Every three months Locus Magazine publishes comprehensive lists of forthcoming books in the US and UK. The September 1998 issue lists nearly 2000 titles tentatively scheduled through June 1999, arranged by publisher and then by month. The magazine also lists about 300 'selected books' out of that 2000, listed by author. This page further selects about half of that 300, listed below by month, then by author. For the complete lists you'll have to order the issue.
Editions are indicated by colors:
1st editions published in the US.
1st editions published in the UK.
1st US editions of books previously published in the UK (or elsewhere).
Abbreviations following the publisher name are hc=hardcover, tp=trade paperback; c=collection, a=associational [non-genre], h=horror, nf=nonfiction. If not indicated hc or tp, the book is mass-market paperback or we're not sure. Schedules are tentative and subject to change, particularly in later months.
Sep '98 |
- Cadigan, Pat Tea from an Empty Cup (HarperCollins/Voyager)
- Egan, Greg Luminous (Orion, c, hc, tp)
- Fenner, Cathy [& Fenner, Arnie], Eds. Spectrum 5: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Underwood Books, art, hc, tp)
- Greenberg, Martin H., Ed. Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny (Avon Eos, tp)
- Griffith, Nicola [& Pagel, Steve], Eds. Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction (Overlook Press, hc)
- Hand, Elizabeth Last Summer at Mars Hill (HarperPrism, c, tp)
- Jablokov, Alexander Deepdrive (Avon Eos, hc)
- Kay, Guy Gavriel Sailing to Sarantium (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight, hc)
- Kay, Guy Gavriel Sailing to Sarantium (Viking Canada, hc)
- King, Stephen Bag of Bones (Simon & Schuster/Scribner, 1st US, h, hc)
- McAuley, Paul J. Ancients of Days (Gollancz, hc)
- McCarthy, Wil Bloom (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
- McKillip, Patricia A. Song For the Basilisk (Ace, hc)
- Mixon, Laura J. Proxies (Tor, hc)
- Priest, Christopher The Cull (Touchstone, tp)
- Slonczewski, Joan The Children Star (Tor, hc)
- Stableford, Brian Inherit the Earth (Tor, hc)
- Sturgeon, Theodore The Perfect Host: The Complete Short Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Vol. 5 (North Atlantic Books, c, hc)
- Zebrowski, George Brute Orbits (HarperPrism, hc)
Oct '98 |
- Barton, William [& Capobianco, Michael] White Light (Avon Eos, hc)
- Cadigan, Pat Tea From an Empty Cup (Tor, 1st US, hc)
- Card, Orson Scott, Ed. Future on Ice (Tor, hc)
- Datlow, Ellen [& Windling, Terri], Eds. Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers (HarperPrism, tp)
- Davidson, Avram The Avram Davidson Treasury (Tor, c, hc)
- Di Filippo, Paul Lost Pages (Four Walls Eight Windows, c, tp)
- Donaldson, Stephen Reave the Just and other tales (HarperCollins/Voyager, c, hc)
- Froud, Brian Good Faeries/Bad Faeries (Simon & Schuster, hc, art)
- Hamilton, Peter F. A Second Chance at Eden (Macmillan UK, c, hc)
- Harrison, Harry Stars and Stripes Forever (Ballantine Del Rey, 1st US, hc)
- Jones, Stephen [& Sutton, David], Eds. Dark Terrors 4 (Gollancz, h, hc)
- Koja, Kathe Extremities (Four Walls Eight Windows, c, hc)
- Kress, Nancy Stinger (Tor/Forge, a, hc)
- Lackey, Mercedes [& Dixon, Larry] Owlsight (DAW, hc)
- Mosley, Walter Blue Light (Little Brown, hc)
- Noon, Jeff Pixel Juice (Doubleday UK, c, hc)
- Norton, Andre Scent of Magic (Avon Eos, hc)
- Rice, Anne The Vampire Armand (Chatto & Windus, hc)
- Rice, Anne The Vampire Armand (Random House/Knopf, h, hc)
- Ryman, Geoff 253 (St. Martin's, 1st US, a, tp)
- Silverberg, Robert Legends (HarperCollins/Voyager, hc)
- Silverberg, Robert, Ed. Legends (Tor, hc)
- Sinclair, Alison Cavalcade (Orion/Millennium, hc)
- Somtow, S.P. Tagging the Moon (Night Shade Books, c, hc)
- Varley, John The Golden Globe (Ace, hc)
- Webb, Don The Double: An Investigation (St. Martin's, h, hc)
- Weber, David Honor Harrington: Echoes of Honor (Baen, hc)
- White, James Mind Changer (Tor, hc)
Nov '98 |
- Anderson, Poul Starfarers (Tor, hc)
- Barlowe, Wayne Barlowe's Inferno (Morpheus International, tp, art)
- Baxter, Stephen Moonseed (HarperPrism, 1st US, hc)
- Boucher, Anthony The Compleat Anthony Boucher (NESFA Press, c, hc)
- Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Talents (Seven Stories Press, hc)
- Feist, Raymond E. Krondor: The Betrayal (HarperCollins/Voyager, hc)
- Feist, Raymond E. Krondor: The Betrayal (Avon Eos, hc)
- Gaiman, Neil Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fictions and Illusions (Avon, c, hc)
- Gardner, Martin Visitors from Oz: The Wild Adventures of Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Woodsman in the United States (St. Martin's, hc)
- Gentle, Mary Ash: A Secret History (Gollancz, hc)
- Gorey, Edward The Haunted Tea Cozy (Harcourt Brace, hc, art)
- Jeter, K.W. Noir (Bantam, hc)
- Jones, Stephen, Ed. The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Nine (Robinson, h, tp)
- Jordan, Robert The Path of Daggers (Tor, hc)
- Jordan, Robert The Path of Daggers (Orbit, hc)
- Koontz, Dean Seize the Night (Headline, h, hc)
- Martin, George R.R. A Clash of Kings (HarperCollins/Voyager, tp, hc)
- Newman, Kim Judgment of Tears: Anno Dracula 1959 (Carroll & Graf, h, hc)
- Nielsen Hayden, Patrick, ed. Starlight 2 (Tor, hc)
- Oates, Joyce Carol The Collector of Hearts (Penguin/Dutton, c, hc)
- Pratchett, Terry Carpe Jugulum (Doubleday UK, hc)
- Pratchett, Terry Hogfather (HarperPrism, 1st US, hc)
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn The Fey: Victory (Bantam Spectra)
- Wilson, Gahan The Cleft and Other Odd Tales (Tor, c, hc)
- Yolen, Jane The One-Armed Queen (Tor, hc)
- Zettel, Sarah Playing God (Warner Aspect, hc)
Dec '98 |
- Aldiss, Brian The Twinkling of an Eye: My Life as an Englishman (Little Brown, nf, hc)
- Asaro, Catherine The Radiant Seas (Tor, hc)
- Barnes, John Apostrophes and Apocalypses (Tor, c, hc)
- Bova, Ben Sam Gunn Forever (Avon Eos, c)
- Bradbury, Ray Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines: A Fable (Avon, ya, hc)
- Calder, Richard Frenzetta (Orbit)
- Dozois, Gardner, Ed. The Good Old Stuff (St. Martin's/Griffin, tp)
- McAuley, Paul J. The Invisible Country (Avon Eos, 1st US, c, tp)
- McCaffrey, Anne Nimisha's Ship (Bantam UK, hc)
- McHugh, Maureen F. The Mission Child (Avon Eos, hc)
- Moon, Elizabeth Rules of Engagement (Baen, hc)
- Sargent, Pamela Climb the Wind (HarperPrism, hc)
- Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann The Lady in the Loch (Ace, hc)
- Sterling, Bruce Distraction (Bantam Spectra, hc)
Jan '99 |
- Baxter, Stephen Mammoth: Silverhair (Orion/Millennium, ya, tp, hc)
- Baxter, Stephen Vacuum Diagrams (HarperPrism, 1st US, c, tp)
- Besher, Alexander Chi (Orbit, tp)
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer Traitor's Sun (DAW, hc)
- Cherryh, C.J. Fortress of Owls (HarperPrism, hc)
- de Lint, Charles Moonlight and Vines (Tor, c, hc)
- Donaldson, Stephen R. Reave the Just and Other Tales (Bantam Spectra, 1st US, c, hc)
- Dozois, Gardner, Ed. The Good New Stuff (St. Martin's/Griffin, tp)
- Fitch, Marina The Border (Ace)
- Hamilton, Peter F. A Second Chance at Eden (Warner Aspect, c)
- Holt, Tom Only Human (Orbit, hc)
- Matthews, Susan R. Hour of Judgment (Avon Eos)
- Nasir, Jamil Tower of Dreams (Bantam Spectra)
- Sheckley, Robert Godshome (Tor, hc)
- Steele, Allen Sex and Violence in Zero Gee (Meisha Merlin, c, tp)
Feb '99 |
- Baker, Kage Sky Coyote (Harcourt Brace, hc)
- Benford, Gregory Deep Time (Avon Bard, nf, a)
- Bowes, Richard Minions of the Moon (Tor, hc)
- Davidson, Avram The Investigations of Avram Davidson (St. Martin's, c, hc)
- Gaiman, Neil Stardust (Avon/Spike, 1st US, hc)
- Hogan, James P. Outward Bound (Tor, hc)
- Ings, Simon Headlong (HarperCollins/Voyager)
- Jones, Stephen, Ed. The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Nine (Carroll & Graf, 1st US, h, tp)
- Koontz, Dean Seize the Night (Bantam, 1st US, h, hc)
- Martin, George R.R. A Clash of Kings (Bantam Spectra, 1st US, hc)
- McCaffrey, Anne Nimisha's Ship (Ballantine Del Rey, 1st US, hc)
- Silverberg, Robert Lord Prestimion (HarperCollins/Voyager, hc)
- Simmons, Dan The Crook Factory (Avon, a, hc)
- Turtledove, Harry Colonization: Book One: Second Contact (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
- Vinge, Vernor A Deepness in the Sky (Tor, hc)
Mar '99 |
- Barnes, John Finity (Tor, hc)
- Brown, Eric Penumbra (Orion/Millennium)
- Datlow, Ellen [& Windling, Terri], Eds. Silver Birch, Blood Moon (Avon, tp)
- Gardner, James Alan Vigilant (Avon Eos)
- Goodkind, Terry Soul of the Fire (Tor, hc)
- Greenberg, Martin H., Ed. My Favorite Science Fiction Story (DAW)
- Hand, Elizabeth Black Light (HarperCollins/Flamingo, tp)
- Hobb, Robin The Mad Ship (HarperCollins/Voyager, hc)
- Kay, Guy Gavriel Sailing to Sarantium (HarperPrism, 1st US, hc)
- Leigh, Stephen The Speaking Stones (Avon Eos)
- Niven, Larry Rainbow Mars (Tor, hc)
- Reed, Robert The Dragons of Springplace (Golden Gryphon Press, c, hc)
- Rucker, Rudy Seek (Four Walls Eight Windows, c, hc)
- Shepard, Lucius Barnacle Bill the Spacer (Four Walls Eight Windows, 1st US, c, hc)
Apr '99 |
- Aldiss, Brian In the Twinkling of an Eye (St. Martin's, 1st US, nf, hc)
- Attanasio, A.A. The Serpent and the Grail (HarperPrism, tp)
- Card, Orson Scott Enchantment (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
- Constantine, Storm Sea Dragon Heir (Gollancz, hc)
- Delany, Samuel R. Shorter Views (University Press of New England/Wesleyan, nf, hc, tp)
- Hand, Elizabeth Black Light (HarperPrism, 1st US, hc)
- Hartwell, David G. [& Grant, Glenn], Eds. Northern Suns (Tor, hc)
- Hobb, Robin The Mad Ship (Bantam Spectra, 1st US, hc)
- Robinson, Frank M. Waiting (Tor, hc)
- Robinson, Kim Stanley The Martians (HarperCollins/Voyager, c, hc)
- Turtledove, Harry Into the Darkness (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight, tp)
- Wilhelm, Kate Defense for the Devil (St. Martin's, a, hc)
- Williamson, Jack The Silicon Dagger (Tor, hc)
- Willis, Connie, Ed. Nebula Awards 33 (Harcourt Brace/Harvest, hc, tp)
May '99 |
- Bear, Greg Darwin's Radio (HarperCollins UK)
- Carroll, Jonathan The Marriage of Sticks (Gollancz, hc)
- Clarke, Arthur C. Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds: Collected Works 1944-1998 (St. Martin's, nf, hc)
- Clute, John Appleseed (Orbit, hc)
- Gotlieb, Phyllis Violent Stars (Tor, hc)
- Lackey, Mercedes The Black Swan (DAW, hc)
- Pratchett, Terry Darth Domain (Doubleday UK, hc)
- Priest, Christopher Dream Archipelago (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight, c)
- Shinn, Sharon Wrapt in Crystal (Ace, tp)
- Smith, Michael Marshall Short Stories (HarperCollins UK, c, hc)
- Turner, George Down There in the Darkness (Tor, hc)
- Williams, Walter Jon The Rift (HarperPrism, hc)
- Zelazny, Roger [& Lindskold, Jane] Lord Demon (Avon Eos, hc)
Jun '99 |
- Bova, Ben Return to Mars (Hodder & Stoughton, hc)
- Brin, David Secret Foundation (Orbit, hc)
- Hartwell, David G., Ed. Year's Best SF 4 (HarperPrism)
- Mason, Lisa Pangaea (Bantam Spectra)
- Silverberg, Robert, Ed. Far Horizons: The Great Worlds of Science Fiction (Avon Eos, hc)