The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2002
Books, Listed by Author
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- GRAF, L. A. (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * *Star Trek: The Janus Gate, Book One: Present Tense (Pocket 0-671-03635-1, Jun 2002, $6.99, 253pp, pb) [Star Trek: The Janus Gate] Star Trek novelization, the first in a trilogy. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- * *Star Trek: The Janus Gate, Book Three: Past Prologue (Pocket 0-7434-4596-1, Jul 2002, $6.99, 252pp, pb) [Star Trek: The Janus Gate] Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- * *Star Trek: The Janus Gate, Book Two: Future Imperfect (Pocket 0-671-03636-X, Jun 2002, $6.99, 252pp, pb) [Star Trek: The Janus Gate] Star Trek novelization, second in a trilogy. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- GRAHAM, DANIEL (chron.)
- GRAHAM, IAN (chron.)
- * *Monument (Time Warner UK/Orbit 1-84149-102-0, Oct 2002, £10.00, 373pp, hc) Fantasy novel. A first novel.
- GRAHAME, KENNETH (1859-1932) (chron.)
- * _The Wind in the Willows (Harcourt 0-15-216807-9, Oct 2002, $24.00, 231pp, hc, cover by Michael Foreman) [Wind in the Willows] Reprint (Methuen 1908) classic YA animal fantasy novel. This has the illustrations by Michael Foreman from the 2001 Pavilion UK edition, plus reproductions of some of Grahames letters in which the characters first appeared, and photos.
- GRANT, ALAN; pseudonym of Gerald Clarke (chron.)
- * *Justice League of America: Batman: The Stone King (Pocket 0-7434-1710-0, Mar 2002, $6.99, 297pp, pb, cover by Alex Ross) [Batman] Novelization, the first in a series based on the DC comic books. Copyrighted by DC comics.
- * _Justice League of America: Batman: The Stone King (SFBC #52834, Sep 2002, $9.99, 297pp, hc, cover by Alex Ross) [Batman] Reprint (Pocket 2002) novelization, the first in a series based on the DC comic books. Copyrighted by DC Comics. This has ISBN 0-7434-1710-0; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *Smallville: Dragon (Warner Aspect 0-446-61214-6, Nov 2002, $5.99, 244pp, pb) [Smallville] Novelization based on the television series based on DC Comics Superman. Copyrighted by DC Comics.
- * _Smallville: Dragon (Time Warner UK/Orbit 1-84149-247-7, Dec 2002, £5.99, 244pp, pb) [Smallville] Reprint (Warner Aspect 2002) novelization based on the TV series. [First U.K. edition]
- GRANT, JOHN; pseudonym of Paul Barnett, (1949- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Dragonhenge (with Bob Eggleton) See entry under Bob Eggleton.
- * *The Far-Enough Window (BeWrite Books 1-904224-79-2, Oct 2002, £9.80, 289pp, tp, cover by Ron Tiner) Fantasy novel. Illustrated by Ron Tiner. A young woman finds a window that opens into Fairyland. Grant is a pen name for Paul Barnett. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at [], or from 363 Badminton Road, Nibley, Bristol BS37 5JF, UK
- GRAY, ALASDAIR (James) (1934- ) (chron.)
- * _Lanark: A Life in Four Books (Canongate 1-84195-183-8, Nov 2002, $16.00, 573 + xvi, tp, cover by Alasdair Gray) Reprint (Canongate 1981) literary fantasy novel. Introduction by Janice Galloway. This has Grays Tailpiece on How Lanark Grew from the 2001 Canongate Classic UK edition. A deluxe limited edition (-120-X, $50.00) was announced but not seen.
- GRAY, JULIA (chron.)
- * *Alyssas Ring (Time Warner UK/Orbit 1-84149-146-2, Dec 2002, £6.99, 570pp, pb, cover by Mick Van Houten) [Guardian Cycle] Fantasy novel, fifth and final in The Guardian Cycle.
- * *The Red Glacier (Little, Brown/Orbit 1-84149-123-3, Jun 2002, £7.99, 535pp, pb, cover by Mick Van Houten) [Guardian Cycle] Fantasy novel, fourth book of The Guardian Cycle.
- GRAY, LULI (chron.)
- * *Falcon and the Charles Street Witch (Houghton Mifflin 0-618-16410-3, Apr 2002, $15.00, 138pp, hc, cover by Lori Koefoed) [*Falcons Egg] Young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to Falcons Egg. Falcon rescues her little brother with the help of a New York witch, an elderly dragon, Saint George, and others.
- GRAY, MURIEL (1959- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Ancient (HarperCollins UK 0-00-649641-5, May 2002, £6.99, 358pp, pb) Reprint (HarperCollins UK 2001) dark fantasy novel of an ancient demon raised among mountains of trash.
- GRAYSON, KRISTINE; pseudonym of Kristine Kathryn Rusch, (1960- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Completely Smitten (Kensington/Zebra 0-8217-7147-7, May 2002, $6.50, 352pp, pb) [Utterly Charming] Contemporary fantasy romance novel based on fairy tales, third in the series begun in Utterly Charming. The dwarf called Andrew Vari must bring one last pair of soulmates together to end his curse. Grayson is a pen name for Kristine Kathryn Rusch.
- GREELEY, ANDREW M(oran) (1928- ) (chron.)
- * _The Final Planet (Tor 0-312-87749-8, Jan 2002, $14.95, 302pp, tp, cover by Boris Vallejo) Reprint (Warner 1987) SF novel.
- GREEN, JONATHAN (1948- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Warhammer: The Dead and the Damned (Black Library 1-84154-266-0, Dec 2002, £5.99, 288pp, pb, cover by Clint Langley) [Warhammer] Novelization set in the world of the fantasy role-playing game. A first novel.
- * +Warhammer: The Dead and the Damned (Games Workshop/Black Library 0-7434-4329-2, Jan 2003, $6.95, 280pp, tp, cover by Clint Langley) [Warhammer: Torben Badenov] Novelization based on the fantasy role-playing game in the Torben Badenov series. Copyrighted by Games Workshop. First US edition (Black Library UK 12/02).
- GREEN, SHARON (1942- ) (chron.)
- GREEN, SIMON R(ichard) (1955- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Blood and Honour (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-05545-6, Oct 2002, £6.99, 316pp, pb, cover by David Farren) [Hawk & Fisher] Reprint (Gollancz 1992) fantasy novel. Second in a series after Blue Moon Rising.
- * *Deathstalker Legacy (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07247-4, Dec 2002, £10.99, 409pp, tp, cover by Mark Thomas) [Deathstalker] SF novel. Book six in the Deathstalker series, the first in a new series set two centuries after Deathstalker Destiny. A hardcover edition (-07228-8, £16.99) was announced but not seen.
- * _Down Among the Dead Men (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-05620-7, Jul 2002, £6.99, 221pp, pb, cover by David Farren) [Forest Kingdom] Reprint (Gollancz 1993) fantasy novel. Volume three in the Forest Kingdom series.
- * +Drinking Midnight Wine (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45867-2, Feb 2002, $14.00, 290pp, tp) Contemporary fantasy novel. A bookstore clerk stumbles on a parallel world of magic and becomes embroiled in a battle of gods and angels. First US edition (Gollancz 11/01).
- * _Drinking Midnight Wine (SFBC #51108, Jun 2002, $10.99, 290pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) Reprint (Gollancz 2001) contemporary fantasy novel. This has ISBN 0-7394-2690-7; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Drinking Midnight Wine (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07297-0, Oct 2002, £6.99, 328pp, pb, cover by Jon Sullivan) Reprint (Gollancz 2001) fantasy novel.
- GREENBERG, MARTIN H(arry), ed. (1941- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Alternate Generals II (with Harry Turtledove) See entry under Harry Turtledove.
- * _Alternate Gettysburgs (with Brian M. Thomsen) See entry under Brian M. Thomsen
- * _The American Fantasy Tradition (with Brian M. Thomsen) See entry under Brian M. Thomsen
- * *Apprentice Fantastic (with Russell Davis) (DAW 0-7564-0093-7, Nov 2002, $6.99, 319pp, pb) Original anthology of 13 fantasy stories. Authors include Charles de Lint, Esther Friesner, and Jane Lindskold. (Contents)
- * _Familiars (with Denise Little) See entry under Denise Little.
- * *Give Me Liberty (with Mark Tier) (Baen 0-7434-3585-0, Jan 2003, $7.99, 386pp, pb, cover by Carol Heyer) Anthology of eight Libertarian SF stories, by authors including Vernor Vinge, A.E. van Vogt, Murray Leinster, and Frank Herbert. Introduction by Mark Tier. (Contents)
- * _The Great SF Stories: 1964 (with Robert Silverberg) See entry under Robert Silverberg.
- * _In the Shadow of the Wall: Vietnam Stories That Might Have Been (with Byron R. Tetrick) See entry under Byron R. Tetrick
- * *Knight Fantastic (with John Helfers) (DAW 0-7564-0052-X, Apr 2002, $6.99, 317pp, pb) Original anthology of 15 fantasy stories about knights. Authors include Jane Yolen, Esther Friesner, Andre Norton, and Nina Kiriki Hoffman. (Contents)
- * _Lighthouse Hauntings: 12 Original Tales of the Supernatural (with Charles G. Waugh) See entry under Charles G. Waugh
- * _Oceans of Space (with Brian M. Thomsen) See entry under Brian M. Thomsen
- * _Once Upon a Galaxy (with John Helfers & Wil McCarthy) See entry under Wil McCarthy.
- * *Pharaoh Fantastic (with Brittiany A. Koren) (DAW 0-7564-0109-7, Dec 2002, $6.99, 320pp, pb) Original anthology of 13 fantasy stories involving Ancient Egypt. Introduction by Koren. Authors include Tanya Huff, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and Alan Dean Foster. (Contents)
- * _Sols Children (with Jean Rabe) See entry under Jean Rabe.
- * _Vampires (with Jane Yolen) See entry under Jane Yolen.
- * _Vengeance Fantastic (with Denise Little) See entry under Denise Little.
- * _Witches Brew (with Yvonne A. Jocks) See entry under Yvonne A. Jocks
- GREENWOOD, ED (stories) (chron.)
- * *A Dragons Ascension (Tor 0-765-30222-5, Mar 2002, $25.95, 336pp, hc, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Band of Four] Fantasy novel of the Band of Four, third in the series begun in The Kingless Land and The Vacant Throne.
- * _Forgotten Realms: Cormyr (with Jeff Grubb) (SFBC #17288, Jan 2002, $10.99, 486pp, hc, cover by Ciruelo Cabral) [Forgotten Realms] Reprint (TSR 1996) novelization based on the role-playing game. Copyrighted by TSR. This follows the 1998 trade paperback edition, and has ISBN 0-7394-2394-0; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Forgotten Realms: Crown of Fire (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2749-6, Jun 2002, $14.95, 348pp, tp, cover by John Sullivan) [*Forgotten Realms: Shandrils Saga] Reprint (TSR 1994) fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game, book two of Shandrils Saga; previously ninth in The Harpers. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _Forgotten Realms: Elminster in Hell (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2746-1, May 2002, $7.99, 407pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) [Forgotten Realms: Elminster] Reprint (Wizards of the Coast 2001) fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * *Forgotten Realms: Hand of Fire (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2760-7, Sep 2002, $14.95, 377pp, tp, cover by John Sullivan) [*Forgotten Realms: Shandrils Saga] Fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game, book three of Shandrils Saga. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _Forgotten Realms: Spellfire (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-1874-8, Apr 2002, $14.95, 373pp, tp, cover by Jon Sullivan) [Forgotten Realms] Reprint (TSR 1988) fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game. This has been revised and expanded from the TSR original, and is now designated Shandrils Saga Book I. Copyrighted by TSR 1988, Wizards of the Coast 2002.
- * _The Vacant Throne (Tor 0-812-58016-8, Mar 2002, $7.99, 394pp, pb, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Band of Four] Reprint (Tor 2001) fantasy novel, sequel to The Kingless Land.
- GRESH, DANNY (chron.)
- GRESH, LOIS H(arriet) (1956- ) (chron.)
- * *Chuck Farris and the Labyrinth of Doom (with Danny Gresh) (ECW Press 1-55022-460-3, Dec 2001, $6.95, 221pp, tp) [Chuck Farris] Young-adult SF/fantasy novel, second in a series about a boy who uses tricks learned in video games to solve problems. Order from ECW Press, 3431 Drummond, Suite 400, Montreal Quebec Canada H3G 1X6; 514-499-8173; [].
- GRESHAM, STEPHEN (Leroy) (1947- ) (chron.)
- * _Dark Magic (Kensington/Pinnacle 0-7860-1379-6, Feb 2002, $5.99, 345pp, pb) Horror novel. A contemporary family of witches living in rural Alabama face an evil force.
- * _Haunted Ground (Kensington/Pinnacle 0-7860-1537-3, Jan 2003, $5.99, 350pp, pb) Horror novel. Crippled cousin Ilona can raise the dead.
- GRESSMAN, THOMAS S. (chron.)
- * *MechWarrior: The Dying Time (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45866-4, Jan 2002, $5.99, 278pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) [Battletech: MechWarrior] Novelization, fifth in a series based on the computer game based on the Battletech role-playing game. Copyrighted by FASA.
- GRIFFIN, ERIC (stories) (chron.)
- GRIFFIN, PENI R(ae) (1961- ) (chron.)
- * _The Ghost Sitter (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-230216-3, Sep 2002, $5.99, 131pp, tp, cover by Rob Wood) Reprint (Dutton 2001) young-adult ghost novel.
- GRIFFITH, HELEN V. (stories) (chron.)
- * _Cougar (HarperTrophy 0-380-73240-8, Jul 2001, $4.95, 103pp, tp) Reprint (Greenwillow 1999) young-adult ghost novella. This is dated 2001, but not seen until now.
- GRIFFITH, NICOLA (1960- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Ammonite (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-45238-0, May 2002, $14.00, 397pp, tp, cover by David Stevenson) Reprint (Del Rey; Grafton 1993) SF novel. Winner of the James Tiptree and Lambda Awards.
- GRIFFITHS, W. G. (chron.)
- * *Driven (Warner 0-446-67940-2, May 2002, $12.95, 357pp, tp) [Driven] Supernatural thriller. A detective finds a demon causing others to commit violence.
- GRIMWOOD, JON COURTENAY; see under Courtenay Grimwood, Jon (stories) (chron.)
- GROSS, PHILIP (chron.)
- * *Going for Stone (Oxford University Press 0-19-271905-X, Dec 2002, £6.99, 215pp, tp, cover by BCADjalamy) Young-adult fantasy novel. A destitute teenager comes under the sway of a secret cult whose adherents can turn themselves to stone.
- GRUBB, JEFF (stories) (chron.)
- * _Forgotten Realms: Cormyr (with Ed Greenwood) See entry under Ed Greenwood.
- * *Warcraft #3: The Last Guardian (Pocket 0-671-04151-7, Dec 2002, $6.99, 308pp, pb, cover by Sam Didier) [Warcraft] Novelization based on the electronic game. Copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment.
- GUEST, [Lady] CHARLOTTE (1812-1895) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Mabinogion (with Alan Lee) (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-261-10392-X, Mar 2002, £14.99, xvii+355pp, tp, cover by Alan Lee) Reprint (1838-46) collection of Welsh myths translated by Guest, with illustrations by Lee. This includes notes and an 1848 introduction by Guest, and illustrations from an 1877 edition. The 2000 hardcover edition with Lees illustrations was not seen. (Contents)
- * *In the Shadow of Dragons (Bardsong Press 0-9660371-2-X, Sep 2001, $25.00, 383pp, hc) [*Macsens Treasure] Historical Arthurian novel with some fantasy elements, second in the four-volume Macsens Treasure series. A trade paperback edition (-3-8, $17.95) was announced but not seen. Bardsong, PO Box 775396, Steamboat Springs CO 80477; credit card orders 970-870-1401; add $3.95 postage; []; [].
- GUNN, JAMES E(dwin) (1923- ) (stories) (chron.)
- GUTHRIDGE, GEORGE (Lloyd) (1948- ) (stories) (chron.)
- HABER, KAREN, ed.; [i.e., Karen Lee Haber Silverberg] (1955- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Fantasy: The Best of 2001 (with Robert Silverberg) See entry under Robert Silverberg.
- * _Meditations on Middle-Earth (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight 0-7432-3100-7, May 2002, £10.00, xvi+235pp, tp, cover by John Howe) [Middle-Earth] Reprint (St. Martins 2001) non-fiction anthology of essays by fantasy writers explaining how The Lord of the Rings has influenced them. Preface by Haber; introduction by George R.R. Martin. Illustrated by John Howe. (Contents) [First U.K. edition] [Tolkien]
- * _Meditations on Middle-Earth (St. Martins 0-312-30290-8, Oct 2002, $13.95, 235pp, tp, cover by John Howe) [Middle-Earth] Reprint (St. Martins 2001) non-fiction anthology of essays by fantasy authors exploring how J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings has influenced them. [Tolkien]
- * _Science Fiction: The Best of 2001 (with Robert Silverberg) See entry under Robert Silverberg.
- * *Among the Betrayed (Simon & Schuster 0-689-83905-7, Jun 2002, $15.95, 156pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [Shadow Children] Young-adult SF novel, third in the series begun in Among the Hidden. Nina is asked to betray other children in prison.
- * _Among the Imposters (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 0-689-83908-1, Oct 2002, $4.99, 172pp, tp, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [Shadow Children] Reprint (Simon & Schuster 2001) young-adult SF novel, sequel to Among the Hidden.
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