The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- * *Anne McCaffrey: A Critical Companion (Greenwood Press 0-313-29450-X, Jun ’96 [Jul ’96], $29.95, 186pp, hc) Non-fiction, a critical look at McCaffrey’s work, complete with biography and bibliography. Order from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, Westport CT 06881; credit card orders: 800-225-5800. [McCaffrey]
- * *A New Species: Gender and Science in Science Fiction (University of Illinois Press 0-252-06284-1, Jun ’93 [May ’93], $12.95, 170pp, tp) Non-fiction, criticism. A study of women’s roles and gender throughout the history of sf. A hardcover edition (-01983-0, $29.95) was announced but not seen. Order from the University of Illinois Press, 54 East Gregory Dr., Champaign IL 61820.
- * *Max Headroom (Vintage 0-394-74779-8, Nov ’86 [Oct ’86], $5.95, unpaginated, pb) Movie tie-in near-future tale of a computer-generated talking head, “an idiosyncratic but friendly Big Brother for the 1980s” according to the publisher. Lavish photo-illustration.
- * *The Aesthetics of Junk Fiction (University of Georgia Press 0-8203-1149-9, May ’90, $30.00, 284pp, hc, cover by Molly Renda) Non-fiction; reference. This is an academic study of genre fiction and its readers. It does attempt to go beyond the usual pro and con arguments, but the tone is smug and self-congratulatory and many points seem arbitrary and unsupported (SW).
- * *Make it So: Leadership for The Next Generation (with Bill Ross) (Pocket 0-671-52097-0, Sep ’95 [Aug ’95], $22.00, 242pp, hc) [Star Trek, the Next Generation] Non-fiction management guide based on examples from "Star Trek: The Next Generation".
- ROBERTS, WILLO (Louise) DAVIS (1928-2004) (assoc.)
- * *The Magic Book (Atheneum 0-689-31120-6, Apr ’86 [May ’86], $10.95, 150pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel of children casting spells.
- * _The Magic Book (Macmillan Aladdin 0-689-71284-7, 1988 [Jan ’89], $3.95, 150pp, tp) Reprint (Atheneum 1986) young-adult fantasy novel about a boy who finds an ancient book of magical spells.
- * *Fantasy Art (Northern Lights 0-89134-251-6, Jul ’88 [Nov ’88], $24.95, 144pp, hc) Non-fiction, art reference/how-to book on creating fantasy art, with various covers and paintings as examples. Order from Writers Digest Books, 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati OH 45201.
- * *Techniques of Fantasy Art (Macdonald 0-356-15324-X, Aug ’88 [Jul ’88], £11.95, 144pp, hc) Heavily illustrated book on the techniques of making fantasy art. Recommended. (PSP)
- ROBERTSON, JOHN; pseudonym of John Robert Bensink, (1948- )
- ROBERTSON, R. GARCIA y; see under García y Robertson, R. (stories) (chron.)
- ROBESON, KENNETH; house pseudonym (stories)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus # 2 (Bantam 0-553-26207-6, Jan ’87, $3.95, 410pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Omnibus of 4 Doc Savage short novels from the magazine. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus # 3 (Bantam 0-553-26738-8, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $3.95, 378pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Omnibus of 4 Doc Savage short novels from the magazine. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus # 4 (Bantam 0-553-26802-3, Oct ’87 [Dec ’87], $3.95, 392pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Omnibus edition of four short “Doc Savage” adventure novels. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus # 5 (Bantam, 1988, 407pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Collection of five stories from the magazines. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus # 6 (Bantam 0-553-27215-2, Aug ’88 [Jul ’88], $4.50, 378pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Collection of The Awful Dynasty, The Magic Forest, Fire and Ice, and The Disappearing Lady, adventure novellas from the original magazine. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus # 7 (Bantam 0-553-27616-6, Nov ’88 [Oct ’88], $4.95, 378pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Collection of four earlier stories from the magazines. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus # 8 (Bantam 0-553-27861-4, Mar ’89 [Feb ’89], $4.95, 407pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Collection of four Doc Savage magazine novellas. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus # 9 (Bantam 0-553-28000-7, Jul ’89 [Jun ’89], $4.95, 404pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Collection of four Doc Savage magazine novellas. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus #10 (Bantam 0-553-28325-1, Nov ’89 [Oct ’89], $4.95, 425pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Collection of four Doc Savage magazine novellas. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus #11 (Bantam 0-553-28389-8, Feb ’90 [Jan ’90], $4.95, 455pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Collection of five Doc Savage magazine novellas. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus #12 (Bantam 0-553-28510-6, Jun ’90 [May ’90], $4.95, 441pp, pb, cover by Bob Larkin) [Doc Savage] Collection of five “Doc Savage” novellas. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus #13 (Bantam 0-553-28626-9, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $4.95, 441pp, pb, cover by Bob Larkin) [Doc Savage] Collection of five “Doc Savage” novellas, with afterwords by Will Murray and Philip José Farmer. This collection completes the Bantam series collecting the entire original 182 novella pulp series. They plan to do some original novels. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage Omnibus, Vol. 1 (Bantam 0-553-25947-4, Aug ’86 [Jul ’86], $3.95, 373pp, pb) [Doc Savage] Omnibus edition of four fantasy adventures from the original Doc Savage magazine. (Contents)
- * *Doc Savage: Flight Into Fear (Bantam Spectra 0-553-29552-7, Mar ’93 [Feb ’93], $4.99, 221pp, pb, cover by Joe De Vito) [Doc Savage] Fantasy adventure novel based on the classic character, sixth book of a new series mostly by Will Murray writing as Robeson, with an afterword by Murray and illustrations by Joe De Vito. This is rewritten from an unpublished Lester Dent manuscript.
- * *Doc Savage: Python Isle [by Will Murray] (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29357-5, Nov ’91 [Oct ’91], $4.50, 207pp, pb, cover by Joe DeVito) [Doc Savage] Associational adventure novel based on Robeson’s classic character, first book of a new series by Will Murray writing as Robeson.
- * *Doc Savage: The Forgotten Realm (Bantam Spectra 0-553-29555-1, Nov ’93 [Oct ’93], $4.99, 288pp, pb, cover by Joe DeVito) [Doc Savage] Fantasy adventure novel based on the classic character, eighth book of a new series, most by Will Murray writing as Robeson, with illustrations by Joe DeVito.
- * *Doc Savage: The Frightened Fish [by Will Murray] (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29748-1, Jul ’92 [Jun ’92], $4.50, 176pp, pb, cover by Joe DeVito) [Doc Savage] Fantasy adventure novel based on the classic character, fourth in the new series by Will Murray writing as Robeson. This includes a complete index to all the Doc Savage novellas, both their original magazine appearances and their later collections in book form.
- * *Doc Savage: The Jade Ogre [by Will Murray] (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29553-5, Oct ’92 [Sep ’92], $4.99, 336pp, pb, cover by Joe DeVito) [Doc Savage] Associational adventure novel based on Robeson’s classic character, fifth book in a series by Will Murray writing as Robeson.
- * *Doc Savage: The Whistling Wraith (Bantam Spectra 0-553-29554-3, Jul ’93 [Jun ’93], $4.99, 274pp, pb, cover by Joe De Vito) [Doc Savage] Fantasy adventure novel based on the classic character, seventh book of a new series, most by Will Murray writing as Robeson.
- * *Doc Savage: White Eyes [by Will Murray] (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29561-6, Mar ’92 [Feb ’92], $4.99, 304pp, pb, cover by Joe DeVito) [Doc Savage] Adventure fantasy novel based on the classic character, second book of a series by Will Murray writing as Robeson. The book is based on an outline and chapter written by the original Robeson, Lester Dent.
- * *American Supernatural Fiction: From Edith Wharton to the Weird Tales Writers (Garland 0-8153-1735-2, Feb ’96, $40.00, 263pp, hc) Critical examination of supernatural fiction in the U.S., in eight essays covering both well-known and less-familiar authors such as Edith Wharton, F. Marion Crawford, Edward Lucas White and Henry S. Whitehead, and H.P. Lovecraft. Essay authors include Brian Stableford, Sam Moskowitz, and S.T. Joshi. Available from Garland Publishing, 717 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2500, New York NY 10022-8101; 212-751-7447.
- * *In a Faraway Galaxy (with Gracia Fay Ellwood & Lee Vibber) (Extequer 0-935892-07-9, Oct ’84 [Sep ’84], $6.95, 149pp, tp) [Star Wars] Non-fiction, a group of essays dealing with the characters, form, and philosophy of the “Star Wars” movies.
- * *I, Morgain (Branden Books 0-8283-2004-7, Mar ’95, $17.95, 190pp, hc, cover by Jeanne D’Andrea) Arthurian fantasy novel; Arthur’s notorious half-sister tells her side of the story. A first novel. Available from Branden Publishing, 17 Station Street, 843 Brookline Village, Boston MA 02147.
- ROBINSON, CHARLES E., ed. (stories)
- * _The Mary Shelley Reader See entry under Mary W. Shelley.
- * *1999: Apocalypse Maybe (Kalos Press 0-9658820-0-4, 1997 [Apr ’98], $12.95, 246pp, tp, cover by Chris Wright) Science fantasy novel. Scientists and psychics working together use Nostradamus’s prophecies to prevent the apocalyptic collision of a black hole with Earth. This is copyrighted 1997, and mentions an “original version” copyrighted 1995, but not seen until now. A first novel. Order from Kalos Press, 3524 N. Southport, Suite 154, Chicago IL 60657.
- ROBINSON, FRANK M(alcolm) (1926- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Blow-Out! (with Thomas N. Scortia) See entry under Thomas N. Scortia
- * _Blowout! (with Thomas N. Scortia) See entry under Thomas N. Scortia
- * *The Dark Beyond the Stars (Tor 0-312-85166-9, Jul ’91 [Jun ’91], $19.95, 408pp, hc, cover by John Harris) Sf novel of a vast and dying ship roaming the stars searching for signs of alien life.
- * _The Dark Beyond the Stars (SFBC #18236, Oct ’91, $6.98, 328pp, hc, cover by John Harris) Reprint (Tor 1991) sf novel. Similar to the Tor edition except it lacks an ISBN and price. The SFBC number is on the back jacket.
- * _The Dark Beyond the Stars (Tor 0-812-51383-5, Mar ’92 [Feb ’92], $4.99, 408pp, pb, cover by John Harris) Reprint (Tor 1991) sf novel of a vast and dying ship roaming the stars searching for signs of alien life.
- * _The Dark Beyond the Stars (Tor/Orb 0-312-86624-0, Jan ’98 [Dec ’97], $14.95, 408pp, tp, cover by John Harris) Reprint (Tor 1991) SF novel.
- * *Death of a Marionette (with J. Smith) (Tor/Forge 0-312-85967-8, Nov ’95 [Oct ’95], $22.95, 320pp, hc) Associational spy thriller with working-class characters.
- * *Pulp Culture: The Art of Fiction Magazines (with Lawrence Davidson) (Collectors Press 1-888054-12-3, Feb ’98, $39.95, 204pp, hc, cover by Enoch Bolles) Lavishly illustrated pictorial history of the pulp magazines from the first issue of Argosy to 1950. The text covers pulp fiction in general; lack of specifics on the art and artists, and the absence of an index, make this of limited use as reference, but you do get the lowdown on Spicy Zeppelin Stories and other obscure items — and the best selection and reproduction of pulp covers you’re ever likely to see. A limited edition is also available ($95.00). Order from Collectors Press, PO Box 230986, Portland OR 97281; credit card orders 800-423-1848.
- * *The Amazon Chronicles (Clothespin Fever Press 1-878533-12-6, Jan ’94 [Mar ’94], $15.95, 177pp, tp) Lesbian fantasy novel about an ancient kingdom ruled by women.
- ROBINSON, JEANNE (Marie Rubbicco) (1948- ) (stories)
- ROBINSON, KIM STANLEY (1952- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Antarctica (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-225359-3, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], £16.99, 414pp, hc, cover by Peter Elson) SF eco-thriller set in the 21st century. A radical environmental group sabotages those exploiting the Antarctic.
- * _Antarctica (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-225393-3, Feb ’98, £9.99, 414pp, tp, cover by Peter Elson) Reprint (Voyager 1997) SF eco-thriller set in the very near future.
- * +Antarctica (Bantam 0-553-10063-7, Jul ’98 [Jun ’98], $24.95, 511pp, hc, cover by P. A. Nisbet) SF novel. Politicians, corporations, adventurers, and ecological terrorists fight over control of Antarctic development. First US edition (HarperCollins/Voyager 1997).
- * _Antarctica (SFBC #18810, Sep ’98, $12.50, 511pp, hc, cover by P. A. Nisbet) Reprint (Voyager 1997) contemporary SF novel. This is similar to the Bantam edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Antarctica (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-649703-9, Sep ’98, £7.99, 562pp, tp) Reprint (Voyager 1997) SF eco-thriller set in the 21st century. A paperback (export only) edition (-651264-X, £6.99) was announced but not seen.
- * *Author’s Choice Monthly Issue 20: A Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions (Pulphouse no ISBN, May ’91, $4.95, 79pp, tp, cover by George Barr) Collection of three stories, two original. A limited hardcover edition ($25.00) is also available and a leatherbound deluxe edition ($50.00) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * _Black Air (Pulphouse 1-56146-520-8, May ’91, $1.95, 43pp, pb, cover by Gregorio Montejo) Historical fantasy story that originally appeared in F&SF and in his collection The Planet On the Table. Short story paperback #20.
- * *Blue Mars (HarperCollins UK 0-246-13883-1, Apr ’96 [Mar ’96], £15.99, 619pp, hc) [Mars] SF novel. The climax of the acclaimed trilogy. An export-only edition (0-00-2243150-6) is issued simultaneously.
- * +Blue Mars (Bantam Spectra 0-553-10144-7, Jul ’96 [Jun ’96], $22.95, 609pp, hc, cover by Don Dixon) [Mars] SF novel, third book of a trilogy about the colonization and terraforming of Mars. First American edition (HarperCollins UK 1996).
- * _Blue Mars (Easton Press no ISBN, Sep ’96, no price, 609pp, hc) [Mars] Reprint (HarperCollins UK 1996) SF novel, third book of a trilogy about the colonization and terraforming of Mars. This limited, leatherbound, gilt-edged edition is part of the “Signed First Editions of SF”, available by subscription only. This follows the Bantam Spectra edition seen in June.
- * _Blue Mars (SFBC #13941, Oct ’96 [Sep ’96], $10.98, 671pp, hc, cover by Don Dixon) [Mars] Reprint (HarperCollins UK 1996) SF novel, third book of a trilogy about the colonization and terraforming of Mars. This is similar to the Bantam Spectra edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Blue Mars (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-586-21391-0, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], £6.99, 787pp, pb) [Mars] Reprint (HarperCollins UK 1996) SF novel. The last in an acclaimed trilogy.
- * _Blue Mars (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57335-7, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], $6.99, 761pp, pb, cover by Don Dixon) [Mars] Reprint (HarperCollins UK 1996) SF novel, third book of a trilogy about the colonization and terraforming of Mars. A Hugo nominee and winner of the Locus Award.
- * *Down and Out in the Year 2000 (Grafton 0-586-21497-6, Nov ’92, £5.99, 351pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) Collection of two long novellas, “A Short, Sharp Shock” and “The Blind Geometer”, each previously published separately, and nine stories from last year’s US collection Remaking History (Tor). Recommended (PSP). (Contents)
- * *Escape from Kathmandu (Tor 0-312-93196-4, Nov ’89, $17.95, 314pp, hc, cover by Wayne Barlowe) [Freds] Comic fantasy adventure quasi-novel/collection of four connected stories set in Nepal. (Contents)
- * _Escape from Kathmandu (Unwin Hyman 0-04-440624-X, Jan ’90, £12.95, 314pp, hc, cover by Max Schindler) [Freds] Reprint (Tor 1989) collection of four connected fantasy adventure stories set in Nepal.
- * _Escape from Kathmandu (Easton Press no ISBN, Feb ’90, no price, 314pp, hc) [Freds] Comic fantasy adventure quasi-novel/collection of four stories, with an introduction by James Gunn and artwork by A.C. Farley. This is a signed special leatherbound gilt-edge edition that is being published “simultaneously” with the Tor hardcover listed three months ago. It is part of the “Signed First Editions of Science Fiction” series and is available by subscription only.
- * _Escape from Kathmandu (Tor 0-812-50059-8, Jun ’90 [May ’90], $4.95, 313pp, pb, cover by Wayne Barlowe) [Freds] Reprint (Tor 1989) comic fantasy adventure quasi-novel/collection of four connected stories set in Nepal.
- * _Escape from Kathmandu (Unwin 0-04-440772-6, Nov ’90 [Oct ’90], £3.99, 313pp, pb, cover by Lee Gibbons) [Freds] Reprint (Tor 1989) fantasy collection.
- * _Escape from Kathmandu (Tor/Orb 0-312-89006-0, Feb ’94, $12.95, 320pp, tp, cover by Wayne Barlowe) [Freds] Reprint (Tor 1989) collection of four connected stories.
- * *The Gold Coast (Tor 0-312-93050-X, Feb ’88 [Jan ’88], $18.95, 389pp, hc) [Orange County] Near-future quasi-sf novel set in a Southern California not much different from today’s. A “companion piece” to Robinson’s first novel, The Wild Shore.
- * _The Gold Coast (Tor 0-812-55239-3, Nov ’88 [Oct ’88], $3.95, 389pp, pb) [Orange County] Reprint (Tor 1988) sf novel set in an alternate near-future California.
- * _The Gold Coast (Orbit 0-7088-8295-1, May ’89, £6.99, 389pp, tp) [Orange County] Reprint (Tor 1988) curious mixture of futuristic Los Angeles drug scene and anti-SDI polemic. (PSP) [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Gold Coast (Orbit 0-7088-8295-1, Aug ’90, £3.99, 389pp, pb) [Orange County] Reprint (Tor 1988) sf novel.
- * _The Gold Coast (HarperCollins UK 0-00-648020-9, Apr ’95 [Mar ’95], £4.99, 389pp, pb, cover by Peter Elson) [Orange County] Reprint (Tor 1988) SF novel in the ‘Orange County’ series.
- * _The Gold Coast (Tor/Orb 0-312-89037-0, Jun ’95 [May ’95], $13.95, 389pp, tp, cover by Tony Roberts) [Orange County] Reprint (Tor 1988) SF novel, second in the “Three Californias” trilogy.
- * *Green Mars (HarperCollins UK 0-246-13882-3, Oct ’93, £14.99, 575pp, hc, cover by Peter Elson) [Mars] Epic sf novel about the colonization of Mars. Volume two in the “Mars” trilogy.
- * +Green Mars (Bantam Spectra 0-553-37335-8, Apr ’94 [Mar ’94], $13.95, 535pp, tp, cover by Don Dixon) [Mars] Sf novel, second book of a trilogy about the colonization and terraforming of Mars. A hardcover edition (-09640-0, $22.95) is also available. First American edition (HarperCollins UK 1993).
- * _Green Mars (HarperCollins UK 0-00-224296-6, Apr ’94, £9.99, 575pp, tp, cover by Peter Elson) [Mars] Reprint (HarperCollins UK 1993) SF novel. Volume two in the “Mars” trilogy.
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