Analog Science Fiction and Fact -- Vol. 121 No. 6, June 2001, $3.50, 144pp, cover art by Kelly Freas, cover design by Victoria Green.
This issue has the second part of a serial, "The Precipice", by Ben Bova, plus a novella by Adam-Troy Castro ("Sunday Night Yams at Minnie and Earl's"), a novelette by Pauline Ashwell, and short stories by Laurence M. Janifer and Michael A. Burstein. The science fact article, by Mark S. Derzon, is about fusion [a version of the article is online]; Jeffery D. Kooistra's "Alternate View" column checks in on the 2000 presidential election. Other departments include an editorial by Stanley Schmidt, reviews by Tom Easton, and letters. The four shorts are reviewed by Mark R. Kelly in the June issue of Locus. (website) (Tue 1 May 2001)
Asimov's Science Fiction -- Vol. 25 No. 6 (whole #305), June 2001, $3.50/C$4.95, 144pp, cover art by Fred Gambino.
Fiction includes a novella by Andy Duncan ("The Chief Designer", a secret history of the Soviet space program); novelettes by Nancy Kress, James Patrick Kelly (his 18th consecutive story in a June issue of Asimov's), Kage Baker, and Charles Stross (his first publication in the US magazine); and a short story by Leslie What. Departments include Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" on how the center of SF was once occupied by John W. Campbell [whose "hatred of scientific dogma" that "increasingly embraced quirky and bizarre ideas" seems echoed by Jeffery Kooistra's column in recent years of Analog] and a Norman Spinrad column on "Transcendence", reviewing books by Le Guin, Stevens-Arce, Clarke, and Broderick. The stories are reviewed by Mark R. Kelly in the June Locus, who especially recommends those by Duncan and Stross, as well as the Kelly and Kress. (website) (Tue 1 May 2001)
Horror Garage -- Issue 3, 2001, $5.95/C$6.95, 70pp.
Horror fiction small-press magazine edited by Paula Guran, with stories by John Shirley, Kim Newman (a new "Anno Dracula" story), Peter Crowther, Don Webb, and Debbie MacGuffie, an interview with China Mi騅ille and short excerpt from Perdido Street Station, reviews and features notby Fiona Webster, by Norman Partridge, by MYK, and by A Bunch O' Ghouls. (website) (Thu 31 May 2001)
Interzone -- Issue 167, May 2001, £3, 67pp, cover art by Fred Gambino.
British monthly SF/F magazine, edited by David Pringle. Stories by Ayerdahl, Peter T. Garratt, Paul Park, Tony Ballantyne, and Eric Brown; interviews with Frank Kelly Freas and Lisanne Norman, David Langford's "Ansible Link", film reviews by Nick Lowe, book reviews by Nick Gevers, Liz Williams, and others. (website) (Mon 14 May 2001)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction -- Vol. 101 No. 1 (whole #597) , July 2001, $3.50/C$4.99, 162pp, cover art by Gary Lippincott.
SF and fantasy magazine edited by Gordon Van Gelder. Novelettes by Steven Popkes and Carolyn Ives Gilman; short stories by Benjamin Rosenbaum, John Morressy, M. Shayne Bell, and Lawrence C. Connolly; a science piece by Pat Murphy & Paul Doherty; book reviews by Charles de Lint and Michelle West; film reviews by Lucius Shepard; and a Curiosities page by Bradley Denton. (website) (Fri 25 May 2001)
The New York Review of Science Fiction -- Issue 153, Vol. 13 No. 9, May 2001, $3.50, 24pp.
Review and criticism magazine, edited and published by Kathryn Cramer, David G. Hartwell, Kevin J. Maroney, and others, with essay-length and short reviews, etc. This issue has an essay by Judith Berman speculating on the reasons for SF's inability to attract new/younger readers (analyzing stories from Asimov's magazine), an essay by John D. Squires on M.P. Shiel, a review of the 荘Futures鋳 series in Nature by Michael Swanwick, and three appreciations of Jenna Felice. (website) (Thu 17 May 2001)
On Spec -- Vol. 13 No. 1 (whole #44) , Spring 2001, C$5.95, 112pp, cover art by Jean-Pierre Normand.
Quarterly Canadian SF/F small-press magazine, published by the Copper Pig Writers' Society and edited by Diane L. Walton and others. This issue has fiction by L.E. Modesitt, Jr., James Van Pelt, Chris Turner, Catherine MacLeod, and others; a tribute to Gordon R. Dickson by Derryl Murphy; an essay on film and SF by Steve Mohn. (website) (Fri 18 May 2001)
Science Fiction Chronicle -- Issue 213, Vol. 22 No. 6, June 2001, $4.95/C$5.95, 56pp, cover art by Stephen Hickman.
SF's Only Professional News & Trade Journal has a long analysis of declining magazine circulations by Paul T. Riddell; columns by Marvin Kaye and Chris Bunch; short fiction reviews by Steve Sawicki; lots of books reviews by Don D'Ammassa and Richard E. Geis; and the usual news, letters, market listings, etc. (website) (Thu 3 May 2001)
Weird Tales -- Issue 323, Vol. 57 No. 3 (whole #323), Spring 2001, $4.95, 66pp, cover art by George Barr.
"The unique magazine", in its 78th year, has fiction by Keith Taylor, Kate Riedel, Sarah Hoyt, Jennifer Busick, and Richard Parks, plus verse by George Barr, Kelly McCullough, Ian Watson, Darrell Schweitzer, and Richard William Pearce. Features include the editorial "Eyrie" remembering L. Sprague de Camp and his wife Catherine; Douglas E. Winter's "Shadowings" about Clive Barker and The Damnation Game; and an essay by Gary J. Weir about "Lovecraft and My Dad". (website) (Wed 2 May 2001)