The August issue features:
- Complete results of this year's Locus Awards (winners were announced July 5th)
- Interviews with Kinuko Y. Craft and Ted Chiang
- Coverage of the Campbell and Sturgeon Awards ceremony; Kuo-Yu Liang's departure from Del Rey; John Jarrold's departure from Earthlight; Paizo's acquisition of Wizards of the Coast magazines; cash-crunched conglomerates; Neil Gaiman's Coraline launch; and much more news.
- Photos from Charles N. Brown's 65th birthday dinner and party
- Reports from Cons Down-Under
- Obituaries of Laurence M. Janifer, William A.S. Sarjeant, Roberto Drummond, Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch, Robert Randolph Medcalf, Jr., and Rod Steiger
- Comprehensive listings of books and magazines published in June, and British books published in May.
- Bestsellers from specialty bookstores in May, and Locus's selected New and Notable Books.
- Reviews include Gary K. Wolfe's annual comparison of year's best fantasy anthologies (he did SF anthologies last month), Bill Sheehan's assessment of Stephen King's new novel From a Buick 8, Russell Letson on Neal Asher, John Barnes, and Charles Sheffield; Nick Gevers on China Miéville and Charles Stross; and many others by Faren Miller, Edward Bryant, Carolyn Cushman, Alyx Dellamonica, and Tim Pratt
- Short fiction reviews by Nick Gevers and Rich Horton survey new stories from recent issues of Asimov's, Interzone, Realms of Fantasy, and F&SF; online venues Sci Fiction, The Infinite Matrix; and other sources.

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Cover Design: Arnie Fenner |