The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- ALEXANDER, LLOYD (Chudley) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-037825-1, Feb ’96, $3.99, 122pp, tp, cover by Steve Johnson) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reprint (Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1973) young-adult fantasy collection.
- * _The High King (Heinemann 0-434-92653-1, Aug ’86, £7.95, 200pp, hc) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reprint (Holt 1968) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _The High King (Armada 0-00-672565-1, May ’88, £1.95, 223pp, pb) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reissue (Holt Rinehart 1968) young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 5 in the “Prydain” series.
- * _The High King (Dell Yearling 0-440-43574-9, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $3.50, 304pp, tp, cover by Jody Lee) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reissue (Holt, Rinehart & Winsont 1968) young-adult fantasy novel, fifth book of the “Chronicles of Prydain” series; 10th printing.
- * _The High King (Mammoth 0-7497-1786-6, Dec ’95, £3.50, 223pp, pb, cover by Mark Robertson) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reprint (Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1968) young-adult fantasy novel. Last in “The Chronicles of Prydain” quintet.
- * _The High King (Dell Yearling Newbery 0-440-22030-0, Jun ’96 [Jul ’96], $2.49, 304pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reprint (Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1968) young-adult fantasy novel, fifth book of the “Chronicles of Prydain”. This is a special promotional edition, marked “Special low price” on the cover, and containing an excerpt from Dell’s latest Newbery Honor book.
- * *The House Gobbaleen (Penguin/Dutton 0-525-45289-3, Aug ’95, $15.99, unpaginated, hc, cover by Diane Goode) Children’s picture book. A man and his cat chase off an unwanted fairy guest with stories of an imaginary monster.
- * *The Illyrian Adventure (Dutton 0-525-44250-2, Apr ’86 [May ’86], $12.95, 132pp, hc) [Vesper Holly] Young-adult fantasy novel of an adventurous young heroine in an imaginary kingdom.
- * _The Illyrian Adventure (Dell/Laurel Leaf 0-440-94018-4, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $2.50, 132pp, pb) [Vesper Holly] Reprint (Dutton 1986) juvenile fantasy novel set in a Graustarkian country.
- * *The Iron Ring (Penguin/Dutton 0-525-45597-3, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $16.99, 283pp, hc, cover by Jane Ray) Young-adult fantasy set in mythic India.
- * *The Jedera Adventure (Dutton 0-525-44481-5, Apr ’89 [Jul ’89], $12.95, 152pp, hc) [Vesper Holly] Young-adult alternate-world Victorian adventure novel, fourth book in the “Vesper Holly” series.
- * _The Jedera Adventure (Dell Yearling 0-440-40295-6, May ’90 [Apr ’90], $3.50, 152pp, tp, cover by Michael Conway) [Vesper Holly] Reprint (Dutton 1989) young-adult alternate-world Victorian adventure novel, fourth book of the “Vesper Holly” series.
- * _The King’s Fountain (Dutton 0-525-44537-4, Oct ’89 [Sep ’89], $4.95, unpaginated, tp) Reprint (Dutton 1971) children’s fairy tale, with full color paintings by Ezra Jack Keats. Dutton has also reissued the hardcover edition (-33240-5, $13.95, second printing).
- * _The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian (Dell Yearling 0-440-40549-1, Dec ’91 [Nov ’91], $3.50, 204pp, tp, cover by Michael Conway) Reprint (Dutton 1970) young-adult fantasy novel of a young musician and his magical violin.
- * *The Philadelphia Adventure (Dutton 0-525-44564-1, Apr ’90, $13.95, 150pp, hc, cover by Trina Schart Hyman) [Vesper Holly] Young-adult alternate-world Victorian adventure novel, fifth book of the “Vesper Holly” series.
- * _The Philadelphia Adventure (Dell Yearling 0-440-40605-6, Apr ’92 [Mar ’92], $3.50, 150pp, tp, cover by Michael Conway) [Vesper Holly] Reprint (Dutton 1990) young-adult alternate-world Victorian adventure novel, fifth book of the “Vesper Holly” series.
- * *The Prydain Chronicles (SFBC #18531, Sep ’91, $13.98, 767pp, hc, cover by Jody Lee) [Chronicles of Prydain] Fantasy omnibus of the five books of the “Chronicles of Prydain” series, The Book of Three (Holt Rinehart 1964), The Black Cauldron (Holt Rinehart 1965), The Castle of Llyr (Holt Rinehart 1966), Taran Wanderer (Holt Rinehart 1967), and The High King (Holt Rinehart 1968) plus the collection of Prydain stories The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain (Holt Rinehart 1973) with the original illustrations by Margot Zemach. (Contents)
- * *The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen (Dutton 0-525-44826-8, Oct ’91, $14.95, 273pp, hc, cover by Paul O. Zelinsky) Young-adult oriental fantasy novel about a boy prince in ancient China.
- * _The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen (Dell Yearling 0-440-40890-3, Oct ’93, $3.99, 273pp, tp, cover by Paul O. Zelinsky) Reprint (Dutton 1991) young-adult Oriental fantasy novel about a prince in ancient China on a magical quest.
- * *The Second Chronicles of Prydain (Fontana 0-00-617372-1, Aug ’86, £4.95, 413pp, pb) [Chronicles of Prydain] Omnibus edition of young-adult fantasy novels Taran Wanderer and The High King. (Contents)
- * _Taran Wanderer (Heinemann 0-434-92652-3, Aug ’86, £7.95, 200pp, hc) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reprint (Holt 1967) young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 4 in the “Prydain” series.
- * _Taran Wanderer (Armada 0-00-672564-3, May ’88, £1.95, 187pp, pb) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reissue (Holt Rinehart 1967) young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 4 in the “Prydain” series.
- * _Taran Wanderer (Dell Yearling 0-440-48483-9, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $3.50, 272pp, tp, cover by Jody Lee) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reissue (Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1967) young-adult fantasy novel, fourth book of the “Chronicles of Prydain” series; 12th printing.
- * _Taran Wanderer (Mammoth 0-7497-1785-8, Dec ’95, £3.50, 187pp, pb, cover by Mark Robertson) [Chronicles of Prydain] Reprint (Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1967) young-adult fantasy novel. Fourth in “The Chronicles of Prydain” quintet.
- * _Time Cat (Dell/Yearling 0-440-48677-7, Sep ’85 [Aug ’85], $3.25, 191pp, pb) Reprint (Holt 1963) juvenile fantasy novel.
- * _Time Cat (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-037827-8, Feb ’96, $3.99, 206pp, tp, cover by Wayne McLoughlin) Reprint (Holt 1963) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _The Town Cat and Other Tales (Dell Yearling 0-440-48989-X, Aug ’90 [Sep ’90], $3.25, 126pp, pb, cover by Laszlo Kubinyi) Reissue (Dutton 1977) children’s collection of eight stories about cats, illustrated by Laszlo Kubinyi.
- * _The Town Cats and Other Tales (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-130122-8, Sep ’98 [Aug ’98], $4.99, 126pp, tp, cover by Mark Buehner) Reprint (Dutton 1977) young-adult collection of eight stories about cats. Illustrated by Laszlo Kubinyi.
- * _Westmark (Dell/Laurel-Leaf 0-440-99731-3, 1997 [Feb ’97], $3.99, 190pp, pb) [Westmark] Reissue (Dutton 1981) young-adult fantasy novel, book one of the “Westmark” trilogy; 16th printing.
- * _The Wizard in the Tree (Dell Yearling 0-440-49556-3, Dec ’90 [Jan ’91], $3.25, 158pp, tp) Reissue (Dutton 1975) young-adult fantasy novel, with illustrations by Laszlo Kubinyi; sixth printing.
- * _The Wizard in the Tree (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-038801-X, Jan ’98 [Dec ’97], $4.50, 138pp, tp, cover by Dan Craig) Reprint (Dutton 1975) young-adult fantasy novel, with illustrations by Laszlo Kubinyi.
- * +Resonating Bodies (Macmillan Atheneum 0-689-12039-7, May ’89, $18.95, 230pp, hc) Literary fantasy novel told from the alternating viewpoints of an elderly musician and his sentient 17th-century viola da gamba. First American edition (Macmillan UK 1988).
- ALEXANDER, MARC (Edward) (1929- ); see pseudonym Mark Ronson (stories)
- * *Ancient Dreams (Headline 0-7472-3025-0, Dec ’88 [Nov ’88], £3.50, 338pp, pb) [Wells of Ythan] Fantasy novel. Volume 1 in the “Wells of Ythan” series.
- * *Enchantment’s End (Headline 0-7472-3834-0, Jan ’92, £4.99, 434pp, pb, cover by Stephen Bradbury) [Wells of Ythan] Fantasy novel. Part the Fourth of “The Wells of Ythan”.
- * *Magic Casements (Headline 0-7472-3026-9, Oct ’89, £3.99, 342pp, pb, cover by Stephen Bradbury) [Wells of Ythan] Fantasy novel. Volume two in the “Wells of Ythan” series.
- * *Shadow Realm (Headline 0-7472-3027-7, Apr ’91 [Mar ’91], £4.99, 438pp, pb, cover by Stephen Bradbury) [Wells of Ythan] Fantasy novel. Part the Third of “The Wells of Ythan”.
- ALEXANDER, RIC, ed.; pseudonym of Peter Haining, (1940-2007)
- * *Cyber-Killers (Orion/Millennium 0-75280-980-6, Jun ’97 [May ’97], £9.99, 408pp, tp) Anthology of 23 murder stories involving technology. Each story has a brief preface on its author and first appearance. Introduction by Peter F. Hamilton. Authors include Terry Pratchett, William Gibson, Alfred Bester, and Dean Koontz. A hardcover edition (-783-8, £16.99) is also available. (Contents)
- * _Cyber-Killers (Orion 0-75281-633-0, May ’98, £6.99, x+540pp, pb, cover by Black Sheep) Reprint (Millennium 1997) anthology of 23 SF murder stories involving technology.
- * *The Unexplained: Stories of the Paranormal (Orion 0-75281-004-9, Apr ’98 [Mar ’98], £17.99, 433pp, tp) SF/fantasy/dark fantasy anthology of 21 stories, including two originals by Richard Laymon and Graham Masterton, and a Foreword by Peter James. Alexander is a pseudonym of Peter Haining. A trade paperback edition (-005-7, £10.99) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * *Glimpses (Delphic Publications 0-9642850-0-2, Mar ’95, $24.95, 310pp, hc) Allegorical SF novel. In 2515, humans exist only as computer-stored memories and preserved genetic material, and their only hope is spaceship arks that will carry the chosen few to new planets — if the Antichrist doesn’t stop them first. A first novel. Available from Delphic Publications, Inc., 362 Gulf Breeze Parkway #107, Gulf Breeze FL 32561; 800-260-3759. Add $3.00 shipping.
- ALEXIE, SHERMAN (Joseph, Jr.) (1966- ) (stories)
- * *Reservation Blues (Atlantic Monthly Press 0-87113-594-9, Jun ’95 [May ’95], $21.00, 306pp, hc, cover by Wendell Minor) Literary fantasy novel. An old man’s deal with the devil brings him to an Indian reservation, where his magic guitar leads young Spokane Indians to form a band. A first novel.
- * _Reservation Blues (Warner 0-446-67235-1, Sep ’96 [Aug ’96], $12.99, 306pp, tp, cover by Wendell Minor) Reprint (Atlantic Monthly 1995) literary fantasy novel about Native Americans and a deal with the devil.
- ALEXIS, ATHENA; pseudonym of Arnold Bruce Strauch & Katina Parthemos Strauch, (1946- )
- * *Along Came a Spider (Dell 0-440-20663-4, Nov ’91 [Oct ’91], $4.50, 322pp, pb) Horror novel à la V.C. Andrews. A first novel.
- * _Along Came a Spider (Piatkus 0-7499-0119-5, Jun ’92, £14.95, 322pp, hc, cover by Ken Leeder) Reprint (Dell 1991) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- ALEXIS, KATINA; pseudonym of Arnold Bruce Strauch & Katina Parthemos Strauch, (1946- )
- * *Souls (Pocket 0-671-67626-1, Feb ’92 [Jan ’92], $4.99, 300pp, pb, cover by Lisa Falkenstern) Horror novel of a woman menaced by someone determined to steal her soul.
- * *Witch (Pocket 0-671-67627-X, Nov ’90, $4.50, 343pp, pb) Horror novel of a Satanist murdering women through psychic attack in a small Georgia town.
- ALFAU, FELIPE (1902- )
- * *Locos (Vintage 0-679-72846-5, Jul ’90, $8.95, 206pp, tp, cover by Marc J. Cohen) Reprint (Dalkey Archive 1988) early magic realism novel, revised from an earlier edition (Farrar & Rinehart 1936).
- ALFONSI, ALICE (M.), ed. (1962- )
- * *Dark Seductions (with John Scognamiglio) (Zebra 0-8217-4331-7, Oct ’93 [Sep ’93], $4.50, 351pp, pb) Original anthology of 14 horror stories about love by Zebra authors. (Contents)
- ALGUIRE, JUDITH (1946- )
- * *Zeta Base (Naiad Press 0-941483-94-0, Aug ’91, $9.95, 191pp, tp, cover by Pat Tong & Bonnie Liss) Lesbian sf novel of a far-future Earth where the sun is undergoing ominous changes. A first novel.
- ALKON, PAUL K(ent) (1935- )
- * *Origins of Futuristic Fiction (University of Georgia Press 0-8203-0932-X, Dec ’87, $30.00, 341pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study of early futuristic fiction (1659-1834).
- * *Science Fiction Before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology (Macmillan/Twyane 0-8057-0952-5, May ’94 [Mar ’94], $22.95, 176pp, hc, cover by Albert Robida) Non-fiction, criticism. An analysis of pre-20th century sf, focusing on English, French, and American works. Available from Twayne Publishers, 866 Third Ave., New York NY 10022.
- ALLAN, MARGARET; pseudonym of W. T. Quick, (1946- )
- * *The Mammoth Stone (Penguin/Signet 0-451-17497-6, Feb ’93 [Jan ’93], $5.99, 391pp, pb) Associational prehistoric novel, first book of a new series. Allan is a pseudonym for W.T. Quick.
- * *Sister of the Sky (Penguin/Onyx 0-451-19040-8, Jan ’99 [Nov ’98], $6.99, 380pp, pb) Prehistorical novel of ancient Mexico, with fantasy elements. Allan is a pen-name for William Quick.
- * *Spirits Walking Woman (Penguin/Onyx 0-451-19039-4, Jan ’98 [Dec ’97], $5.99, 410pp, pb) Prehistorical novel of an Olmec woman with special powers. Allan is a pen name for William Quick.
- ALLBEURY, TED; [i.e., Theodore Edward le Bouthillier Allbeury] (1917-2005)
- * +All Our Tomorrows (Mysterious Press 0-89296-183-X, Sep ’89 [Aug ’89], $18.95, 260pp, hc) Sf/espionage thriller set in a near future England where two men fight the Russian conquerors. First American edition (Panther 1982).
- * _All Our Tomorrows (Warner/Mysterious Press 0-445-40914-2, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], $4.95, 296pp, pb, cover by Sonja Jakesvic & Nenad Jakesvic) Reprint (Panther 1982) sf/espionage thriller about underground resistance in Soviet-controlled near-future England.
- * *The Fading Realm (Phoenix 0-85476-318-X, Aug ’92, £3.99, 279pp, pb, cover by Vic Mitchell) [Stories of the Realm] Young-adult fantasy novel. Volume three in the “Stories of the Realm” trilogy.
- * *In Search of the Golden Sceptre (Phoenix 0-86065-907-0, Oct ’91, £3.99, 287pp, pb, cover by Vic Mitchell) [Stories of the Realm] Young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the “Stories of the Realm” trilogy.
- * *The Will of Dargan (Kingsway 0-86065-760-4, Nov ’89 [1989], £2.99, 224pp, pb) [Stories of the Realm] Young adult fantasy novel. [Not seen]
- ALLEN, ANITA, ed. (stories)
- ALLEN, BILL D., ed.
- * *Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb (Hutchinson 0-09-167880-3, Oct ’86, £5.95, 144pp, hc) Juvenile horror novel, first in the new “Fleshcreepers” line. A retelling of Bram Stoker’s The Jewel of Seven Stars.
- * *Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb (Beaver 0-09-949730-1, Oct ’86, £1.75, 144pp, pb) Juvenile horror novel, paperback edition of the above.
- ALLEN, EDWARD HERON; see under Heron-Allen, Edward (stories)
- ALLEN, MARY ANN; pseudonym of Rosemary Pardoe, (1951- ) (stories)
- * *The Angry Dead (Crimson Altar Press no ISBN, 1986 [Dec ’86], £1.30, 37pp, pb) Collection of 10 ghost stories, illustrated by Colin P. Langeveld. This is a pseudonym for Rosemary Pardoe. (Contents)
- ALLEN, MARY C(harlotte Chocqueel), ed. (1909- ) (stories)
- * *Great Ghost Stories in Large Print (G.K. Hall 0-8161-4423-0, May ’88 [Nov ’88], $18.95, 390pp, hc) Anthology of 13 ghost stories in large print. (Contents)
- * *All Hallows’ Eve: Tales of Love and the Supernatural (Walker 0-8027-1252-5, Oct ’92 [Jan ’93], $19.95, 247pp, hc) Original anthology of 16 romantic ghost stories, mostly Regencies. (Contents)
- ALLEN, MIKE, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *New Dominions: Fantasy Stories by Virginia Writers (with Anita Allen) (Allen & Allen Productions no ISBN, 1995 [Oct ’95], $4.95, 76pp, ph, cover by Ted Guerin) Chapbook original anthology of seven short stories, five poems, and a set of short vignettes; one poem is a reprint. This is the first edition we have seen, but it is marked as the second edition. Available from Allen & Allen Productions, PO Box 13511, Roanoke VA 24034-3511. (Contents)
- ALLEN, ROGER MacBRIDE (1957- ) (stories)
- * *Allies & Aliens (Baen 0-671-87658-9, Jun ’95 [May ’95], $5.99, 726pp, pb, cover by Paul Alexander) [Torch of Honor] Omnibus of two military SF novels, The Torch of Honor (Baen 1985) and Rogue Powers (Baen 1986), both revised, with a brief introduction explaining the nature and extent of the revisions. (Contents)
- * _Crisis of Empire III: The War Machine (with David A. Drake) See entry under David A. Drake
- * *Farside Cannon (Baen 0-671-65428-4, Aug ’88 [Jul ’88], $3.95, 406pp, pb) Sf novel of repression and rebellion in the 21st century — Earth vs. the settlement worlds, with the moon in the middle.
- * _Farside Cannon (Orbit 0-7088-4305-0, Oct ’89, £3.99, 406pp, pb, cover by Nick Rogers) Reprint (Baen 1988) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Caliban (Ace 0-441-09079-6, Mar ’93 [Feb ’93], $9.95, 312pp, tp, cover by Ralph McQuarrie) [Robot] Sf novel that continues Asimov’s “Robots” series, about the creation of a robot free of the Three Laws of Robotics. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * _Isaac Asimov’s Caliban (SFBC #00487, Apr ’93 [Mar ’93], $8.98, 312pp, hc, cover by Ralph McQuarrie) [Robot] Reprint (Ace 1993) sf novel that continues Asimov’s “Robots” series, about the creation of a robot free of the Three Laws of Robotics. First hardcover edition. This lacks an ISBN and price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Isaac Asimov’s Caliban (Millennium 1-85798-136-7, Aug ’93, £8.99, 312pp, tp, cover by Ralph McQuarrie) [Robot] Reprint (Ace 1993) sf novel based on Asimov’s three laws of Robotics, and on an original idea by Asimov. A hardcover edition (-135-9, £14.99) is also available. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Isaac Asimov’s Caliban (Millennium 1-85798-168-5, May ’94, £4.99, 312pp, pb, cover by Ralph McQuarrie) [Robot] Reprint (Ace 1993) SF novel.
- * _Isaac Asimov’s Caliban (Ace 0-441-00482-2, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $5.99, 312pp, pb, cover by Ralph McQuarrie) [Robot] Reprint (Ace 1993) SF novel, first in the series based on Asimov’s robot novels. Packaged and Copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
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