The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Title
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- The Rabbi and the Sorcerer Russell William Asplund (ss)
- Rabbi Davids Wife Joanne Greenberg (ss)
- The Rabbi Who Was Turned into a Werewolf Anon. (ex)
- The Rabbi Who Was Turned into a Werewolf Anonymous (ex)
- The Rabbis Tale Bud Webster (ss)
- The Rabbit Ardath F. Mayhar (ss)
- The Rabbit Jack Pavey (ss)
- Rabbit and Turtle, Continued... James Kee (ss)
- Rabbit Habits Cathy Shanks (ss)
- Rabbit Hole Ginny Sanders (ss)
- The Rabbit Hole Martin R. Soderstrom (ss)
- Rabbit Hole Jane Yolen (ss)
- The Rabbit Pie Man Josephine Saxton (ss)
- The Rabbit Within Gary A. Braunbeck (nv)
- Rabbits Moacyr Scliar (ss)
- The Rabbits Ghost Story Richard Adams (ss)
- Rabid Squirrels in Love Jack Ketchum (ss)
- The Raccolta of Filipo Morghen Brian W. Aldiss (ar)
- Raccoon Music Sheri S. Tepper (ss)
- Raccoon Reaction Joseph Green (ss)
- Raccoons Kevin ODonnell, Jr. (ss)
- The Raccoons Song Paula Fox (ss)
- The Race Dominic Dulley (ss)
- Race Relations Steven Utley (ss)
- Race Riots John W. Campbell, Jr. (ed)
- A Race Through Time Donald Wandrei (nv)
- Race to the Pole Robert L. Forward (ss)
- Race Under Fire Eric Dinehart (ss)
- Race with the Devil Randy Fox (ss)
- Race, Sex, and Speech in Amerika Andrea Dworkin (ar)
- Racehorse Predicts the Future! Josepha Sherman (ss)
- The Racer Ib Melchior (ss)
- Rachael Gary Couzens (ss)
- Rachaela Poul Anderson (nv)
- Rachel Tanith Lee (ss)
- Rachel and the Angel Robert Westall (nv)
- Rachel in Love Pat Murphy (nv)
- Rachel, Come Out Marilyn Husted (ss)
- Rachel, Rachel, Ive been thinking... Frank Herbert (pm)
- Rachels Inheritance Ray Vukcevich (ss)
- Rachels Wedding Virginia Ellen Baker (na)
- Racial Memory Ralph O. Hughes, Jr. (vi)
- Racine and the Tablecloth Antonia S. Byatt (nv)
- The Racing Car Book Brian Swann (vi)
- Racing Form John Grey (pm)
- Racing the Horseman Rayson Lorrey (ss)
- Racketeers Blues Mike Chinn (ss)
- Radar Dishes David Hammerton (pm)
- Radescu Richard Davignon (pm)
- Radiance Carter Scholz (na)
- A Radiance in the Bone Scot Noel (ss)
- The Radiant Boy Peter Cashorali (ss)
- Radiant Doors Michael Swanwick (ss)
- Radiant Flower of The Divine Heavens Margaret Millar (ss)
- The Radiant Twinnie Rikki Ducornet (vi)
- Radiations Children Robert Dyer (pm)
- Radical Architecture Roger Dean & Colin Greenland (pi)
- Radical Chick Jack Nimersheim & Ralph Roberts (ss)
- radical lilith Karen Verba (pm)
- Radical Sensibility James E. Gunn (is)
- Radically Both Christopher Golden (ss)
- Radicals Die Too Joey Froehlich (pm)
- The Radio Collin McDonald (ss)
- Radio William J. Wilson (pm)
- Radio Active Richard Lazarus (ss)
- Radio and Child Elizabeth K. Campbell (pm)
- The Radio Astronomer Joyce Carol Oates (ss)
- Radio Astronomer, Darkside Station Ann K. Schwader (pm)
- Radio Bimbos Judith Gorog (ss)
- Radio Cats John Sladek (vi)
- Radio DMZ Robert Frazier (nv)
- Radio Free Albemuth, Philip K. Dick Deborah L. Notkin (br)
- Radio Free America Anselm Hollo (pm)
- Radio Glossolalia Jeffrey Osier (ss)
- Radio Man Charles Wehrenberg (na)
- Radio Marrakech Ian McDonald (ss)
- Radio Nasty Stephen Gallagher (pm)
- Radio Praha Tony Daniel (ss)
- Radio Waves Michael Swanwick (nv)
- Radioactive Rock J. W. Donnelly (pm)
- Radiomancer and Bubblegum S. N. Dyer (ss)
- Radionda Dennis Jordan (ss)
- Rael Sèphera Girón (nv)
- Rafferty Lisa D. Sharp (pm)
- Rafferty #2 Lisa D. Sharp (pm)
- The Raffle Prize T. M. Lally (nv)
- Raffles on the Trail of the Hound Barry Perowne (ss)
- Raft Stephen M. Baxter (ss)
- The Raft Stephen King (nv)
- Raft, Stephen Baxter Dan Chow (br)
- Raft, Stephen Baxter Russell Letson (br)
- Rag Caroline Stevermer (ms)
- Rag Doll Jon C. Picciuolo (ss)
- The Rag Doll Wendy Rathbone (pm)
- Rag Dolls Gary A. Braunbeck (ss)
- The Rag Thing David Grinnell (ss)
- The Rag Thing Donald A. Wollheim (ss)
- Rage Richard Bachman (n.)
- Rage George C. Chesbro (nv)
- A Rage for Revenge, David Gerrold Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Rage of a Demon King, Raymond E. Feist Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Rage of a Demon Prince: Serpentwar Saga Volume Three Raymond E. Feist (ex)
- Rage of an Angel S. N. Lewitt (ss)
- Rage of Daedalus Adam Donaldson Powell (pm)
- The Ragged Astronauts, Bob Shaw Dan Chow (br)
- The Ragged Boy Chris Naylor (ss)
- Ragged John Beatrice Farrington (pm)
- The Ragged Rock Judith Moffett (na)
- The Ragged World, Judith Moffett Dan Chow (br)
- The Ragged World, Judith Moffett Faren Miller (br)
- Raggedy Ann Nancy Kilpatrick (bg)
- The Raging Tide: Or, The Black Dolls, Edward Gorey Tom Whitmore (br)
- Ragman Carl Glen Miller (vi)
- The Ragmore Beast Robert J. Harris (ss)
- The Ragnarockenroll Overture Michael Andre-Driussi (ss)
- Ragnarök Jorge Luís Borges (vi)
- Rags Judith Thurman (pm)
- Rags Mary Williams (ss)
- Rags from Riches Christopher Anvil (ss)
- Rags Martin-Jones and the Pr-nce of W-les F. Scott Fitzgerald (ss)
- Rags to Riches to Hell Michael F. Korn (vi)
- Rags, Torn Wayne Edwards (pm)
- The Ragthorn Robert Holdstock & Garry D. Kilworth (nv)
- Ragz Adam-Troy Castro (ss)
- RAH Memorial Rope n Ride 94 William J. Keaton (ar)
- Rah, Rah, R.A.H.! Spider Robinson (sp)
- RAH: A Memoir Poul Anderson (bg)
- The Raid of Le Vengeur George Griffith (ss)
- The Raid on the Golden Horn Don Satterlee (ss)
- The Raiders Margaret Ballif Simon (pm)
- Raiders from the Ghost World Brian Herbert & Marie Landis (ss)
- Raiders of the Lost ArkOn the Side of the Angels Greg Bear (mr)
- Raiders of the Lost Hamburger Joint Steve Blincoe (ct)
- Raiders of the Universes Donald Wandrei (nv)
- Rail Rider Wayne Allen Sallee (ss)
- Railhead Perceval Landon (ss)
- The Railroad John Dalmas (nv)
- Railroad Bill Richard Peyton (ms)
- The Railway Carriage F. Tennyson Jesse (ss)
- Railway Mania Michael Fearn (ss)
- Raimi on the Rampage J. B. Macabre (iv)
- Rain Christopher Amies (nv)
- Rain Tippi N. Blevins (pm)
- Rain Dana Burnet (ss)
- Rain James S. Dorr (pm)
- Rain Elsie (pm)
- Rain Elizabeth Engstrom (vi)
- Rain Tom Holt (ar)
- Rain Tony Lechat (pm)
- Rain Steven Millhauser (ss)
- Rain Tony Richards (ss)
- Rain Michael Dennis Skeet (ss)
- Rain and Thunder Bellamy Bach (na)
- Rain Brujah Jessica Wynne Reisman (vi)
- The Rain Door Russell Hoban (nv)
- Rain Falls Michael Marshall Smith (ss)
- Rain Falls in Winter Mark Rich (pm)
- Rain Forest Bruce Boston (pm)
- Rain from the New God Simon Brown (ss)
- Rain Man Randeane Tetu (ss)
- Rain Mountain R. A. Lafferty (ss)
- Rain Night Rain Noir John Alan Douglas (pm)
- A Rain of Spiders Jessica Amanda Salmonson (vi)
- Rain Puddles Duane Ackerson (pm)
- Rain Rider Donald W. Hornbostel (ss)
- Rain Season Leanne Frahm (ss)
- Rain Shadow Melanie Tem (ss)
- The Rain Stone Mary Rosenblum (nv)
- Rain Tree Sean Preston (ss)
- Rain, Parricide Edward Mycue (pm)
- Rain, Rain, Go Away Isaac Asimov (ss)
- Rain, Steam and Speed Steven Popkes (ss)
- Rain, Tunnel and Bombfire Pete Lyon & Simon Ounsley (pi)
- Rainbird R. A. Lafferty (ss)
- Rainbone Lisa R. Cohen (ss)
- The Rainbow Abyss Barbara Hambly (n.)
- The Rainbow Abyss, Barbara Hambly Faren Miller (br)
- The Rainbow Abyss, Barbara Hambly Tom Whitmore (br)
- Rainbow Bridge Kim Stanley Robinson (nv)
- Rainbow Girl Robert Randolph Medcalf, Jr. (pm)
- The Rainbow Grinned Robert Schadt (ss)
- Rainbow King Somtow Sucharitkul (nv)
- Rainbow Man, M. J. Engh Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Rainbow Man, M. J. Engh Russell Letson (br)
- The Rainbow Serpent Dorothy Mitchell (ss)
- Rainbows End Jayge Carr (nv)
- Raindance Kathryn A. Sinclair (ss)
- Raindrop Hal Clement (nv)
- Rainmaker Glenn G. Coats (vi)
- Rainmaker Carol Rivkins (ss)
- The Rainmaker Mary Rosenblum (nv)
- Rainmaker Cometh Ian McDonald (ss)
- The Rainman C. Dell Turney (ss)
- The Rains Steve Rasnic Tem (ss)
- The Rainses Denise Angela Shawl (ss)
- Rainy Day in Halicarnassus R. A. Lafferty (ss)
- A Rainy Evening in Western Illinois Rebecca Lyons (ss)
- Rainy Raindrop Peni R. Griffin (ss)
- Rainy Season Stephen King (ss)
- Rainy Weather Joe R. Lansdale (ss)
- Raise a Torso, Raise a Glass David D. Deyo, Jr. (pm)
- Raising Cane Janet Kagan (na)
- Raising Hell in High Point: On the Set with Hellraiser III Charles Overbeck & Paul B. Thompson (ar)
- Raising Hell with Clive Barker Douglas E. Winter (ar)
- The Raising of Elvira Tremlett William Trevor (ss)
- The Raising of the Mary Rose Keith Roberts (pm)
- Raising the Chill Factor Andrew Darlington (fw)
- Raising the Dead Denise D. Dumars (pm)
- Raising the Dead Stephen Laws (ar)
- Raising the Dead Readers (lt)
- Raising the Dead with Dan: A Backward Look at The Norless Tapes William F. Nolan (ar)
- Raising the Stones Sheri S. Tepper (ex)
- Raising the Stones, Sheri S. Tepper Russell Letson (br)
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