The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2000
Stories, Listed by Author
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- VAZ, KATHERINE (chron.)
- VELDE, VIVIAN VANDE; see under Vande Velde, Vivian (books) (chron.)
- VERNE, JULES (Gabriel) (1828-1905) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Doctor Oxs Experiment, (na) 1874; Une Fantaisie du Docteur Ox, Musée des Familles March to May 1872.
- * Dr. Trifulgas [Frritt-Flacc], (ss) The Strand Jul 1892; Le Figaro Illustre December 1884.
- * A Drama in the Air, (ss); Un Voyage en Ballon, Musée des Familles Aug 1851.
- * The Eternal Adam (with Michel Verne), (nv) Saturn Mar 1957; LEternel Adam Dans Quelques Vingt Mille Ans, La Revue de Paris 1 October 1910. written by Michel from a manuscript entitled Edom supposedly written by Jules.
- * An Express of the Future (with Michel Verne), (ss) The Strand Jan 1895; apparently first published in Russian in Vokroug Svieta 1890. It appeared as Un express de lavenir in Les Annales politiques et littéraires (Paris) in 1893.
- * First Ships of the Mexican Navy, (nv); LAmérique du Nord, études historique: Les Premiers Navires de la marine mexicaine in Musée des Familles July 1851.
- * Frritt-Flacc, (ss) The Strand Jul 1892; also as Dr. Trifulgas.
- * Gil Braltar, (ss) 1857; first published with Le Chemin de France (a novel) by Hetzel in 1889.
- * The Humbug, (nv) The Jules Verne Encyclopedia, ed. Taves and Michaluk 1996; Le Humbug, Hier et Demain Paris 1910. The version published here is a translation from the original manuscript.
- * An Ideal City, (ss); Amiens en lan 2000 in Mémoires de lAcadémie dAmiens 1874-1875.
- * In the 29th Century (with Michel Verne), (ss) The Forum Feb 1889; originally written in English by Michel Verne from an idea by Jules. Jules then wrote a revised French version. This is apparently a translation of the latter version.
- * Master Zacharius, (nv) 1874; Maître Zacharius, ou LHorloger Qui A Perdu Son Âme, Musée des Familles April to May 1854.
- * Recollections of Childhood and Youth, (ar); similar to The Story of My Boyhood in The Youths Companion Boston vol. 64, 9 April 1891, p.221. That article was based on a French manuscript Souvenirs denfance et de jeunesse which has since been published (1974). The version in this book restores some passages from the manuscript cut by the US editor and a few changes are made in the translation.
- VERNE, MICHEL (1861-?) (chron.)
- * The Eternal Adam (with Jules Verne), (nv) Saturn Mar 1957; LEternel Adam Dans Quelques Vingt Mille Ans, La Revue de Paris 1 October 1910. written by Michel from a manuscript entitled Edom supposedly written by Jules.
- * An Express of the Future (with Jules Verne), (ss) The Strand Jan 1895; apparently first published in Russian in Vokroug Svieta 1890. It appeared as Un express de lavenir in Les Annales politiques et littéraires (Paris) in 1893.
- * In the 29th Century (with Jules Verne), (ss) The Forum Feb 1889; originally written in English by Michel Verne from an idea by Jules. Jules then wrote a revised French version. This is apparently a translation of the latter version.
- VERNON, BILL (chron.)
- VERNON, STEVE (chron.)
- VERTLIEB, STEVE (chron.)
- VESTER, HENRY J., III (chron.)
- VIDAL, GORE; [i.e., Eugene Luther Vidal, Jr.] (1925- ) (books) (chron.)
- * from Visit to a Small Planet, (ex) 1956
- * Triage, (ss) Strange Horizons (online) Sep 1 2000
- VINCENT, MARION (chron.)
- VINGE, JOAN D.; [i.e., Joan Carol Dennison Vinge Frenkel] (1948- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * To Bell the Cat, (nv) IASFM Sum 1977
- * View from a Height, (ss) Analog Jun 1978
- VINGE, VERNOR (Steffen) (1944- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Long Shot, (ss) Analog Aug 1972
- * Marooned in Realtime [Bobbles], (n.) New York: Bluejay 1986
- * The Peace War [Bobbles], (n.) New York: Bluejay 1984
- VIRTES, SCOTT C. (chron.)
- VISCOSI, JAMES (chron.)
- VOLK, STEPHEN (chron.)
- VONNEGUT, KURT, Jr. (1922-2007) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- von PUTTKAMER, JESCO (chron.)
- von TROJAN, KURT (Oscar Eugene) (1937-2006) (chron.)
- VORNHOLT, JOHN (Blair, Jr.) (1951- ) (books) (chron.)
- VRABEL, DAN (chron.)
- VRABEL, ROSE (chron.)
- VUKCEVICH, RAY (1940- ) (books) (chron.)
- WADDLING, ROBIN (chron.)
- WAGGONER, TIM (chron.)
- * As Good As a Rest, (ss) Warrior Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW 2000
- * Buried Treasure, (ss) Bruce Covilles UFOs, ed. Bruce Coville, HarperCollins 2000
- * Ghost in the Graveyard, (ss) All Hallows #24 2000
- * Loose Upon the Earth a Daemon, (nv) Civil War Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2000
- * The Stars Look Down, (ss) Guardian Angels, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Cumberland House 2000
- WAKEFIELD, H(erbert) RUSSELL (1888-1964) (books) (chron.)
- * An Air of Berlioz, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * The Assignation, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * At Worlds End, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * The Bodyguard, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * The Fall of the House of Gilpin, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * Familiar Spirit, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * Final Variation, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * The Fire-Watchers Story, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * Ghost Hunt, (ss) Weird Tales Mar 1948
- * The Latch-Key, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * A Mans Best Friend, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * The Night Can Sweat with Terror!, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * Parrot Cry, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * Reunion at Dawn, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * The Sandwich, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * Surprise for Papa, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * That Sleep of Death, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- * Vengeance Is Ours!, (ss) Reunion at Dawn, Ash-Tree Press 2000
- WALDROP, HOWARD (1946- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Curiosities:
___ Looking for the General, by Warren Miller (1964), (cl) F&SF Oct/Nov 2000
- * London, Paris, Banana..., (ss) Amazing Win 2000
- * Our Mortal Span, (ss) Black Heart, Ivory Bones, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Avon 2000
- * The Ugly Chickens, (nv) Universe 10, ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday 1980
- * Winter Quarters, (ss) Sci Fiction website Aug 2 2000
- WALKER, LARS (books) (chron.)
- WALKER, SAGE (chron.)
- WALL, JOHN W. (1910-1989); see pseudonym Sarban (books) (chron.)
- WALLACE-DUNLOP, M. (chron.)
- WALLS, MATTHEW (chron.)
- WALPOLE, [Sir] HUGH (Seymour) (1884-1941) (chron.)
- * The Little Ghost, (ss) The Red Book Magazine Oct 1922
- WALSH, LAWRENCE (chron.)
- WALSH, TOM (chron.)
- WALTERS, GORDON; pseudonym of George W. Locke, (1936- ) (chron.)
- WALTERS, JOHN (chron.)
- WALTHER, PAUL (chron.)
- WALTON, JO (books) (chron.)
- * At the Bottom of the Garden, (vi) Odyssey #7 1998
- * The Hull, (pm) Artemis Aut 2000
- * Relentlessly Mundane, (ss) Strange Horizons (online) Oct 23 2000
- WANDREI, DONALD (Albert) (1908-1987) (books) (chron.)
- * The Artist of Death [Prof. I.V. Frost], (nv) Clues Jun 1935
- * Bride of the Rats [Prof. I.V. Frost], (nv) Clues Apr 1935
- * Cigarette Characterizations (with Arthur J. Burks, Frank Belknap Long, P. Schuyler Miller, R. F. Starzl & Jack Williamson), (ms) Fantasy Magazine Jul 1934
- * Death Descending [Prof. I.V. Frost], (nv) Clues Aug 1935
- * Frost [Prof. I.V. Frost], (nv) Clues Sep 1934
- * Green ManCreeping [Prof. I.V. Frost], (nv) Clues Nov 1934
- * Impossible [Prof. I.V. Frost], (nv) Clues Oct 1935
- * Man-Hunt, (ss) Alibi May 1934
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