The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001
Stories, Listed by Author
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- WORMSER, G. RANGER (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Yellow, (ss) The Scarecrow and Other Stories, Dutton 1918
- WORTH, VALENTINE; pseudonym of Thomas P. Kelley, (1905-1982) (chron.)
- * Geoffrey Sonnabends Obliscence; Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of MatterAn Encapsulation, (ex)
- WORTHY, PETER A. (chron.)
- WRIGHT, CHANDA (chron.) (assoc.)
- WRIGHT, JOHN C(harles) (1961- ) (chron.)
- WRIGHT, MALCOLM E. (chron.)
- WRIGHT, SARAH (chron.)
- WRIGHT, STEVEN (chron.)
- WRIGHT, SUSAN (books) (chron.)
- WYNDHAM, JOHN; pseudonym of John Beynon Harris, (1903-1969) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Chinese Puzzle, (nv) Argosy (UK) Feb 1953
- * Consider Her Ways, (na) Sometime, Never, ed. Anon., Eyre & Spottiswoode 1956
- YAP, JULIAN (chron.)
- YARBRO, CHELSEA QUINN (1942- ) (books) (chron.)
- YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER (1865-1939) (chron.)
- * The Stolen Child, (pm) The Irish Monthly Dec 1886
- YELLIN, TAMAR (chron.)
- * The Unmiraculous Life of Jackie Mendoza [as by Anon.], (ss) Nemonymous Nov 2001
- YOLEN, JANE; [i.e., Jane Hyatt Yolen Stemple] (1939- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Atalanta the Huntress (Greece), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * The Barbarian and the Queen: Thirteen Views, (ss) Starlight 3, ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tor 2001
- * Bradamante (France), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * Brave Woman Counts Coup (United States/White River Sioux), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000; retold from American Indian Myths and Legends, ed. Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz, Pantheon Books, 1984.
- * Burd Janet (Scotland), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * Centaur Field, (ss) Half-Human, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic 2001
- * Fitchers Bird (Germany), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * The Girl and the Puma (Argentina), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * Introduction to Passage, (is) Strange Days: Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois, NESFA Press 2001
- * Li Chi Slays the Serpent (China), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * The Malaysian Mer, (ss) Neptune Rising, Philomel 1982
- * Mizilca (Romania), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * Molly Whuppie (England), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * Nana Miriam (Niger), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000; retold from West African Folktales by Steven H. Gale, NTC Publishing, 1995.
- * An Open Letter to My Daughter and Granddaughters, (in) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * An Open Letter to Nana, (aw) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * The Pirate Princess (Poland/Jewish), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000; retold from Pirate Princess by Howard Schwartz, from Elijahs Violin, Oxford University Press, 1983.
- * Pretty Penny (United States/Ozark Mountains), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * The Samurai Maiden (Japan), (ss) Not One Damsel in Distress, Silver Whistle 2000
- * Souls, (vi) Here There Be Ghosts, Harcourt Brace 1998
- * Three Questions, (pm) The New Advocate 2000
- * Vampyr, (pm) The Mammoth Book of Vampire Stories by Women, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 2001
- * Wizards Hall, (ex) New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1991
- YOUD, C. S.; see under Youd, Sam (books) (chron.)
- YOUD, CHRISTOPHER S.; see under Youd, Sam (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- YOUD, (Christopher) SAMUEL [born Sam Youd] (1922- ); see pseudonym John Christopher (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- YOUNG, DARLENE (chron.)
- YOUNG, L. LYNN (chron.)
- YOUNG, STUART (chron.)
- YOUNGER, JOE (chron.)
- YOUNGQUEST, GUY, II (chron.)
- ZAGET, BILL (chron.)
- ZANGWILL, ISRAEL (1864-1926) (chron.)
- * The Queens Triplets, (ss) The Idler Dec 1892
- ZEBROWSKI, GEORGE (Thaddeus) [originally Jerzy Tadeuz Zebrowski] (1945- ) (chron.)
- ZEFF, JOE (chron.)
- ZELAZNY, ROGER (Joseph Christopher) (1937-1995) (books) (chron.)
- * The Bells of Shoredan [Dilvish], (ss) Fantastic Mar 1966
- * Collectors Fever, (vi) Galaxy Jun 1964
- * Corrida, (ss) Anubis v1 #3 1968
- * Devil Car [Sam Nurdock], (ss) Galaxy Jun 1965
- * Divine Madness, (ss) Magazine of Horror Sum 1966
- * The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth, (co) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1971
- * The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth, (nv) F&SF Mar 1965
- * The Engine at Heartsprings Center, (ss) Analog Jul 1974
- * Eye of Cat, (n.) Underwood-Miller; Columbia, PA 1982
- * Four for Tomorrow, (co) New York: Ace 1967
- * The Furies, (nv) Amazing Jun 1965
- * The Graveyard Heart, (na) Fantastic Mar 1964
- * The Great Slow Kings, (ss) Worlds of Tomorrow Dec 1963
- * Halfjack, (ss) Omni Jun 1979
- * Isle of the Dead, (n.) New York: Ace 1969
- * The Keys to December, (nv) New Worlds Aug 1966
- * Love Is an Imaginary Number, (ss) New Worlds Jan 1966
- * Lucifer, (ss) Worlds of Tomorrow Jun 1964
- * The Man Who Loved the Faioli, (ss) Galaxy Jun 1967
- * The Monster and the Maiden, (vi) Galaxy Dec 1964
- * A Museum Piece, (ss) Fantastic Jun 1963
- * A Rose for Ecclesiastes, (nv) F&SF Nov 1963
- * This Moment of the Storm, (nv) F&SF Jun 1966
- * This Mortal Mountain, (nv) If Mar 1967
- * The Writers Life and Uniqueness, (ar) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v1, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1985
- ZENARI, VIVIAN (chron.)
- * Rings Like the Blast of Light, (ss) On Spec Fll 2001; given as by Vivan Zenari in ToC.
- ZERANSKI, SHANE (chron.)
- ZETTEL, SARAH (1966- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Fools Errand, (ss) Analog May 1993
- ZIVKOVIC, ZORAN (1948- ) (chron.)
- ZOLINE, PAMELA A.; [i.e., Pamela Lifton-Zoline] (1941- ) (chron.)
- * The Heat Death of the Universe, (ss) New Worlds Jul 1967
- ZOSS, JEREMY (chron.)
- ZUMPE, LEE CLARK (chron.)
- * Babel, (ss) Alien Worlds #16 2001
- * Damascus, 738 AD, (pm) Dark Legacy v3 #2 2001
- * Divination, (pm) Songs of Innocence #4 2001
- * Dreaming in New Bern, (vi) Songs of Innocence #4 2001
- * Family Tree, (ss) Alien Worlds #11 2001
- * The Forests of Katla, (ss) Alien Worlds #12 2001
- * Getaway, (ss) Alien Worlds #19 2001
- * In the Bellies of Worms, (pm) Black Petals Spr 2001
- * Infotosis, (ss) Alien Worlds #10 2001
- * Mare Crisium, (ss) Alien Worlds #17 2001
- * The Pirates of Ptahshepses, (ss) Alien Worlds #21 2001
- * Rise Again, Roses, (pm) Black Petals Win 2001
- * Touch, (pm) Black Petals Spr 2001
- * Until Tonight, (vi) Blood Samples #2 2001
- * The Willow on Meadow Hill, (pm) Dark Legacy v3 #1 2001
- [Editor] (chron.)
- * Introduction: Horror in 2000, (in)
- [Misc.]
- * 2000 Aurealis Awards Results, (ms) Aurealis #27/28 2001
- * 2000 Index, (ix) Analog Jan 2001
- * About Our Contributors, (bg) Blood Samples #2 2001
- * About SFF Net, (ms)
- * About the Artist, (bg)
- * About the Artists and Writers, (bg)
- * About the Author, (bg)
- Six-Inch Spikes, DarkTales Publications 2001
- Bogie Woods and Other Tales of Conor Manahan, Laura J. Underwood, Yard Dog Press 2001
- Jubilee, Voyager Australia 2001
- Confessions of a Ghoul and Other Stories, M. F. Korn, Silver Lake Publishing 2001
- Aliens, Minibikes and Other Staples of Suburbia, M. F. Korn, Silver Lake Publishing 2001
- Cold Comfort, DarkTales Publications 2001
- Dial Your Dreams & Other Nightmares, DarkTales Publications 2001
- Strange Twists of Fate, Yard Dog Press 2001
- (The) Lexicographers Love Song and Other Poems, DNA Publications 2001
- Salt Water Tears, Dark Regions Press 2001
- Winter Shadows and Other Tales, Dark Regions Press 2001
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