Issue Thread
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February Issue Thread
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Mailing Date: 30 January 2003

Indexes to the Magazine:
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Profile |
February 2003 |
The February issue of Locus Magazine features:
- 2002 in Review, including
- Recommended Reading Essays by Charles N. Brown, Gary K. Wolfe, Jonathan Strahan, Faren Miller, Russell Letson, Nick Gevers, Gardner Dozois, Michael Swanwick, Rich Horton, Edward Bryant, Carolyn Cushman, Alyx Dellamonica, Tim Pratt, and Karen Haber
- Comprehensive Recommended Reading Lists
- Book and Magazine publishing summaries
- 2002 Bestsellers
- the annual Locus Poll & Survey ballot
- Interviews with Harry Turtledove and Robert J. Sawyer
- People & Publishing: Notes on births, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Harlan Ellison, Lucius Shepard, C.J. Cherryh, Richard Paul Russo, Mercedes Lackey, Gregory Benford, and many others
- News about awards nominations, the reorganization at Random House, the Supreme Court on copyright law, and more
Reports by Ariel Cruz, Michel Encinosa on Cubaficcion
- Obituaries of Virginia Heinlein, Virginia Kidd, Nikolay Mikhailovich Amosov, and Dr. Charles North
- Comprehensive listings of books and magazines published in December, and British books published in November
- Bestsellers from specialty bookstores in November, and Locus's selected New and Notable Books
- Short fiction reviews by Nick Gevers and Rich Horton survey new stories from Sci Fiction, Asimov's, F&SF, Strange Horizons, Spectrum SF, and others.
- Book Reviews include Gary K. Wolfe's examination of SF vs. thrillers, by way of reviewing the latest novels from Greg Bear and Michael Crichton; Nick Gevers examines four books by Zoran Zivkovic;
plus reviews by Faren Miller, Russell Letson, Ed Bryant, Carolyn Cushman, Alyx Dellamonica, and Tim Pratt of new books by Michael Moorcock, Joe Haldeman, Robert Bloch, Greg Keyes, Ken MacLeod, and others; and Karen Haber on art books by Cathy & Arnie Fenner, Dick Jude, Bob Eggleton & John Grant, and others.

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Cover Design: Arnie Fenner |
