
Locus Bestsellers
Months on list |
Last month |
1) | Alta, Mercedes Lackey (DAW) | 2 | 9 |
2) | Pandora's Star, Peter F. Hamilton (Ballantine Del Rey) | 1 | - |
3) | The Last Light of the Sun, Guy Gavriel Kay (Roc) | 2 | 10 |
4) | Fool's Fate, Robin Hobb (Bantam Spectra) | 2 | 1 |
5) | Seduced by Moonlight, Laurell K. Hamilton (Ballantine) | 2 | 2 |
6) | The Highwayman, R. A. Salvatore (CDS Books) | 1 | - |
7) | New Spring, Robert Jordan (Tor) | 3 | 3 |
8) | Balance of Trade, Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (Meisha Merlin) | 1 | - |
9) | King of Foxes, Raymond E. Feist (HarperCollins/Eos) | 1 | - |
10) | Alphabet of Thorn, Patricia A. McKillip (Ace) | 1 | - |
1) | Joust, Mercedes Lackey (DAW) | 1 | - |
2) | Kushiel's Avatar, Jacqueline Carey (Tor) | 1 | - |
3) | Conquistador, S. M. Stirling (Roc) | 1 | - |
4) | Dread Empire痴 Fall: The Sundering, Walter Jon Williams (HarperTorch) | 1 | - |
5) | Crossroads of Twilight, Robert Jordan (Tor) | 5 | 1 |
6) | Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury (Del Rey) | 4 | 5 |
7) | White Wolf, David Gemmell (Del Rey) | 1 | - |
8) | Fire Logic, Laurie J. Marks (Tor) | 1 | - |
9) | Lost in Transmission, Wil McCarthy (Bantam Spectra) | 1 | - |
10) | The Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien (Ballantine) | 3 | 10 |
1) | Pattern Recognition, William Gibson (Berkeley) | 2 | 1 |
*) | Broken Angels, Richard K. Morgan (Ballantine Del Rey) | 1 | - |
3) | Irresistible Forces, Catherine Asaro, ed. (NAL) | 1 | - |
4) | Altered Carbon, Richard K. Morgan (Ballantine Del Rey) | 4 | - |
*) | The Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien (Houghton Mifflin) | 13 | 4 |
1) | Hellboy, Yvonne Navarro (Pocket Star) | 1 | - |
2) | The Punisher, D. A. Stern (Del Rey) | 1 | - |
3) | Star Trek The Next Generation: A Time to Die, John Vornholt (Pocket) | 1 | - |
4) | Star Wars: Survivor's Quest, Timothy Zahn (Del Rey) | 2 | 1 |
5) | Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force, James Luceno (Del Rey) | 5 | 3 |
1) | Halo: First Strike, Eric Nylund (Del Rey) | 4 | 1 |
2) | Halo: The Flood, William C. Dietz (Del Rey) | 9 | - |
3) | Halo: The Fall of Reach, Eric Nylund (Del Rey) | 7 | - |
4) | Forgotten Realms: Paths of Darkness Collector's Edition, R. A. Salvatore (Wizards of the Coast) | 2 | 3 |
5) | Forgotten Realms: The Lone Drow, R. A. Salvatore (Wizards of the Coast) | 4 | - |
Alta swept the hardcovers with a substantial lead; Pandora's Star and Last Light of the Sun were in close competition for second place. New runner-up: 1634: The Galileo Affair by Eric Flint & Andrew Dennis (Baen). We had 57 nominees, down from 65 last month.
Mercedes Lackey took the paperback category as well, with Joust topping the list; Kushiel's Avatar held a comfortable second with its paperback debut. New runner-up: John G. Hemry's Burden of Proof (Ace). Nominees: 78, down slightly from 81.
Pattern Recognition held its lead in the trade paperback category with a solid margin; Richard K. Morgan made a good showing with Broken Angels and Altered Carbon both on the list. New runner-up: I'll Be Watching You by Charles de Lint (Orb). Nominees: 49, up from 45.
Media-related titles had a close contest across the board, with final positions within points of each other. Nominees: 28, up from 23 last month.
Halo: First Strike, now in its fourth month in first place, was joined by the other 荘Halo鋳 titles to dominate the gaming-related category. Nominees: 18, down one from last month.
Compiled with data from Barnes & Noble/B. Dalton (USA), Basilisk Dreams (Canada), Borderlands (CA), Borders Bookstores (USA), Heroes & Dragons (CO), Lone Star (TX), Midtown Comics (NY), Mysterious Galaxy (CA), Pandemonium Books & Games (MA), John W. Rollins, Bookseller (MI), Saint Mark痴 (NY), The Stars Our Destination (IL), Toadstool (2 in NH), Totem Bookshop (WA), Uncle Hugo痴 (MN), University Bookstore (WA), White Dwarf (WA). Data period: March 2004.
June 2004