This page lists all science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazines seen this month (mostly received for review). For a comprehensive listing of magazines published each month, see Locus Magazine.
New Issues Seen: 25 - 30 September
The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America -- Issue 143, Vol. 33 No. 2, Fall 1999, $4.95, 48pp. Features the transcript of William Tenn's SFWA Author Emeritus acceptance speech, given at the Nebula Awards Banquet in Pittsburgh this past May; plus, SFWA President Paul Levinson describes the organization's new Junior Membership, Bruce Holland Rogers on writing news releases, Stephen Goldin on electronic piracy, Chuck Rothman on writers attending SF cons. Columns by Steve Carper, Michael Cassutt, Robert Metzger, James W. Fiscus, Mike Resnick and Barry Malzberg, Brenda Clough and A.C. Crispin. And market reports. Cover by Mark Ferrari. (website) (Tue 28 Sep 1999)
Dreams and Nightmares -- Issue 54, Sept. 1999, 23pp. Poetry by Wendy Rathbone, Ian Watson, Joey Froehlich, Nancy Bennett, etc. Cover by Dave Fode. (website) (Mon 27 Sep 1999)
Science Fiction Age -- Vol. 8 No. 1, November 1999, $3.99, 82pp. Fiction by Bruce Holland Rogers, Robert Reed, Rudy Rucker and Paul Di Filippo, William R. Eakin, Tom Gerencer -- the last is a discovery from the Clarion SF workshop, which editor Scott Edelman describes in his editorial. Karen Haber's Gallery presents the art of Bob Eggleton. Melissa J. Perenson previews the new season of The X-Files, Eric T. Baker reviews games, Cory Doctorow reviews websites, and Paul Di Filippo reviews Gene Wolfe's On Blue's Waters; plus other book reviews by James Lowder and Rachel Russell, and Marianne Dyson's Science feature captures ideas about the future of space from Robert Forward, Robert Zubrin, Geoffrey Landis, and others. Cover by Royo. (No website) (Mon 27 Sep 1999)
Star*Line -- Issue 22.5, Sept./Oct. 1999, 20pp. Poetry by Linda Addison, Nancy Bennett, Timons Esaias, Robert Frazier, W. Gregory Stewart, Darrell Schweitzer, etc. Plus small-press reviews and market reports. Cover by Cathy Buburuz. (website) (Sat 25 Sep 1999)
The Third Alternative -- Issue 21, 1999, £3, 66pp. Fiction by Christopher East, Sten Westgard, Glen Dennis, Andrew Hook, Mike O'Driscoll, Pras Stillman, Yvonne Navarro. Jonathan Carroll is interviews by David Mathew; there are also short interviews accompanying reviews of Justina Robson and Kim Newman. Plus an article on Hong Kong cinema by Tony Lee. Cover by Wendy Down. (website) (Thu 30 Sep 1999)
New Issues Seen: 1 - 24 September
Amazing Stories -- Issue 598, Fall 1999, $4.95, 96pp. Fiction by Frederik Pohl (part 1 of a new Heechee story), William R. Eakin, James Morrow (excerpted from forthcoming The Eternal Footman), Russell William Asplund, Phillip C. Jennings; Star Trek fiction by D.W. ''Prof'' Smith [Dean Wesley Smith] and M. Shayne Bell. An Alternate History section has an essay by Harry Harrison describing three basic forms, and fiction by John G. Hemry. The editorial by Kevin J. Anderson challenges the myths that media tie-in books are causing the death of SF. Plus, book reviews by John C. Bunnell, game reviews by Cory Herndon, and an ''Ask Dr. Sciense'' column. (website) (Sat 4 Sep 1999)
Analog Science Fiction and Fact -- Vol. 119 No. 11, Nov 1999, $3.50, 144pp. Fiction by Michael A. Burstein (sequel to Hugo-nominated ''Broken Symmetry''), Pete D. Manison, Ron Goulart, Grey Rollins, Alexander Brejcha, J.W. Donnelly, Brian Plante; Probability Zero vignette by Shane Tourtellotte. Stephen L. Gillett's science article is on new ways to terraform Venus. Stanley Schmidt's editorial considers video cameras and the limits of public privacy. Jay Key Klein's Biolog features Brian Plante. And Jeffrey D. Kooistra's Alternate View column celebrates one of his two favorite writers, C.S. Lewis. Cover by Kim Poor. (website) (Mon 13 Sep 1999)
Asimov's Science Fiction -- Vol. 23 No. 10 (whole #285) , Oct/Nov 1999, $5.50, 240pp. Fiction by Connie Willis, Walter Jon Williams, Kim Stanley Robinson, Gardner Dozois, Richard Wadholm, Mike Resnick, Tony Daniel, Nelson Bond, Michael Swanwick; poetry by Laurel Winter, Howard V. Hendrix, Bruce Boston. Jack Williamson's Guest Editorial recaps his career, the sources of his storytelling skills, and considers the future. Robert Silverberg's Reflections column considers autographs. Norman Spinrad's book review essay evaluates the ways stories, both short and novel-length, close, with examples from Interzone and books by Kage Baker, Robert Silverberg, Maureen F. McHugh, Gregory Benford, and Richard Calder. Cover by Jim Burns. (website) (Mon 13 Sep 1999)
Aurealis -- Issue 23, 1999, A$9.95, 135pp. Special Worldcon issue with fiction by Robert Hood, Cameron Fade Gurr, Rjurik Davidson, etc. Features include an interview with Michael Pryor by Van Ikin, an advice column for writers by Stephen Dedman, and extensive book reviews by Bill Congreve. Dirk Strasser's editorial defends the idea that there is something distinct about Australian SF from its overseas counterparts. Cover by Rob Kiely. (website) (Sun 5 Sep 1999)
Challenging Destiny -- Issue 7, August 1999, 118pp. Canadian small press magazine with fiction by D.K. Latta, Hugh Cook, Kate Tompkins, Stefano Donati, K.G. McAbee, Michael Mirolla; and interview with Robert Charles Wilson; reviews of feminist SF by James Schellenberg; editorial by David M. Switzer about technology. Cover by Andrey V. Ivanchenko. (website) (Thu 16 Sep 1999)
The Coode Street Review of Science Fiction -- September 1999, A$6.95, 44pp. New quarterly Australian critical magazine edited by Jonathan Strahan and Steven Paulsen, with focus on ''frank, informed views'' on genre fiction by Australians. Principal reviewers are Russell Blackford, Simon Brown, Justine Larbalestier, Chris Lawson, and Dave Luckett; books covered are by George Turner, Greg Egan, Sean Williams, Terry Dowling, etc. Also, short reviews by Peter Nicholls and others of this year's 5 Hugo nominated novels, an interview with Juliet Marillier, and reviews by Robin Pen and Keith Frampton. Subscriptions: A$27.80 for four issues; write The Coode Street Press, PO Box 544, Mt Lawley, Western Australia 6050. Cover by Shaun Tan. (No website) (Thu 2 Sep 1999)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction -- Vol. 97 No. 4&5 (whole #578) , Oct-Nov 1999, $5.95, 322pp. Jumbo-sized 50th anniversary issue, with fiction by Terry Bisson, Ursula K. Le Guin (an Earthsea tale), Harlan Ellison, Ron Goulart, Theodore Sturgeon (a recently discovered vignette from about 1955), Robert Silverberg, Jonathan Carroll, Poul Anderson, Howard Waldrop, Robert Sheckley, Kate Wilhelm, Gene Wolfe, Carol Emshwiller, Lucius Shepard. Plus, a long homage to Sturgeon by Judith Merril; Gregory Benford's science column, Guest Editorial by Ray Bradbury, and a parody of E.E. ''Doc'' Smith by Paul Di Filippo. In a publisher's note, Edward L. Ferman remarks ''Magazines will no doubt survive, but I think we will have to change. In the near future, perhaps we will publish fewer, bigger issues; in the far future F&SF may come to you in some electronic form.'' Cover by Chesley Bonestell. (website) (Tue 7 Sep 1999)
The New York Review of Science Fiction -- Issue 133, Vol. 12 No. 1, September 1999, $3.50, 24pp. The magazine's 12th year begins with interviews of Suzy McKee Charnas (by Dunja Mohr) and Judith Merril (by Mark Rich), the latter from 1996. Reviews include Brian Stableford on Kit Reed, Michael Bishop on Brian Aldiss, John Clute on Neal Stephenson, Greg Beatty on Sean McMullen. Michael Swanwick reaches W. (website) (Wed 1 Sep 1999)
Orb Speculative Fiction -- Issue 0, Spring/Summer 1999, A$8.50, 96pp. Special first issue, Issue #0, of a new Australian digest edited by Sarah Endacott. Fiction is by Sue Isle, Terry Dowling, Adam Browne, Rick Kennett, Robert Hood, Tansy Rayner Roberts. Plus, reviews by Simon Sellars and Lucy Cohen Schmeidler, and an excerpt of Judith Buckrich's new biography of George Turner. For subscription information, see website… Cover by Shaun Tan. (website) (Sat 4 Sep 1999)