Selected Forthcoming Books, February 2001
US books |
UK books |
+ 1st US edition
- Baker, Kage The Graveyard Game (Harcourt, hc) [Jan?]
- Bova, Ben The Precipice (Hodder & Stoughton, hc) [1 Feb]
- Brite, Poppy Z. Guilty But Insane (Subterranean Press, nf, hc)
- + Broderick, Damien The Spike: How Our Lives Are Being Transformed by Rapidly Advancing Technologies (Tor, nf, hc)
- Brown, Fredric From These Ashes: The Short SF of Fredric Brown (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
- Carroll, Jonathan The Wooden Sea (Tor, hc)
- Chizmar, Richard, ed. Night Visions 10 (Subterranean Press, anth, hc)
- Flynn, Michael Falling Stars (Tor, hc)
- + Gemmell, David Sword in the Storm (Ballantine Del Rey)
- Hunter, Kim Knight's Dawn (Little Brown/Orbit, tpb) [1 Feb]
- Kurtz, Katherine St. Patrick's Gargoyle (Ace, hc)
- Lee, Sharon, & Steve Miller Pilot's Choice (Meisha Merlin, hc/tpb) [12 Feb]
- Lumley, Brian Necroscope: Avengers (Hodder & Stoughton, hc) [1 Feb]
- Marco, John The Saints of the Sword (Bantam Spectra, tpb) [30 Jan]
- Martin, George R.R. Boskone 38 Book (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
- McCaffrey, Anne The Skies of Pern (Transworld/Bantam UK, hc) [5 Feb]
- Moorcock, Michael The Dreamthief's Daughter (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight, hc) [19 Feb]
- Robinson, Spider By Any Other Name (Baen, cln)
- Russell, Jay S. Greed & Stuff (St. Martin’s/Minotaur)
- + Russell, Sean The One Kingdom (HarperCollins/Eos, hc)
- Ryman, Geoff Lust (HarperCollins/Flamingo, tpb) [5 Feb]
- Scott, Melissa, & Lisa A. Barnes Point of Dreams (Tor, hc)
- Sheffield, Charles The Spheres of Heaven (Baen, hc)
- Silverberg, Robert The King of Dreams (HarperCollins/Voyager, hc) [19 Feb]
- Turtledove, Harry Colonization: Aftershocks (Ballantine Del Rey, hc) [30 Jan]
- Wolfe, Gene Return to the Whorl (Tor, hc)
These are the ''Selected Books by Author'' from the December 2000 issue of Locus Magazine, plus a few others, resorted by month. See Locus for complete lists sorted by publisher. (Subscribe!) Abbreviations indicate
hc=hardcover; tpb=trade paperback; otherwise mass-market pb, or we're not sure
cln=collection; om=omnibus; anth=anthology; otherwise novel
h=horror; nf=nonfiction; a=associational [non-sffh]; otherwise sf/fantasy
1st US editions (+) are books previously published in the UK or other countries; otherwise US and UK books listed as originals are 1st English language editions. Schedules are tentative and subject to change -- particularly in later months.