The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- BYERS, RICHARD LEE (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * *The Nightmare Club #3: Warlock Games (Zebra/Z-Fave 0-8217-4317-1, Aug ’93, $3.50, 166pp, pb) [Nightmare Club] Young-adult horror novel in a loosely-connected series centered around a club where strange things happen. Boys from Hudson Military Academy don’t realize that they’re pawns in the game of a centuries-old warlock.
- * *The Nightmare Club #6: Party Til You Drop (Zebra/Z-Fave 0-8217-4387-2, Nov ’93 [Oct ’93], $3.50, 221pp, pb) [Nightmare Club] Young-adult horror novel in a loosely-connected series centered around a club where strange things happen. The invitation list for Ellen’s party didn’t include flesh-eating creatures from ancient Indian legend, but they came anyway...
- * *The Vampire’s Apprentice (Zebra 0-8217-3632-9, Jan ’92 [Dec ’91], $3.99, 288pp, pb) Horror novel of a man who became a vampire voluntarily searching for the one who created and then abandoned him.
- * *The World of Darkness: Caravan of Shadows (White Wolf 1-56504-831-8, Apr ’95, $5.99, 368pp, pb, cover by George Pratt) [World of Darkness: Wraith] Novelization based on the “Wraith: The Oblivion” role-playing game. Copyrighted by White Wolf.
- * *The World of Darkness: Dark Kingdoms (White Wolf 1-56504-984-5, Nov ’98, $11.99, 607pp, tp, cover by Mike Danza) [World of Darkness] Omnibus of three dark fantasy novelizations, two not previously published, in the “Dark Kingdoms” trilogy based on the role-playing games: The Ebon Mask (1996), The Onyx Tower, and The Obsidian Blade. Copyrighted by White Wolf. (Contents)
- * *The World of Darkness: On a Darkling Plane (White Wolf 1-56504-844-X, Sep ’95 [Aug ’95], $5.99, 393pp, tp, cover by Drew Tucker) [World of Darkness] Horror novelization loosely based on the card game “Vampire: The Eternal Struggle”. Copyrighted by White Wolf.
- * *The World of Darkness: Vampire: Netherworld (HarperPrism 0-06-105473-9, Jun ’95 [May ’95], $4.99, 330pp, pb, cover by Larry MacDougall) [World of Darkness] Novelization based on the dark fantasy role-playing game. Copyrighted by White Wolf.
- * _The World of Darkness: Vampire: Netherworld (Boxtree 0-7522-0320-7, Apr ’96, £5.99, 330pp, pb, cover by Larry MacDougall) [World of Darkness] Reprint (HarperPrism 1995) novelisation based on the role-playing fantasy card game. Copyrighted by White Wolf Fiction. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The World of Darkness: Wraith: The Ebon Mask (White Wolf 1-56504-828-8, Aug ’96 [Jul ’96], $5.99, 385pp, pb, cover by Doug Alexander Gregory) [World of Darkness] Dark fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game. Volume one of the “Dark Kingdoms” trilogy. Copyrighted by White Wolf.
- BYFIELD, BRUCE (Allan) (1958- ) (stories)
- * *Witches of the Mind: A Critical Study of Fritz Leiber (Necronomicon Press 0-940884-35-6, Mar ’91 [Apr ’91], $9.95, 76pp, ph, cover by Robert H. Knox) Non-fiction, criticism. A critical guide to Leiber’s work plus a primary and secondary bibliography. [Leiber]
- BYRNE, EUGENE (stories)
- BYRNE, JEREMY G., ed. (stories)
- BYRNE, JOHN L. (1950- ) (stories)
- * *Fear Book (Warner 0-446-34814-7, Mar ’88 [Feb ’88], $3.95, 249pp, pb) Horror novel by a comic book artist/writer. A first novel.
- * *Superman: The Man of Steel (with Dick Giordano) (Ballantine 0-345-35093-6, Feb ’88 [Jan ’88], $12.95, unpaginated, tp) [Superman] Graphic novel made up of 7 recent issues of the comic, plus an introduction by Ray Bradbury.
- * *The Whipping Boy (Dell Abyss 0-440-21171-9, Mar ’92 [Feb ’92], $4.99, 498pp, pb) Horror novel. A boy tent-revival healer is really leading his flock into unspeakable evil.
- * *Wonder Woman: Gods and Goddesses (Prima 0-7615-0483-4, Oct ’97, $20.00, 307pp, hc, cover by Joe De Vito) Novelization based on the comic-book character. Copyrighted by DC Comics.
- * _Wonder Woman: Gods and Goddesses (Prima 0-7615-1713-8, Oct ’98, $12.95, 307pp, tp, cover by Joe De Vito) Reprint (Prima 1997) novelization based on the comic-book character. Copyrighted by DC Comics.
- CABEEN, R. PAYNE (stories)
- * *Tainted Treats (Streamline Pictures 1-57300-052-3, Dec ’94, $12.95, 190pp, tp, cover by R. Payne Cabeen) Collection of three short stories, one novella, and five poems of horror and macabre humor, with illustrations by divers artists including the author. A limited edition (-051-5, $22.95) was also announced but has not been seen. Available from Streamline Enterprises, 2908 Nebraska Avenue, Santa Monica CA 90404. (Contents)
- CABELL, JAMES BRANCH (1879-1958) (stories)
- * _Jurgen (Unicorn 0-04-823252-1, Oct ’84 [Sep ’84], £2.95, 288pp, pb) Reprint (McBride 1919) fantasy novel. The best, and most famous, book by an unjustly neglected author. Highly recommended. (CNB)
- CABRAL, CIRUELO (1963- )
- * *Ciruelo (Paper Tiger 1-85028-134-3, Nov ’90, £8.95, 128pp, tp) Collection of art, about half is sf and fantasy, with accompanying text by Nigel Suckling. Also available in hardcover (-130-0, £16.95).
- CACEK, P(atricia) D. (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Adventures of Threadwell the Tailor, or Alterations Made While You Wait (Dark Raptor Press no ISBN, May ’98, $6.00, 45pp, ph, cover by James Hubbs) Bawdy fantasy short story published in chapbook form, illustrated by James Hubbs. Available in a signed, limited edition of 333 copies. A lettered edition is available for $18.00. Dark Raptor Press, PO Box 2242, Clay NY 13041; e-mail:
- * *Ancient One (Paper Moon no ISBN, Oct ’95, $5.00, 33pp, ph, cover by Ken Roberts) Chapbook short horror story about an ancient teddy bear. A signed, limited edition of 100. Order from Blue Moon Books, 360 West First, Eugene OR 97401; (800) 738-2660; add $1.50 postage.
- * *Leavings (StarsEnd Creations 1-889120-10-3, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], $5.99, 230pp, pb, cover by David Martin) Collection of 13 stories, six apparently original, with introduction by Cacek, and foreword by Edward Bryant. Order from StarsEnd Creations, 8547 East Arapahoe Rd. #J224, Greenwood Village, CO 80112. (Contents)
- * _Midwife’s Nightcap/Mid-Wife Crisis (with Ru Emerson) See entry under Ru Emerson.
- * *Night Prayers (Design Image Group 1-891946-01-3, Apr ’98 [Mar ’98], $15.95, 219pp, tp) [Allison Garrett] Horror novel. Allison Garret becomes a vampire in LA, and hooks up with a streetcorner preacher to avoid some strip club vampire vixens. Available from The Design Image Group, PO Box 2325, Darien IL 60561; credit card orders 800-563-5455.
- CADIGAN, PAT(ricia Oren Kearney) (1953- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Dirty Work (Mark V. Ziesing 0-929480-27-9, Sep ’93, $29.95, 311pp, hc, cover by Rick Berry) Collection of 18 stories with an introduction by Storm Constantine. A signed slipcased limited edition (-28-7, $65.00) was announced but not seen. Order from Mark V. Ziesing, PO Box 76, Shingletown CA 96088. (Contents)
- * *Fools (Bantam Spectra 0-553-29512-8, Nov ’92 [Oct ’92], $5.99, 299pp, pb, cover by Francisco Maruca) Quasi-novel of three connected novellas set in a world where mind piracy is endemic.
- * _Fools (HarperCollins UK 0-586-21841-6, Mar ’94, £4.99, 299pp, pb, cover by Gary Marsh) Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1992) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Home By the Sea (WSFA Press 0-0962175-3-7, May ’92 [Sep ’92], $49.95, 283pp, hc) Collection of four stories, with an introduction by Mike Resnick. The full-color illustrations by David R. Works are plates on glossy stock lightly attached to the pages. This is a signed slipcased 500-copy limited edition. (Contents)
- * *Letters from Home (with Karen Joy Fowler & Pat Murphy) (The Women’s Press 0-7043-4280-4, Aug ’91, £6.95, 233pp, tp, cover by Elaine Kowalsky) Collection of six sf stories each from Pat Cadigan, Karen Joy Fowler and Pat Murphy, most previously uncollected. (Contents)
- * *Mindplayers (Bantam Spectra 0-553-26585-7, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $3.50, 276pp, pb) Sf novel on the border of cyberpunk (mostly cyber without the punk). A first novel about mind and technology. Recommended. (CNB)
- * _Mindplayers (Gollancz 0-575-04242-7, Feb ’88, £10.95, 276pp, hc) Reprint (Bantam 1987) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Mindplayers (Gollancz 0-575-04488-8, Mar ’89, £3.50, 276pp, pb, cover by Chris Brown) Reprint (Bantam 1987) sf novel.
- * _Mindplayers (Bantam Spectra 0-553-26585-7, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $4.95, 276pp, pb, cover by Albert Rocarlos) Reissue (Bantam Spectra 1987) sf novel; second printing. One of the best of the cyber-not-quite-punk novels. Recommended (CNB).
- * _My Brother’s Keeper (Pulphouse 1-56146-555-0, Jul ’92, $1.95, 50pp, pb, cover by Gregorio Montejo) Sf short story that originally appeared in IASFM and in the collection Patterns. Short Story Paperback #55. A 100-copy signed limited hardcover (-935-1, $20.00) edition is also available. Order from Pulphouse Publishing, Box 1227, Eugene OR 97440.
- * *Patterns (Ursus 0-942681-07X, Sep ’89 [Aug ’89], $19.95, 207pp, hc) Collection of 14 stories, with an introduction by Bruce Sterling. Highly recommended (FCM). (Contents)
- * _Patterns (Grafton 0-586-21148-9, Dec ’91, £3.99, 299pp, pb, cover by Peter Gudynas) Reprint (Ursus 1989) collection of fourteen sf stories, one original to this collection, each introduced by the author. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Synners (Bantam Spectra 0-553-28254-9, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $4.95, 435pp, pb, cover by Francisco Maruca) Cyberpunk/sf novel.
- * _Synners (HarperCollins UK 0-246-13755-X, Oct ’91, £14.99, 435pp, hc, cover by Peter Gudynas) Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1991) cyberpunk sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Synners (Grafton 0-586-21147-0, Oct ’91, £4.99, 435pp, pb, cover by Peter Gudynas) Paperback edition of the above. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Tea from an Empty Cup (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-586-21842-4, Sep ’98 [Aug ’98], £5.99, 218pp, pb) [Dore Konstantin] Cyber-SF mystery novel of death in Artificial Reality.
- * +Tea from an Empty Cup (Tor 0-312-86665-8, Oct ’98 [Sep ’98], $22.95, 254pp, hc, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Dore Konstantin] SF novel of a dark near future where the lines between reality and virtual reality are blurred. A woman and a cop team to investigate deaths in Artificial Reality. First US edition (Voyager 1998).
- CADNUM, MICHAEL (1949- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Calling Home (Viking 0-670-83566-8, May ’91, $14.95, 138pp, hc, cover by Debra Lill) Young-adult mystery novel with fantasy elements — maybe.
- * _Calling Home (Penguin 0-14-034569-8, Jul ’93 [Jun ’93], $3.99, 138pp, tp, cover by Debra Lill) Reprint (Viking 1991) associational young-adult thriller.
- * *The Cities We Will Never See (Singular Speech Press 1-880286-16-5, Dec ’93 [Jan ’94], $8.50, 67pp, tp, cover by Frank Jones) Associational poetry collection by a horror writer. Available from Singular Speech Press, Ten Hilltop Dr., Canton CT 06019.
- * *Ghostwright (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-801-8, Jul ’92 [Jun ’92], $19.95, 307pp, hc, cover by Neil Stuart) Horror novel about a writer whose past comes back to try and destroy him. Recommended (SW).
- * _Ghostwright (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0048-3, Dec ’93 [Nov ’93], $5.95, 382pp, pb) Reprint (Carroll & Graf 1992) horror novel about a writer whose past literally comes back to try and destroy him.
- * *The Horses of the Night (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-930-8, Jul ’93 [Jun ’93], $19.95, 318pp, hc) Horror novel of a man who sells his soul for success, only to watch the powers he’s unleashed destroy the people around him. Recommended (SW).
- * *In a Dark Wood (Orchard Books 0-531-30071-4, Apr ’98, $17.95, 246pp, hc, cover by Kari Kroll) [Robin Hood] Associational young adult retelling of Robin Hood from the Sheriff of Nottingham’s point of view.
- * *The Judas Glass (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0239-7, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $22.95, 310pp, hc, cover by Tony Greco) Vampire novel. A cut from an antique mirror turns a lawyer into a vampire.
- * *Nightlight (St. Martin’s 0-312-03897-6, Mar ’90, $15.95, 198pp, hc, cover by Bob Korn) Horror novel of a cemetery photographer who begans finding stranger images. A first novel.
- * _Nightlight (St. Martin’s 0-312-03897-6, Jul ’91, $15.95, 198pp, hc, cover by Bob Korn) Reissue (St. Martin’s 1990) horror novel; third printing.
- * *Saint Peter’s Wolf (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-728-3, Jun ’91 [May ’91], $19.95, 335pp, hc, cover by Neil Stuart) Werewolf horror novel. A civilized man glories in the joy of transformation into a wolf. Highly recommended (SW).
- * _Saint Peter’s Wolf (SFBC #18498, Oct ’91 [Dec ’91], $9.98, 335pp, hc, cover by Neil Stuart) Reprint (Carroll & Graf 1991) werewolf horror novel. Similar to the Carroll & Graf edition except it lacks an ISBN and price. The SFBC number is on the back jacket.
- * _Saint Peter’s Wolf (Arrow 0-09-918991-7, Dec ’92, £4.99, 344pp, pb) Reprint (Carroll & Graf 1991) horror novel about werewolves. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Saint Peter’s Wolf (Zebra 0-8217-4183-7, Jun ’93 [May ’93], $4.99, 428pp, pb) Reprint (Carroll & Graf 1991) werewolf horror novel. A civilized man glories in the joy of transformation into a wolf.
- * *Skyscape (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0135-8, Sep ’94 [Aug ’94], $21.95, 308pp, hc) Associational non-fantasy horror novel about a TV psychiatrist who tries to destroy the life of an artist.
- * *Sleepwalker (St. Martin’s 0-312-04995-1, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $15.95, 197pp, hc, cover by Bob Korn) Horror novel of a bog man, an archaeological discovery, who comes back to life.
- * *Stardust Bound (Firebrand Books 1-56341-052-4, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], $8.95, 147pp, tp) Lesbian SF novel of a future where the practice of astronomy is a crime. A first novel. A hardcover edition (-053-2, $18.95) was announced but not seen. Available from Firebrand Books, 141 The Commons, Ithaca NY 14850.
- CADY, EDWIN H., ed.
- CADY, JACK (Andrew) (1932-2004); see pseudonym Pat Franklin (stories) (chron.)
- * *Inagehi (Broken Moon Press 0-913089-50-8, May ’94, $13.95, 258pp, tp) Literary metaphysical fantasy/mystery set in 1950s North Carolina, where a young Cherokee woman inherits a mountain from her father and attempts to discover the source of its power and how it caused his death. Available from Broken Moon Press, Box 8325, Seattle WA 95903.
- * *The Night We Buried Road Dog (DreamHaven Books 0-0-9630944-X, Jun ’98, $27.00, 203pp, hc, cover by John Berkey) Collection of six stories by a multiple World Fantasy Award winner. Introduction by Peter S. Beagle. Order from DreamHaven Books, 912 W Lake St, Minneapolis MN 55409; credit card orders 800-379-0657; add $4.75 postage. (Contents)
- * *The Off Season (St. Martin’s 0-312-13574-2, Nov ’95 [Oct ’95], $23.95, 304pp, hc, cover by Winslow Homer) Fantasy novel. Time doesn’t work the same way for everyone in a small coastal town.
- * _The Off Season (St. Martin’s/Griffin 0-312-14694-9, Nov ’96 [Oct ’96], $12.95, 304pp, tp, cover by Winslow Homer) Reprint (St. Martin’s 1995) fantasy novel. Time goes wonky in a small coastal town.
- * *The Sons of Noah & Other Stories (Broken Moon Press 0-913089-40-0, Oct ’92 [Nov ’92], $13.95, 149pp, tp, cover by Nick Gregoric) Collection of seven dark fantasy/horror stories. Highly recommended (SW). (Contents)
- * *Street (St. Martin’s 0-312-11455-9, Oct ’94, $19.95, 212pp, hc) Contemporary urban dark fantasy novel about a demon among the street people of Seattle.
- CAHILL, JAMES (Semple) (1881-?); see under Anon.
- _____, ed.
- * *Lamps on the Brow (James Cahill Publishing 0-9640454-7-8, Aug ’98, $125.00, 200pp, hc) Collection of nine stories, seven original, by authors such as David Brin, Andre Norton & A.E. van Vogt. Limited to only copies, bound in leather with marbled boards and housed in a slipcase. Each copy is signed on the story title page by the author. Details taken from assorted web sites, and an e-mail from Bruce Bethke. (Contents)
- CAIDIN, MARTIN (1927-1997) (stories)
- * _Beamriders (Pan 0-330-30980-3, Feb ’90, £3.99, 411pp, pb, cover by Chris Moore) Reprint (Baen 1989) sf novel.
- * *Beamriders! (Baen 0671-69823-0, Jun ’89 [May ’89], $3.95, 411pp, pb) Near-future sf novel about the development of a laser transport system.
- * *Buck Rogers: A Life in the Future (TSR 0-7869-0144-6, Jun ’95 [Jul ’95], $19.95, 312 + 32pp, hc, cover by Larry Elmore) [Buck Rogers] Novelization based on the life of the comic strip character. Includes a 32-page color reproduction of a 1933 children’s book, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century by Phil Nowlan and Dick Calkins. Copyrighted by the Dille Family Trust.
- * _Cyborg (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31620-7, Aug ’84 [Jul ’84], $2.95, 318pp, pb) Reissue (Arbor House 1972) sf novel, second Del Rey printing. This is the book which became The Six Million Dollar Man.
- * *Dark Messiah (Baen 0-671-72022-8, Nov ’90 [Oct ’90], $4.95, 405pp, pb, cover by Ken Kelly) [Messiah Stone] Sf/fantasy/thriller, sequel to The Messiah Stone.
- * _Destination Mars: In Art, Myth and Science (with Susan Wright & Jay Barbree) See entry under Jay Barbree.
- * *Exit Earth (Baen 0-671-65630-9, Apr ’87 [Mar ’87], $4.50, 638pp, pb) Sf near-future disaster novel. The cover says, “Soon to be a Major Motion Picture.”
- * _Four Came Back (Baen 0-671-65433-0, Sep ’88 [Aug ’88], $2.95, 280pp, pb) Reprint (McKay 1968) sf novel: plague aboard a space station.
- * _The God Machine (Baen 0-671-69827-3, Jun ’89 [May ’89], $3.50, 314pp, pb) Reprint (Dutton 1969) near-future sf novel on the dangers of artificial super-intelligence.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates (Bantam 0-553-56192-8, Dec ’93 [Nov ’93], $4.99, 310pp, pb, cover by Drew Struzan) Fantasy adventure novelization featuring Indiana Jones. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * *Indiana Jones and the White Witch (Bantam 0-553-56194-4, Apr ’94 [Mar ’94], $4.99, 329pp, pb, cover by Drew Struzan) Fantasy adventure novelization featuring Indiana Jones, involved with white witches in a hunt for missing treasure and the ancient sword of Merlin. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * *Killer Station (Baen 0-671-55996-6, Dec ’85 [Nov ’85], $3.50, 370pp, pb) Sf novel. Watch out for the falling space station. The 1984 copyright is apparently a mistake. It’s an original.
- * _Manfac (Baen 0-671-65409-8, May ’88 [Apr ’88], $3.50, 344pp, pb) Reprint (Dutton 1979) sf novel. Damaged scientist gets automated body to fight crime.
- * *The Messiah Stone (Baen 0-671-65562-0, Apr ’86 [Mar ’86], $3.95, 407pp, pb) [Messiah Stone] Thriller/fantasy novel of a hunt for a stone which “confers the power of absolute belief on its owner.” The last owner? Adolf Hitler.
- * *Prison Ship (Baen 0-671-69814-1, Apr ’89 [Mar ’89], $4.50, 596pp, pb) Sf space adventure/political novel.
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