The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2005
Stories, Listed by Author
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- BELL, DAVID (1969- ) (chron.)
- BELL, HELENA (chron.)
- BELL, HILARI (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Farsala Trilogy Book I/Fall of a Kingdom, (ex)
- BELL, J. ALBERT (chron.)
- * My Feast Unknown, or how I adapted an unreadable book into an unwatchable multi-media theater piece that crashes DVD recorders, (ar) Farmerphile Oct 2005
- BELL, KARA KELLAR (chron.)
- BELLAIRS, JOHN (Anthony) (1938-1991) (books) (chron.)
- * The Curse of the Blue Figurine [Johnny Dixon], (n.) New York: The Dial Press 1983
- * The Mummy, the Will, and the Crypt [Johnny Dixon], (n.) New York: The Dial Press 1983
- * The Spell of the Sorcerers Skull [Johnny Dixon], (n.) New York: The Dial Press 1984
- BELLAMY, DODIE (chron.)
- BELLERANTI, GUY (chron.)
- BELY, ANDREI; pseudonym of Boris Nicholaievich Bugaev, (1880-1934) (chron.)
- * from Petersburg, (ex) 1995
- BENDER, AIMEE (books) (chron.)
- * The Case of the Salt and Pepper Shakers, (ss) McSweeneys Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales, ed. Michael Chabon, Vintage Books 2003
- * Dearth, (ss) On the Rocks
- * Death Watch, (ss) Dust-Up
- * Debbieland, (ss) Black Clock Mar 2004
- * End of the Line, (ss) Tin House
- * Fruit and Words, (ss) Mid-American Review
- * Hymn, (ss) Willful Creatures, Doubleday 2005
- * I Will Pick Out Your Ribs (from My Teeth), (ss) Land-Grant College Review
- * Ironhead, (ss) Joe
- * Jinx, (ss) Bridge
- * Jobs Jobs, (ss) The Los Angeles Weekly News
- * The Leading Man, (ss) The Paris Review Fll 2000
- * The Meeting, (ss) Fence
- * Motherfucker, (ss) Fence Fll/Win 1999
- * Off, (ss) Willful Creatures, Doubleday 2005
- BENFORD, GREGORY (Albert) (1941- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Beyond Pluto, (ss) Cosmic Tales: Adventures in Far Futures, ed. T. K. F. Weisskopf, Baen 2005
- * The First Commandment, (ss) Sci Fiction website May 19 2004
- * Hellas Is Florida (with Gordon Eklund) [Bradley Reynolds], (ss) F&SF Jan 1977
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Iraqi Heat, (ss) In the Shadow of Evil, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW 2005
- * A Life with Semisent, (vi) Nature May 12 2005
- * The Man Who Wasnt There, (ss) Cosmos Aug 2005
- * Naturals, (ss) Interzone Sep 2003
- * On the Brane [Twenty Two Centimeters], (nv) Oceans of the Mind Win 2004
- * The Pain Gun [Useful Agonies], (ss) Oceans of the Mind Spr 2005
- * Twenty Two Centimeters, (nv) Oceans of the Mind Win 2004; also as On the Brane.
- * Useful Agonies, (ss) Oceans of the Mind Spr 2005; also as The Pain Gun.
- BENNARDO, M. (chron.)
- BENNETT, DIANA (books) (chron.)
- BENNETT, GERTRUDE (née Barrows) (1884-1948); see pseudonym Francis Stevens (chron.)
- BENNETT, N. V. (chron.)
- BENNETT, NANCY (chron.)
- BENSON, A(rthur) C(hristopher) (1862-1925) (chron.)
- * The Closed Window, (ss) The Hill of Trouble, London: Isbister 1903
- BENSON, AMBER (books) (chron.)
- BENSON, E(dward) F(rederic) (1867-1940) (books) (chron.)
- * Atmospherics, (ss) The Radio Times Dec 28 1928
- * Bagnell Terrace, (ss) Hutchinsons Magazine Jul 1925
- * The Bed by the Window, (ss) Hutchinsons Story Magazine Jul 1929
- * The Box at the Bank, (ss) Hutchinsons Magazine Mar 1928
- * The Brontës, (ar) The Spectator Feb 7 1931
- * Christopher Comes Back, (ss) Hutchinsons Magazine May 1929
- * The Clandon Crystal, (ss) The Onlooker Nov 23 1901
- * Demoniacal Possession, (ar) St. Martins Review Oct 1932 (+1)
- * Dives and Lazarus, (ss) The New Statesman and Nation Aug 12 1939
- * The Everlasting Silence, (ss) The Ladys Realm Jan 1898
- * The Fallacy at the Heart of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, (ex) The London Mercury Aug 1925
- * The Flint Knife, (ss) Hutchinsons Story Magazine Dec 1929
- * The Ghost in the Secret Garden [from Final Edition], (ar) London: Longmans, Green 1940
- * The Hanging of Alfred Wadham, (ss) Britannia Dec 21 1928
- * James Lamp, (ss) Weird Tales Jun 1930
- * Magic White and Black, (ar) The Spectator Apr 20 1934
- * May 29th, 1928, (ar) The Spectator Jun 2 1928
- * Monkeys, (ss) Weird Tales Dec 1933
- * Mrs Andrewss Control, (ss) The Windsor Magazine Sep 1915
- * The Murder of Alan Grebell, (ar) The Spectator Nov 18 1932
- * Once a Year, (ar) St. Martins Review Dec 1934
- * Our Sister, the Death of the Body, (ar) The Spectator Apr 5 1930
- * Pirates, (ss) Hutchinsons Magazine Oct 1928
- * The Recent Witch-Burning at Clonmel, (ar) Nineteenth Century Jun 1895
- * The Sanctuary, (ss) More Spook Stories, London: Hutchinson 1934
- * Sea Mist, (ss) The Illustrated London News Nov 20 1935
- * Sheridan Le Fanu, (ar) The Spectator Feb 21 1931
- * The Shuttered Room, (ss) Hutchinsons Story Magazine Aug 1929
- * Sir Roger de Coverley, (ss) Woman Dec 1927
- * Social Customs in 1837, (ar) The Spectator Apr 30 1937
- * The Step, (ss) The Windsor Magazine Dec 1926
- * The Technique of the Ghost Story, (ar) The Listener Dec 18 1929
- * An Unusual Autobiography, (ar) The Spectator Jul 12 1930
- * Victorian Biographyand Afterwards, (ar) St. Martins Review Apr 1932
- * Thr Wishing Well, (ss) Hutchinsons Magazine Feb 1929
- * The Witch-Ball, (ss) Womans Journal Dec 1928
- BENSON, JOHN M. (books) (chron.)
- BENSON, MARGARET; see pseudonym Maggie Shayne (books) (chron.)
- BÉRARD, SYLVIE (1965- ) (chron.)
- BERBRICH, JOHN (chron.)
- BERGMAN, LUCY (chron.)
- BERK, ARI, Ph.D. (books) (chron.)
- BERKWITS, JEFF (chron.)
- BERLINGER, JOE (chron.)
- BERMAN, JUDITH (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Fear Gun, (nv) Asimovs Jul 2004
- BERMAN, RUTH (Amelia) (1942- ) (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- BERMAN, STEVE (chron.)
- * A Rotten Obligation, (ss) X-Factor May 2002
- BERNER, AMY (chron.)
- BERNOBICH, BETH (chron.)
- BERRY, CARRIE (chron.)
- BERRY, MICHAEL (chron.)
- BERTIN, EDDY C(harly) (1944- ) (chron.)
- bes SHAHAR, ELUKI (1956- ); see pseudonym Rosemary Edghill (books) (chron.)
- BEST, JOEL (chron.)
- BESTER, ALFRED (1913-1987) (chron.)
- * Star Light, Star Bright, (ss) F&SF Jul 1953
- * They Dont Make Life Like They Used To, (nv) F&SF Oct 1963
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