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New SF, fantasy, and horror magazines seen: 24 - 30 June

Artemis Magazine -- Issue 5, Summer 2001, $4.95/C$5.95, 64pp, cover art by Bob Eggleton.
"Science and Fiction for the Spacefaring Age" published and edited by Ian Randal Strock. This issue has fiction by Ron Collins, Jack McDevitt, and others; poetry by Roger Dutcher; and numerous nonfiction pieces and columns, including Allen Steele's report on giving testimony to the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, a look at the reality of 2001 vs. the film by Daniel M. Kimmel, "Understanding Orbital Mechanics" by Kirk Pierce, and a Strock editorial about space tourist Dennis Tito. (website) (Thu 28 Jun 2001)

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction -- Vol. 101 No. 2 (whole #598) , August 2001, $3.50/C$4.99, 162pp, cover art by Ron Walotsky.
Long-running fiction monthly, edited by Gordon Van Gelder; this issue is just 2 short of the magazine's 600th. Included are novelets by Robert Reed, Paul McAuley, Ron Goulart, and John Langan; short stories by Alan Arkin, Charles Coleman Finlay, Carol Emshwiller, and Terry Bisson; books reviews by Charles de Lint (of 5 titles from and James Sallis (of novels by Landis, Herter, Dart-Thornton, etc); film reviews by Kathi Maio (Monkeybone); and a Curiosities page by Paul Di Filippo. (website) (Mon 25 Jun 2001)

True Review -- Vol. 13 No. 3 (whole #49) , July 2001, $2, 8pp.
Quarterly personal review-zine published by Andrew Andrews (Gallifrey Press, 110 Buchland Rd, Ephrata PA 17522; $8/year). This issue includes an editorial, "Knee-Jerk Nostalgia". (No website) (Thu 28 Jun 2001)

Weird Tales -- Issue 324, Vol. 57 No. 4, Summer 2001, $4.95, cover art by Jason Van Hollander.
Long-running quarterly magazine of fantasy and horror, now in its 78th year, edited by George H. Scithers and Darrell Schweitzer. This issue has stories by Tanith Lee ("La Vampiresse", reprinted from Interzone April 2000), Stephen Dedman, Thomas Ligotti, Carrie Vaughn, Michael Mayhew, and Phyllis & Alex Eisenstein; verse by George Barr, Ian Watson, and others; editorial and letters; and S.T. Joshi's column "The Den", about the Cthulhu Mythos. (website) (Sat 30 Jun 2001)

Earlier in June

Absolute Magnitude -- Issue 16, Summer 2001, $4.95/C$5.95, 64pp, cover art by Tim Mullins.
SF adventure semiprozine, edited by Warren Lapine, with fiction by Lawrence M. Schoen, Terry Franklin, Chris Bunch, John C. Wright, Rajnar Vajra, Sarah A. Hoyt, and others; an article by Allen Steele about Kitt Peak; and reviews. Lapine's editorial defends the occasional story without a happy ending. (website) (Sat 2 Jun 2001)

Analog Science Fiction and Fact -- Vol. 121 No. 7&8, July/August 2001, $3.50, 144pp, cover art by Bob Eggleton.
Science Fiction and Fact, edited by Stanley Schmidt. This is a double-sized issue, including part 3 of a 4-part serial by Ben Bova; a novella by Michael A. Burstein & Shane Tourtellotte; novelettes by H.G. Stratmann and F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre; short stories by J.R. Dunn, Laurel Winter, Robert Scherrer, Jayge Carr; and Probability Zero feature by Edward M. Lerner. The science fact article is a rare nonfiction piece from Dean McLaughlin. John G. Cramer's "The Alternate View" column is on "2001: Then and Now", and Schmidt's editorial is a follow-up to Jeffery D. Kooistra's column about significant historical events, specifically the 2000 US presidential election. (website) (Fri 8 Jun 2001)

Asimov's Science Fiction -- Vol. 25 No. 7 (whole #306), July 2001, $3.50, 144pp, cover art by Ron Miller.
SF magazine edited by Gardner Dozois, with novellas by L. Timmel Duchamp and Allen Steele; short stories by Ruth Nestvold, Stephen Baxter, Robert Reed, and Steven Utley; poem by Tim Pratt. Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" column recalls Isaac Asimov's definition of "social science fiction" and considers José Saramago's Blindness in its light, while James Patrick Kelly's "On the Net" column describes the horrors of home computer networking, and catches up on websurfing. Also, results of the 2001 Asimov's Award, and book reviews by Peter Heck. (website) (Fri 8 Jun 2001)

Black Rose -- Issue 6, January 2001, £3/$10, 64pp.
"An anthology of supernatural/ghost horror and dark fantasy fiction", edited by David Dunning, published in Ireland, and labeled right on the cover "Strictly adult reading not suitable for children". The issue has fiction by Phil Locascio, John Urbanick, Michael Bracken, Kymm Royal, and others. Subscriptions £8 or US/C$28 for 3 issues, to Black Rose Publications, 10 Saint Malachy'd Drive, Greenhills, Dublin 12, Ireland, or email (No website) (Tue 19 Jun 2001)

Challenging Destiny -- Issue 12, April 2001, C$6, 122pp, cover art by Tobias Brenner.
Canadian SF/F small-press magazine, edited by David M. Switzer and Robert P. Switzer. Fiction by Justin E.A. Busch, Carl Sieber, Rudy Kremberg, D.K. Latta, A.R. Morlan, and Hugh Cook; an interview with Nalo Hopkinson; reviews by James Schellenberg of films and books about Mars, and an editorial about the Great Pyramid. (website) (Fri 1 Jun 2001)

Dreams and Nightmares -- Issue 59, May 2001, $3, 23pp, cover art by GAK.
Magazine of fantastic poetry, edited by David C. Kopaska-Merkel, with poems by Wendy Rathbone, Mario Milosevic, John Grey, Chris Bauer & Candra K. Gill, etc. (website) (Fri 22 Jun 2001)

Interzone -- Issue 168, June 2001, £3.00, 67pp, cover art by Roy Virgo.
British monthly SF/F magazine, edited by David Pringle. Stories by Paul Di Filippo, Tony Ballantyne, Liz Williams, Nigel Brown, and Dominic Green. Lucius Shepard is interviewed by Nick Gevers, Evelyn Lewes offers a Media Commentary, David Langford supplies his "Ansible Link" news, Gary Westfahl essays on Mars films and books, and Paul McAuley and others contribute book reviews. (website) (Tue 12 Jun 2001)

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet -- Issue 8, June 2001, $3.00, 52pp.
Small-press magazine, published/edited by Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Link, with fiction and essays. This issue has fiction by Carol Emshwiller, Eliot Fintushel, James Sallis, Alex Irvine, Ray Vukcevich, and others; poetry by Sydney Duncan, Theodora Goss, Lucy Snyder, and Mark Rudolph; nonfiction pieces including a long reconsideration by L. Timmel Duchamp of a novel by Mary Gentle. (website) (Mon 4 Jun 2001)

The New York Review of Science Fiction -- Issue 154, Vol. 13 No. 10, June 2001, $3.50, 24pp.
Review and criticism magazine, edited and published by Kathryn Cramer, David G. Hartwell, Kevin J. Maroney, and others, with an essay by Miguel Ángel Fernández-Delgado on two failed attempts to film Frank Herbert's Dune, a Brian Attebery essay on books by Molly Gloss and Alan Garner, Dan'l Danehay-Oakes on Nora Roberts, Michael Swanwick on a museum exhibition, plus numerous reviews, letters, etc. (website) (Tue 12 Jun 2001)

Realms of Fantasy -- Vol. 7 No. 6, August 2001, $3.99/C$5.99, 90pp.
Bimonthly fantasy fiction magazine, edited by Shawna McCarthy. Fiction by Lois Tilton, Harlan Ellison (reprint of 荘Incognita, Inc.鋳), Alan Dean Foster, Steven Popkes, David Lee Summers, and James Van Pelt. Resa Nelson previews "The Mists of Avalon" tv miniseries (shown on the cover); Gregory Frost does this issue's Folkroots column; Gahan Wilson and Paul Di Filippo review books; Laura Cleveland presents a gallery of Arthurian art; and Eric T. Baker reviews games. (No website) (Fri 1 Jun 2001)

Science Fiction Chronicle -- Issue 214, Vol. 22 No. 7, July 2001, $4.95/C$5.95, 64pp, cover art by Jael.
SF's Only Professional News & Trade Journal, published by Warren Lapine and edited (albeit only partially, he grants) by Andrew I. Porter. Features in this issue include a long article by Mark Rich on SF and toys; Allen Steele's testimony to the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics; an interview of Ron Walotsky; short fiction reviews by Steve Sawicki; Jeff Rovin's SF Cinema column; book reviews by Richard E. Geis and Don D'Ammassa; columns by Marvin Kaye and John Betancourt; and the usual news, obituaries, buyers guide listings, etc. Porter's editorial points out that he (and the magazine) are no longer eligible for the Best Semiprozine Hugo since SFC's circulation has surpassed 10,000, a key eligibility criterion. (website) (Thu 14 Jun 2001)

Talebones -- Issue 21, Spring 2001, $5.00/C$6.00, 84pp, cover art by Tom Simonton.
Quarterly magazine of SF and dark fantasy, published and edited by Patrick and Honna Swenson. This issue has fiction by Daniel E. Blackston, Steve Rasnic Tem, Elisabeth De Vos, etc.; poetry by Bruce Boston & Marge Simon, J.W. Donnelly, Mary Soon Lee, Darrell Schweitzer, Keith Allen Daniels. There are also book reviews by Ed Bryant, Janna Silverstein, and numerous others, as well as music reviews by John Everson; the major feature is an interview with Peter Straub by Ken Rand. (website) (Thu 14 Jun 2001)

Last month: May

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