The November issue of Locus Magazine features extensive coverage of ConJosé, the World SF Convention held last month in San José CA, with a photo gallery (including Masquerade winners) and a report by Tim Pratt; plus
- Interviews with Betty Ballantine and James Patrick Kelly
- An obituary of Robert L. Forward, with tributes by Gregory Benford, Greg Bear, and David Brin; and other obituaries of Craig Mills, Wynne Whiteford, Ivor A. Rogers, and Raymond T. McNally
- News stories about the Sunburst Award, the British Fantasy Awards, Neil Gaiman's lawsuit, the new head of Earthlight, and Bertelsmann’s Nazi Past
- The magazine's popular "People & Publishing" and "Data File" sections, with items about the Ackermansion 'yard sale', the MacArthur Genius Grants, Vivendi, Michael Crichton, Stephen King, Philip Pullman, and much more.
- Comprehensive listings of books and magazines published in September, and British books published in August.
- Bestsellers from specialty bookstores in August, and Locus's selected New and Notable Books.
- Reviews cover new books by M. John Harrison, Walter Jon Williams, Nancy Kress, Brian Stableford, Umberto Eco, F. Paul Wilson, Clive Barker, Stephen Baxter, and many others
- Short fiction reviews by Nick Gevers and Rich Horton survey new stories from recent issues of Asimov's, F&SF, Sci Fiction, Interzone, Realms of Fantasy, and other sources.

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Cover Design: Arnie Fenner |