Sep 85], $2.95, 239pp, pb) [Lucifer Jones] Humorous quasi-fantasy novel featuring adventurer Dr. Lucifer Jones. (Contents)
- * _Adventures (Wildside Press no ISBN, Sep 92 [Dec 92], $35.00, 160pp, hc) [Lucifer Jones] Reprint (Signet 1985) fantasy adventure novel, first book of The Chronicles of Lucifer Jones. The text has been slightly revised. This is a leopard-bound 300-copy numbered edition. A 26-copy leatherbound lettered edition ($75.00) was announced but not seen. Order from Wildside Press, 37 Fillmore St., Newark NJ 07105.
- * *An Alien Land (Dark Regions Press 1-888993-12-X, Jul 98, $11.95, 212pp, tp, cover by McEvoy) Collection of seven stories set in Africa, including the Nebula-winning Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge. Resnicks introduction discusses his use of Africa as inspiration. One story is co-authored by Susan Shwartz. Forward by Barbara Delaplace. A lettered, leatherbound limited edition (-13-8) and a signed, limited hardcover edition of 250 (-10-3) were announced but not seen. Order from Dark Regions Press, PO Box 6301, Concord CA 94524. (Contents)
- * *Authors Choice Monthly Issue 25: The Alien Heart (Pulphouse no ISBN, Dec 91, $4.95, 103pp, tp, cover by George Barr) Collection of eight stories with an introduction by the author. A signed hardcover edition ($25.00) is also available and a deluxe leatherbound edition ($50.00) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * _Birthright: The Book of Man (Farthest Star 1-57090-044-2, Sep 97, $14.95, 287pp, tp, cover by Peggy Ranson) Reprint (NAL/Signet 1982) SF novel spanning the entire existence of mankind, and establishing the Birthright Universe in which much of Resnicks work is set; a timeline of such works (through 1995) is included in the authors afterword. Foreword by Raymond E. Feist. Order from Farthest Star, 65 Macedonia Road, Alexander NC 28701; credit card orders 800-472-0438.
- * *The Branch (Signet 0-451-12778-1, Feb 84 [Jan 84], $2.50, 191pp, pb) Sf novel.
- * *Bully! (Pulphouse/Axolotl no ISBN, Sep 90 [Oct 90], $10.00, 110pp, tp, cover by George Barr) [Teddy Roosevelt] Sf novella. This is a signed limited edition of 525 copies. A signed limited hardcover edition of 300 copies ($35.00) and a deluxe leatherbound signed edition of 75 copies ($65.00) are also available.
- * *Bwana & Bully! (Tor 0-812-51246-4, Jun 91 [May 91], $3.99, 179pp, pb, cover by Barclay Shaw) Collection of two novellas set in Africa. (Contents)
- * _The Dark Lady (Legend 0-09-958190-6, Jun 88, £2.99, 279pp, pb) [Santiago] Reprint (Tor 1987) amusing sf novel about an alien art expert who sets off to find the woman who has inspired artists across several millenia. Set in the same universe as Santiago, but many centuries later. Recommended. (PSP) [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Dark Lady: A Romance of the Far Future (Tor 0-812-55116-8, Nov 87 [Oct 87], $3.50, 279pp, pb) Sf novel of a mysterious, eternally young woman. An entertaining adventure with mystical elements. (FCM)
- * _Encounters (Wildside Press no ISBN, Feb 95, $35.00, 160pp, hc) [Lucifer Jones] Reprint (Warner Questar 1992 as the second half of Lucifer Jones) picaresque and oft-fantastic episodic novel, the third book of The Chronicles of Lucifer Jones. Special cork-bound, signed, limited edition. Available from Wildside Press, 37 Fillmore Street, Newark NJ 07105.
- * *Eros Ascending (Phantasia 0-932096-29-8, Mar 84 [Feb 84], $17.00, 217pp, hc) [Tales of the Velvet Comet] Sf novel, limited edition (1,500 copies) of Book 1 of the Tales of the Velvet Comet series. Boxed, numbered, and signed.
- * *Eros at Nadir (NAL/Signet 0-451-14448-1, Sep 86 [Aug 86], $2.95, 252pp, pb) [Tales of the Velvet Comet] Sf novel about a whorehouse in space, Tales of the Velvet Comet #4.
- * *Eros at Zenith (Phantasia 0-932096-32-8, Oct 84 [Sep 84], $17.00, 187pp, hc) [Tales of the Velvet Comet] Sf novel, in the Tales of the Velvet Comet series.
- * *Eros at Zenith (Phantasia 0-932096-32-8, Oct 84 [Sep 84], $40.00, 187pp, hc) [Tales of the Velvet Comet] 300 copy, signed, numbered, boxed, limited edition of the above.
- * _Eros at Zenith (NAL/Signet 0-451-13667-5, Jul 85 [Jun 85], $2.95, 255pp, pb) [Tales of the Velvet Comet] Reprint (Phantasia 1984) sf novel, Tales of the Velvet Comet #2. Murder mystery set in a pleasure dome in space.
- * _Exploits (Wildside Press 1-880448-24-6, Jun 93, $35.00, 141pp, hc) [Lucifer Jones] Reprint (Warner Questar 1992 as Lucifer Jones) fantasy adventure novel, second book of the Chronicles of Lucifer Jones. This edition only includes the first half of the Warner paperback. The second half will appear later. This is a signed numbered 300-copy limited edition. A 26-copy lettered leatherbound edition (-25-4, $75.00) was announced but not seen. Order from Wildside Press, 37 Fillmore St., Newark NJ 07105.
- * *A Hunger in the Soul (Tor 0-312-85438-2, May 98 [Apr 98], $21.95, 221pp, hc, cover by Julie Bell) Africa-inspired SF novel. A journalist seeks a famous medical researcher on a jungle world.
- * *Inferno (Tor 0-312-85437-4, Dec 93 [Nov 93], $20.95, 304pp, hc, cover by John Berkey) [Paradise] Sf novel of an alien world whose contact with spacefaring mankind causes it to advance significantly before it slides backward into brutality and barbarism.
- * _Inferno (Tor 0-812-52345-8, Mar 95 [Feb 95], $4.99, 304pp, pb, cover by John Berkey) [Paradise] Reprint (Tor 1993) SF novel, third in a trilogy.
- * *Ivory (Tor 0-312-93093-3, Sep 88 [Aug 88], $17.95, 375pp, hc) Episodic sf novel with mystical elements a time-spanning look at two immense ivory tusks, their origin, and their connection with the fate of the Masai people.
- * _Ivory (Tor 0-812-50042-3, Aug 89 [Jul 89], $4.95, 374pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1988) sf novel with mystical elements about the search for two great ivory tusks and their connection with the past and future of the Masai.
- * _Ivory (Legend 0-7126-3470-3, Nov 89, £6.95, 375pp, tp) Reprint (Tor 1988) episodic sf novel about two giant elephant tusks and their relationship with the Maasai race over seven millenia. Recommended. (PSP) Also available in hardcover (-3465-7, £12.95). [First U.K. edition]
- * _Ivory (Legend 0-09-960070-6, Sep 90, £3.99, 375pp, pb, cover by Michael Whelan) Reprint (Tor 1988) sf novel.
- * _Kirinyaga (Pulphouse 1-56146-558-5, Jun 92 [Jul 92], $1.95, 42pp, pb, cover by David Martin) [Koriba (Kirinyaga)] Sf novelette that originally appeared in F&SF and in the collection Through Darkest Resnick With Gun and Camera. Short Story Paperback #58. A 100-copy signed limited hardcover edition (-938-6, $20.00) is also available. Order from Pulphouse Publishing, Box 1227, Eugene OR 97440.
- * *Kirinyaga (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41701-1, Mar 98, $25.00, 293pp, hc, cover by John Harris) [Koriba (Kirinyaga)] Collection/novel of eight related stories, with framing epilogue and prologue. A space colony attempts to recreate the old way of life of the Kikiyu people of Kenya. The authors afterword discusses how the stories came to be written, and the various awards and nominations they garnered individually (among them, two Hugo awards). (Contents)
- * _Kirinyaga (SFBC #02905, May 98 [Apr 98], $12.50, 293pp, hc, cover by John Harris) [Koriba (Kirinyaga)] Reprint (Del Rey 1998) SF collection of related stories. This is similar to the Del Rey edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *Lucifer Jones (Warner Questar 0-446-36319-7, Nov 92 [Oct 92], $4.99, 309pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Lucifer Jones] Comic fantasy novel of an adventuring preacher who encounters all sorts of creatures as he travels the world looking for easy marks. Second book of The Chronicles of Lucifer Jones.
- * *A Miracle of Rare Design (Tor 0-312-85484-6, Dec 94 [Nov 94], $21.95, 255pp, hc, cover by John Berkey) Anthropological SF novel with a human posing as an alien to learn its culture.
- * _A Miracle of Rare Design (SFBC #06296, Jan 95, $6.98, 178pp, hc, cover by John Berkey) Reprint (Tor 1994) anthropological SF novel. Similar to the Tor edition, except this lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
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