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Locus Bestsellers
Other Bestsellers |
months on list |
last month |
1) |
The MasterHarper of Pern, Anne McCaffrey (Del Rey) |
1 |
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2) |
To Say Nothing of the Dog, Connie Willis (Bantam Spectra) |
2 |
2 |
3) |
Cosm, Gregory Benford (Avon Eos) |
1 |
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4) |
Fortress of Eagles, C.J. Cherryh (HarperPrism) |
1 |
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5) |
The Spellsong War, L.E. Modesitt, Jr. (Tor) |
1 |
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6) |
Polgara the Sorceress, Eddings & Eddings (Del Rey) |
4 |
1 |
7) |
Temple of the Winds, Terry Goodkind (Tor) |
4 |
3 |
8) |
Edgeworks 4, Harlan Ellison (White Wolf) |
2 |
8 |
9) |
Saint Leibowitz & the Wild Horse Woman, Walter M. Miller, Jr. (Bantam Spectra) |
4 |
9 |
10) |
Douglas Adams' Starship Titanic, Terry Jones (Crown/Harmony) |
3 |
4 |
1) |
Dragonseye, Anne McCaffrey (Del Rey) |
1 |
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2) |
Rage of a Demon King, Raymond E. Feist (Avon Eos) |
1 |
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3) |
Assassin's Quest, Robin Hobb (Bantam Spectra) |
1 |
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4) |
More Than Honor, Weber, Drake, Stirling (Baen) |
2 |
1 |
5) |
Did You Say Chicks?, Friesner & Greenberg, eds. (Baen) |
1 |
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6) |
Infinity's Shore, David Brin (Bantam Spectra) |
3 |
2 |
7) |
Trader, Charles de Lint (Tor) |
1 |
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8) |
Prisoner of Conscience, Susan R. Matthews (Avon Eos) |
1 |
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9) |
The Ship Avenged, S.M. Stirling (Baen) |
1 |
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10) |
A Crown of Swords, Robert Jordan (Tor) |
4 |
4 |
1) |
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass, Stephen King (Plume) |
3 |
1 |
2) |
The Book of Night with Moon, Diane Duane (Warner Aspect) |
3 |
3 |
3) |
The Sparrow, Mary Doria Russell (Fawcett Columbine) |
4 |
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4) |
The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley (Del Rey) |
36 |
2 |
5) |
Virtual Unrealities, Alfred Bester (Vintage) |
2 |
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1) |
Babylon 5: in the Beginning, Peter David (Del Rey) |
2 |
2 |
2) |
Star Trek, Deep Space Nine: Vengeance, Dafydd ab Hugh (Pocket) |
1 |
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3) |
Star Trek, Star Fleet Academy: The Best and the Brightest, Susan Wright (Pocket) |
1 |
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4) |
Star Wars: Tales From the Empire, Peter Schweighofer, ed. (Bantam Spectra) |
3 |
1 |
5) |
Star Wars: Specter of the Past, Timothy Zahn (Bantam Spectra) |
3 |
3 |
1) |
DragonLance: Dragons of Chaos, Weis & Hickman, eds. (TSR) |
1 |
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2) |
Forgotten Realms: Tymora's Luck, Grubb & Novak (TSR) |
1 |
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3) |
Battletech: Freebirth IV, Robert Thurston (Roc) |
1 |
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4) |
Forgotten Realms: Realms of the Arcane, Thomsen & King, eds. (TSR) |
2 |
2 |
*) |
Forgotten Realms: Elminster in Myth Drannor, Ed Greenwood (TSR) |
1 |
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New editions by Anne McCaffrey top both hardcovers and paperbacks, with a substantial lead for both. As noted in the March Locus, Starship Titanic is actually based on a game, but almost everyone voted for it under hardcovers. New runner-up: Prince of Dogs by Kate Elliott (DAW). There were 85 nominees, down from 87.
Most of the paperbacks are newcomers. The new runner-up is The Pearls of Lutra by Brian Jacques (Ace). We had 107 nominees, up from 102.
King's Wizard and Glass stays atop the trade paperback list for a third month, still with a substantial lead, and we had no new titles. New runner-up was Shadows Over Lyra by Patricia C. Wrede (Tor). Nominees: 61, up from 51.
In media tie-ins, Babylon 5: In the Beginning moved to first place. New runner-up: Xena: Warrior Princess Official Guide to the Xenaverse by Robert Weisbrot (Doubleday). We had 31 nominees, down from 43.
The new DragonLance compendium tops the gaming-related books, but is almost tied with the latest Forgotten Realms. The one holdover tied for fourth place. There was no new runner-up. We had 27 nominees, the same as last month.
Compiled with data from: Adventures in Crime & Space (TX), Basilisk Dreams (Canada), Bookshop Santa Cruz (CA), Borders Bookstores (USA), A Clean Well Lighted Place for Books (1 in CA), Dangerous Visions (CA), DreamHaven (MN), Flights of Fantasy (CA), Future Fantasy (CA), Gene's (PA),Heroes & Dragons (CO), J.J. Perry's (CA), Lange's (IL), Little Bookship of Horrors (CO), Lone Star (TX), Merchant of Venus (NE), Musicland Group (MN), Mysterious Galaxy (CA), Pages for All Ages (IL), Regulator (NC), St. Mark's (NY), SF & Mystery (GA), Space-Crime Continuum (MA), Stars Our Destination (IL), Toadstool (NH), Totem Bookshop (WA), Uncle Hugo's (MN), University Bookstore (WA), White Dwarf (Canada), Mark Ziesing (CA). Data period: January 1998.