SFFH on Bestseller Lists: 17 July 2000
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has lept to the top of those bestseller lists compiled quickly enough to reflect sales since July 8th. Beginning this week the New York Times posts bestseller lists a week in advance of publication in the weekly Book Review, so its new children's bestseller list, dated July 23, is now online, led by the new Harry Potter. The table below compiles both the 7/16 and 7/23 NYT lists.
David and Leigh Edding’s The Redemption of Althalus remains for a second week the #1 bestselling hardcover fiction book in the UK.
The Times of London has reformatted its book review page somewhat, and added a children’s books category to its bestsellers page. It’s led by the new Harry Potter hardcover, followed by paperback editions of the earlier three books.
There’s a new V.C. Andrews (Lightning Strikes) on a couple lists, but it won't be tracked on this chart.
PW has updated its children’s lists for July, but the lists group all the Harry Potter books into the #1 entry on the ‘series and tie-ins’ subcategory. Louis Sachar’s Holes remains #1 among children’s fiction bestsellers, while Jane Yolen’s How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?, illustrated by Mark Teague, is #1 among children’s picture book bestsellers (it was noted last week as #10 on the LA Times list of children’s bestsellers).
Though not compiled in the table below, we continue to monitor the online booksellers' genre bestseller lists. As usual, those lists -- the paperback lists at least -- are mixtures of current and backlist titles. This week Amazon’s SF paperback list has Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World and 1984 in positions 4, 5, and 6, and Tor Books' edition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is #6 on the horror bestseller list (which combines hardcovers and paperbacks). At Amazon UK, Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the Millennium paperback edition, is #2 on the SF bestsellers list.
This cell color indicates forthcoming books: Amazon US/UK not-yet-published (NYP) rankings |
This cell color indicates ineligible titles, e.g. YA titles excluded from fiction lists, or no paperback lists |
This cell color indicates stale data; e.g., children's bestseller lists updated only monthly |
Title |
23 Jul |
16 Jul |
16 Jul |
16 Jul |
14 Jul |
16 Jul |
14 Jul |
London Times
16 Jul |
17 Jul |
(12 Jul) |
Amz UK
[16 Jul] |
Items compiled/total on list |
15/30 |
15/15 |
15/15 |
30/100 |
10/10 |
10/10 |
10/10 |
15/15 |
15/25 |
10/10 |
Fiction hardcovers |
Aldrin/Barnes, The Return |
7 +3 |
Banks, Look to Windward [UK: Aug] |
7 = NYP |
Bear, Star Wars: Rogue Planet |
x | (34 -3) |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx |
xxx.. |
Clark MH, Before I Say Goodbye |
13 | 17 -3 |
13 -1 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xx |
xx |
12 -2 |
(24 -5) |
Eddings, The Redemption of Althalus |
1 = |
1 = |
Goodkind, Faith of the Fallen [US, UK: Aug] |
12 -3 NYP |
x NYP |
Heaney trans., Beowulf |
(23) | (30 -9) |
xx |
9 -1 |
-- |
xxx |
xxx.. |
xxx.. gen |
xxx.. |
9 +3 |
Jacques, The Legend of Luke |
9 ch | |
Jordan, Winter's Heart [US, UK: Nov] |
6 -3 NYP |
x NYP |
LaHaye/Jenkins, The Indwelling |
4 | 6 -3 |
4 = |
(49 -10) |
6 = |
10 -2 |
4 = |
1 +2 |
Martin, A Storm of Swords [UK: 17 Jul] |
4 -3 NYP |
Pratchett, The Truth [UK: 9 Nov] |
15 -4 NYP |
Pullman, The Amber Spyglass [US: Oct; UK: Nov] |
11 -1 NYP |
9 -1 NYP |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Azkaban |
4 ch | 2 = |
2 = |
6 +7 |
4 = |
3 = |
1 series = |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Goblet of Fire US UK |
1 ch ++ | |
1 ++ |
1 ++ |
1 ++ |
1 ch ++ |
1 series = |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Secrets |
2 ch | 3 +2 |
3 -2 |
3 +8 |
3 = |
2 -1 |
1 series = |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Stone |
3 ch | 4 +3 |
4 +1 |
7 + |
4 = |
1 series |
Rowling, Harry Potter #5 [Jul 2001] |
1 +3 NYP |
Shatner, Preserver |
(20) | (25 +9) |
(23 -1) |
Yolen/Teague, How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? |
8 ch | |
10 ch [last week] |
1 ch-pic |
Fiction paperbacks |
Barclay, Noonshade [UK: Jul] |
x NYP |
Harris, Hannibal |
4 | 5 -4 |
6 -4 |
13 -3 |
2 = |
2 = |
4 -2 |
7 -3 |
2 = |
Martin, A Storm of Swords [UK: 17 Jul] |
3 +2 NYP |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Secrets [US: Aug] |
2 = NYP |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Azkaban [UK] |
3 |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Secrets [UK] |
4 |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Stone |
| 12 -2 |
2 +4 |
6 +2 |
2 |
1 series |
Sachar, Holes |
(47 -15) |
1 ch = |
Stephenson, Cryptonomicon |
x |
Stackpole, Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin |
x |
x |
x |
xx |
xxx |
Nonfiction paperbacks |
Pratchett et al, The Science of Discworld |
xx |
WP |
London |
PW |
Amz |
Amz UK |
The table compiles SFFH books placing 15th or higher on general bestseller lists (30th or higher on the combined USA Today list).
The current rank of each book and the change since last week are shown, where:
= same as last week
+ or - with number: difference since last week
+ back on list
++ new on list
x no longer on list (number of x's: weeks off list)
() below cut-off but noted anyway
-- previously noted anyway but now nowhere in sight
nyp Not-yet-published (pre-ordered)
Columns show ranks on lists from, respectively, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, London Times, Publishers Weekly, Amazon.com (fiction lists), and Amazon UK (fiction lists). All lists rank hardcovers and paperbacks separately, except for the USA Today list, which is a single list combining fiction and nonfiction in all formats. Some books are on separate general [nonfiction] lists (gen), children's lists (ch), trade paperback lists (tpb), or mass market paperback lists (mm), as indicated.