Selected Forthcoming Books, April 2001
US books |
UK books |
+ 1st US edition
- Barker, Clive Coldheart Canyon (HarperCollins UK, hc)
- Baxter, Stephen Mammoth: Book Three: Icebones (Orion/Gollancz, hc/tpb)
- Bisson, Terry The Pickup Artist (Tor, hc) [Apr]
- Bonestell, Chesley The Art of Chesley Bonestell (Paper Tiger, hc) [May]
- Brenchley, Chaz Hand of the King's Evil (Little Brown/Orbit)
- Brust, Steven Issola (Tor, hc) [Apr]
- Byrne, Eugene Things Unborn (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight)
- Clute, John Appleseed (Little Brown/Orbit, hc)
- Crowther, Peter, ed. Futures (Orion/Gollancz, anth, hc)
- Daniel, Tony Metaplanetary (HarperCollins/Eos, hc) [10 Apr]
- Deitz, Tom Summerblood (Bantam Spectra, tpb) [3 Apr]
- Due, Tananarive The Living Blood (Pocket, hc) [3 Apr]
- + Farland, David Wizardborn (Tor, hc)
- Feintuch, David Children of Hope (Ace, hc) [10 Apr]
- Gemmell, David Ravenheart (Transworld/Bantam UK, hc)
- Gerrold, David Bouncing Off the Moon (Tor, hc) [Apr]
- Griffith, Nicola, & Stephen Pagel, eds. Bending the Landscape: Horror (Overlook Press, anth, hc) [29 Mar]
- Jones, Dennis The Mask and the Sorceress (HarperCollins/Eos, hc) [3 Apr]
- + Jones, Diana Wynne Mixed Magics (HarperCollins/Greenwillow, hc)
- Jones, J.V. A Fortress of Grey Ice (Little Brown/Orbit, hc)
- Kalogridis, Jeanne The Burning Times (HarperCollins UK, hc)
- Kurtz, Katherine, & Deborah Harris Turner The Temple and the Crown (Warner Aspect)
- Lau, Miller Talisker (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight)
- Lupoff, Richard A. Claremont Tales (Golden Gryphon Press, cln, hc)
- MacKay, Scott The Meek (Penguin/Roc) [Apr]
- + McCaffrey, Anne The Skies of Pern (Ballantine Del Rey, hc) [3 Apr]
- Moore, James A. Fireworks (Meisha Merlin, tpb)
- + Nix, Garth Lirael (HarperCollins, hc) [10 Apr]
- Pierce, Tamora The Circle Opens: Street Magic (Scholastic Press, hc)
- Pohl, Frederik, ed. The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume 3 (Tor, anth, hc) [Apr]
- Price, E. Hoffmann Book of the Dead: Friends of Yesteryear: Fictioneers and Others (Arkham House, nf, hc)
- Schmitz, James H. The Hub: Dangerous Territory (Baen, cln) [3 Apr]
- Shinn, Sharon Summers at Castle Auburn (Ace, tpb) [10 Apr]
- Silverberg, Robert, ed. Nebula Awards Showcase 2001 (Harcourt/Harvest, anth, hc/tpb) [26 Apr]
- Stover, Matthew [Woodring] The Blade of Tyshalle (Ballantine Del Rey, tpb) [3 Apr]
- + Williams, Tad Otherland: Sea of Silver Light (DAW, hc) [Apr]
- Williamson, Jack Terraforming Earth (Tor, hc) [Jun]
These are the ''Selected Books by Author'' from the March 2001 issue of Locus Magazine, plus a few others, resorted by month. See Locus for complete lists sorted by publisher. (Subscribe!) Abbreviations indicate
hc=hardcover; tpb=trade paperback; otherwise mass-market pb, or we're not sure
cln=collection; om=omnibus; anth=anthology; otherwise novel
h=horror; nf=nonfiction; a=associational [non-sffh]; otherwise sf/fantasy
1st US editions (+) are books previously published in the UK or other countries; otherwise US and UK books listed as originals are 1st English language editions. Schedules are tentative and subject to change -- particularly in later months.