The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2005
Stories, Listed by Author
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- BROWN, ERIC (books) (chron.) (continued)
- BROWN, ERIC S. (chron.) (assoc.)
- BROWN, FREDRIC (William) (1906-1972) (books) (chron.)
- * Mouse, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Jun 1949
- BROWN, JOHN (chron.)
- BROWN, KEITH W. (chron.)
- BROWN, MOLLY (chron.)
- BROWN, NIGEL (chron.) (assoc.)
- _____, reviews:
- BROWN, REBECCA (Bard) (1948- ); see pseudonym Rebecca Ore (books) (chron.)
- BROWN, SIMON (1956- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Water Babies, (nv) Agog! Smashing Stories, ed. Cat Sparks, Agog! Press 2004
- BROWN, STAN; see pseudonym Stan (chron.)
- BROWNE, ADAM (1963- ) (chron.)
- BROXON, MILDRED DOWNEY (1944- ) (chron.)
- * Strength (with Poul Anderson) [*Mana], (na) The Magic May Return, ed. Larry Niven, Ace 1981
- BRUMFIEL, GEOFF (chron.)
- BRUNI, JOHN (chron.)
- BRUSSOF, VALERY; [i.e., Valerii Iakovlevich Briusov] (1873-1924) (chron.)
- * from The Fiery Angel [from The Fiery Angel] (with Ivor Montagu), (ex) 1930
- BRUST, STEVEN (Karl Zoltan) (1955- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Ballad of Shemhaza, (nv) Thieves World: Enemies of Fortune, ed. Lynn Abbey, Tor 2004; also as The Man from Shemhaza.
- * The Man from Shemhaza [The Ballad of Shemhaza], (nv) Thieves World: Enemies of Fortune, ed. Lynn Abbey, Tor 2004
- BRYAN, ERIC (chron.)
- BRYANT, EDWARD (Winslow, Jr.) (1945- ) (chron.)
- * Fantasy and Horror in the Media: 2004, (ar) (*) 2005
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * The Lurker in the Locked Bedroom, (ss) Fantastic Jun 1971
- _____, reviews:
- BRYANT, GARY (chron.)
- BRYUSOV, VALERY; see under Brussof, Valery (chron.)
- BUBURUZ, CATHY (chron.)
- BUCKELL, TOBIAS S(amuel) (1979- ) (chron.)
- BUCKHOLTZ, EILEEN (Garber) (1949- ); see pseudonym Rebecca York (chron.)
- BUCKNER, M. M. (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- BUDMAN, MARK (chron.)
- BUDRYS, ALGIRDAS JONAS (1931-2008); see under Algis Budrys (books) (chron.)
- BUDRYS, ALGIS; working name of Algirdas Jonas Budrys, (1931-2008) (books) (chron.)
- BUEHLER, ROBIN M. (chron.)
- * Weekend at Pocono Mountain, (ss)
- BUGAEV, BORIS NICHOLAIEVICH (1880-1934); see pseudonym Andrei Bely (chron.)
- BULWER-LYTTON, [Sir] EDWARD (George Earle) (1803-1873) (books) (chron.)
- * from Zanoni [from Zanoni], (ex) 1842
- * The Haunted and the Haunters [The Haunted and the Haunters, or the House and the Brain], (nv) Blackwoods Aug 1859
- * The Haunted and the Haunters, or the House and the Brain, (nv) Blackwoods Aug 1859; also as The Haunted and the Haunters.
- BUNCH, CHRIS(topher Renshaw) (1943-2005) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Drum, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #26 2005
- * Gun, Not for Dinosaur, (ss) The Enchanter Completed, ed. Harry Turtledove, Baen 2005
- * I Who Am Nothing, (vi) H.P. Lovecrafts Magazine of Horror Spr 2005
- * Murdering Uncle Ho, (nv) Alternate Generals III, ed. Harry Turtledove & Roland J. Green, Baen 2005
- * Triton, (ss) Absolute Magnitude Spr 2005
- BUNN, CULLEN (chron.)
- BURCH, LAUNZ (1960- ); see pseudonym Dirk Flinthart (chron.)
- BURDEN, ERNESTO (chron.)
- BURGESS, DONNA TAYLOR (books) (chron.)
- * After the Snow, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * The Cold Room, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * Dirt and Ash, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * Eat, (pm) Bare Bone #7 2005
- * The Experiment, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * The Girl with the Golden Halo, (pm) Bare Bone #2 2002
- * Grannys House, (pm) Book of Dark Wisdom #7 2005
- * The Last Sunset, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * Mermaids, (pm) Penny Dreadful #10 1999
- * My Brother, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * The Painted Son, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * Pet Machine, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * poem, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #5 2005
- * Rag Dolls, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * Secrets, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * Shut In, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- * Sister Frankenstein, (pm) Stygian Articles Sum 1997
- * Symphony of Angels, (pm) The Rain Boy, D-Press 2005
- _____, reviews:
- BURKE, JOHN (Frederick) (1922- ) (chron.)
- BURKE, KEALAN-PATRICK (books) (chron.)
- * Foreword, (fw) Taverns of the Dead, ed. Burke, Kealan Patrick, CD Publications 2005
- * The Grief Frequency, (ss) Subterranean #1 2005
- * Mr. Goodnight, (ss) Cemetery Dance #51 2005
- * Tonight the Moon Is Ours, (ss) Inhuman Dec 2005
- * Underneath, (ss) Shivers III, ed. Richard Chizmar, CD Publications 2004
- BURKE, RUSTY (books) (chron.)
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction, (in) (*) 2005
- * Notes on Miscellanea, (ms)
- * Robert E. Howard, Bran Mak Morn and the Picts (with Patrice Louinet), (ar)
- BURKE, SUE (chron.)
- BURKHEAD, DAVID L. (chron.)
- BURKS, ARTHUR J. (1898-1974) (chron.)
- * Bells of Oceana, (ss) Weird Tales Dec 1927
- BURLESON, DONALD R(ichard) (1941- ) (chron.)
- BURLESON, MOLLIE L. (chron.)
- * Fatty, (vi) Lore Spr 1996
- BURNELL, DAWN (chron.)
- BURNETT, WHIT(ney Ewing) (1899-1973) (chron.)
- * Sherrel, (ss) Story Jun/Jul 1931
- BURNS, CLIFF (1963- ) (chron.)
- BURNS, JIM (1948- ) (chron.)
- BURNS, R. MICHAEL (chron.)
- BURNS, STEPHEN L. (1953- ) (chron.)
- BURNS, SUZANNE (chron.)
- BURRAGE, A(lfred) M(cLelland) (1889-1956) (chron.)
- * The Waxwork [as by Ex-Private X], (ss) Someone in the Room, Jarrolds 1931
- BURSTEIN, MICHAEL A. (1970- ) (chron.)
- BURT, ANDREW (chron.)
- BURT, STEVEN E. (books) (chron.)
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