Updated selections of Forthcoming Books
Reviews in the September issue:
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews by Mark R. Kelly
Artemis Spring '00
Interzone 7/99
Interzone 8/99
F&SF 8/99
Asimov's 8/99
Event Horizon 7/99
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe
Ender's Shadow, Orson Scott Card
Teranesia, Greg Egan
A Good Old-Fashioned Future, Bruce Sterling
Saucer Wisdom, Rudy Rucker
Aniara: A Review of Man in Time and Space, Harry Martinson
Satan is a Mathematician: Poems of the Weird, Surreal, and Fantastic, Keith Allen Daniels
Sixty Odd: New Poems, Ursula K. Le Guin
Reviews by Faren Miller
The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Salman Rushdie
Ender's Shadow, Orson Scott Card
Lord of the Fire Lands, Dave Duncan
A Red Heart of Memories, Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Elementals, A.S. Byatt
The Plato Papers, Peter Ackroyd
The Thorn Boy, Storm Constantine
Reviews by Edward Bryant
Hearts in Atlantis, Stephen King
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman
Limbo Lodge, Joan Aiken
Obernewtyn, Isobelle Carmody
Dragonfly, Frederic S. Durbin
Phylogenesis, Alan Dean Foster
Exile, Anne Logston
I Was a Rat!... or The Scarlet Slippers, Philip Pullman
The Stone War, Madeleine E. Robins
Aramaya, Jane Routley
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling
The Fathergod Experiment, L.A. Taylor
Otherland: Mountain of Black Glass, Tad Williams
Short Reviews by Jonathan Strahan
Penumbra, Eric Brown
The Engines of Dawn, Paul Cook
Time Future, Maxine McArthur
The Borders of Life, G.A. Kathryns
Liquid Gold: Book 2 of the Mocklore Chronicles, Tansy Rayner Roberts
The Prodigal Sun, Sean Williams & Shane Dix
Locus Looks at Art Books: Reviews by Karen Haber
Francis Bacon A Retrospective, Dennis Farr
Maxfield Parrish 1870-1966, Sylvia Yount
Soft as Steel, The Art of Julie Bell, Nigel Suckling
Tibet: Through the Red Box, Peter Sis
The Book of Sea Monsters, Bob Eggleton & Nigel Suckling