Albedo One
• Issue 30, August 2005, E5.95/£4.95, 55pp, cover art by Steve Augulis
• Irish magazine of SF, fantasy, and horror, published since 1993
• Website:
• This issue of the Irish SF magazine has fiction by Will McIntosh, Ralph Robert Moore, Robert Neilson, Geoffrey Warburton, Patrick Hudson, Lynne Ann Morse, John Kenny, David Murphy, and Benjamin Reed.
• Features include an interview with Clive Barker, an editorial column by 'Severian', reader letters, and reviews.
• The issue was published just before Worldcon, and includes the shortlist for the new Aeon Award, a short story competition judged by Ian Watson, whose winner was Julian West. His story and those by the other finalists will appear in future issues of the magazine.
• The magazine's site has the table of contents along with subscription and purchase information.
• Issue 263, Vol. 27 No. 9, October 2005, $5.95/C$6.95, 48pp, cover art by NASA
• Monthly SFFH trade journal, founded in 1979 by Andrew I. Porter as Science Fiction Chronicle; now published by Warren Lapine, with news editor Ian Randal Strock
• Website:
• This issue's News Headlines concern the Internet Hunt surrounding the release of Robert Jordan's latest Wheel of Time novel, a report from the Odyssey writers' workshop, Amazon Shorts, and Hugo Awards winners.
• Regular features are Don D'Ammassa's "Critical Mass" book reviews, Tanya Brown's UK Report, Jeff Rovin's SF Cinema column, short fiction reviews by Michael Johnson, and YA book reviews by Michael Johnson
• There's also a short story by Tanya Huff, "Lost".
Fantasy Magazine
• Issue 1, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2005, $5.95, 112pp, cover art by Socar Myles
• Quarterly magazine of fiction, reviews, and interviews, debuting 2005, edited by Sean Wallace
• Website:
• Debut issue of a new quarterly magazine published by Wildside Press and edited by Sean Wallace. It launched at this year's World Fantasy Convention in early November. See the magazine's website for subscription information.
• Contents include an interview with Jeffrey Ford by Matthew Cheney, and stories by Tim Pratt, Margaret Ronald, Jeffrey Ford, Catherynne M. Valente, Richard Parks, Sarah Brandywine Johnson, Jeff VanderMeer (an excerpt from forthcoming novel Shriek: An Afterword), Sonya Taaffe, Vera Nazarian, Megan Messinger, Erzebet YellowBoy, Simon Logan, Eugie Foster, Nick Mamatas, and Holly Phillips. Each story is followed by a thumbnail author bio and photo.
• The semi-anonymous book reviews (edited by Paula Guran) are by Peter Cannon, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, John Grant, Rich Horton, and others (as listed on the table of contents), but attribution of individual reviews is not given.
• Nick Gevers reviews the issue in the forthcoming December issue of Locus Magazine, calling it "one of the most promising new fiction publications to launch in the field in years", and particularly recommending the stories by Jeffrey Ford and Vera Nazarian.
• Issue 201, December 2005, £3.50, 64pp, cover art by Fahrija Velic
• Monthly SF magazine, published since 1982, co-founded by David Pringle; edited since 2004 by Andy Cox
• Website:
• This issue has part one of a two-part novella by Richard Calder, and other stories by Paul Di Filippo, Lauren McLaughlin, Jessica Reisman, and Elizabeth Bear.
• Regular features include an editorial, David Langford's "Ansible Link", film reviews by Nick Lowe, a magazine roundup by David Mathews, John Clute's "Scores" book review column (covering three titles by Brian Aldiss), and other book reviews by Iain Emsley, Graham Sleight, Niall Harrison, and others.
• The magazine's current issue page has a brief table of contents.
Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
• Issue 17, November 2005, $5/C$7, 60pp
• Semi-annual small-press magazine subtitled 'an occasional outburst'; published/edited by Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Link
• Website:
• This issue has fiction by Seana Graham, Philip Raines & Harvey Welles, Christien Gholson, Deborah Roggie, Alette J. Willis, Diana Pharoah Francis, David Connerley Nahm, and John Brown.
• There's also poetry by Marly Youmans and Peter Dabbene.
• Nonfiction consists of marginalia and contributor notes.
• The magazine's website has the table of contents with links to advertisers.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
• Vol. 110 No. 1 (whole #646), January 2006, $3.99/C$5.99, 162pp, cover art by Max Bertolini
• Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of fiction, reviews, and features; published since 1949; edited by Gordon Van Gelder
• Website:
• Message Board:
• This issue feature the first of a two-part serial by Terry Bisson, "Planet of Mystery", which editor Gordon Van Gelder says "hearkens back to the glorious days when science fiction magazines were really pulps... [so] that it just felt right to publish this adventure in two parts."
• Also included are novelets by Robert Reed and Bruce McAllister, and short stories by Matthew Hughes, Michaela Roessner, Tony Sarowitz, and Matthew Corradi.
• Departments are book reviews by Charles de Lint and Elizabeth Hand (the latter on a YA novel by Adam Gopnik), Kathi Maio's review of The Brothers Grimm, a Curiosities page by Bud Webster, and an index to the magazine's 2005 issues.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
• Issue 206, Vol. 18 No. 2, October 2005, $4.00, 24pp
• Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
• Website:
• This Special "Distilled Delany" issue consists mostly of a long essay, "Emblems of Talent", taken from Delany's forthcoming collection About Writing.
• Shorter pieces include three introductions, by Barry Malzberg, Gene Wolfe, and David Hartwell, to Night Shade Books' forthcoming volumes collecting David Drake's "Hammers Slammers" series; Kit Reed's introduction to Dogs of Truth; Michael Swanwick reporting from a Henry Darger reading; and reviews of books by Michael Blumlein and Laura Ann Gilman.
• David G. Hartwell provides an editorial.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
• Issue 207, Vol. 18 No. 3, November 2005, $4.00, 24pp
• Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
• Website:
• This special "Church of Wonder" issue includes an essay by Jean-Louis Trudel on "little green men" and an essay by Brian Attebery on "Christian Myth in George MacDonald and C.S. Lewis".
• Rudy Rucker provides "Notes" on Charles Stross' Accelerando, while Joan Gordon, Jenny Blackford, Greg L. Johnson, David Mead and others provide reviews of books by Suzy McKee Charnas, James Morrow, Paul Di Filippo, Linnea Sinclair, et al.
• Michael Swanwick lists expensive genre items from an antiquarian book fair in New York City last April, and David G. Hartwell editorializes about the magazine's impending subscription rate increases effective January 2006.
• Issue 2, 2005, $6, 88pp, cover art by Edward Miller
• Quarterly (?) fiction magazine published by Subterranean Press, edited by William Schafer
• Website:
• Second issue of a new magazine from Subterranean Press whose first issue was a limited edition hardcover.
• The issue features two stories and an interview with Caitlín R. Kiernan. There are also stories by Charles Coleman Finlay, Robert Silverberg (a reprint from 1956), Joe Hill, Charles de Lint (last year's Christmas chapbook), and Jack McDevitt.
• Nonfiction includes an essay on Gulliver's Travels by Michael Bishop (reprinted from his collection A Reverie for Mister Ray), and book reviews by Dorman T. Shindler.
• This issue is also available as a limited edition hardcover; see the website for ordering and subscription information.