The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- VARLEY, JOHN (Herbert) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _Titan (Berkley 0-425-08670-4, Nov ’85 [Oct ’85], $3.50, 309pp, pb) [Gaea] Reissue (Berkley-Putnam 1979) sf novel, first in a trilogy; 10th printing.
- * _Titan (Ace 0-441-81304-6, Sep ’92 [Aug ’92], $4.99, 309pp, pb, cover by Todd Cameron Hamilton) [Gaea] Reissue (Berkley/Putnam 1979) sf novel, first book in the “Titan” trilogy; fourth printing.
- * _Titan (Ace 0-441-81304-6, Dec ’98, $5.99, 309pp, pb, cover by Todd Cameron Hamilton) [Gaea] Reissue (Berkley-Putnam 1979) SF novel, first in the “Gaean” trilogy.
- * _Wizard (Berkley 0-425-08166-4, Nov ’85 [Oct ’85], $3.50, 372pp, pb) [Gaea] Reissue (Berkley/Putnam 1980) sf novel, second in the “Titan” trilogy; 9th printing.
- * _Wizard (Ace 0-441-90067-4, Oct ’92 [Sep ’92], $5.50, 371pp, pb, cover by Todd Cameron Hamilton) [Gaea] Reissue (Berkley Putnam 1980) sf novel, second in the “Titan” trilogy; 15th printing.
- * _Wizard (Ace 0-441-90067-4, Jan ’99 [Dec ’98], $6.99, 372pp, pb, cover by Todd Cameron Hamilton) [Gaea] Reissue (Berkley/Putnam 1980) SF novel, second in the “Gaean” trilogy. 18th printing.
- _____, ed.
- * *Superheroes (with Ricia Mainhardt) (Ace 0-441-00137-8, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $12.00, 373pp, tp, cover by Bruce Jensen) Original anthology of 25 stories about all-new superheroes created by authors including Alan Dean Foster, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Roger Zelazny, and Dennis O’Neil, with an introduction and story by John Varley. (Contents)
- * _Superheroes (with Ricia Mainhardt) (Ace 0-441-00307-9, Jan ’96 [Dec ’95], $5.99, 369pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) Reprint (Ace 1995) original anthology of 25 superhero stories.
- * *The Willow Source Book (with Eric Goldberg) (Tor 0-312-93083-6, Aug ’88, $10.95, 90pp, 8½" x 11" tp) Non-fiction, reference, background of the film Willow.
- VARNEY, ALLEN (stories)
- * *Dragon Dice: Cast of Fate (TSR 0-7869-0510-7, Aug ’96 [Oct ’96], $5.99, tp) [Dragon Dice] Fantasy novelization, book one in the series. Bound with a special die inside. Copyrighted by TSR.
- * *Scientific Attitudes in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (UMI 0-8357-1580-9, 1984 [May ’85], $24.95 + postage, 111pp, hc) Non-fiction, literary criticism. This revision of a thesis appeared in 1984, but we didn’t see it until 1985. [Shelley]
- * *Travels of the Mind (Rivercross 0-944957-85-4, Nov ’96 [Oct ’96], $18.95, 217pp, hc, cover by Rute Vasconcelos) Collection of nine SF stories. Translated by Martin Wragg from the Portuguese. Available from Rivercross Publishing, 127 East 59th St, New York NY 10022; 800-451-4522.
- VAUGHAN, RALPH E. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Professor Challenger In: Secrets of the Dreamlands (Gryphon Books 0-936071-66-4, May ’97 [Mar ’97], $9.95, 63pp, ph, cover by Earl Geier) Lost world/Lovecraftian novella featuring Doyle’s famous character. Available from Gryphon Publications, PO Box 209, Brooklyn NY 11228; add $1.00 postage.
- * *Sherlock Holmes in the Adventure of the Ancient Gods (Gryphon Books 0-936071-19-2, May ’90 [Mar ’90], $5.00, 37pp, ph, cover by Earl Geier) [Sherlock Holmes] Mystery/fantasy Holmes pastiche short story with the great detective facing Cthuloid horrors.
- * *Sherlock Holmes in: The Dreaming Detective (Gryphon Books 0-936071-26-5, Jun ’92 [May ’92], $6.95, 61pp, ph, cover by Earl Geier) [Sherlock Holmes] Collection of two short fantastic Holmes pastiches, a sequel to Sherlock Holmes in the Adventure of the Ancient Gods. (Contents)
- * *The Star Wars Archives (with Shinji Hata) (Virgin 1-85227-587-1, Sep ’95, £19.99, 208pp, hc) [Star Wars] Illustrated reference work.
- * *La Maravilla (Penguin/Dutton 0-525-93588-6, Apr ’93 [Jul ’93], $20.00, 305pp, hc, cover by John Collier) Literary fantasy novel about a boy growing up in Arizona who encounters the mythical dog spirit that leads men’s souls to the land of the dead. A first novel.
- * _La Maravilla (Penguin/Plume 0-452-27160-6, Apr ’94 [Mar ’94], $9.95, 305pp, tp, cover by John Collier) Reprint (Dutton 1993) literary fantasy novel about a boy growing up in Arizona who encounters the mythical dog spirit that leads men’s souls to the land of the dead.
- VEEDER, WILLIAM (R.) (1940- )
- * _Mary Shelley & Frankenstein (University of Chicago Press 0-226-85226-1, Jan ’89, $12.95, 277pp, tp) Non-fiction, critical study. This is evidently from the same pages as the 1986 hardcover but bound in paper instead of cloth. The back cover ISBN is new, but the inside one is not. [Shelley]
- * *Mary Shelley & Frankenstein: The Fate of Androgyny (University of Chicago Press 0-226-85225-3, Feb ’86 [May ’86], $22.50, 277pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study. [Shelley]
- _____, ed.
- * *Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde After One Hundred Years (with Gordon Hirsch) (University of Chicago Press 0-226-85229-6, May ’88 [Sep ’89], $16.95, 312pp, tp) Non-fiction; criticism. An anthology of critical essays on Stevenson’s novella, including a bibliography. This has a 1988 copyright date but was not seen until now. Also announced in hardcover (-85228-8, $47.50) but not seen. [Stevenson]
- VEEVERS, MARIAN (1934?-2004?)
- * *Bloodlines (Gollancz 0-575-06196-0, Jun ’96 [May ’96], £16.99, 270pp, hc, cover by Dan Crisp) Dark fantasy novel. The interwined lives of 3 women: an actress in 1996, a maid accused of witchcraft in 1606, and Lady Macbeth herself in 1057. A first novel.
- * _Bloodlines (Gollancz/Vista 0-575-60057-8, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], £5.99, 270pp, pb, cover by Dan Crisp & Terry Pastor) Reprint (Gollancz 1996) horror novel.
- * *Copili: Aztec Prince (Doubleday 0-385-18901-X, Jul ’84 [Jun ’84], $13.95, 129pp, hc) Historical novel with elements of fantasy.
- * *A Guide to the Star Wars Universe (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31920-6, Dec ’84 [Nov ’84], $2.95, 215pp, pb) [Star Wars] Non-fiction, a glossary of people, places, characters, and gadgets from the films, with illustrations.
- VELDE, VIVIAN VANDE; see under Vande Velde, Vivian (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Companions of the Night (Hodder Children’s Books 0-340-68300-7, Dec ’96, £3.99, 212pp, pb, cover by Paul Hunt) Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1995) young-adult vampire romance novel. [First U.K. edition]
- VENABLES, TERRY (1943- )
- * _They Used to Play on Grass (with Gordon M. Williams) (Penguin 0-14-024222-8, Apr ’95, £4.99, 254pp, pb) Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1971) near-future novel about football.
- VERE-HODGE, CONRAD CHARLES ROLF; see pseudonyms V. C. De Vere & Roger Mason
- VERNE, JULES (Gabriel) (1828-1905) (stories) (chron.)
- * _20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Bantam 0-553-21252-4, Feb ’90 [Jan ’90], $2.50, 371pp, pb, cover by Jeff Rotman) [Nemo] Reissue (G.M. Smith 1873) classic sf novel, translated from the French by Anthony Bonner and with an introduction by Ray Bradbury. 24th printing.
- * _20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Naval Institute Press 0-87021-678-3, Sep ’93 [Nov ’93], $14.95, 392pp, tp) [Nemo] Reprint (G.M. Smith 1873) sf novel, a new full translation of the classic, with an introduction and annotations by Walter James Miller and Frederick Paul Walter, who translated this from the French (P.J. Hetzel 1871 as Vingt Mille Lieues Sous les Mers). A hardcover edition (1-55750-877-1, $24.95) was announced but not seen. Available from Membership & Communications Department, U.S. Naval Institute, 118 Maryland Ave., Annapolis MD 21402-5035. 800-233-USNI.
- * _20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Tor 0-812-55092-7, Oct ’95 [Nov ’95], $2.99, 307pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) [Nemo] Reprint classic SF novel, with a foreword and an afterword by T.A. Barron.
- * *Adventures of the Rat Family (Oxford University Press 0-19-508114-5, Dec ’93 [Nov ’93], $14.95, 70pp, hc, cover by Felician Myrbach-Rheinfeld) Fairy tale novella by Verne. Translated from the French by Evelyn Copeland, with an introduction by Iona Opie and a long afterword by Brian Taves. This is the first English translation.
- * _Around the Moon (Easton Press no ISBN, Dec ’88, no price, 219pp, hc) Reprint (1876 as All Around the Moon) sf novel, one of the first novels of space travel. A sequel to Voyage to the Moon. This seems to be an early translation and not one of the newer, better ones. Part of the “Masterpieces of SF” series; leatherbound, gilt-edged edition with new, inappropriate illustrations by Robert Shore. This edition has an introduction by James Gunn.
- * _Around the World in Eighty Days (Morrow/Books of Wonder 0-688-07508-8, Sep ’88 [Nov ’88], $19.95, 242pp, hc) Classic 19th-century novel with 16 watercolor illustrations by Barry Moser (very different from his usual woodcuts) and an afterword by Peter Glassman. A special limited edition signed by the artist was announced, but not seen (-08257-2, $175.00).
- * _Around the World in Eighty Days (Oxford University Press 0-19-283093-7, Apr ’95 [Mar ’95], $8.95, 247pp, tp, cover by Francis E. Palmer) Reprint (Hetzel 1872 as Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) associational novel, part of Oxford’s “World’s Classics” series. New translation, critical introduction, and notes by William Butcher.
- * _The Chase of the Golden Meteor (University of Nebraska Press 0-8032-9619-3, Oct ’98 [Sep ’98], $13.00, 292pp, tp) Reprint (Grant Richards 1909) early SF novel, translated from the 1908 French La Chasse au metéoré. New introduction by Gregory Benford. Order from University of Nebraska Press, 312 North 14th St, PO Box 880484, Lincoln NE 68588-0484; credit card orders 800-755-1105.
- * *The Complete 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Indiana University Press 0-253-33810-7, Mar ’92 [Feb ’92], $29.95, 499pp, hc) A new unabridged translation of Verne’s classic sf novel, originally published by P.J. Hetzel in 1871 as Vingt Mille Lieues Sous les Mers. Translated from the French, and with an introduction and notes by Emanuel J. Mickel. Available from Indiana University Press, 601 N. Morton St., Bloomington IN 47404. Credit card order: 1-800-842-6796.
- * _The Floating Island (Kegan Paul 0-7103-0292-4, Jan ’89, £7.95, 280pp, tp) Reprint (Sampson, Low 1896) sf novel. [Not seen]
- * _From Earth To Moon and A Trip Round It: Direct in 97 Hours 10 Minutes (Alan Sutton 0-7509-0824-6, Mar ’95 [Feb ’95], £5.99, xi+208pp, tp, cover by Donato Creti) Reprint (Sampson Low 1873) omnibus of From the Earth to the Moon (1865), and Round (All Around) the Moon (1870). (Contents)
- * _From the Earth to the Moon (Easton Press no ISBN, Jun ’89, no price, 206pp, hc) Reprint (J. Hetzel 1865) classic sf novel. This is a reprint of the 1970 Heritage Press limited edition, with the 1970 introduction by Jean-Jules Verne and illustrations by Robert Shore. This special leatherbound gilt-edge limited edition is part of the “Masterpieces of Science Fiction” series and is available by subscription only.
- * _From the Earth to the Moon (Bantam 0-553-21420-9, Jun ’93 [May ’93], $3.50, 185pp, pb, cover by Richard Oelze) Reprint (J. Hetzel 1865) classic sf novel, with an introduction by Gregory Benford. This is the 1967 translation by Lowell Balir.
- * _Journey to the Center of the Earth (NAL/Signet 0-451-51982-5, Jan ’86 [Dec ’85], $2.75, 304pp, pb) Reissue (Griffith 1872) sf novel, with an afterword by Carl Beale.
- * _A Journey to the Center of the Earth (NAL/Signet Classic 0-451-51982-5, Aug ’86 [Jul ’86], $2.75, 301pp, pb) Reissue (Griffith 1872) sf novel with a new afterword by Michael Dirda. It has the same ISBN as an earlier edition with an afterword by Carl Bock.
- * _Journey to the Center of the Earth (Bantam 0-553-21397-0, Nov ’91, $3.95, 246pp, pb) Reprint (Griffith 1872) classic sf novel with an introduction by Lawrence Thornton. This is a new translation by Lowell Bair.
- * _Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Puffin Classics 0-14-035049-7, Jan ’86, £1.50, 256pp, pb) Reprint (Griffith 1872) sf novel.
- * *Journey to the Centre of the Earth (World’s Classics 0-19-282900-9, Sep ’92, £4.99, 234pp, tp, cover by John Martin) Classic sf novel originally published in French (Voyage au Centre de la Terre, Hetzel, 1864), in a new translation by William Butcher.
- * _Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Pulp Fictions UK 1-902058-08-9, Nov ’98, £4.99, 224pp, tp, cover by Colin Scott Berrett) Reprint (Griffith & Farran 1872) classic 19th century SF/fantasy novel. “An English version prepared by Isabel C. Fortey”. The foreword is an edited extract from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, 1981.
- * _The Mysterious Island (NAL/Signet 0-451-52066-1, Dec ’86 [Nov ’86], $2.50, 507pp, pb) [Nemo] Reprint (Sampson Low 1875) sf novel. Translated from the French (1878) with a new afterword by Isaac Asimov.
- * _The Mysterious Island (Bantam 0-553-21434-9, Aug ’94, $3.95, 214pp, pb) [Nemo] Reprint (Bantam 1970) classic SF novel, translated and abridged by Lowell Bair. Originally published in French (1878).
- * *Paris in the Twentieth Century (Random House 0-679-44434-3, Dec ’96, $21.00, 222pp, hc, cover by Marc Burkhardt) SF novel, a dystopian view of the future as seen in 1863. This is the trunk novel published in 1994 by Hachette Livre as Paris au XXª Siècle, translated by Richard Howard, with an introduction by Eugen Weber.
- * _Paris in the Twentieth Century (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-42039-X, Nov ’97 [Oct ’97], $11.95, 222pp, tp, cover by Marc Burkhardt) Reprint (Random House 1996) SF novel, a dystopian view of the future as seen in 1863. This is the trunk novel published in 1994 by Hachette Livre as "Paris au XXª Siècle", translated by Richard Howard, with an introduction by Eugen Weber.
- * _Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Puffin 0-14-035053-5, Aug ’86, £2.50, 288pp, pb) [Nemo] Reprint (G.M. Smith 1873) sf novel, abridged by R. Waterfield.
- * _Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Everyman’s Library 0-460-87166-8, May ’92, £4.99, 294pp, tp, cover by Henry Austin) [Nemo] Reissue (Sampson Low 1872) classic sf novel. This edition contains a new introduction and bibliography by Peter Costello.
- * _Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Puffin 0-14-036721-7, Aug ’94 [Sep ’94], £3.99, 279pp, tp, cover by Robin Koni) [Nemo] Reprint (Sampson Low 1872) sf novel. A Puffin Classic; abridged (Puffin 1986) by Robin Waterfield.
- * _Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Oxford University Press 0-19-282839-8, Mar ’98 [Apr ’98], £4.99, 445pp, tp) [Nemo] Classic science fiction novel, newly translated and edited by Wiliam Butcher.
- * *The Works of Jules Verne (Longmeadow 0-681-45245-5, 1993 [Oct ’93], $18.95, 934pp, hc) Omnibus of three novels, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, A Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Around the World in Eighty Days. This is a leatherbound gilt-edge edition. (Contents)
- VERNON, JOHN (Edward) (1943- )
- * _Peter Doyle (Fawcett Columbine 0-449-90714-7, Jul ’92, $12.00, 500pp, tp, cover by Georgia Morrissey) Reprint (Random House 1991) literary alternate-history novel about Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman, and their search for Napoleon’s severed penis.
- * *Telos (Arkana 1-85063-053-4, Sep ’87, £3.95, 156pp, tp) Sf novel. Distributed in the U.S. by Methuen, $8.95.
- * +Telos (Methuen/Arkana 1-85063-053-4, Nov ’87 [Dec ’87], $8.95, 156pp, tp) Sf novel. This is the British Arkana edition,
- VESS, CHARLES (1951- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- VESSER, CAROLYN (Hansen) (1934- )
- * *Hellwalker (Tor 0-812-55707-7, Dec ’88 [Nov ’88], $3.95, 283pp, pb) Science fiction novel set on an isolated world.
- * *Covenant with Death (Charter 1-55773-180-2, May ’89 [Apr ’89], $3.95, 249pp, pb) Horror novel about a modern woman’s link to the witches of Salem.
- * _The Wild Type (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-434-6, Nov ’90 [Oct ’90], $4.50, 314pp, pb) Reprint (Crown 1989) sf medical/political thriller about a new form of behavior control.
- VIDAL, GORE; [i.e., Eugene Luther Vidal, Jr.] (1925- )
- * _Kalki (Ballantine 0-345-27873-9, May ’89 [Apr ’89], $4.95, 278pp, pb) Reissue (Random House 1978) literary end-of-the-world fantasy; third printing.
- * *Live from Golgotha (Random House 0-679-41611-0, Sep ’92, $22.00, 227pp, hc) Surrealistic satire with sf elements.
- * _Live from Golgotha (Penguin 0-14-023119-6, Oct ’93 [Sep ’93], $11.00, 225pp, tp, cover by Michael Ian Kaye) Reprint (Random House 1992) surrealistic satire with sf elements.
- * *The Smithsonian Institution (Random House 0-375-50121-5, Mar ’98 [Feb ’98], $23.00, 260pp, hc, cover by John Ennis) Surreal, quasi-SF time-travel novel. A 13-year-old prodigy come to help create the atomic bomb meets great minds kept alive in magical museum exhibits.
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