Cemetery Dance
• Issue 53, ©2005, $6.00, 120pp, cover art by Chad Savage
• Quarterly horror magazine, published since 1988; published by Richard Chizmar and currently edited by Robert Morrish
• Website: http://www.cemeterydance.com/
• This issue has fiction by Stephen King (a brief excerpt from The Colorado Kid), Dominick Cancilla, Michael Cadnum, Matthew Warner, T. Lucien Wright, Richard Dean Starr, Adam-Troy Castro, and Gene O'Neill.
• There are conversations with Robert McCammon, Melanie Tem, Tony Albarella, and Charles Ardai, plus a "Where Are They Now?" feature about William Schoell (by new CD columnist Rick Kleffel).
• Regular features include an editorial by Robert Morrish and Richard Chizmar; a column of Stephen King news by Bev Vincent; other columns by Thomas F. Monteleone, Paula Guran, Michael Marano, and John Pelan; and book reviews by various hands.
• The magazine's website lists the complete table of contents.
Leading Edge
• Issue 50, October 2005, $4.95, 200pp, cover art by Daniel Hughes
• Semiannual SF/fantasy magazine published since 1981 by students, faculty, and alumni of Brigham Young University; current senior editor Jason Wallace
• Website: http://www.leadingedgemagazine.com/
• Fiction in this issue is by Brandon Sanderson, Diane Gallant, Dave Wolverton, Orson Scott Card, L.E. Modesitt Jr., and Christopher Kugler. There's also poetry by Shari O'Brien and J. Dansereau.
• The nonfiction article by Paul Woodlin is about "Women's Empowerment According to Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and there's a portfolio of SF art by Randall Ensley.
• There are three editorials, by Jason Wallace (about singularities), C. Lee Player (about writing), and Jillena O'Brien (about Star Wars). Other departments are book reviews, letters (answered by Quantum Duck), and contributor biographies. Other departments include book reviews and a "Dear Quantum Duck" letter column.
• The magazine's website has changed to its own domain: www.leadingedgemagazine.com. The page for issue 50 has links to excerpts from each story.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
• Vol. 110 No. 2 (whole #647), February 2006, $3.99/C$5.99, 162pp, cover art by David Hardy
• Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of fiction, reviews, and features; published since 1949; edited by Gordon Van Gelder
• Website: http://www.fsfmag.com/
• Message Board: http://www.nightshadebooks.com/discus/messages/378/378.html?1081904411
• This issue features the conclusion of Terry Bisson's two-part serial "Planet of Mystery". Other fiction includes novelets by Gary W. Schockley, John Morressy, David Gerrold, and Madeleine E. Robins, and a short story by James L. Cambias.
• Departments, all of which are online, include Charles de Lint's Books to Look For, discussing Tim Pratt, Seabury Quinn, and others; Michelle West's Musing On Books, about Terry Pratchett and Jasper Fforde; Paul Di Filippo's latest "Plumage from Pegasus" vignette Brother, Can You Spare a Hyperlink?, about Cory Doctorow and other bloggers; and a Curiosities page by F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre about a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Though not listed on the webpage, the print magazine also has a film review by Lucius Shepard, of A Sound of Thunder; it was posted online earlier by ElectricStory.com.
• Digital versions of F&SF are available from eReader.com, Fictionwise, and audible.com.
• Nick Gevers reviews this issue in the February issue of Locus Magazine, especially recommending Shockley's "The Cathedral of Universal Biodiversity": "Opulently written, full of decadent humor and baroque invention, this is the tale of an imaginative genius who, in the enormous structure of the title, conceives of an endless array of alien ecosystems..."
Mythic Delirium
• Issue 13, Summer/Fall 2005, $5.00, 28pp, cover art by Tim Mullins
• Bi-annual poetry magazine since 1998; published by Warren Lapine and edited by Mike Allen
• Website: http://www.mythicdelirium.com/
• Poetry in this issue is by Catherynne M. Valente, Kristine Ong Muslim, Aurelio Rico Lopez III, Marge Simon, Yoon Ha Lee, Constance Cooper, Jaida Jones, Darrell Schweitzer, Sonya Taaffe, Carma Lynn Park, and others.
• Mike Allen's editorial discusses how he and Anita Allen have taken ownership of the magazine back from DNA Publications, as announced last October.
• The Mythic Delirium site has the wraparound cover image, and complete table of contents.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
• Issue 208, Vol. 18 No. 4, December 2005, $4.00, 24pp
• Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
• Website: http://www.nyrsf.com/
• This special "Reassessments" issue includes an interview with Tom Purdom by Darrell Schweitzer, and an article by Zachary C. Wright, Eric S. Rabkin, & Carl P. Simon examining "The Exaggerated Reports of the Death of Science Fiction" complete with charts and graphs and a reporting results of the Genre Evolution Project at the University of Michigan.
• Ursula Pflug provides a short essay on Canadian F&SF, and Donald M. Hassler looks at recent novels by Robert J. Sawyer.
• Reviews, by Robert Bee, Graham Sleight, David Mead, Mark Rich, Greg L. Johnson, and Michael Levy, cover books by Robert Mayer, Peter Watts, Robert Reed, Philip K. Dick, Gillian Bradshaw, and L. Timmel Duchamp.
• Issue 8, Winter 2005-2006, $6.00/C$7.00, 57pp, cover art by J.M.W. Turner
• The Magazine of Historical and Speculative Fiction; published twice per year; edited and published by Christopher M. Cevasco
• Website: http://home.nyc.rr.com/paradoxmag/index.html
• This issue has fiction by Bruce Durham, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Carrie Vaughn, D.J. Cockburn, Tom Welch and Jack Whyte. There's also poetry by Jane Yolen, Michael Hanson, Jeremy L. Goldberg, and Darrell Schweitzer.
• Nonfiction includes an article by Greg Beatty about the winners of the Sidewise Award in its first decade, and an interview with Darrell Schweitzer.
• Departments include an editorial by Chris Cevasco; book reviews by the editor and Lisa Jensen; film reviews by Jeremy L. Goldberg and Andrea Kail; and contributor notes.
• Previews and excerpts of this issue are provided here.
• Issue 1, Autumn 2005, $5, 70pp, cover art by Sam Tsohonis
• Quarterly small-press magazine, debuting 2005, editor-in-chief Beth Wodzinski
• Website: http://www.shimmerzine.com/
• Debut issue of a new perfect-bound small press magazine of speculative fiction, published in Salt Lake City, Utah, that favors contemporary fantasy.
• The issue has stories by Dario Ciriello, Kuzhali Manickavel, Edward Cox, Stephen M. Dare, Richard S. Crawford, J. Albert Bell, Michael Mathews, Jeremiah Swanson, and Mel Cameron.
• John Joseph Adams provides a book review.
• The magazine's site has this page for the issue, with story titles and brief excerpts. Elsewhere on the site are submission guidelines and profiles of the editorial staff.
• Issue 28.6, Nov./Dec. 2005, $3.50, 24pp, cover art by Dee Rimbaud
• Journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA); edited by Marge Simon
• Website: http://www.sfpoetry.com/
• Poetry in this issue is by Darrell Schweitzer, Ann K. Schwader, Yoon Ha Lee, JoSelle Vanderhooft, Steve Sneyd, Marcus Ewert, Melissa Marr, Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, Lee Ballentine, Greg Beatty, Denise Dumars, Karen R. Porter, K. J. Kirby, and Elizabeth Keogh. Lee Ballentine's "The Double" is currently posted on the 'zine's current issue page.
• Features include a President's Message by Mike Allen, a call for 2006 Rhysling Award nominations, an article about collaborating by Kendall Evans & David C. Kopaska-Merkel, a conference report, letters, and a small press review by JoSelle Vanderhooft.
• There's also a ballot for members to vote on whether to establish a new 'short-short' Rhysling category for poems under 10 lines long, with arguments for and against.