T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s |
November 2002 Issue 502 Vol. 49 No. 5
35th Year of Publication 24-Time Hugo Winner
Cover, Interviews and Worldcon Color Design by Arnie Fenner
Betty Ballantine: Publishing Pioneer / 6
James Patrick Kelly: Writing on the Edge / 84
P E O P L E & P U B L I S H I N G / 8
Notes on marriages, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue on Howard Waldrop, Joe Haldeman, John Crowley, Terry Pratchett, Guy Gavriel Kay, Dan Simmons, and many others
C O N J O S É / 10
Convention Report Innocent Abroad: My First Worldcon by Tim Pratt Photo Gallery, including the Masquerade Winners
M A I N S T O R I E S / 10
Sweatman Wins 2002 Sunburst 2002 British Fantasy Awards Winners Gaiman Wins on All Counts Nash to Head Earthlight Bertelsmann’s Nazi Past
P H O T O S T O R I E S / 11
Dark Carnival’s Silver Anniversary Three Old Guys at Paperback Con
T H E D A T A F I L E / 13
Ackermansion Yard Sale MacArthur Genius Grants Announced Vivendi Gets Breather Nobel Ghosts HWA Election Results Crichton Crises Potter Reports King Notes Pullman Donation Rushdie Redux SF in OED New DragonLance Team Announcements Awards News Legal News Small-Press Publishing News Book News Financial News Online News International Rights Other Rights Other Media Publications Received Catalogs Received
Magazines Received: September / 42 Books Received: September / 43 British Books Received: August / 60 Bestsellers / 70
O B I T U A R I E S / 72
Robert L. Forward Appreciations by Gregory Benford, Greg Bear, and David Brin Craig Mills Wynne Whiteford Ivor A. Rogers Raymond T. McNally
E D I T O R I A L M A T T E R S / 73
A quiet month. Upcoming trips. Armagnac’d. Staff stuff. Corrections. Thanks Arnie!
Short Fiction Reviews by Nick Gevers / 14
Asimov’s 10-11/02;
Sci Fiction 10/02;
Realms of Fantasy 10/02;
The Third Alternative Summer ’02;
Black Gate Summer ’02;
www.brianwaldiss.com 9/02.
Short Fiction Reviews by Richard Horton / 15
Asimov’s 10-11/02; F&SF 10-11/02; Interzone 8/02; On Spec Summer ’02; Sci Fiction 10/16/02; Sci Fiction 10/09/02; The Third Alternative Summer ’02; Oceans of the Mind Fall ’02; Salon 8/28/02; Mars Probes, Peter Crowther, ed.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 17
Light, M. John Harrison; The Omega Expedition, Brian Stableford; Evolution, Stephen Baxter; The American Fantasy Tradition, Brian M. Thomsen, ed.
Reviews by Faren Miller / 21
The Praxis, Walter Jon Williams; Baudolino, Umberto Eco; Fires of the Faithful, Naomi Kritzer; A Fistful of Sky, Nina Kiriki Hoffman; City of the Beasts, Isabel Allende; SHORT TAKE: Tapping the Dream Tree, Charles de Lint.
Reviews by Russell Letson / 25
Probability Space, Nancy Kress; The Devil and Deep Space, Susan R. Matthews.
Reviews by Edward Bryant / 27
The Haunted Air, F. Paul Wilson; Shadow Dreams, Elizabeth Massie; SHORT TAKES: Shot, Jenny Siler; One Way Ticket to Midnight, Gary Jonas.
Reviews by Nick Gevers / 29
Voyage of the Shadowmoon, Sean McMullen; Phase Space, Stephen Baxter; Black Projects, White Knights: The Company Dossiers, Kage Baker; In the Shadow of the Wall, Byron Tetrick, ed.
Reviews by Bill Sheehan / 33
Abarat, Clive Barker; White Apples, Jonathan Carroll; Night Watch, Terry Pratchett; The Hour Before Dark, Douglas Clegg.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman / 37
The Rope Trick, Lloyd Alexander; Something M.Y.T.H. Inc., Robert Asprin; Summer Knight, Jim Butcher; A Wizard Alone, Diane Duane; Once Upon a Marigold, Jean Ferris; Dr. Franklin’s Island, Ann Halam; A Parliament of Owls, Beth Hilgartner; Exile’s Honor, Mercedes Lackey; Elvenborn, Andre Norton & Mercedes Lackey; Protector of the Small: Lady Knight, Tamora Pierce; The Waterstone, Rebecca Rupp; Parasite Pig, William Sleator; Hannah’s Garden, Midori Snyder; The Sky Warden & the Sun, Sean Williams.
Divers Hands: Reviews by Alyx Dellamonica and Tim Pratt / 39
Vectors, Michael Kube-McDowell; Manta’s Gift, Timothy Zahn; Stars & Stripes Triumphant, Harry Harrison; Empire of Dreams and Miracles, Orson Scott Card & Keith Olexa, eds.; Writers of the Future, Vol. XVIII, Algis Budrys, ed.