Selected Forthcoming Books, December 2000
US books |
UK books |
+ 1st US edition
- Asaro, Catherine The Phoenix Code (Bantam Spectra) [28 Nov]
- Asaro, Catherine The Quantum Rose (Tor, hc)
- Barrett, Neal, Jr. The Prophecy Machine (Bantam Spectra) [28 Nov]
- Bester, Alfred redemolished (Pocket/ibooks, cln, tpb) [28 Nov]
- Brackett, Leigh Martian Quest: The Early Brackett (Haffner Press, cln, hc)
- + Bradley, Rebecca Scion's Lady (Ace) [5 Dec]
- Cacek, P.D. Canyons (Tor, hc)
- Carver, Jeffrey A. Eternity's End (Tor, hc)
- Dalkey, Kara Genpei (Tor, hc)
- + Eddings, David, & Leigh Eddings The Redemption of Althalus (Ballantine Del Rey, hc) [5 Dec]
- Ellison, Harlan The Essential Ellison: A 50-Year Retrospective (Morpheus International, cln, hc) [10 Dec]
- Ford, John M. The Last Hot Time (Tor, hc)
- Gentle, Mary The Book of Ash #4: Lost Burgundy (Eos)
- Gwinn, Beth, & Stanley Wiater Dark Dreamers: Facing the Masters of Fear (CD Publications, hc)
- Haldeman, Joe The Coming (Ace, hc) [5 Dec]
- + Harrison, Harry Stars & Stripes in Peril (Ballantine Del Rey, hc) [28 Nov]
- Holland, Cecelia The Angel and the Sword (Tor/Forge, hc)
- Jeter, K.W. Bladerunner 4: Eye & Talon (Orion/Gollancz, hc) [4 Dec]
- Kooistra, Jeffery D. Dykstra's War (Baen) [28 Nov]
- + Koontz, Dean From the Corner of His Eye (Bantam, hc) [26 Dec]
- Koontz, Dean From the Corner of his Eye (Hodder Headline Feature, hc)
- Landis, Geoffrey A. Mars Crossing (Tor, hc)
- Laymon, Richard Dreadful Tales (Hodder Headline, cln, hc) [7 Dec]
- Lee, Gentry The Tranquility Wars (Bantam Spectra, hc) [28 Nov]
- Lee, Tanith White as Snow (Tor, hc)
- Moon, Elizabeth Against the Odds (Baen, hc) [28 Nov]
- Pohl, Frederik Chasing Science: Science as Spectator Sport (Tor, nf, hc) [Nov]
- Schroeder, Karl Ventus (Tor, hc)
- Springer, Nancy Plumage (HarperCollins/Morrow, hc) [21 Nov]
- Tenn, William Immodest Proposals: The Complete Short Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume One (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
- Zipes, Jack Sticks and Stones: The Troublesome Success of Children's Literature from Slovenly Peter to Harry Potter (Routledge, nf, hc) [Nov]
These are the ''Selected Books by Author'' from the December 2000 issue of Locus Magazine, plus a few others, resorted by month. See Locus for complete lists sorted by publisher. (Subscribe!) Abbreviations indicate
hc=hardcover; tpb=trade paperback; otherwise mass-market pb, or we're not sure
cln=collection; om=omnibus; anth=anthology; otherwise novel
h=horror; nf=nonfiction; a=associational [non-sffh]; otherwise sf/fantasy
1st US editions (+) are books previously published in the UK or other countries; otherwise US and UK books listed as originals are 1st English language editions. Schedules are tentative and subject to change -- particularly in later months.