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Standing links: For listings of media and gaming conventions, try the SF-Lovers conventions listing or the listings on SF Site. |
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This listing is reproduced (and amended) from the July and September 1999 issues of Locus Magazine. Late corrections and additions may be sent to the Locus Online; otherwise please send all convention information to Faren Miller c/o Locus. Listings are drawn from a multitude of sources, each prone to typos (not to mention our own), and places and dates have a way of changing suddenly. So be sure to check with the convention committee before making final plans. We take no responsibility for errors.
JULY 1999 DRAGON*CON 1999 (Jul 1-4 '99) Hyatt Regency, Atlanta GA; rms $125/125/135/145. Guests: Lynn Abbey, Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta, Nancy Collins, A.C. Crispin, Stephen R. Donaldson, Fred Saberhagen, Robert Anton Wilson, more. Artist guests: Bob Eggleton, Larry Elmore, Brian Froud, William Stout, Ron Walotsky, more. Memb: $60 at door. Info: e-mail: dragoncon@dragoncon.org; website: www.dragoncon.org CONVERGENCE 1999 (Jul 2-4 '99) Radisson Hotel South, Bloomington MN. Guests: Forrest J Ackerman, Gary Russel. Memb: $40 at door. Info: Convergence 1999, Box 13208, Dinkytown Stn., Minneapolis MN 55414; (612) 996-9224; e-mail: converge99@aol.com; website: www.convergence-con.org EMPIRE CON/WESTERCON 52 (Jul 2-5 '99) Doubletree City Center, Spokane WA; rms $75. GoHs: C.J. Cherryh, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Barbara Hambly. Ed. GoH: Ellen Datlow. AGoHs: Wendy Pini, Alicia Austin. FGoH: Larry Baker. TM: Betty Bigelow. Memb: $60 at door; $20 supp. Info: Empire Con, Box 7477, Spokane WA 99207; (509) 482-5288; e-mail: westercon52@webwitch.com; website: www.webwitch.com/westercon52 INCONJUNCTION XIX (Jul 2-4 '99) Mariott Hotel, Indianapolis IN. GoH: Bill Forstchen. AGoH: Pat Rawlings. TM: Arlan K. Andrews. Memb: $30 at door. Info: InConJunction XIX, Box 19763, Indianapolis IN 46219; e-mail: incon@indy.net; website: www.indy.net/~incon YANECON/JAPANESE NATIONAL SF CON 1999 (Jul 3-4 '99) Hakuba, Shinshu, Japan. Seiun Award (Japanese Hugo), etc. Info: phone/fax: 0263-48-2546; e-mail: NBE02167@nifty.ne.jp; website: www.member.nifty.ne.jp/yanecon GATEWAY SCI-FI/MEDIA CON (Jul 9-11 '99) Henry VIII Hotel & Conf. Ctr., St. Louis MO; $69 king, $74 dbl/dbl, $84 ste. GoH: Laurell K. Hamilton. AGoHs: J.R. Daniels & Brent Bass. Plus media guests. Memb: $60. Info: Gateway, Box 3064, Florissant MO 63032; (314) 524-3014; e-mail: gateway@stlf.org; website: www.readercon.org PULPCON 28 (Jul 9-11 '99) Convention Center, Dayton OH. GoHs: Hal Clement, Elmer Kelton. Memb: $20. Info: Pulpcon, Box 1332, Dayton OH 45401. READERCON 11(Jul 9-11 '99) Westin Hotel, Waltham MA; rms $89 + tax. GoHs: Harlan Ellison, Ellen Datlow. Memb: $50 at door. Info: Readercon, Box 38-1246, Cambridge MA 02238-1246; e-mail: zeno@mit.edu; website: www.readercon.org X-KHAN (Jul 9-11 '99) Colorado Springs CO. GoHs: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta. AGoH: Myles Pinkney. Relaxacon. Memb: $ $23; one-day $15 advance,, $18 at con. Info: X-Khan c/o Penny Tegen, 2926 Valarie Circle, Colorado Springs CO 80917; (719) 597-5259; website: http://members.iex.net/~rogers/khan.html 1999 J.W. CAMPBELL CONFERENCE (Jul 10-11 '99) Center for the Study of Science Fiction, Univ. of Kansas. Guests: Frederik Pohl, Elizabeth Anne Hull, Joe Haldeman. Campbell and Sturgeon Awards. The conference is preceded by the Writers Workshop (June 28-July 9) and followed by the Intensive English Institute on the Teaching of Science Fiction (July 12-23). Info: James Gunn, English Dept., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence KS 66045; e-mail: jgunn@falcon.cc.ukans.edu; website: http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~sfcenter/conf.htm NECON 19 (Jul 15-18 '99) Roger Williams Univ., Briston RI. Northeastern Writers' Conference. GoHs: Kim Newman, Thomas Tessier. AGoH: Bernie Wrightson. TM: Rick Hautala. Memb (incl room & board): $225 sngl, $215 dbl (Thurs. arr.), $190/$180 (Fri. arr.), $40 at door (no room/board). Info: Necon 19, 67 Birchland Ave., Pawtucket RI 02860; (804) 966-5170; e-mail: bbooth@providence.edu BAROQUON (Jul 16-18 '99) Cambridge, UK. GoH: Mary Gentle. Memb: £24. Info: BaroQuon, 8 Saddlers Close, Baldock, Herts. SG7 6EF, UK; e-mail: baroquon@philm.demon.co.uk; website: www.philm.demon.co.uk/Baroquon/Main.html BORÉAL 20 (Jul 16-18 '00) Université du Quebec, Chicoutimi PQ, Canada. Info: Elisabeth Vonarburg, (e-mail): evarburg@saglac.qc.ca HUNGAROCON '99 (Jul 22-25 '99) Salgotarjan, Hungary. Info: Hungaracon c/o Avana Egyesulet, Fo ter 5, Salgotarjan 3100, Hungary; e-mail: avana@scifi.hu; website: www.scifi.hu/hungarocon CONVERSION 16 (Jul 23-25 '99) Carriage House Inn, Calgary AB, Canada. GoHs: Ben Bova, Tanya Huff, L.E. Modesitt Jr. Memb: C$40 to 7/10/99, C$45 at door. Info: Conversion 16, Unit 4, 203 Lynnview Rd SE, Calgary AB T2C 2C6, Canada; 1-403-279-4052; e-mail: garyf@nucleus.com TELEFANTASTIQUE 2 (Jul 23-25 '99) Radisson Edwardian Heathrow, London UK. Guests: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, more. Emph: media. Info: Telefantastique 2, 38 Rochford Ave., Loughton, Essex, IG10 2BS, UK; e-mail: fn62@dial.pipex.com BREE MOOT 4/MYTHCON XXX (Jul 30-Aug 2 '99) Archbishop Cousins Center, Milwaukee WI. GoHs: Douglas A. Anderson, Gary & Sylvia Hunnewell. Theme: Exploring the Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien & His Fellow Travelers. Memb: $50 to 7/14/99, $60 at door. Memb + room/board: $175 sngl, $160 dbl. Banquet: $30. Info: Bree Moot 4/Mythcon XXX, 293 Selby Ave., St. Paul MN 55102-1811; (612) 292-8887; e-mail: d-lena@tc.umn.edu; website: www.mythsoc.org/mythcon30.html RIVERCON XXIV (Jul 30-Aug 1 '99) Executive West Hotel, Louisville KY; rms $62. GoH: Esther Friesner. AGoH: Gary Williams. FGoHs: Pat & Roger Sims. TM: Lawrence Watt-Evans. Memb: $25 to 7/15/99, then $35. Info: RiverCon XXIV, Box 58009, Louisville KY 40268; e-mail: RiverConSF@aol.com; website: http://members.aol.com/rivercon AUGUST 1999 DEEPSOUTHCON 37/CRESCENT CITY CON XIV (Aug 5-7 '99) Best Western Landmark, Metairie LA; rms $72. GoH: Mike Resnick. FGoH: Toni Weisskopf. Special Guest: Barbara Hambly. TM: George Alec Effinger. Memb: $40 to 7/4/99, $50 at door. Info: DeepSouthCon/Crescent City Con, Box 52622, New Orleans LA 70150; (504) 488-0489; e-mail: cccno@aol.com; website: www.fatsnake.com/ccc DIVERSICON 7 (Aug 6-8 '99) Holiday Inn Express, St. Paul MN. GoH(s): L.A. Graf (aka Julia Ecklar & Karen Rose Cercone). Guest: Nalo Hopkinson. Memb: $27 to 7/4/99, $37 at door. Info: Eric Heideman, Box 8036, Lake Stn., Minneapolis MN 55408; 612-825-9353; e-mai: diversicon@sfminnesota.com NORCON 1999 (Aug 6-8 '99) Oslo, Norway. Norwegian national con. GoHs: TBA. FGoHs: Johan Schimanski & Egil Stenseth. Memb: NOK 250; non-Scandinavians NOK 150 (approx. £12). Info: Norcon 1999, Box 121, Vinderen, 0319 Oslo, Norway; e-mail: norcon@fandom.no; website: www.fandom.no BACHANALIA (Aug 12-15 '00) Zielona Gora, Poland. SF & wine festival. Info: Piotr Cholewa, U. Szapirowa 1/24, 40-762 Katowice, Poland; e-mail: pcholewa@usctoux1.cto.us.edu.p ECLIPSE 1999 (Aug 13-16 '99) Vãlcea county (nr. Râmnicu), Romania. GoHs: Norman Spinrad, Roberto Quaglia, Robert Sheckley. Memb: $50. Transport/meals: $495 ($200 until 7/1/99, and $295 at arrival in Romania). Info: Nemira Ltd., 19 Crinului St., Bucharest 78419, Romania; website: http://members.spree.com/nemira/eclipsa.htm LEXICON 1999 (Aug 13-15 '99) Providence Biltmore, Providence RI; rms $100. NESFA Relaxacon. Memb: $20. Info: c/o NESFA, Box 809, Framingham MA 01701. WINCON V/ UNICON 1999 (Aug 13-15 '99) King Alfred's College, Winchester UK. GoHs: John Barnes, Kara Dalkey, Warren Ellis, Diana Wynne Jones. Memb: £28 to 7/1/99, then more; £15 supp. Info: Wincon V, 53 Havant Road, North End, Portsmouth, Hants. PO2 7HH, UK; e-mail: wincon@pompey.demon.co.uk; website: www.pompey.demon.co.uk/wincon.htm FINNCON '99 (Aug 14-15 '99) Turku, Finland. GoHs: Connie Willis, Philip Pullman, Ahrvid Engholm. Info: Finnconn 1999, TSFS ry, PL 538, 20101 Turku, Finland; e-mail: conitea@utu.fi; website: www.finncon.utu.fi BUBONICON 31 (Aug 20-22 '99) Howard Johnson East, Albuquerque NM; rms $55. GoH: Jack McDevitt. AGoH: Lubov. Auctioneer: Robert Vardeman. TM: David Martin. Guests: Kevin J. Anderson, Jane Lindskold, more. Memb: $22 to 8/9/99, $25 at door. Dealer table: $42 (incl 1 memb), $58 (2 membs). Art info: (505) 268-3067 (Jodi Stinebaugh) or (505) 822-0543 (Lori Jansen), 10am-9pm MST. Info: NMSF Conference, Box 37257, Albuquerque NM 87176; (505) 266-8905 or 266-9030 (10 am-10 pm MT); e-mail: cwcraig@nmia.com or mps@ncgr.org; website: http://members.aol.com/bubonicon NECRONOMICON 4 (Aug 20-22 '99) Marriott Hotel, Providence RI; $99 sngl/$109 dbl (+ tax). GoH: Fred Chappell. Special Guest: T.E.D. Klein. Emph: Cthulhu. Memb: $70; Cthulhu Prayer Breakfast: $18. Info: NecronomiCon, Box 1320, Back Bay Annex, Boston MA 02117; e-mail: necronomicon@necropress.com; website: www.necropress.com/necronomicon CONUCOPIA/NASFiC '99 (Aug 26-29 '99) Anaheim Marriott, Anaheim CA; rms $104 sngl/dbl, $114 tpl, $124 quad. GoH: Jerry Pournelle. FGoHs: Richard & Nicki Lynch. Ed. GoH: Ellen Datlow. Memb: $100 to 7/6/99; $20 supp. Info: Conucopia/NASFiC '99, c/o S.C.I.F.I. Inc., Box 8442, Van Nuys CA 91409; e-mail: info@99.nasfic.org; website: www.99.nasfic.org POLCON 1999 (Aug 26-29 '99) Warsaw, Poland. Polish national con. GoHs: Tomasz Koldziejczak, Leslaw Olczak. Info: Konfederacja Fantastyki RASSUN, ul. Koszykowa 69/4, 00-667 Warszawa, Poland; e-mail: klub@rassun.art.pl; website: http://rassun.art.pl/polcon SEPTEMBER 1999 AUSSIECON 3/1999 WORLDCON (Sep 2-6 '99) World Congress Centre, Melbourne, Australia. GoHs: Gregory Benford, Bruce Gillespie. Special Guest: J. Michael Straczynski. Memb: A$300 at door; A$45/US$35/£25 supporting. Info: Aussiecon Three, GPO Box 1212K, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia, or Box 688, Prospect Heights IL 60070-0688; e-mail: info@aussiecon3.worldcon.org; website: www.aussiecon3.worldcon.org/a3main.html SPAWNCON TWO (Sep 2-6, '99) World Congress Centre, Melbourne, Australia. Australian National Convention held in conjunction with Aussiecon 3. Memb: free to Aussiecon members. Info: Box 215, Forest Hill, Vic 3131, Australia; e-mail: mortlieb@vicnet.net.au; website: www.vicnet.net.au/~sfoz/spawncon.htm ARMADILLOCON 21 (Sep 10-12 '99) Omni South Park, Austin TX. GoH: Sean Stewart. Ed. GoH: Shawna McCarthy. FGoH: Hal Clement. TM: William Browning Spencer. Guests: Bruce Sterling, Brad Denton. Memb: $30. Info: ArmadilloCon 21, Box 27277, Austin TX 78755; (512) 868-0036; e-mail: mona@io.com COPPERCON 19 (Sep 10-12 '99) Holiday Inn Sunspree, Scottsdale AZ; rms $65; ste. $125. GoH: David Weber. AGoHs: Brett Bass, Robert Daniels. Memb: $35. Info: CopperCon 19, Box 62613, Phoenix AZ 85082; e-mail: cucon@casfs.org MOSCON XXI (Sep 10-12 '99) University Inn Best Western, Moscow ID; rms $69.5-$75.50 (+ tax). GoHs: James P. Hogan, Tara Harper. FGoHs: Dan & Theresa Fears. Memb: $25. Info: MosCon XXI, Box 9622, Moscow ID 83843; e-mail: mrounds@eecs.wsu.edu; website: www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/9963 SCIENCE FICTION & ORGANIZATION - A CONFERENCE (Sep 14-15 '99) Leicester UK. Academic conference. Memb (incl food/lodging): £165. Info: Matthew Higgins, Management Ctr, U. of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK; ph. +44-116-2525644; e-mail: mh64@le.ac.uk ALBACON '99) (Sep 17-19 '99) Ramada Inn, Schenectady NY. GoH: Hal Clement. AGoH: Vincent Di Fate. FGoH: Seth Breidbart. Memb: $40 at door; 1-day $20 Fri., $25 Sat., $15 Sun. Info: Albacon '99, Box 2085, Albany NY 12220; website: www.albacon.org CONSPEC (Sep 17-19 '99) Royal Inn West, Edmonton AB Canada. First On Spec SF Symposium. Keynote Speaker: John Clute. Guests: Michael Swanwick, Sean Stewart, Dave Duncan, Candas Jane Dorsey, Yves Meynard, Nalo Hopkinson, Peter Watts. Memb: C$45 to 9/3/99, then C$55. Sat. Banquet: C$27. Info: ConSpec (e-mail) conspec@canada.com; website: www.compusmart.ab.ca/clear/conspec.htm FANTASYCON 23 (Sep 17-19 '99) Britannia Hotel, Birmingham UK.GoHs: Raymond E. Feist, Robert Rankin, Louise Cooper, Graham Masterton, Mike Tucker. British Fantasy Awards. Memb: £45 BFS member; £55 non-member; £20/$40 (BFS), £25/$50 (non-BFS) supp. Info: Fantasycon, 46 Oxford Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham B27 6DT, UK; e-mail: howe@which.net; website: www.geocities.com/SoHo/6859/fconxx3.htm DEATH EQUINOX '99/ CYBER-PSYCHO CONVERGENCE III (Sep 23-26 '99) Ramada Inn Downtown, Denver CO. GoH: Elizabeth Hand. Lit-Prof GoH: LarryMcCaffrey. AGoH: Gomez. TM: John Clute. Guests: Don Webb, Brian Hodge, Edward Bryant, more. Memb: $55 at door. Info: Death Equinox '99, Box 581, Denver CO 80201; e-mail: jsailing@netonecom.net; website: http://cyberpsychos.netonecom.net/death-equinox Next page: 1999, Oct-Dec. |
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