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Best Books of 1999 Summary Page
These are SFFH books listed among the best of 1999 by two or more of these 15 non-Locus sources: Amazon.com (Amz), Amazon.co.uk (Amz.uk), Barnesandnoble.com (BN), Booklist, Borders, Library Journal (LJ), Los Angeles Times Book Review (LAT), The New York Times Book Review (NYTBR), Publishers Weekly (PW), Salon, San Francisco Chronicle (SFC), SF Site, Time, Village Voice Literary Supplement (VV), and Washington Post Book World (WP). Links to online lists are given below. References are to SF/fantasy genre lists unless otherwise indicated.
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Amz/children's, Amz.uk/overall/children's, BN/millennial, Booklist/youth, Borders/fiction, LAT/fiction, NYTBR/children's, PW/children's, SFC/children's, SFSite, Time/fiction
Stephenson, Cryptonomicon: Amz, Amz.uk, BN, Borders/fiction, LJ, NYTBR/fiction, PW, Salon/fiction, SFC/fiction, SFSite, VV/overall
Card, Ender's Shadow: Amz, Amz.uk, BN, Booklist/ya, LJ, PW
King, Hearts in Atlantis: Amz.uk/thriller, BN/h, Booklist/fiction, Borders/fiction, SFC, SFSite
Gaiman, Stardust: Amz, BN, Booklist/ya, PW, SFSite
Lethem, Motherless Brooklyn: BN/fiction, Booklist/top, NYTBR/fiction, Salon/fiction, VV/overall
Bear, Darwin's Radio: Amz, LJ, PW, SFC
Gibson, All Tomorrow's Parties: Amz, Amz.uk, SFC, SFSite
Harris, Hannibal: Amz.uk/overall, BN/horror, LAT/fic, NYTBR/fic
King, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: Amz/h, BN/h, Booklist/ya, PW
O'Nan, A Prayer for the Dying: Amz/horror, Borders/fiction, NYTBR/fic, Salon/fic
Vinge, A Deepness in the Sky: Amz.uk, BN, PW, SFSite
Haydon, Rhapsody: Amz, BN, Borders/fiction
Straub, Mr. X: BN/horror, PW, SFC
Arensberg, Incubus: Amz/horror, NYTBR/fic
Carroll, The Marriage of Sticks: BN/horror, SFSite
Disch, The Sub: Amz/horror, BN/horror
Robinson, Waiting: BN, SFC
Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet: Amz.uk/overall, NYTBR/fic
Sarrantonio ed., 999: Amz/h, SFC
Yarbro, Communion Blood: Amz/h, BN/horror
Wolfe, On Blue's Waters: Amz, SFSite
Amazon.com [summarized here]
science fiction and fantasy books | horror
Millennium Poll Winners books |
Amazon.co.uk [summarized here]
science fiction and fantasy books | thriller
Best Books of 1999 | children's | lit/fiction | science/nature
Barnes & Noble [summarized here]
SF/fantasy | horror/suspense | fiction/lit
Booklist [summarized here]
Editors' Choice '99 |
Top of the List
Adult Books for Young Adults |
Books for Youth |
Reference Books
Borders [summarized here]
Best Fiction of 1999 | Non-Fiction
Library Journal [summarized here]
Best Books of 1999
Los Angeles Times Book Review [summarized here]
Best Books of 1999
New York Times Book Review [summarized here]
Notable Books of the Year (SF titles) | Editors' Choice
Publishers Weekly [summarized here]
Best Books 99
Salon [summarized here]
Salon Book Awards
San Francisco Chronicle [summarized here]
SF books
fiction | nonfiction | children's fiction
SF Site [summarized here]
Best SF and Fantasy Books of 1999
Time [summarized here]
Best of 1999: Books
Village Voice [summarized here]
25 Favorites of 1999
Washington Post Book World [summarized here]
Short Story Collections
(last updated Tue 15 Feb Jan 2000)