The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- WRIGHT, STEPHEN (1946- ) (stories)
- * _Going Native (Delta 0-385-31386-1, Feb ’95, $11.95, 305pp, tp, cover by Royce M. Becker) Reprint (Knopf 1994) fantasy version of Kerouac’s On the Road.
- * _M31: A Family Romance (QPBC no ISBN, Apr ’89, $8.95, 214pp, tp) Reprint (Crown 1988) literary novel of a family who may or may not be aliens from a flying saucer. This edition is identical to the Crown hardcover except it lacks an ISBN and has the jacket printed as the soft cover.
- * _M31: A Family Romance (Ballantine 0-345-36180-6, Jul ’89 [Jun ’89], $3.95, 248pp, pb) Reprint (Crown 1988) literary sf novel.
- WRIGHT, SUSAN (chron.)
- * _Destination Mars: In Art, Myth and Science (with Jay Barbree & Martin Caidin) See entry under Jay Barbree.
- * *Star Trek Voyager: Violations (Pocket 0-671-52046-6, Sep ’95 [Aug ’95], $5.99, 279pp, pb, cover by Dru Blair) [Star Trek: Voyager] Star Trek novelization, fourth in the series. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- * *Star Trek, the Next Generation #29: Sins of Commission (Pocket 0-671-79704-2, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $5.50, 277pp, pb) [Star Trek, the Next Generation] Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- * *Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Tempest (Pocket 0-671-00227-9, Feb ’97 [Jan ’97], $5.99, 275pp, pb) [Star Trek: Deep Space Nine] Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- * *Star Trek: Starfleet Academy: The Best and the Brightest (Pocket 0-671-01549-4, Feb ’98 [Jan ’98], $6.50, 277pp, pb) [Star Trek: Starfleet Academy] Star Trek novelization, first in a new adult “Starfleet Academy” series.
- WRIGHT, T(imothy) LUCIEN (1947- ); see pseudonym Jason Nickles (stories) (chron.)
- * *Blood Brothers (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-580-6, Jan ’92 [Dec ’91], $4.50, 288pp, pb) Vampire horror novel. A Hollywood horror writer becomes a vampire and goes after his twin brother.
- * *Dark Visions (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-732-9, Jul ’93 [Jun ’93], $4.50, 317pp, pb) Horror novel of a girl whose life is haunted by images of a frightening tunnel, which has enabled a killer to become an immortal predator of mankind.
- * *The Hunt (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-477-X, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $4.50, 320pp, pb) Horror novel. An old house in a small town has something evil and hungry lurking in its basement. A first novel.
- * *Thirst of the Vampire (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-649-7, Oct ’92 [Sep ’92], $4.50, 351pp, pb) Vampire horror novel. Journalist Mike Marat discovers that there is a vampire stalking his family, seeking revenge for a centuries-old wrong.
- WRIGHT, T(errance) M(ichael) (1947- ); see pseudonym F. W. Armstrong (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Ascending (Tor 0-312-85729-2, Jul ’94, $19.95, 222pp, hc, cover by Tim Jacobus) Horror novel about serial murder and demonic possession.
- * _The Ascending (Tor 0-812-50916-1, Jun ’95 [May ’95], $4.99, 222pp, pb, cover by Tim Jacobus) Reprint (Tor 1994) horror novel.
- * *Boundaries (Tor 0-812-50992-7, Dec ’90 [Nov ’90], $4.95, 277pp, pb, cover by Gary Smith) Horror novel. A man searches for the ghost of his murdered twin to learn the identity of her killer.
- * _Boundaries (Gollancz 0-575-05027-6, May ’92, £3.99, 277pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) Reprint (Tor 1990) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Earthmun (Gollancz 0-575-05872-2, Oct ’95 [Sep ’95], £4.99, 252pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) [Strange Seed] Dark fantasy novel, a sequel to Wright’s early novel, Strange Seed. Jack Earthmun, a homicide detective, finds his world turned upside down by a child-woman with a strange heritage.
- * *Goodlow’s Ghosts (Tor 0-312-85466-8, Jan ’93 [Dec ’92], $17.95, 222pp, hc, cover by Tim Jacobus) [*Goodlow’s Ghosts] Horror novel of a dead man who enlists the aid of a psychic in finding his murderer.
- * *Goodlow’s Ghosts (Gollancz 0-575-05511-1, May ’93, £14.99, 215pp, hc, cover by David Farren) [*Goodlow’s Ghosts] Supernatural detective novel about a psychic investigator who is hired to investigate the murder of private eye Sam Goodlow.
- * _Goodlow’s Ghosts (Gollancz 0-575-05720-3, Sep ’94, £4.99, 215pp, pb, cover by David Farren) [*Goodlow’s Ghosts] Reprint (Tor 1993) supernatural detective novel about a psychic investigator who is hired to investigate the murder of private eye Sam Goodlow.
- * _Goodlow’s Ghosts (Tor 0-812-51390-8, Jan ’95, $4.99, 222pp, pb, cover by Tim Jacobus) [*Goodlow’s Ghosts] Reprint (Tor 1993) supernatural detective/horror novel.
- * *The Island (Tor 0-312-93055-0, Apr ’88 [Mar ’88], $16.95, 278pp, hc) Horror novel.
- * _The Island (Tor 0-812-52765-8, Dec ’88 [Nov ’88], $3.95, 278pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1985) horror novel.
- * _The Island (Gollancz 0-575-04624-4, Aug ’89, £3.50, 278pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) Reprint (Tor 1985) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Last Vampire (Gollancz 0-575-04745-3, May ’91 [Apr ’91], £3.99, 221pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) Fantasy/horror novel about the last surviving vampire in a world destroyed by World War III.
- * *Little Boy Lost (Tor 0-312-93172-7, Jun ’92 [May ’92], $18.95, 247pp, hc, cover by John Zielinski) Horror novel about a lost boy and a mysteriously seductive forest.
- * _Little Boy Lost (Gollancz 0-575-05026-8, Feb ’93, £3.99, 247pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) Reprint (Tor 1992) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Little Boy Lost (Tor 0-812-55069-2, Mar ’95 [Feb ’95], $4.99, 247pp, pb, cover by John Zielinski) Reprint (Tor 1992) horror novel.
- * _A Manhattan Ghost Story (Gollancz 0-575-04684-8, Jan ’90, £3.99, 381pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) [Manhattan Ghost Story] Reprint (Tor 1984) ghost story about the dead who inhabit Manhattan. Recommended. (PSP)
- * _A Manhattan Ghost Story (Tor 0-812-51950-7, Jun ’94 [May ’94], $4.99, 381pp, pb) [Manhattan Ghost Story] Reissue (Tor 1984) ghost story; fifth printing. This edition has a balloon noting that it’s “soon to be a motion picture.”
- * _A Manhattan Ghost Story (Tor 0-812-51950-7, Nov ’97, $5.99, 381pp, pb) [Manhattan Ghost Story] Reissue (Tor 1984) ghost story. Sixth printing.
- * _Nursery Tale (Gollancz 0-575-05508-1, Mar ’94, £4.99, 288pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) Reprint (Playboy 1982) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The People of the Dark (Tor 0-812-52768-2, Sep ’88 [Aug ’88], $3.95, 288pp, pb) Reissue (Tor 1985) horror novel. Second printing.
- * *The Place (Tor 0-312-93146-8, Jul ’89 [Jun ’89], $17.95, 278pp, hc) Dark fantasy novel of a little girl’s psychic battle with a mad utopian for the lives of her family.
- * _The Place (Tor 0-812-50294-9, Jan ’90 [Dec ’89], $4.95, 278pp, pb, cover by Hector Garrido) Reprint (Tor 1989) dark fantasy novel.
- * _The Place (Gollancz 0-575-04746-1, Jan ’91, £3.99, 278pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) Reprint (Tor 1989) dark fantasy novel.
- * _The Playground (Tor 0-812-52748-8, Mar ’88 [Feb ’88], $3.95, 315pp, pb) Reissue (Tor 1982) horror novel; second printing.
- * *The School (Tor 0-312-85042-5, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], $17.95, 245pp, hc, cover by Hector Garrido) Horror novel of a couple who move into a haunted school.
- * _The School (Gollancz 0-575-05028-4, Sep ’91, £3.99, 245pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) Reprint (Tor 1990) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The School (Tor 0-812-51335-5, Sep ’96 [Aug ’96], $5.99, 245pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1990) horror novel.
- * *Sleepeasy (Gollancz 0-575-05506-5, Oct ’93, £15.99, 251pp, hc, cover by Steve Read) [*Goodlow’s Ghosts] Fantasy/horror thriller about a dead detective in the supernatural limbo town of Silver Lake.
- * _Sleepeasy (Gollancz 0-575-05918-4, Mar ’95, £4.99, 251pp, pb) [*Goodlow’s Ghosts] Reprint (Gollancz 1993) fantasy/horror thriller about a dead detective in the supernatural limbo town of Silver Lake; a sequel-of-sorts to Goodlow’s Ghosts.
- * _Strange Seed (Tor 0-812-52762-3, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $3.95, 309pp, pb) [Strange Seed] Reprint (Everest House 1978) horror novel.
- * _Strange Seed (Gollancz 0-575-05507-3, May ’93, £4.99, 309pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) [Strange Seed] Reprint (Everest House 1978) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Waiting Room (Tor 0-812-52760-7, Aug ’86 [Jul ’86], $3.95, 342pp, pb) [Manhattan Ghost Story] Horror novel.
- * _The Waiting Room (Gollancz 0-575-04744-5, Apr ’90, £3.99, 342pp, pb, cover by Danny Flynn) [Manhattan Ghost Story] Reprint (Tor 1986) horror novel. A sequel to/retelling of A Manhattan Ghost Story.
- * _The Woman Next Door (Tor 0-812-52744-5, May ’90 [Apr ’90], $3.95, 255pp, pb, cover by Mark Gerber & Stephanie Gerber) Reprint (Playboy 1981) of a crippled woman terrorized by the evil hidden in the house next door.
- WRIGHTSON, BERNI(e) (1948- ) (stories)
- WRIGHTSON, (Alice) PATRICIA (1921- ) (stories)
- * *Balyet (Macmillan McElderry 0-689-50468-3, Apr ’89 [Mar ’89], $12.95, 132pp, hc) Young-adult Australian fantasy based on Aboriginal legend. Simultaneous with a British edition from Century Hutchinson.
- * *Balyet (Hutchinson 0-09-173794-X, May ’89 [Apr ’89], £6.95, 102pp, hc, cover by Tony Kerins) Young-adult novel about a ghost in the Australian outback. Effectively simultaneous with the US edition.
- * _Balyet (Red Fox 0-09-966040-7, Aug ’90 [Sep ’90], £2.50, 102pp, pb, cover by Robert Ingpen) Reprint (Hutchinson/Macmillan 1989) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _Balyet (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-034339-3, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $3.95, 132pp, pb, cover by Stephen Marchesi) Reprint (Macmillan 1989) young-adult fantasy of a girl who falls under the spell of an ancient spirit in the Australian hills.
- * _The Dark Bright Water (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-33249-0, Aug ’86 [Jul ’86], $2.95, 182pp, pb) [Book of Wirrun] Reissue (Hutchinson 1978) fantasy novel, Vol. 2 of “The Book of Wirrun”. Highly recommended. (FCM) 2nd printing.
- * _The Ice Is Coming (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-33248-2, Aug ’86 [Jul ’86], $2.95, 196pp, pb) [Book of Wirrun] Reissue (Atheneum 1977) fantasy novel based on Australian mythology, first in the “Book of Wirrun” trilogy. Highly recommended. (FCM) 2nd printing.
- * _Journey Behind the Wind (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-33250-4, Aug ’86 [Jul ’86], $2.95, 198pp, pb) [Book of Wirrun] Reissue (Atheneum 1981) fantasy novel, Vol. 3 of “The Book of Wirrun”. Highly recommended. (FCM) 2nd printing.
- * _A Little Fear (Penguin Puffin 0-14-031847-X, Mar ’87, £1.50, 111pp, pb) Reprint (Hutchinson 1983) young-adult fantasy novel. Inported to US at $3.95.
- * _A Little Fear (Hutchinson 0-09-152710-4, Jul ’96, £9.99, 111pp, hc, cover by Mark Robertson) Reissue (Hutchinson 1983) young-adult fantasy novel. An old woman takes possession of a cottage already inhabited by the Njimbin. Third printing.
- * *Moon-Dark (Hutchinson 0-09-172559-3, Oct ’87 [Dec ’87], £6.50, 147pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel.
- * +Moon-Dark (Macmillan McElderry 0-689-50451-9, Apr ’88, $11.95, 163pp, hc) Young-adult talking-animal fantasy novel. First U.S. edition (Century-Hutchinson 1987).
- * _The Nargun and the Stars (McMillan/McElderry 0-689-50403-9, Aug ’86 [Sep ’86], $10.95, 184pp, hc) [Book of Wirrun] Reprint (Hutchinson 1973) juvenile fantasy novel of an Australian boy and a monster from aboriginal Dreamtime lore. Something of a prequel to her “Ice is Coming” trilogy. Recommended. (CNB)
- * _The Nargun and the Stars (Viking Puffin 0-14-030780-X, May ’88 [Jul ’88], $3.95, 184pp, pb) [Book of Wirrun] Reprint (Penguin UK 1970) young-adult fantasy novel with elements of Aborigine mythology.
- * _The Nargun and the Stars (Hutchinson 0-09-157440-4, Jul ’96, £9.99, 158pp, hc, cover by Mark Robertson) [Book of Wirrun] Reissue (Hutchinson 1973) young-adult fantasy novel. Second printing.
- * *Night Outside (Atheneum 0-689-50363-6, Oct ’85 [Nov ’85], $11.95, 67pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novella, illustrated by Beth Peck.
- WU DINGBO, ed. (1941- ) (stories)
- * *Science Fiction from China (with Patrick D. Murphy) (Praeger 0-275-93343-1, Oct ’89 [Sep ’89], $18.95, 176pp, hc) Anthology of eight Chinese sf stories, with an introduction by Frederik Pohl, an introductory essay by Wu Dingbo, and a chronological bibliography of Chinese sf. (Contents)
- * *Female Rule in Chinese and English Literary Utopias (Syracuse University Press 0-8156-2623-1, Jun ’95 [Dec ’95], $34.95, 225pp, tp) Non-fiction, critical study of the theme of female rule in texts as diverse as The Faerie Queen, Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, and Chinese texts over the last several centuries. There are notes, a glossary, a bibliography, and an index. Order from Syracuse University Press, 1600 Jamesville Avenue, Syracuse NY 13244-5160; credit card orders 800-365-8929.
- * _Female Rule in Chinese and English Literary Utopias (Liverpool University Press 0-85323-580-5, Jul ’95, £15.00, 225pp, tp) Reprint (Syracuse University Press 1995) non-fiction, criticism. A study of the theme of female rule in texts as diverse as The Faerie Queen, Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, and less available Chinese texts over the last several centuries. A hardcover edition (-570-8, £27.50) was announced but not seen. [First U.K. edition]
- WU, WILLIAM F(ranking) (1951- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Dr. Bones, Book 2: The Cosmic Bomber (Ace 0-441-15673-8, Jan ’89, $3.50, 151pp, pb) [Dr. Bones] Sf novel about an interstellar adventurer. For this installment, Dr. Bones investigates a planet soon to be struck by a comet. There are 13 unaginated pages at the end with computer-generated illustrations for the story. This is a Byron Preiss Visual Publications package, conceived and developed by Byron Preiss and Paul Preuss, edited by David M. Harris, characters by Steranko, etc. The author’s name is one of the few not on the copyright page.
- * *Hong on the Range (Walker 0-8027-6862-8, Mar ’89 [Feb ’89], $17.95, 286pp, hc) [Jack Hong] Sf “cyberwestern” novel.
- * _Hong on the Range (Hutchinson 0-09-174479-2, Aug ’90, £8.99, 318pp, hc, cover by Paul Damon) [Jack Hong] Reprint (Walker 1989) young-adult ’cyberwestern’ novel.
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robot City, Book 3: Cyborg (Ace 0-441-37383-6, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $2.95, 169pp, pb) [Robot City] Sf novelization based on Isaac Asimov’s robots.
- * _Isaac Asimov’s Robot City, Book 3: Cyborg (Orbit 0-7088-8302-8, Jul ’89, £2.99, 169pp, pb) [Robot City] Reprint (Ace 1987) sf novelization. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robot City, Book 6: Perihelion (Ace 0-441-37388-7, Jun ’88 [May ’88], $3.50, 162pp, pb) [Robot City] Sf novelization, based on a concept by Asimov. Illustrations by Paul Rivoche. Packaging by Byron Preiss.
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robots in Time #2: Marauder (AvoNova 0-380-76511-X, Jul ’93 [Jun ’93], $4.99, 243pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Robots in Time] Sf novelization, second book of the “Robots in Time” series, a follow-up to “Isaac Asimov’s Robot City”. With illustrations by Matt Ellson. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robots in Time: Dictator (AvoNova 0-380-76514-4, Feb ’94 [Jan ’94], $4.99, 230pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Robots in Time] Sf novelization, fourth book of the “Robots in Time” series, a follow-up to “Isaac Asimov’s Robot City”. With illustrations by Matt Elson. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robots in Time: Emperor (AvoNova 0-380-76515-2, Jun ’94 [May ’94], $4.99, 227pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Robots in Time] SF novelization, fifth book of the “Robots in Time” series, a follow-up to “Isaac Asimov’s Robot City”. With illustrations by Matt Ellson. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robots in Time: Invader (AvoNova 0-380-76516-0, Sep ’94 [Aug ’94], $4.99, 229pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Robots in Time] SF novelization, fifth book of the “Robots in Time” series, a follow-up to “Isaac Asimov’s Robot City”. With illustrations by Matt Ellson. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robots in Time: Predator (AvoNova 0-380-76510-1, Apr ’93 [Mar ’93], $4.99, 244pp, pb, cover by Dean Motter) [Robots in Time] Sf novelization, first book of a new “Robot” series, a followup tp “Isaac Asimov’s Robot City”. With illustrations by Matt Ellson. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robots in Time: Warrior (AvoNova 0-380-76512-8, Oct ’93 [Sep ’93], $4.99, 228pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Robots in Time] Sf novelization, third book of the “Robots in Time” series, a follow-up to “Isaac Asimov’s Robot City”. With illustrations by Matt Ellson. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * *Masterplay (Popular Library Questar 0-445-20504-0, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $3.50, 215pp, pb) Sf wargaming novel, a first novel. Parts have appeared in magazines in slightly different form.
- * *Mutant Chronicles: In Lunacy (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45317-4, Dec ’93 [Nov ’93], $4.99, 246pp, pb) [Mutant Chronicles: Apostate of Insanity] Novelization based on the Mutant Chronicles game, first book of the “Apostate of Insanity” trilogy. Includes a portfolio of uncredited illustrations. Copyrighted by Target Games.
- * *Robert Silverberg’s Time Tours Volume 1: The Robin Hood Ambush (Harper Paperbacks 0-06-106003-8, Oct ’90, $3.50, 140pp, pb, cover by Kevin Johnson) [Time Tours] Young-adult sf adventure, based on material by Robert Silverberg; first book of a new series, with an afterword by Silverberg and illustrations by Alex Nino. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * *The Shade of Lo Man Gong (Pulphouse 1-56146-535-6, Nov ’91, $1.95, 37pp, pb, cover by George Barr) [Jack Hong] Fantasy short story originally appeared in Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #2. Short story paperback #35. Available from Pulphouse Publishing, Box 1227, Eugene OR 97440.
- * *Shaunessy Fong (Pulphouse 1-56146-560-7, Jun ’92 [Jul ’92], $1.95, 44pp, pb, cover by George Barr) Fantasy short story that originally appeared in Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine, Issue 11. Short Story Paperback #60. A 100-copy signed limited hardcover edition (-940-8, $20.00) is also available. Order from Pulphouse Publishing, Box 1227, Eugene OR 97440.
- * *Wong’s Lost and Found Emporium and Other Oddities (Pulphouse no ISBN, May ’92, $25.00, 147pp, hc, cover by George Barr) Collection of nine stories, with an introduction by the author. This hardcover is limited to 300 signed copies. A 50-copy leatherbound edition was announced but not seen. The magazine edition is listed under magazines; Author’s Choice Monthly #28. Order from Pulphouse Publications, PO Box 1227, Eugene OR 97440.
- * *The Illustrated History of Science Fiction (with Bruce Cassiday) (Ungar 0-8044-2984-7, Jul ’89 [Jun ’89], $24.95, 251pp, hc) Non-fiction; reference. General history of science fiction that covers works from Sir Thomas More to E.T., with many black and white illustrations. Translated from the German by Jenny Vowles. First English-language edition (Edition Leipzig 1986 as Science Fiction: Eine Illustrierte Literaturgeschichte by Dieter Wuckel). Bruce Cassiday has “adapted” it for an American audience. An East German view of American sf is interesting, if oddly skewed. The information on early European sf is particularly enlightening. (CNB)
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