The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- SARGENT, PAMELA (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * *Ruler of the Sky (Crown 0-517-57364-4, Jan ’93, $25.00, 703pp, hc, cover by Michael Rothman) Associational historical novel about Genghis Khan. Simultaneous with the UK edition from Chatto & Windus.
- * *The Shore of Women (Crown 0-517-55834-3, Nov ’86, $16.95, 469pp, hc) Sf novel of love in a future world ruled by women.
- * _The Shore of Women (Chatto 0-7011-3239-6, Apr ’87, £10.95, 464pp, hc) Reprint (Crown 1986) post-nuclear fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Shore of Women (Bantam Spectra 0-553-26854-6, Oct ’87 [Sep ’87], $4.95, 471pp, pb) Reprint (Crown 1986) sf novel.
- * _The Shore of Women (Pan 0-330-30116-0, Oct ’88 [Sep ’88], £3.99, 456pp, pb) Reprint (Crown 1986) sf novel.
- * *Star Trek, the Next Generation: A Fury Scorned (with George Zebrowski) (Pocket 0-671-52703-7, Dec ’96 [Nov ’96], $5.99, 271pp, pb) [Star Trek, the Next Generation] Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- * *Star Trek: Heart of the Sun (with George Zebrowski) (Pocket 0-671-00237-6, Nov ’97 [Oct ’97], $5.99, 242pp, pb) [Star Trek] Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- * *Venus of Dreams (Bantam Spectra 0-553-25057-4, Feb ’86 [Jan ’86], $3.95, 536pp, pb) [Venus of Dreams] Sf novel of the settlement and terraforming of Venus. The first in a trilogy.
- * _Venus of Dreams (Bantam UK 0-553-17617-X, Aug ’89, £3.99, 536pp, pb, cover by Steve Youll & Paul Youll) [Venus of Dreams] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1986) sf novel. Volume one in the “Venus” trilogy. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Venus of Dreams (Easton Press no ISBN, May ’90, no price, 536pp, hc) [Venus of Dreams] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1986) sf novel, with an introduction by Gregory Benford and artwork by Ron Miller. This special leatherbound gilt-edge edition is part of the “Masterpieces of Scinece Fiction” series and is available by subscription only.
- * *Venus of Shadows (Doubleday Foundation 0-385-24840-7, Dec ’88 [Nov ’88], $19.95, 544pp, hc) [Venus of Dreams] Sf novel, sequel to Venus of Dreams. A challenging, rewarding study of interwoven lives and the growth of fanaticism in settlements on the newly terraformed surface of Venus. Recommended. (FCM)
- * _Venus of Shadows (Bantam Spectra 0-553-27058-3, Jan ’90 [Dec ’89], $4.95, 639pp, pb, cover by Ralle) [Venus of Dreams] Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1988) sf novel, second book of the “Venus” trilogy.
- _____, ed.
- * *Afterlives (with Ian Watson) (Vintage 0-394-72986-2, Aug ’86, $5.95, 494pp, pb) Anthology of 22 stories about life after death; 16 of them are originals. A superb gathering — highly recommended! (FCM) (Contents)
- * *Nebula Awards 29 (Harcourt Brace 0-15-100107-3, Apr ’95 [Mar ’95], $25.00, 308pp, hc) Best-of-the-year (1992-1993) anthology of nine stories, two Rhysling Award-winning poems, discussions of the year (1993) in SF and fantasy, plus appreciations for Avram Davidson. Also available in trade paperback (-600119-5, $13.00). (Contents)
- * *Nebula Awards 30 (Harcourt Brace 0-15-100113-8, Apr ’96 [Mar ’96], $25.00, 350pp, hc) Anthology of 11 stories originally published in 1993 or 1994, including the 1994 Nebula winners and other nominees, three Rhysling Award-winning poems, and discussions of the year 1994 in SF and fantasy. Also available in trade paperback (-600097-0, $13.00). (Contents)
- * *Nebula Awards 31 (Harcourt Brace 0-15-100108-1, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $26.00, 334pp, hc) Anthology of 11 stories originally published in 1994 or 1995, including the 1995 Nebula winners and some other nominees, two Rhysling Award-winning poems, and discussions of the year 1995 in SF and fantasy. Also available in trade paperback (-600114-4, $13.00). (Contents)
- * _Three in Space (with George Zebrowski & Jack M. Dann) See entry under Jack M. Dann
- * _Three in Time (with George Zebrowski & Jack M. Dann) See entry under Jack M. Dann
- * *Women of Wonder: The Classic Years (Harcourt Brace 0-15-600031-8, Aug ’95 [Jul ’95], $15.00, 440pp, tp, cover by Michael Koelsch) Anthology of 21 SF stories by women, with most of the authors from the original 1970s series, some represented by new selections, and several new authors, with a new introduction by Sargent. (Contents)
- * *Women of Wonder: The Contemporary Years (Harcourt Brace 0-15-600033-4, Aug ’95 [Jul ’95], $15.00, 422pp, tp, cover by Cliff Nielsen) Anthology of 21 SF stories by women writing since the ’70s, with an introduction by Pamela Sargent. (Contents)
- SARGENT, SARAH (1937- )
- * *Jerry’s Ghosts: The Mystery of the Blind Tower (Macmillan Bradbury 0-02-778035-X, Apr ’92, $13.95, 131pp, hc, cover by Norman Walker) Young-adult fantasy novel of two ghostly children trapped in the mansion they once lived in; only Jerry can free them.
- * *Jonas McFee, A.T.P. (Macmillan Bradbury 0-02-778041-4, Apr ’89 [Mar ’89], $11.95, 119pp, hc) Young-adult sf novel about a boy who is given a mysterious ball that gives great powers.
- * *Watermusic (Ticknor & Fields/[Houghton Mifflin] 0-89919-436-2, May ’86, $11.95, 120pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel involving other-worldly beings and archaeological artifacts.
- SARRANTONIO, AL (1952- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Babylon 5: Book 8: Personal Agendas (Dell 0-440-22351-2, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $5.50, 212pp, pb) [Babylon 5] Novelization based on the SF TV show. Copyrighted by Dell, characters etc. copyrighted by Warner Bros., with an undesignated copyright by PTN Consortium (a div. of Time Warner).
- * _Babylon 5: Personal Agendas (Boxtree 0-7522-2344-5, May ’97, £4.99, 212pp, pb, cover by Bob Parkin) [Babylon 5] Reprint (Dell 1997) SF novelisation of the J. Michael Straczynski series. Book 8 in the series. Copyrighted by the PTN Consortium. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Boy with Penny Eyes (Tor 0-812-52560-4, Apr ’87 [Mar ’87], $3.50, 278pp, pb) Horror novel.
- * *Campbell Wood (Doubleday 0-385-19458-7, Jan ’86 [Dec ’85], $12.95, 180pp, hc) Fantasy/horror novel.
- * _Campbell Wood (Berkley 0-425-10575-X, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $2.95, 180pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) horror novel.
- * *Five Worlds #1: Exile (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45521-5, Jun ’96 [May ’96], $5.99, 317pp, pb, cover by Donato) [Five Worlds] SF novel. The ruler of Mars wants to control all five settled planets of the solar system, forcing the King of Earth to flee.
- * *Five Worlds #2: Journey (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45591-6, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $5.99, 274pp, pb, cover by Donato Giancola) [Five Worlds] SF novel, second in the series. The High Leader of Mars attacks Titan, while Earth’s rightful ruler tries to escape imprisonment on Pluto.
- * *Five Worlds #3: Return (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45623-8, Mar ’98 [Feb ’98], $5.99, 285pp, pb, cover by Donato Giancola) [Five Worlds] SF novel, third in the series. Earth’s rightful ruler returns.
- * *House Haunted (Bantam 0-553-29146-7, May ’91 [Apr ’91], $4.50, 277pp, pb, cover by Jim Thiesen) Horror novel of an evil spirit who summons her victims to a lonely mansion.
- * *Moonbane (Bantam Spectra 0-553-28186-0, Oct ’89 [Sep ’89], $3.95, 196pp, pb) Sf novel with horrific elements—an alien force turns men into beasts.
- * *October (Bantam 0-553-28630-7, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $3.95, 224pp, pb, cover by Gary Smith) Horror novel of the evil lurking inside an elderly author.
- * *Skeletons (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29754-6, Jun ’92 [May ’92], $4.99, 406pp, pb, cover by Alan Ayers) Sf/horror novel of the dead raised by radiation from a galactic cloud.
- * *Totentanz (Tor 0-812-52558-2, Dec ’85 [Nov ’85], $3.50, 285pp, pb) Horror novel of an evil carnival.
- * *The Worms (Doubleday 0-385-19030-1, Jan ’85 [Dec ’84], $11.95, 179pp, hc) Fantasy/horror novel of terror in a New England town. A first novel.
- * _The Worms (Berkley 0-425-11272-1, Dec ’88 [Nov ’88], $3.50, 179pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1985) horror novel. Evil worms buried for centuries awake in a New England town.
- _____, ed.
- * *100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Barnes & Noble 1-56619-056-8, 1993 [Oct ’93], $7.95, 496pp, hc, cover by Jack Eckstein) Anthology of 100 short horror stories by authors ranging from Mark Twain to Joe R. Lansdale. This is an instant remainder book. (Contents)
- * _100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Michael O’Mara 1-85479-958-4, Apr ’94, £14.99, 496pp, hc, cover by Jack Eckstein) Reprint (Barnes & Noble 1993) horror anthology. [First U.K. edition]
- * _100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Barnes & Noble 1-56619-923-9, 1995 [Jul ’95], $4.98, 496pp, tp) Reprint (Barnes & Noble 1993) instant-remainder horror anthology.
- * _100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Barnes & Noble 1-56619-923-9, 1997 [Jun ’97], $4.98, 496pp, tp) Reissue (Barnes & Noble 1993) instant-remainder horror anthology. Third printing.
- * *The Chronicles of Scar (AvoNova 0-380-77939-0, Jan ’96 [Dec ’95], $5.50, 390pp, pb, cover by Greg Call) [Chronicles of Scar] Post-holocaust novel with a medieval fantasy plot. A poor boy in far-future America is revealed to be the King of Kenesee’s long-lost son. A first novel.
- * *The Lanterns of God (Avon Eos 0-380-73026-X, Sep ’98 [Aug ’98], $5.99, 305pp, pb) [Chronicles of Scar] Post-holocaust SF novel, third in The Chronicles of Scar.
- * *Legacy of the Ancients (AvoNova 0-380-73025-1, Jun ’97 [May ’97], $5.50, 366pp, pb, cover by Greg Call) [Chronicles of Scar] Post-holocaust SF novel, sequel to The Chronicles of Scar.
- SATTY, HARVEY J(erome) (1936- )
- * *Olaf Stapledon: a Bibliography (with Curtis C. Smith) (Greenwood Press 0-313-24099-X, Dec ’84 [Nov ’84], $35.00, 167pp, hc) Non-fiction; reference. An exhaustive bibliography which attempts to minutely describe everything by Stapledon, including letters, unpublished material, etc. There is also a selected secondary bibliography. Definitely the new standard work on the author. An unpublished autobiographical piece is included. (CNB) [Stapledon]
- SAUER, JULIA L(ina) (1891-1983)
- * _Fog Magic (Puffin/Newbery Library 0-14-032163-2, Oct ’86 [Nov ’86], $3.95, 107pp, pb) Reprint (Viking Penguin 1943) juvenile time travel fantasy novel, illustrated by Lynd Ward. A Newbery honor book.
- * _Fog Magic (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-032163-2, Feb ’98, $4.99, 107pp, tp, cover by Cheryl Harness) Reissue (Viking Penguin 1943) young-adult fantasy novel. 14th printing.
- SAUL, JOHN (Woodruff, III) (1942- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _All Fall Down (Bantam UK 0-553-17387-1, Aug ’91, £3.99, 330pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1982 as The God Project) horror novel.
- * *Black Lightning (Ballantine/Fawcett Columbine 0-449-90864-X, Aug ’95 [Jul ’95], $23.00, 392pp, hc, cover by Danilo Ducak) Horror novel. An executed serial killer’s spirit possesses a crime reporter’s husband.
- * *Black Lightning (Bantam UK 0-593-03758-8, Aug ’95, £15.99, 331pp, hc) Supernatural horror novel. The execution of a serial murder doesn’t stop murders which resemble those of the killer. Simultaneous with the US (Fawcett Columbine) edition.
- * _Black Lightning (Ballantine/Fawcett Crest 0-449-22504-6, Jul ’96 [Jun ’96], $6.99, 438pp, pb) Reprint (Fawcett Columbine; Bantam UK 1995) horror novel. An executed serial killer’s spirit possesses a crime reporter’s husband.
- * _Black Lightning (Bantam UK 0-553-40860-7, Aug ’96 [Jul ’96], £4.99, 397pp, pb, cover by Larry Rostant) Reprint (Fawcett Columbine; Bantam UK 1995) horror novel.
- * *The Blackstone Chronicles (SFBC #15186, Nov ’97 [Oct ’97], $12.98, 416pp, hc, cover by Danilo Ducak) Reprint (Ballantine/Fawcett 1997) horror novel originally published in serial form. This is the first publication as a single volume. This lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- * _The Blackstone Chronicles (Ballantine/Fawcett Columbine 0-449-00192-X, Feb ’98 [Jan ’98], $14.95, 527pp, tp, cover by Danilo Ducak) Reprint (SFBC 1997) horror novel originally published in serial form as six paperback novellas.
- * _The Blackstone Chronicles (Arrow 0-09-927023-4, Mar ’98, £5.99, viii+527pp, pb) Reprint (SFBC 1997) horror novel, originally published in serial form as six paperback novellas by Ballantine/Fawcett. Includes a foreword and afterword by Saul. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Blackstone Chronicles (Severn House 0-7278-2206-3, Aug ’98, £17.99, viii+527pp, hc, cover by David McAllister) Reprint (SFBC 1997) horror novel, originally published in serial form as six paperback novellas by Ballantine/Fawcett. Includes a foreword and afterword by Saul. First UK hardcover.
- * *The Blackstone Chronicles Part 1: An Eye For an Eye: The Doll (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-22781-2, Feb ’97 [Jan ’97], $2.99, 82pp, pb) Horror novel in serial form. Mysterious gifts, relics of a condemned asylum, drive townspeople mad. Part 1 of 6.
- * *The Blackstone Chronicles: Ashes to Ashes: The Dragon’s Flame (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-22786-3, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $2.99, 86pp, pb) Horror novel in serial form, part 3 of 6. A mysterious dragon-shaped cigarette lighter drives a woman mad.
- * *The Blackstone Chronicles: Asylum (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-22794-4, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], $3.99, 97pp, pb) Horror novel published in serial form, part 6 of 6. The terror in the asylum is revealed.
- * *The Blackstone Chronicles: Day of Reckoning: The Stereoscope (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-22789-8, Jun ’97 [May ’97], $2.99, 84pp, pb) Horror novel in serial form, Part 5 of 6. A stereoscope’s pictures bring eerie visions of horror.
- * *The Blackstone Chronicles: In the Shadow of Evil: The Handkerchief (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-22788-X, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $2.99, 83pp, pb) Horror novel in serial form, part four of six.
- * *The Blackstone Chronicles: Twist of Fate: The Locket (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-22784-7, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $2.99, 86pp, pb) Horror novella, part two of six about an abandoned asylum and the evil it holds.
- * _Brain Child (Bantam UK 0-553-17171-2, Aug ’91, £3.99, 342pp, pb) Reissue (Bantam 1985) horror novel.
- * *Brainchild (Bantam 0-553-24975-4, Aug ’85 [Jul ’85], $3.95, 342pp, pb) Sf/horror novel.
- * _Comes the Blind Fury (NEL 0-450-58170-5, Dec ’92, £4.99, 318pp, pb) Reissue (Dell 1980) horror novel.
- * *Creature (Bantam 0-553-05354-X, Jun ’89 [May ’89], $12.95, 329pp, hc) Horror thriller about small-town teenagers whose personalities are altered by corporate experimentation.
- * _Creature (Bantam UK 0-553-17680-3, Nov ’89, £3.50, 329pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1989) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Creature (Bantam 0-553-28411-8, Jun ’90 [May ’90], $4.95, 377pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1989) horror novel.
- * _Creature (Bantam UK 0-553-17680-3, Oct ’91 [Nov ’91], £3.99, 329pp, pb) Reissue (Bantam 1989) horror novel.
- * _Cry for the Strangers (Dell 0-440-11870-0, Jun ’90, $4.95, pb) Reissue (Dell 1979) horror novel; fifth printing.
- * _Cry for the Strangers (NEL 0-450-58169-1, Dec ’92, £4.99, 320pp, pb) Reissue (Dell 1979) horror novel.
- * *Darkness (Bantam 0-553-07373-7, Jul ’91 [Jun ’91], $17.50, 341pp, hc, cover by Tom Hallman) Horror novel of a mysterious society living deep in a swamp.
- * _Darkness (Inner Circle 1-85018-093-8, May ’92, £14.95, 341pp, hc, cover by Tom Hallman) Reprint (Bantam 1991) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Darkness (Bantam 0-553-29726-0, Jun ’92 [May ’92], $5.99, 371pp, pb, cover by Tom Hallman) Reprint (Bantam 1991) horror novel of a mysterious society hidden deep in a swamp.
- * _Darkness (Bantam UK 0-553-40340-0, Aug ’93, £4.99, 373pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1991) horror novel.
- * *Guardian (Bantam UK 0-593-03558-5, Mar ’94, £14.99, 390pp, hc, cover by Danilo Ducak) Horror novel. Copyrighted 1993.
- * _Guardian (Fawcett 0-449-22304-3, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $5.99, 370pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1993) horror novel.
- * _Guardian (Bantam UK 0-553-40746-5, Aug ’94, £4.99, 381pp, pb, cover by Danilo Ducak) Reprint (Bantam 1993) horror novel.
- * _Guardian (Ballantine/Fawcett Crest 0-449-22304-3, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], $6.99, 357pp, pb) Reissue (Bantam 1993) horror novel. 14th printing.
- * _Hell Fire (Bantam UK 0-553-17255-7, Oct ’91 [Nov ’91], £3.99, 344pp, pb) Reissue (Bantam 1986) horror novel.
- * *Hellfire (Bantam 0-553-25864-8, Aug ’86, $4.50, 352pp, pb) Horror novel of a haunted mill. Over 1.3 million copies in print already.
- * _Hellfire (Bantam UK 0-553-17255-7, Nov ’86, £2.95, 344pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam US 1986) horror novel.
- * _Hellfire (Century 0-7126-1164-9, Oct ’87, £10.95, 352pp, hc) Reprint (Bantam 1986) horror novel. [Not seen]
- * *The Homing (Fawcett Columbine 0-449-93651-3, Aug ’94 [Jul ’94], $21.50, 389pp, hc, cover by Danilo Ducak) Horror novel about a small California town under the spell of an ancient evil.
- * _The Homing (Bantam UK 0-593-03583-6, Oct ’94, £14.99, 389pp, hc, cover by Danilo Ducak) Reprint (Fawcett Columbine 1994) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Homing (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-22379-5, Aug ’95 [Jul ’95], $6.99, 423pp, pb) Reprint (Fawcett/Columbine 1994) horror novel.
- * _The Homing (Bantam UK 0-553-40859-3, Aug ’95, £4.99, 414pp, pb) Reprint (Fawcett Columbine 1994) horror novel about a small California town under the spell of an ancient evil.
- * _The Homing (Ballantine/Fawcett Crest 0-449-22379-5, Jul ’97, $6.99, 423pp, pb) Reissue (Fawcett Columbine 1994) horror novel. Fifth printing.
- * _Nathaniel (Gregg 0-8398-2891-8, Dec ’85, $14.95, 343pp, hc) Reprint (Bantam 1984) fantasy/horror novel. First hardcover edition, offset from the paperback original.
- * _Nathaniel (Bantam UK 0-553-17466-5, Aug ’91, £3.99, 343pp, pb) Reissue (Bantam 1984) fantasy/horror novel.
- * *The Presence (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-91055-5, Aug ’97 [Jul ’97], $25.00, 339pp, hc) Horror novel. An archeological dig in Hawaii uncovers more than bones.
- * _The Presence (Bantam UK 0-593-03761-8, Sep ’97, £16.99, 339pp, hc) Reprint (Ballantine/Fawcett 1997) dark fantasy novel. An archeological dig in Hawaii uncovers more than bones. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Presence (Ballantine/Fawcett 0-449-00241-1, Jun ’98 [May ’98], $7.99, 421pp, pb) Reprint (Fawcett Columbine 1997) Hawaiian SF/horror novel.
- * _The Presence (Bantam UK 0-553-40861-5, Aug ’98, £5.99, 421pp, pb, cover by Black Sheep) Reprint (Ballantine/Fawcett 1997) horror novel. An archeological dig in Hawaii uncovers more than bones.
- * _Punish the Sinners (NEL 0-450-58171-3, Dec ’92, £4.99, 332pp, pb) Reissue (Dell 1978) horror novel.
- * *Second Child (Bantam 0-553-05877-0, Jul ’90 [Jun ’90], $14.95, 341pp, hc, cover by Bob Hickson) Horror novel of an evil presence in a lonely town on the coast of Maine.
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