The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2002
Books, Listed by Author
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- LOWACHEE, KARIN (chron.) (continued)
- * _Warchild (McGee & Woods/SoulWave Publishers 1-891347-04-7, Dec 2002, $75.00, 380pp, hc, cover by Nancy Hall) [Warchild] Reprint (Warner Aspect 2002) SF novel. This is a signed, limited edition of 200; a leatherbound, lettered edition of 26 ($175.00) is also available. Order from McGee & Woods Publishers, PO Box 24727, Nashville TN 37202-4727; add $6.50 postage.
- LOWDER, CHRISTOPHER (A. J.) (1945- ); see pseudonym Jack Adrian (stories) (chron.)
- LOWDER, JAMES, ed. (1963- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Book of More Flesh (Eden Studios 1-891153-86-2, Oct 2002, $16.95, 318pp, tp, cover by Christopher Shy) Anthology of 23 zombie stories loosely linked to the role-playing game All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Order from Eden Studios, 6 Dogwood Lane, Loudonville, NY 12211; []; 518-331-2063. (Contents)
- * *Legends of the Pendragon (Green Knight Publishing 1-928999-19-0, Sep 2002, $14.95, 319pp, tp, cover by Don Maitz) Original anthology of 20 stories of Arthurian fantasy. Authors include Phyllis Ann Karr, Cherith Baldry, and Darrell Schweitzer. Order from Wizard’s Attic, 900 Murmansk St., Suite 7, Oakland CA 94607; []; 800-213-1493. (Contents)
- LOWENTROUT, CHRISTINE I. SMITH (1951- ); see pseudonym Sherwood Smith (stories) (chron.)
- LOWRY, LOIS (1937- ) (chron.)
- * _Gathering Blue (Bloomsbury 0-7475-5592-3, Mar 2002, £5.99, 215pp, tp) Reprint (Houghton Mifflin/Lorraine 2000) young-adult SF novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Gathering Blue (Random House/Dell Laurel-Leaf 0-440-22949-9, Sep 2002, $6.50, 215pp, pb) Reprint (Lorraine 2000) young-adult post-holocaust SF novel. This includes an eight-page readers’ guide.
- * _The Giver (Random House/Dell Laurel-Leaf 0-440-23768-8, Sep 2002, $6.50, 179pp, pb) Reprint (Houghton Mifflin 1993) Newbery award-winning young-adult utopian SF novel. This includes an eight-page readers’ guide.
- LOWSON, IAIN (stories) (chron.)
- LUCANIO, PATRICK (Joseph) (1949- ) (chron.)
- * *Smokin’ Rockets: The Romance of Technology in American Film, Radio and Television, 1945-1962 (with Gary Coville) (McFarland 0-7864-1233-X, Oct 2002, $35.00, 260pp, tp) Non-fiction, a critical look at science as presented in popular culture, including science fiction. Includes a filmography, bibliography, and index.
- LUCAS, JOHN (chron.)
- * *Faster than Light (Dedalus 1-903517-11-7, Feb 2002, £8.99, 224pp, tp, cover by David Bird) Humorous SF novel of a young couple pitted against an unbeatable organisation out to replace the universe with a much smaller one. A first novel.
- LUCENO, JAMES (1947- ); see pseudonym Jack McKinney (stories) (chron.)
- * _Star Wars: Cloak of Deception (Ballantine Del Rey LucasBooks 0-345-44297-0, Jul 2002, $6.99, 344pp, pb, cover by Steven D. Anderson) [Star Wars] Reprint (Del Rey 2001) Star Wars novelization. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * *Web Warriors: Dimension X (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-44472-8, Nov 2002, $6.99, 198pp, pb, cover by Bob Warner) [Web Warriors] Near-future virtual-reality SF novel, second in a series about two teen hackers/cyber-sleuths. Powerful people want a code Tech has discovered. Packaged and copyrighted by Red Sky Entertainment.
- * *Web Warriors: Memories End (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-44471-X, Jul 2002, $6.99, 198pp, pb, cover by Bob Warner) [Web Warriors] Near-future virtual-reality SF novel, first in a series. Two teen hackers/cyber-sleuths get in over their heads when they free a kidnap victim from a government database. Packaged and copyrighted by Red Sky Entertainment.
- LUIKEN, N. M.; pseudonym of Nicole Luiken Humphrey (chron.)
- * _Running on Instinct (Tor 0-812-57910-0, Aug 2002, $6.99, 404pp, pb) Reprint (Forge 2001) psychic thriller. Luiken is a pen name for Nicole Luiken Humphrey, who also writes as Nicole Luiken.
- LUMLEY, BRIAN (1937- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Beneath the Moors and Darker Places (Tor 0-312-87694-7, Feb 2002, $24.95, 384pp, hc, cover by Bob Eggleton) Collection of nine stories; one, “The Second Wish”, appears for the first time with the author’s preferred ending. Lumley tells how the stories came to be written in his introduction. (Contents)
- * _Necroscope: Avengers (Tor 0-812-57019-7, May 2002, $7.99, 553pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) [Necroscope: E-Branch] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 2001) vampire horror novel, third in the “E-Branch” trilogy in the “Necroscope” series.
- * _Necroscope: Invaders (Hodder Headline/NEL 0-340-73376-4, Apr 2001, £6.99, 550pp, pb, cover by Paul Stanczykowski) [Necroscope: E-Branch] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1999 as E-Branch: Invaders) vampire horror novel. First in the “E-Branch” trilogy in the “Necroscope” series. This was published in 2001, but not seen until now.
- * _Psychamok (Tor 0-765-30481-3, Aug 2002, $24.95, 318pp, hc) [Psychomech] Reprint (Granada 1985) horror novel, third in the “Psychomech” trilogy.
- _____, ed.
- * *The Brian Lumley Companion (with Stanley Wiater) (Tor 0-312-85670-9, Nov 2002, $26.95, 397pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference. A guide to Lumley’s works, with 14 essays, interviews, bibliographies, etc., plus concordances to 18 separate works. Contributors include Robert Weinberg, Stephen Jones, and Robert M. Price. A limited edition (0-765-30689-1, $50.00) was announced but not seen.
- LUPOFF, RICHARD A(llen) (1935- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Claremont Tales II (Golden Gryphon Press 1-930846-07-X, Feb 2002, $23.95, 298pp, hc, cover by Nicholas Jainschigg) Collection of 13 stories, one original, in diverse genres, with a foreword and story introductions by Lupoff. The second book of a two-volume series. Available from Golden Gryphon Press, 3002 Perkins Road, Urbana IL 61802; []; []. (Contents)
- LUSTBADER, ERIC VAN (1946- ) (chron.)
- * _The Ring of Five Dragons (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-648607-X, Feb 2002, £6.99, 626pp, pb, cover by John Howe) [Pearl Saga] Reprint (Tor; Voyager 2001) fantasy novel. Volume One of “The Pearl Saga”.
- * _The Ring of Five Dragons (Tor 0-812-57233-5, Jul 2002, $7.99, 679pp, pb, cover by Keith Parkinson) [Pearl Saga] Reprint (Tor 2001) fantasy novel, first in “The Pearl” series.
- * _The Ring of Five Dragons (SFBC #51773, Jul 2002, $13.99, 576pp, hc, cover by Keith Parkinson) [Pearl Saga] Reprint (Tor 2001) fantasy novel, first in “The Pearl” series. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *The Veil of a Thousand Tears (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-224730-5, May 2002, £18.99, ii+630pp, hc, cover by John Howe) [Pearl Saga] Fantasy novel, volume two of “The Pearl Saga”. A trade paperback edition (-224733-X, £11.99) was announced but not seen.
- * +The Veil of a Thousand Tears (Tor 0-312-87236-4, Jul 2002, $27.95, 672pp, hc, cover by Keith Parkinson) [Pearl Saga] Fantasy novel, second in “The Pearl” series. First US edition (Voyager 5/02).
- * _The Veil of a Thousand Tears (SFBC #51772, Jul 2002, $13.99, 672pp, hc, cover by Keith Parkinson) [Pearl Saga] Reprint (Voyager 2002) fantasy novel, second in “The Pearl” series. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- LYNN, ANDREA (chron.)
- * *Shadow Lovers: The Last Affairs of H.G. Wells (Westview Press 0-8133-3394-6, Jan 2002, $30.00, 530 + xxvii, hc) Biography, focusing on Wells’ love life in his later years, drawing on love letters previously suppressed by his estate. Includes notes, bibliography, index, and 16 unpaginated pages of photos. Available from Westview Press, 5500 Central Avenue, Boulder CO 80301; orders 800-386-5656; []; 303-444-3541; add $4.00 postage. [Wells]
- LYONS, STEVE (stories) (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: The Crooked World (BBC Books 0-563-53856-2, Jun 2002, £5.99, 251pp, pb) [Doctor Who: New Adventures] Novelization based on the TV series. Book 57 in the BBC “New Adventures” series, featuring the eighth doctor.
- * *X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy: Book 1 (Pocket/BP Books 0-7434-4468-X, Jun 2002, $14.00, 262pp, tp, cover by David M. Rabbitte) [X-Men: Legacy Quest Trilogy] Novelization based on the comic-book characters. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications; copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- * *X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy: Book 2 (Pocket/BP Books 0-7434-5243-7, Aug 2002, $14.00, 262pp, tp, cover by David Rabbitte) [X-Men: Legacy Quest Trilogy] Novelization based on the comic books. Copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- * *Ghost at the Window (Penguin/Dutton 0-525-46852-8, Aug 2002, $15.99, 119pp, hc) Young-adult ghost story. A house in Scotland shifts in and out of different centuries.
- McARTHUR, MAXINE (stories) (chron.)
- * +Time Past (Warner Aspect 0-446-60964-1, May 2002, $6.99, 479pp, pb) [Time Future] SF novel, sequel to Time Future. First US edition (Bantam Australia 2/02).
- McAULEY, PAUL J. (1955- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Reality Dust/Making History (with Stephen M. Baxter) See entry under Stephen M. Baxter
- * _The Secret of Life (Tor 0-765-34193-X, May 2002, $7.99, 413pp, pb) Reprint (Voyager 2001) near-future SF novel.
- * +Whole Wide World (Tor 0-765-30392-2, May 2002, $25.95, 399pp, hc) Near-future SF thriller. A policeman pursues a case of murder broadcast over the Internet. First US edition (Voyager 8/01).
- * _Whole Wide World (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-651331-X, Jul 2002, £6.99, 388pp, pb) Reprint (Voyager 2001) SF murder mystery.
- McBAIN, SCOTT; pseudonym (1960- ) (chron.)
- * _The Coins of Judas (HarperCollins UK 0-00-651427-8, Jan 2002, £6.99, 437pp, pb) Reprint (HarperCollins UK 2001) dark fantasy thriller.
- McBRIDE, SAM (chron.)
- McCAFFREY, ANNE (Inez) (1926- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Acorna’s Search (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough) (HarperTorch 0-380-81846-9, Dec 2002, $7.50, 309pp, pb, cover by John Ennis) [Acorna] Reprint (Eos 2001) SF novel based on a comic-book idea by McCaffrey, fifth in the “Acorna the Unicorn Girl” series.
- * _Acorna’s World (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough) (Severn House 0-7278-5820-3, Jan 2002, £18.99, 382pp, hc, cover by Paul Dickinson) [Acorna] Reprint (Eos 2000) SF novel based on a comic-book idea by McCaffrey, fourth in the “Acorna the Unicorn Girl” series. Includes “Brief Notes on the Linyaari Language” by Margaret Ball.
- * *The Book of Freedoms (SFBC #51352, Jun 2002, $14.99, 728pp, hc, cover by Paul Youll) Omnibus of three SF novels in the series: Freedom’s Landing (1995), Freedom’s Choice (1997), and Freedom’s Challenge (1998). This has ISBN 0-7394-2615-X; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- * _Dragonflight (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-45633-5, Sep 2002, $6.99, 304pp, tp, cover by Tony DiTerlizzi) [Pern] Reissue (Ballantine 1968) SF novel in the “Pern” series, with new illustrations by Tony DiTerlizzi. The text has been “altered slightly” for younger readers.
- * *Freedom’s Ransom (Transworld/Bantam UK 0-593-04832-6, May 2002, £16.99, 320pp, hc, cover by Fred Gambino) [Catteni] SF novel. Fourth in the “Catteni” sequence, after Freedom’s Landing, Freedom’s Choice, and Freedom’s Challenge.
- * +Freedom’s Ransom (Ace/Putnam 0-399-14889-2, Jun 2002, $23.95, 288pp, hc, cover by Scott Grimando) [Catteni] SF novel, fourth in the Freedom’s Landing series. First US edition (Bantam Press UK 5/02).
- * _Freedom’s Ransom (SFBC no ISBN, Jun 2002, $13.50, 288pp, hc, cover by Scott Grimando) [Catteni] Reprint (Bantam Press UK 2002) SF novel, fourth in the Freedom’s Landing series. This is similar to the Putnam edition, except it lacks a price.
- * *A Gift of Dragons (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-45635-1, Nov 2002, $16.95, 291pp, hc, cover by Tom Kidd) [Pern] Collection of four stories, one original, in the “Dragonriders of Pern” series. This small-format hardcover has an introduction by McCaffrey and b&w illustrations by Tom Kidd. (Contents)
- * _The Mark of Merlin (Wildside Press 1-58715-493-5, Jun 2002, $15.95, 193pp, tp) Reprint (Dell 1971) associational romance novel. This is an on-demand edition available online at [] or from Wildside Press, PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928.
- * _The Skies of Pern (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-14631-5, Feb 2002, £6.99, 587pp, pb, cover by Les Edwards) [Pern] Reprint (Bantam UK 2001) SF novel in the “Pern” series.
- McCAMMON, ROBERT R(ick) (1952- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- McCARTHY, KEVIN (chron.)
- * *The Family Book 2: Into the Darkness (with David B. Silva) (DAW 0-7564-0021-X, Oct 2002, $6.99, 445pp, pb, cover by Bob Warner) [The Family] Horror novel, second in a series about refugees from a mind experimentation program. Packaged by Tekno Books; copyrighted by them, Kevin McCarthy, and Ed Gorman.
- McCARTHY, WIL(liam Terence) (1966- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- _____, ed.
- * *Once Upon a Galaxy (with Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers) (DAW 0-7564-0091-0, Sep 2002, $6.99, 318pp, pb) Original anthology of 14 SF stories inspired by fairy tales. Authors include Gregory Benford, Paul Di Filippo, and Wil McCarthy. (Contents)
- McCAUGHREAN, GERALDINE (1951- ) (chron.)
- * _The Stones Are Hatching (HarperTrophy 0-06-447218-3, Jun 2002, $5.95, 243pp, tp, cover by Douglas Klauba) Reprint (Oxford University Press 1999) young-adult fantasy.
- McCONCHIE, LYN (1946?- ) (stories) (chron.)
- McCONNELL, ASHLEY (chron.)
- McCRUMB, SHARYN (Elaine Atwood) (1948- ) (chron.)
- * _The Songcatcher (Penguin/Signet 0-451-20250-3, Apr 2002, $7.99, 404pp, pb) [Sheriff Spencer Arrowood] Reprint (Dutton 2001) mystery novel with ghost/fantasy elements, in the “Ballads” series set in Appalachia.
- McCUTCHEN, H. L. (chron.)
- * *LightLand (Scholastic/Orchard 0-439-39565-8, Nov 2002, $16.95, 230pp, hc, cover by Rafal Olbinski) Young-adult fantasy. A magical box transports Lottie and Lewis to LightLand where the wicked NightKing rules. Illustrated by Tom Zimmerman. A first novel.
- McDERMOTT, WILL (stories) (chron.)
- McDEVITT, JACK; [i.e., John Charles McDevitt] (1935- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Chindi (Ace 0-441-00938-7, Jul 2002, $22.95, 403pp, hc, cover by Edwin Herder) [*Priscilla “Hutch” Hutchins] Far-future SF novel, the third featuring starship captain Priscilla “Hutch” Hutchins. A starship tracks a possible alien signal across worlds.
- * _Chindi (SFBC #52161, Jul 2002, $11.50, 403pp, hc, cover by Edwin Herder) [*Priscilla “Hutch” Hutchins] Reprint (Ace 2002) far-future SF novel. A starship tracks a possible alien signal across worlds. This is similar to the Ace edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Deepsix (HarperCollins/Eos 0-06-102006-0, Jan 2002, $7.99, 508pp, pb, cover by Chris Moore) [*Priscilla “Hutch” Hutchins] Reprint (Eos 2001) SF novel of a life-supporting planet threatened by a rogue gas giant.
- McDEVITT, JOHN CHARLES; see under McDevitt, Jack (stories) (chron.)
- MacDONALD, GEORGE (1824-1905) (chron.)
- * _At the Back of the North Wind (Random House/Knopf Borzoi/Everyman’s Library 0-375-41335-9, Oct 2001, $14.95, 346pp, hc, cover by Arthur Hughes) Reprint (Strahan London 1870) classic children’s fantasy novel, with Arthur Hughes’s illustrations from the 1871 edition. This is dated 2001 but not seen until now.
- * _Lilith (Eerdmans 0-8028-6061-3, 2002, $12.00, 252pp, tp, cover by Jim Lamb) Reissue (Chatto & Windus 1895) fantasy novel. This is the second printing of a 2000 edition not seen.
- * _Phantastes (Eerdmans 0-8028-6060-5, 2000, $12.00, 185pp, tp, cover by Jim Lamb) Reprint (Smith Elder 1858) fantasy novel. Introduction by C.S. Lewis. This is dated 2000, but not seen until now.
- McDONALD, IAN (Neil) (1960- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Ares Express (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight 0-671-03754-4, Mar 2002, £7.99, 553pp, pb, cover by Paul Youll) [Desolation Road] Reprint (Earthlight UK 2001) SF/fantasy novel, set in the universe of Desolation Road. Sweetness Octave Glorious-Honeybun Asiim 12th leaves her fusion-powered locomotive home to find adventure.
- * *The Twenty Five Mile High Club (Birmingham Science Fiction Group no ISBN, Nov 2002, no price, 28pp, ph, cover by Sue Mason) SF novelette. Limited to 325 numbered copies.
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