Analog Science Fiction and Fact
• Vol. 126 No. 1, January/February 2006, $5.99/C$7.99, 240pp, cover art by David A. Hardy
• Near-monthly (10 times/year) magazine of science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt
• Website:
• Message Board:
• This special double issue includes part 3 of Karl Schroeder's serial "Sun of Suns", a novella by John Barnes, novelettes by Lee Goodloe, Richard A. Lovett, and Rajnar Vajra, and short stories by Grey Rollins, Ekaterina Sedia & David Bartell, Mark W. Tiedemann, and Julian Flood.
• There are two science fact articles, one by Stephen L. Gillett Ph.D. about pollution and nanotechnology, and one by Richard A. Lovett about 'Snowball Earth'. There's also a special feature by James P. Hogan called "Why Do Readers Always Ask...?", in part about how Hogan's first novel Inherit the Stars was written in reaction to the mystical ending of 2001.
• Departments include Stanley Schmidt's editorial, about the "anthropocentric principle"; Jeffery D. Kooistra's "The Alternate View" column, setting things straight about relativistic length contraction; book reviews by Tom Easton, covering L.E. Modesitt Jr., Mike Resnick, and others; "Brass Tacks" letters; a 2005 magazine index; and "Upcoming Events" from Anthony Lewis.
• The magazine's website describes the issue's contents, with links to a couple features and to an excerpt of Lee Goodloe's story.
Asimov's Science Fiction
• Vol. 30 No. 1 (whole #360), January 2006, $3.99/C$5.99, 144pp, cover art by Michael Whelan
• Near-monthly (10 times/year) SF magazine; published since 1977; edited by Sheila Williams
• Website:
• Message Board:
• This issue has novelettes by R.R. Angell, Allen M. Steele, and Stephen Baxter; short stories by Michael Swanwick, Carol Emshwiller, David D. Levine, and Kim Antieau; and poetry by Sophie M. White, James Gurley, and Kendall Evans & David C. Kopaska-Merkel.
• Departments include Sheila Williams' editorial, about attending Interaction; Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" column, about Levitating Your Dinner; a letters column; book reviews by Paul Di Filippo; and an index to 2005 issues.
• The magazine's website has the table of contents with links to departments and to excerpts of the Baxter and Swanwick stories.
• Nick Gevers and Rich Horton both review this issue in the December of Locus Magazine; Gevers recommending the stories by Emshwiller and Swanwick, Horton the Emshwiller.
The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
• Issue 167, Vol. 39 No. 2, Fall 2005, $4.95, 40pp, cover art by Jeff Ward
• Website:
• Featured in this issue is an essay by William C. Dietz, How to Novelize a Game (available online as a PDF file), an article by Edward McKeown about Flores Man (the hobbit-sized hominids whose fossils were found in Indonesia), and a close look at the contract for the "Amazon Shorts" by Sean P. Fodera.
• Columns includes Mike Resnick & Barry Malzberg's "Dialogues", this time about "Really Dumb Ideas", Robert Metzger's "State of the Art", Steve Carper's "Writers' Bloc", Bud Webster's "Anthopology 101", about vintage anthologies, and Cynthia Ward's Market Report (available online as a pdf file).
• Departments include a message from incoming SFWA President Robin Bailey, an editor's message by Mark Kreighbaum, and various items about new SFWA members, officers, and webstaff.
• The website's current issue page has a partial Table of Contents, with links to the Dietz essay and Cynthia Ward's Market Report.
• Vol. 37 No. 9, Winter 2006, $5.99/C$7.99, 48pp
• Approx. bimonthly magazine of SF cinema, marking its 35th anniversary in 2005
• Website:
• The magazine's first-ever Yearbook issue features an interview with Ridley Scott, articles about MirrorMask and other films,
top ten lists and/or gift guides for TV, films, DVDs, print, games, music, foreign cinema, and toys.
• Paula Guran discusses her Best of '05 Print selections in her blog. She ranks Neil Gaiman's novel #1, followed by books by Ramsey Campbell, China Miéville, Steven Erikson, Tananarive Due, Ken MacLeod, Jeff VanderMeer, Richard Morgan, Kim Stanley Robinson, and (tied for 10th) David Gemmell and Dan Simmons.
• Vol. 37 No. 8, November/December 2005, $7.99/C$9.99, 64pp
• Approx. bimonthly magazine of SF cinema, marking its 35th anniversary in 2005
• Website:
• This first issue of Cinefantastique seen by Locus Online in many years -- since the days of fat bimonthly issues focusing on high-profile sf and fantasy films of the '70s and '80s -- features print reviews by Paula Guran.
• The current editor-in-chief is Sean Jordan; executive editor is Jeff Bond; and the co-publisher/editorial director/fan (as he signs himself) is Mark A. Altman. This issue marks the magazine's 35th anniversary, with a look back at its coverage of films good and bad, and a selection of the 10 best issues of the magazine.
• The print column by Paula Guran interviews Brian Lumley, and has reviews by Guran and Jeff Bond of books by Michael Marshall, Cherie Priest, Justina Robson, Janine Cross, Mark Cotta Vaz, Tony Earnshaw, and Michael Rubin. There are also review departments for games, music, films, dvd's and anime.
Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
• Whole #26, Winter 2005, $5.95/C$6.95, 50pp, cover art by Tim White
• Quarterly magazine of fiction and poetry, formerly Pirate Writings, published since 1992; edited by Edward J. McFadden III
• Website:
• Fiction in this issue is by Sue Storm, Sarah A. Hoyt, Chris Bunch, Charles M. Saplak, M.L. Konett (a first sale), and Uncle River.
• There's also poetry by Sarah Wagner and Linda Addison.
• Editor Edward J. McFadden III provides an editorial about the election. McFadden also edits quarterly PDF 'zine cosmic speculative fiction, available for free by email.
• Issue 31, Winter 2005, $6/C$7.5, 92pp, cover art by Bob Hobbs
• Magazine of SF and dark fantasy, published since 1995; publishers and editors Patrick & Honna Swenson
• Website:
• This issue has fiction by Ken Scholes, Carrie Vaughn, Marie Brennan, Christopher East, Katherine Woodbury, Ryan Neal Myers, and Steve Parker.
• There's poetry and verse by G.O. Clark, Mike Allen, Janna Silverstein, and Melissa Marr.
• Departments include an editorial, celebrating the magazine's 10th anniversary; letters from readers; an interview with Sharon Lee & Steve Miller; and short reviews by various contributors.
• The magazine's website has news updates and ordering information.
True Review
• Vol. 16 No. 4 (whole #62), November 2005, $2.50, 6pp
• Quarterly SF/F/H reviewzine, published and edited by Andrew M. Andrews
• Publisher/editor Andrews editorializes about golf, then reviews Emmanuel Carrere's book about Philip K. Dick and books by Ray Bradbury, Mark Haddon, Kelly Link, Gregory Frost, Lucius Shepard, and Howard Waldrop, among others.
(Wed 30 Nov 2005)|
Wicked Hollow
• Issue 9, November 2005, $4, 82pp, cover art by Nils Helling
• Small press journal of dark literature, edited by John Hodges
• Website:
• Small press horror magazine published in signed, limited editions of 300.
• This issue has fiction by Richard Lynch, Simon Strantzas, Paul Stevenson, Thomas Kearnes, and J.M. Heluk, plus poetry by Mike Allen, Sonya Taaffe, E.R. Carlin, Russell Bittner, Kristine Ong Muslim, and CW Sabetelli.
• The magazine's website has the complete table of contents, as well as news, submission guidelines, and past issues for sale.